Random occurring blue screen

Have a MacBook Pro that is 2 to 3 weeks old. The laptop will be working fine, but sometimes if i leave it on and then come back to it a few minutes later the desktop image is gone and there is just a blue screen (like the startup screen). There is no toolbar or anything. The only way to get back to the desktop is to reboot the computer. This never happens during booting but only after the computer has been logged into. Unless there is an easy fix I am just going to return the computer. Does anyone know of one?

sudden blue screen flashes then I see the login screen. Lose all work. All apps shut down and logged out and the login screen appears.
This has happened twice while browsing on safari and once on firefox and once on Google Chrome and twice while using iTunes and Pathfinder. Extremely random and can not seem to be intentionally duplicated.
I recently bought my first Macbook Pro 3 months ago. I am severely disappointed. Now my 90 day phone coverage is over and I must pay $349 for the “apple protection plan” to get any service (but who will protect me from apple?).
It is true I have a lot of apps installed and there are lots of factors involved, but although there is a problem both the service center and the phone service refuse to help (unless, of course, I have the “protection plan” but how far does the “protection” go?).
Macbook Pro 15”
Mac OSX 10.6.8
Processor: 2 GHz intel core i7
Memory: 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
I think the sudden blue screen and logout is happening because of the peripherals. Lately I have had firewire and usb external hard drives plugged in because that is where I keep my iTunes libraries and lately I have been doing work with the external hard drives.
I did the “hold opt-CMD- P- R while restarting” to redo the memory.
I restarted in safe mode and that seemed to work for a day.
I did the onyx.app clean scenario
I am thinking about doing a clean install and start over again.

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    Problem Computer:
    Problemereignisame:    BlueScreen
    Betriebsystemversion:    6.1.7600.
    Gebietsschema-ID:    1031
    Weitere Informationen über das Problem
    BCCode:    7f
    BCP1:    0000000000000008
    BCP2:    0000000080050031
    BCP3:    00000000000006F8
    BCP4:    FFFFF8000309AEC8
    OS Version:    6_1_7600
    Service Pack:    0_0
    Product:    256_1
    Bucket-ID:    X64_0x7f_8
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    Since I am writing on my final thesis right now and only have a few days left to write, the problem becomes really annoying. I hope someone can help me as soon as possible.
    Thank you and best wishes,

    Bad luck, BCCode:  7f   BCP1:  0000000000000008  suggests some hardware issue. I guess you cannot afford to send it for repair right now..... so you'll have to do with it for a while.
    Otherwise the standard procedure would be to:
    -take a full backup of the system
    -restore the system to "factory installed software" only
    -use the computer for a while with only factory software (browse the web or watch movies or something). If you get the error then contact lenovo for warranty repair; if you don't get the error then install your software one at a time and see which one will reintroduce the error.

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    Nothing happened, i managed to get my computer to recognise it and now restoring... but it says 3 hours remaining?! Will i lose everything?

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    "It's not a true crash, in the sense that the Blue Screen was initiated only because the combination of video driver and video hardware was being unresponsive, and not because of any synchronous processing exception".
    Since Vista, the "Timeout Detection and Recovery" (TDR) components of the OS video subsystem have been capable of doing some truly impressive things to try to recover from issues which would have caused earlier OS's like XP to crash.
    As a last resort, the TDR subsystem sends the video driver a "please restart yourself now!" command and waits a few seconds.
    If there's no response, the OS concludes that the video driver/hardware combo has truly collapsed in a heap, and it fires off that stop 0x116 BSOD.
    If playing with video driver versions hasn't helped, make sure the box is not overheating.
     Try removing a side panel and aiming a big mains fan straight at the motherboard and GPU.
     Run it like that for a few hours or days - long enough to ascertain whether cooler temperatures make a difference.
    If so, it might be as simple as dust buildup and subsequently inadequate cooling.
    I would download cpu-z and gpu-z (both free) and keep an eye on the video temps
    For more information please read this blog  http://captaindbg.com/bug-check-0x116-video_tdr_error-troubleshooting-tips/
    Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag

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         -(Home/Sleep buttons)
         -(Home/Sleep buttons +Volume up and down)
         -(Home/Sleep buttons while turning the mute button on and off)---This one was just a theory online, same as the one before it.
         -(Restored the iphone multiple times in itunes)
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    Try to put the phone in recovery mode and restore it. If that does not work, take it in to an authorized service provider or Apple store for service. It is still under warranty.

