Re-install isync

I have been having problems with isync and manually uninstalled it, in the knowledge that I had the pkg for isync 2.1. However, when trying to install 2.1 I get an error message saying the a newer version is already installed. A brouse of this forum suggested installing combi update 10.4.4 but this will not install on my Mac.
Can someone explain how I can re install isync please?
Regards Colin

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    What version are you trying to install, in what manner and from which source?
    If you are using Mac OS X 10.4.5, you must first extract and install iSync 2 using Pacifist and your original Mac OS X 10.4 Install or Upgrade DVD, then apply the appropriate Mac OS X 10.4.x Combo update for either PowerPC or intel. Based upon your tag line, it would be this package:

  • Old "installed" iSync doesn't open. Can't find appropriate download: 10.3.9

    I need to find a functioning version of iSync for my G4 iMac running 10.3.9 in order to sync my iCal items with a Palm Treo that I bought. My "installed" (unnumbered) version of iSync doesn't open and I can't find an appropriate version of iSync for my Mac to download. My machine won't allow me to install iSync 1.5.

    Welcome To  Discussions voicemark!
    See if the info HERE is applicable.
    "My "installed" (unnumbered) version of iSync doesn't open and I can't find an appropriate version of iSync for my Mac to download."
    What do you mean by "unnumbered"?
    Click once on the iSync icon to highlight it.
    Press the Command + I keys, to Get Info.
    What is displayed for Version?
    Navigate to HD > Users > Your Account > Library > Permissions.
    In that folder, locate, and move to the Trash this file
    Run Repair Permissions.
    Try to again launch iSync.
    If that doesn't correct the problem, no guarantees, but you could try the procedure posted below.
    Move the currently installed iSync application, to the Trash.
    Also, in HD > Library > Receipts: Move any iSync files to the Trash as well, but don't empty it.
    Use the utility Pacifist, to extract a new copy of the original from the system restore disc.
    Run Repair Permissions.
    Install the downloaded iSync application.
    Run Repair Permissions again.
    Run Software Update, and install the available updates that are presented.
    Again run Repair Permissions.
    1.Open Disk Utility, located in Applications/Utilities, and select the startup disk in the left column.
    2.Click First Aid.
    3.Click Verify Disk Permissions to test permissions or Repair Disk Permissions to test and repair permissions. (I never "Verify". Just run "Repair".)
    Rerun RP, until the only messages reported, are listed here Spurious Permissions Errors Using: 10.3.x, authored by Michael Conniff.
    When "Repair Permissions" is complete. Quit "Disk Utility".
    ali b

  • Installing iSync conduit for HotSync 3.2.1

    I got a Powerbook G4 with OS X.4.8
    I've just bought a Palm T|X with Palm OS 5.4.9.
    I've dowloaded the last package Palm Desktop 4.2.1 for Mac with HotSync Manager 3.2.1
    Hotsync functions well with Palm Desktop.
    In iSync, I go to "Device / Active Palm OS synchronisation" but I get an error message like : "Palm Desktop isn't well installed or was never opened. Try opening it and come back in iSync". I did it but it doesn't functions.
    When I look in HD / Library / Applicatioin support / Palm HotSync / Conduit, I don't see any Apple or iSync conduit.
    What can I do ?
    Powerbook G4 15" 1,5 ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    This is a permissions problem with your Palm folders, most frequently occurring as a result of the option to archive and install Mac OS X.
    Here are two methods you can use to correct the issue:
    Take a look at the permissions of the folders listed below. Your permissions for the folders listed below should appear as described below the pathname to that folder:
    For the Macintosh HD:Applications:Palm folder:
    Ownership & Permissions
    You can: Read & Write
    Owner: <shortusername>
    Access: Read & Write
    Group: admin
    Access: Read & Write
    Others: Read only
    For the Macintosh HD:Library:Application Support:Palm Desktop folder:
    Ownership & Permissions
    You can: Read & Write
    Owner: <shortusername>
    Access: Read & Write
    Group: admin
    Access: Read & Write
    Others: Read only
    For the Macintosh HD:Library:Application Support:Palm HotSync folder:
    Ownership & Permissions
    You can: Read & Write
    Owner: <shortusername>
    Access: Read & Write
    Group: admin
    Access: Read & Write
    Others: Read only
    You can either reset those values manually, [then restart and recheck them to be sure that they are set correctly] or use the Terminal application by typing these strings listed below this example—substituting your short user name—as shown below:
    sample: "sudo chown -R <shortusername>:admin /Applications/Palm"
    actual: "sudo chown -R michaellafferty:admin /Applications/Palm"
    …where michaellafferty is the <shortusername> in my case. Be sure to pay attention to the spaces in each string, and the direction of the / or \ [forward and back slash] characters.
    Here are the appropriate Terminal entries. Each is is shown bulleted below, but actually begins with the term sudo:
    • sudo chown -R <shortusername>:admin /Applications/Palm
    [NOTE: at this point, you'll be asked to enter your login password]
    • sudo chmod -R 775 /Applications/Palm
    • sudo chown -R <shortusername>:admin /Library/Application\ Support/Palm\ HotSync/
    • sudo chmod -R 775 /Library/Application\ Support/Palm\ HotSync/
    • sudo chown -R <shortusername>:admin /Library/Application\ Support/Palm\ Desktop/
    • sudo chmod -R 775 /Library/Application\ Support/Palm\ Desktop/
    Again, pay particular attention to the spaces and to the \ characters, as both are critical to the syntax of these commands. Remember to place your actual shortusername in the string where the <shortusername> placeholder is shown, as in the sample above. [Do not include the < and > characters around your actual shortusername.]

