Quotation Sales order Delivery

      can u plz help me out???
Quotation for which validity date is expired should not allow to create Delivery.
so i just want to know how to write the code for this:
1) sys-> sales order is created with reference to quotation.
     if value - > yes
2) if yes-> check validity date in quotation.
     validity date should be <= system date.
     then proceed for delivery.
      else give error.)
just help me out how to write a code for this.

   Not sure if delivery creation is automated in your system.
   Depending on how the delivery is created, you can use table VBFA to suit and restrict.
From Delivery you can get the sales order number.
Step1: select vbelv from vbfa where vbeln = sales order number and vbtyp_v = 'B' " vbelv = quotation number
step2: select bnddt from vbak where vbeln = vbfa-vbelv
step3: if vbak-bnddt > sy-datum
          create delivery
Hope the above info helps you.
Kind Regards
Note: Reward for helpful answers

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    Hi John,
    See the General SD flow is enquiry - quotation- sales order - Delivery - Billing
    Enquiry - VA11/VA12/VA13
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    If F1 is the correct calander , then goto OP03-Calander Maintenece -select the Holoiday Caleneder  and extende the Valaidity till 2020 and also Select the Factory Calander  do the same till 2020 .Now Goback to main screen of OP03-Plant asisngement -re-assing the same F1 calaneder .
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    Hello Samir,
    Thanks for your response.
    I think you get my question in wrong way.
    I am sayingCustomer master data was not changed.
    User just changed the Address in Order (Order > Header >> Partner tab >> Change ship to address/overwrite ship to address).
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    Best Regards,

    ???? There is no list of 'KPIs for SD module'.  KPIs differ for every company.  Perhaps you should first ask your business users what THEY think the KPIs should be.
    A few KPIs related to SD I have seen:
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    Best Regards,

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    Explore :
    Quality notification>Notifcation creation->partner->Define partner fuction procedure->Assign Partner Functions to Notification Type--->
    Check here whether you can get here the partner function.

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    goods issue date is 21.30.2011
    What was the Actual GI date in delivery??  This should be the same as schedule line date.
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    Use this link.
    Create sales order with billing plan via LSMW and BAPI BUS2032
    BAPI or Function to update Billing Plan in Sales Order Items
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hi Suresh,
    As and when you get a return order for repair, then you do the PGR and place that stock into a different storage location and you get that repaired and when you are doing PGI then fetch the stock from the same storage where you have placed the stock when you did the PGR.
    If you are having serial number concept that will help you to give the same piece which you have collected from the customer to return the same piece.
    We have implemented the system in the same way in our previous implementation.

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                  on which screen i can see the "Sales district" field in Quotation/Sales order/Inquiry?
    Thank you

    In Inquiry :
    Menu Bar : Go To: Header : Sales : Below u can see under Pricing and statistics
    Same in Quotation and Sales Order.

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    Delivery #
    Deilivery Item # and Material Number
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    Edited by: Erik Kraus on Sep 15, 2010 1:56 AM

    You have to make use of the tables VBAK, VBAP, LIKP, LIPS, VBFA, VBUK, VBUP tables to create a Z report for ur rqmt. There is no standard requirement which meets ur reqmt.
    You can have a selection screen where you can select the sales order numbers or sales order status and so on. Based on that input, you can get the following data as output.
    Sales order number -VBAK-VBELN
    Delivery number - LIKP-VBELN found out using VBFA table by giving VBAK-VBELN value as VBFA-VBELV and getting VBFA-VBELN.
    Delivery item/material : LIPS-POSNR and LIPS-MATNR
    Qnty : LIPS-LFIMG
    Unit of Measure - LIPS-VRKME
    Goods issue date : Check LIPS-WADAT

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    There are no standard reports to display the changes made in the Sales orders and the details you had asked.
    But for the latest changes you can check in the Table :Header details for change CDHDR and for Item details CDPOS
    Or Based on your requirement you can go for a Customized Report

  • Sales order, Delivery and Billing document creation

    Hello Experts,
    I am working on credit management and am in need of creating sales order, delivery and billing document.
    Can some one send me the screen shots or any doc which outlines order,delivery and billing document creation.
    Will award points definitely.
    Also what are the t.codes for these creation?

    Order Create:
    Transaction VA01
    Give the order type , If standard order use OR or ZOR, which ever is maintained
    Then give the sold to and press enter
    In the Items screen Give the material and quantity and press enter. This should be enough to create an order, if u need u can give order reasons...etc. Then save the Order. Note down the order number.
    Go to VL01N-
    and give the above order for which u are doing delivery, In the pick quantity enter the amount in the order and press enter. and make sure the delievry date should be the same in the Sales Order Schedule line- REquested delivery date. Save the document.Note down the document number
    Go to VL02N - Open the above delivery document and click on PGI - done
    Now go to VF01 and this should bring up the delivery document number., If it doesnt , give the delivery document number and hit enter. then save the document. Billing is done.

  • Serial numbers in sales order/delivery

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    I have a question question on Bar code number generation. Please note that this is NOT a question on bar code printing or issuing output to printer.
    One of our customers requires serial numbers for all the products that we supply to them and they give us a serial number range from time to time and every material that we supply to them must go with one new serial number from their range.
    It may not be able to possible achieve the above functionality by maintaining serial numbers in the Material Master as it is customer specific. I need to maintain this number range somewhere and when the sales order/delivery is entered for this particular customer, the system must check (or some function module) the next available number and assign a number to the material.
    I checked all the possible help sites, but they do not explain about getting it for  particular customer. Can you please suggest me any methods or procedures to do it
    Edited by: Monika2010 on Jul 20, 2010 3:14 PM

    In order to maintain customer specific serial numbers you can do the following steps:
    1. Maintain the serial numbers provided by your client in tcode IQ01. this will create the customer serial numbers in the system.
    2. In the material master under Sales View maintain the serial number profile as 0002. this is sap standard.
    3. Once the above has been maintained you can assign serial numbers at the time of delivery and NOT in sales order.
    I hope this helps.

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    I  wants to change material details in sale order , delivery  & billing
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    If Material A - Description Vicks is created in Material master n if you want the same material with change of description for respective customer,you can change the description like Vicks XL while creating SO in Description of Material line item.
    Same can be displayed in invoice as well.

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