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    There are lots of them as my PC crashed many times.
    I attempted to analyze them with windbg but all I can see is:
    Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe, Win32 error 0n2
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntkrnlpa.exe
    Also I ran sfc /scannow and it found no integrity violations.
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    the case and it was cold last night. Today, so far, seems to be running okay...so far anyways..
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    the primary video in CMOS to on-board instead of PCI-E 16x so the on-board Nvidia card would be enabled.
    I also installed brand new ram (4gb DDR2) about a month ago
    and a new power supply 2 months ago. The power supply is not "exactly" the same voltage as the one that was in there but it's dang close. But I don't have any power leeching components.
    Other than that nothing new has happened. After I got the crash, I tried to enter CMOS yesterday and it glitched out on me twice. I hope it's not my motherboard..
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    Update: Just did a MalwareByte's Anti-Malware scan and no malware but found these items: 
    Scan Date: 5/22/2014
    Scan Time: 6:08:00 PM
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
    CPU: x86
    File System: NTFS
    Scan Type: Threat Scan
    Result: Completed
    Objects Scanned: 261539
    Time Elapsed: 8 min, 10 sec
    Processes: 0
    (No malicious items detected)
    Modules: 0
    (No malicious items detected)
    Registry Keys: 0
    (No malicious items detected)
    Registry Values: 0
    (No malicious items detected)
    Registry Data: 0
    (No malicious items detected)
    Folders: 2
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    Files: 9
    PUP.Optional.OptimumInstaller.A, C:\Users\Justin\Downloads\Player-Chrome.exe, , [6b090a4a4437d363a05f361717ea718f], 
    PUP.Optional.Outbrowse, C:\Users\Justin\Downloads\install-flashplayer.exe, , [561ee173fe7d1125edf4d9a443be5aa6], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\icon-128.png, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\icon-16.png, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\icon-48.png, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\jquery-1.10.2.min.js, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\manifest.json, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\tweetwiki.js, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A, C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ecoccdldklbjglocbgbfpmpehjegkode\0.1_0\_DS_Store, , [dd97c58f413a74c2503e7106649ec23e], 
    Physical Sectors: 0
    (No malicious items detected)