  • Installing iSync Palm Conduit

    Using an iMac G5 with 10.4.3
    I tried to install iSyncPalm.dmg and got the message: iSync Palm Conduites cannot be installed on this computer.
    iSync Palm Conduit requries iSync to be insatlled first. Problem is that iSync is installed and is visible in the menu at the top right of the computer. How do fix this problem?

    The iSync Palm Conduit package you downloaded - version 1.2 - cannot be installed on a machine running iSync 2 or later. That conduit is intended for use only with iSync 1.5 or earlier.
    iSync 2 and later for use with Mac OS X 10.4 and later has the conduit 'built-in' and it is installed when you setup up iSync to synchronize a Palm device. To do so…
    • launch iSync
    • select the option to Enable Palm OS Syncing… from the Devices menu
    • follow the instructions which appear in the dialog box
    You do not add a Palm device to iSync using the Add Device… option as with other devices. It is added - and the iSync Palm Conduit installed and activated - as a result of the steps I outlined above.
    Make sure that before you do this, you have installed or updated the Palm Desktop to version 4.2.1 release D if your Palm device is supported by this package. More information is available here:

  • Can't instal iSync!

    For weeks I was synchronizing my Nokia 95 with my laptop (10.4.11) using iSync via Bluetooth. It never worked via the USB cable. When I lost my Bluetooth dongle, I began to explore how it might work using the cable (as it does withe my desktop at home). Along the way, I was advised to delete and reinstall iSync. Bad move. Now I can't get it to install at all on the laptop. In the install window, the Hard Drive icon has a red exclamation mark beside it and I cannot select it. Below it says that I cannot install phone plug-ins on the Hard Drive (no explanation of why) and that I need to install a later version of iSync using Software Update. But the version I'm trying to install is the latest (2.4) that will work on OS 10.4. And I cannot break through this log jam. The phone worked beautifully via Bluetooth with my laptop before and still does via USB cable with my desktop, so the phone is okay. It's a problem with the laptop and the iSync installation. Any ideas on how to break the impasse?

    You're confusing the iSync application (which is part of Mac OS X) and an *iSync Plugin*, which generally comes from a third-party.
    iSync Plugins cannot function without the iSync application. They 'virtually' plug-in to the iSync application and extend its default phone support.
    When you downloaded the iSync Plugin from Nokia before, you must already have had iSync installed on your Mac, which is why it worked fine.
    Now that you've deleted iSync (the application) the plugin from Nokia no longer has anything to plug into!
    You need not have purchased the novamedia plugins, as they also need the iSync application to function, and iSync support for your phone is available for free from Nokia anyway.
    To resolve your problem you must get the *iSync 2.4* application from somewhere.
    What's happened to your original Mac OS X 10.4 Installation disks - the ones that came with your Mac? You must have these somewhere otherwise what would you do if your hard drive failed and you needed to re-install Mac OS X?
    Have you made any backups of your Macintosh hard disk?
    Do you have any friends running Mac OS X 10.4.11 that you can copy the iSync application from and put into the Applications folder of your Mac?
    What about a local friendly Mac Store or User Group?

  • Lost all iCal data when installing isync

    I tried a trial .mac account and lost all of my iCal info.. I know this happened through the sycronize process... Is there any way to revert this disaster?