    All of the attached DMP files are of the
    WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (124) bug check.
    A fatal hardware error has occurred. This fatal error displays data from the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).
    If we run an !errrec on the 2nd parameter of the bug check (address of the WER structure) we get the following:
    BugCheck 124, {0, 867d2024, b2000010, 10c0f}
    Section 2 : x86/x64 MCA
    Descriptor @ 867d2134
    Section @ 867d22bc
    Offset : 664
    Length : 264
    Flags : 0x00000000
    Severity : Fatal
    Error : BUSLG_OBS_ERR_*_NOTIMEOUT_ERR (Proc 0 Bank 4)
    Status : 0xb200001000010c0f
    This is a pretty complicated error compared to other possibilities it could have been, as it implies you have a hardware fault somewhere along the bus (not very definitive on its own).
    In our case however, we can go a bit deeper with this one:
    0: kd> .formats 0xb200001000010c0f
    Evaluate expression:
    Hex: b2000010`00010c0f
    Decimal: -5620492266238833649
    Octal: 1310000001000000206017
    Binary: 10110010 00000000 00000000 00010000 00000000 00000001 00001100 00001111
    Chars: ........
    Time: ***** Invalid FILETIME
    Float: low 9.61613e-041 high -7.45059e-009
    Double: -7.41853e-068
    Now that we have this info, we'd refer to the AMD manual:
    63 VAL Valid
    62 OVER Status Register Overflow
    61 UC Uncorrected Error
    60 EN Error Condition Enabled
    59 MISCV Miscellaneous-Error Register Valid
    58 ADDRV Error-Address Register Valid
    57 PCC Processor-Context Corrupt
    56–32 Other Information
    31–16 Model-Specific Error Code
    15–0 MCA Error Code
    In our specific case, bit 63 of the status code is set, so it is valid. Bit 62 of the status code is
    unset, therefore there's no overflow. Bit 61 implies an uncorrected error has occurred, and Bit 60 implies an error condition was enabled. Last but not least, Bit 57 is
    set and implies a corrupted processor context.
    If we take a look at the last 15 bits of the binary:
    Binary: [trimming] 00001100 00001111
    In our case, the MSB in binary (00001100 ), implies a bus error occurred (as I mentioned above). We need to further decode the bits to understand more:
    [0000]1100 00001111
    0000 = 1PPT RRRR IILL.
    PP = Participation Processor, T = Timeout,
    R = Memory Transaction Type, I = Memory and/or I/O, and finally
    L = Cache Level.
    With this said, it appears we actually have a faulty motherboard as the processor seems fine, etc. The only other thing I see possible is bad RAM, which you can figure out whether or not is the case by running no less than ~8 passes of Memtest:
    Download Memtest86+ here:
    Which should I download?
    You can either download the pre-compiled ISO that you would burn to a CD and then boot from the CD, or you can download the auto-installer for the USB key. What this will do is format your USB drive, make it a bootable device, and then install the necessary
    files. Both do the same job, it's just up to you which you choose, or which you have available (whether it's CD or USB).
    Do note that some older generation motherboards do not support USB-based booting, therefore your only option is CD (or Floppy if you really wanted to).
    How Memtest works:
    Memtest86 writes a series of test patterns to most memory addresses, reads back the data written, and compares it for errors.
    The default pass does 9 different tests, varying in access patterns and test data. A tenth test, bit fade, is selectable from the menu. It writes all memory with zeroes, then sleeps for 90 minutes before checking to see if bits have changed (perhaps because
    of refresh problems). This is repeated with all ones for a total time of 3 hours per pass.
    Many chipsets can report RAM speeds and timings via SPD (Serial Presence Detect) or EPP (Enhanced Performance Profiles), and some even support changing the expected memory speed. If the expected memory speed is overclocked, Memtest86 can test that memory performance
    is error-free with these faster settings.
    Some hardware is able to report the "PAT status" (PAT: enabled or PAT: disabled). This is a reference to Intel Performance acceleration technology; there may be BIOS settings which affect this aspect of memory timing.
    This information, if available to the program, can be displayed via a menu option.
    Any other questions, they can most likely be answered by reading this great guide here:
    “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” - Dalai Lama

  • After updating to iOS 7, iPod touch 5th gen randomly partially blue screened and then restarted.

    I was using my iPod touch 5th generation to listen to a podcast through the podcast app and searching the ebay app for some stuff and three quarters of the screen turned blue and part of the top of the blue part showed alternating colours of between what was on the screen and blue. Then my iPod restarted (and took a long time at that) and then it was just as if my iPod had restarted. Please help. This is first and only time that this has happened and nothing else was open on my iPod.

    Reset the device:
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If that doesn't help, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings

  • Macbook pro blue screen appears randomly - any ideas as to its cause?

    I have a macbook pro (mid 2011 15") and intermittently when using the internet the screen goes blue (like the blue screen when starting up).  I have to close the lid to put it to sleep and then reopen it in order to continue using the computer.  I have had it looked at twice by Apple technicians, on the first occasion the operating system (Snow Leopard) was reinstalled and on the second diagnostic checks were run on the RAM and logic board.  However, the problem occurs infrequently and couldn't be reproduced while in Apple's hands.  On neither occasion was a problem / fault identified yet the randomly occuring blue screen has persisted. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has any idea as to the cause of the problem and a possible solution.

    at first step,try to change yor RAM / memory with other memory's MBP.and used it several hours.because some MBP early 2011 got blue screen because that hardware.
    good luck.

  • Random Blue Screen Crash with 5S and iOS 8.1

    Since upgrading to iOS 8.0 my iPhone 5S randomly gets blue screens and then crashes and goes into a loop of boot up, blue screen, reboot, blue screen, reboot...etc. My 5S did this again today when during my upgrade to iOS 8.1 via USB and I was forced to do a factory restore on it. The blue screen is still occurring after the restore and 8.1 upgrade. Is this a known issue? I was hoping this was going to get fixed with 8.1 but unfortunately, it doesn't look like it has.

    Same here,
    yesterday i updated my 6 plus 64gb with iTunes.
    After the update, my phone crashes (blue screen) in games (Maze Runner) and Safari.
    I tried to downgrade to ios 8.0 because i didn't had any problem with 8.0 but iTunes says that the file is not valid "iPhone7,2_8.0_12A365_Restore"
    HELP Apple,
                            iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.1, MGAH2ZD/A model

  • IPad ios8 random reboot with blue screen

    Hi everyone,
    I Know this question has been posted already but I'm so frustrated.
    after upgrading to iOS 8 my iPad air started to reboot randomly with blue screen at least 5 to 6 times a day.
    when will apple provide an update fixing this issue? Since it seems more common.
    model: iPad air wifi only
    ios: 8.0.2
    i have tried turning off iCloud sync as many suggested but it didn't help.
    reboots are frequent when I'm using safari.
    most of the time the diagnostic log shows WDT timeout
    {"bug_type":"110","os_version":"iOS 8.0.2 (12A405)"}
    Incident Identifier: 524C9CFE-E20D-4D2F-B661-9CFD8A0CB89E
    CrashReporter Key:   1db2e77104549f32cb56eb1d2daee436b4bdd220
    Hardware Model:      iPad4,1
    Date/Time:           2014-10-12 16:24:31.232 +0530
    OS Version:          iOS 8.0.2 (12A405)
    Debugger message: WDT timeout
    6s ago: 0b50 0f9fd0ce63 0r1e88000 0m0/1
    OS version: 12A405
    Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Thu Sep 18 21:51:01 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2783.1.72~23/RELEASE_ARM64_S5L8960X
    iBoot version: iBoot-2261.1.68
    secure boot?: YES
    Paniclog version: 3

    Try Barry's suggestion first.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  It could take well over an hour!  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow the on-screen directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore (or it doesn't help), go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  You WILL lose all of your data (game scores, etc,) but, for the most part, you can redownload apps and music without being charged again.  Also, read this.

  • K8N neo Platinum Win XP SP2 random system crashes/Blue screen

    I have recently built a new pc with the items as listed in my signature.  Some of the compontents were new (RAM, HDD and VIdeo) and some were second hand (CPU, M/B, Keyboard and Mouse).   I found that when I install WIN XP the system seems ok.  But after I install any SP1 or SP2  which are required to run the USB2.0 my system crashes randomly and I get a windows blue screen and an auto restart.  in the last week it sometimes lasts a day or so then it crashes.  Other times it will crash within 5 minutes of start-up.  I found a forum topic about a similar problem the other day but when I went looking for it again I couldn't find that topic.  In that topic there were comments about PSU's and their ability to run the K8N Neo Platinum.  In my specs are my PSU details.  Can anyone advise if my PSU may be the problem or if there is any other problem.
    I have made a WIN XP boot disk with SP1 and I have an SP2 disk I was given by a PC shop.  If you are able to help or need further info to be able to help please let me know.

    Quote from: PStang on 18-March-05, 05:14:57
    i had random shutdowns and blue screens until i uninstalled core center
    Yet another reason NOT to use Core Center!
    This ought to have it's own sticky - Experiencing random reboots & blue screens? Uninstall Core Center first!

  • Why iPad 4 (A1458) shows blue screen?

    trying to help a friend with this issue:
    after 1 little fall (dent in one of the corners) and replace of 2 front panels (1 because break and the second because of touch issue).
    i randomly get blue screens and the iPad is stuck.
    when try to restore to newest version the iPad goes blue screen at the middle of the process with iTunes error messege no.9
    look at the attach picture for further analyse.
    and in the video below:

    Try reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

  • Why does my Mac Pro randomly flash a blue screen to both monitors?

    For a while now my Mac Pro (Early 2009) has this occasional issue. The system uses a pair of ViewSonic 22" monitors. At random times, both monitors just turn to a solid light blue color. After a brief time (1 to 5 seconds maybe) normal operation returns. The system is still working. Text typed on the keyboard during the 'blue' screen still shows in whatever application I'm in. Just the screen seems to be affected.
    I leave the system running 24/7 with only occasional reboots (weeks or months apart). The screens I turn off at night. Most of the time this happens right after the system 'wakes' in the morning (temperature does not seem to be a factor). Although the system is doing this as I'm typing this. The blue screens show up than go away on their own. This repeats from one to ten times before it goes away. Once it is 'done' everything is normal until it happens again.
    This 'issue' has been occurring since the original Snow Leopard. But, it also happened with Lion and now still happens with Mountain Lion (just upgraded to 10.8.2).
    I am thinking this has something to do with the graphics controller (NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512MB). But, I've never found any online references to this sort of behavior.
    Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated.

    The cable connections have (so far) solved this problem for my situation. Even though the monitor's DVI cable was firmly connected to the mini Display port connector, when I touched it the attached monitor would go 'blue' or lose its connection entirely. After disconnecting and reconnecting this junction the monitors would still take a hit on touching the connection. I also checked the connection of the mini Display port connection to the graphics board and could not push it in any further. However, after a second go-round I unplugged this connection to the board and reconnected it. I am certain it was fully inserted the first time. But, connection contacts can oxidize over time and sometimes it may just need to be disconnected and reconnected to 're-wipe' the connections. This effectively cleans them at the point of contact. So in my case I'm thinking it was the connection age that was an issue more than a 'loose' connection. Either way, I haven't had this issue for the past two weeks.

  • Blue Screen- seems like random logon/off of user account

    I recently bought a new Macbook Pro (at the end of November) and have had this problem occur a couple of times. I'll be on it and it the screen will turn blue for a couple of seconds and then my desktop pops back up like I've just logged on. It's like I've logged off and on my user account and closed all my applications in the process. The first time it happened was several weeks ago and the blue screen appeared just after I opened the computer up after it had been closed. Every time I went down to the dock, I would get the blue screen. I restarted it and it seemed to be fixed. However, I experienced the same problem again tonight. It happened several times and at one point the only application running was Safari. Again, it was after the computer had been closed and again, I shut it down and it hasn't happened again. I'm going to call Apple tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone else knew what was happening. I have no experience dealing with computer problems so don't know what to look for to tell me what is happening. I did try searching for old threads on the topic but couldn't find anything.

    So, to be clear, it will "logout" in two situations (and not prior to 10.6.5):
    1. After leaving the computer unattended for a while, it will awake with the blue screen (not the "death screen", that's a different issue).
    2. In a memory intensive, or several apps open,situation, a new command will trigger the logout. I've always run that style without issue.
    Not a shutdown since there is no grey screen, and blue continue to normal desktop.
    Not a restart since there is no grey screen or chime.
    Not a kernel panic since no alert and grey screen, etc. Also note that there is no memory loss in your browsers so it is a calm logout that saves during the process, crashes remember several pages before the event, not the last one. Applications seem to save to the last second as well although it hasn't happened while writing a document so I don't know (I save at almost every breath anyway while writing).
    No difference from increasing RAM to max.
    No difference from several restarts (a process that used to clear memory blocks, don't really know if it's still relevant with the newer architecture). Anyway, it's a random event so hard to blame a memory issue (i.e., it's not repeatable).
    No difference from standard troubleshooting processes, permissions, resets.
    There are a lot of complaints about this issue but most people don't see it as a logout issue. Probably because they are single users. However, reading the restart and blue screen issues, tells me that they are discussing the same issue.

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