    I have just had the same arroying experience. I had mobileme and iCal on laptop working fine. Could see calendars in both. Then got iPhone 3G and it synch'ed the calendars to it fine. Went and stupidly upgraded to 2.0.1 and low and behold come to use iCal on G4 laptop (leoprd 10.5.4) and have no calendars. Look on mobile me - no calandars....eeek. Look at iPhone - still there - sighs with relief - assumes can restore to iCal on mac - wrong. Doesn't work. Odd. So read a few posts on here and someone recommended going into settings and turning off calendar syching in mobileme account. BAD move. Gave me the option of turning off calendars when I did that - turning off mind...not I said OK (surely they would say if this was going to delete them)....then turned back on....silly me. Boom! the iPhone synched with mobileme and replaced the good calendars with no calendars. So I've managed to remove all cals from all places - quite an achievement. Thanks Apple.
    Any ideas how I go about restoring the calendars?

  • ISync will install but will not open.

    Hi folks,
    This is my first post and boy is it a doozy.
    I am having a multitude of issues, of which, my own numbskulledry is the primary cause.
    I am a Treo 680 user, and hence, I use Missing Sync.
    All of my contacts are in Address Book within OS X and none of which are on my brand new 680 or in Palm Desktops address book.
    My Macbook is also new. Now, before I bought the 680 I had a 650, and I had a rather old iBook. I have two phones, a smaller phone for my pocket when I am working, an older Moto . ON my new Macbook, I got all of my contacts off of the Moto via iSync. Now I have my new Macbook, and my new 680, I must admit, that until now, I never tried to use missing sync on the Macbook.
    I have been unable to get Missing Sync and iSync to play nice at all on the Macbook.
    Everytime I went to enable Palm Synching in iSync, iSync would tell me that something wasnt installed correctly. Someone suggested I trash Missing Sync and reinstall it and try again. Well that only made matters worse.
    this is where things get stupid..
    So I decided to Trash everything and start over. I trashed every file I could associate with iSync, Missing Sync and Palm Desktop.
    So...long story short, when I went to the Apple site to DL iSync, to my surprise I find that the only version available for download, is 1.5. So, I DL'ed it and it installed, but it will not open. It just bounces in the Dock a few times, and then goes away, I've tried this both as a restricted user and logged in as the Admin; same result.
    Any helpful thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks very much for reading.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    As a general rule, you should not attempt to manually remove synchronization components manually. At this point, you are well past that note of caution but, in the future, don't attempt to do so. As you have discovered, that approach does nothing more than aggravate the issues you face.
    You must first do this: reinstall the Palm Desktop, using the package bundled on CD-ROM that you received with your smartphone. [It is important that you take these steps in the order I outline. Seriously.]
    Next, you should download Pacifist and use that utility to extract and install the iSync 2 package on the original Mac OS X 10.4.x that was supplied with your machine. There is now other way to perform this properly, and you cannot download a copy of iSync 2.x, which is required for use with Mac OS X 10.4 or later. To extract and install iSync, follow these instructions:
    If you need to reinstall iSync, you'll need to do it in a two-step process, initially using the Pacifist utility to extract it from your original Mac OS X 10.4.x Install or Upgrade DVD.
    Download Pacifist from here.
    To extract and install it, launch Pacifist. Insert your Mac OS X 10.4 Install or Upgrade DVD in your optical drive and wait for it to mount. Press the now-activated Open Mac OS X Install Packages button. Wait for the window to appear—it may take some time to load all of the resources—then double click on the Contents of Essentials.pkg file to open it, double-click on the Applications folder, select then press the Install button.
    That will install a copy of iSync 2 into your Applications folder. Then run the Mac OS X 10.4.9 Combo update for PowerPC or intel processor based machines—whichever is appropriate for your platform—to update it to release 2.4.
    Those specific updaters are available at these links:
    • for PowerPC:
    • for intel:
    Once you have done that, reconfigure iSync to support your smartphone by adding using the Enable Palm OS Syncing… option. You should also reset the synchronization framework by opening the Preferences… dialog and pressing the Reset Sync History… button. Quit iSync.
    Launch the Address Book and use the built-in option under the File menu to back up your contact records. Do the same with iCal, using its built-in option to back up your event and task records.
    At this point, if you intend to use iSync, initiate a synchronization event and choose Replace to overwrite the contents of your handheld, unless—by doing so—you would lose information on it that is not in iCal or the Address Book. If that is the case, you must instead choose Merge.
    Once you have done that, examine all of the records in iCal and the Address Book and make any additions, deletions or modifications you wish to to your contact, event and task data. Back each set up once again.
    Then reinstall the Missing Sync, and use the option to overwrite the contents, this one time, of your handheld with the individual Mark/Space Contact, Events and Tasks conduits. Once that has been completed, make any category or group changes to your records on the Palm, and synchronize as you would normally.
    If you are stumped at any point or encounter something you do not understand, STOP and ask about it. And whatever you do, don't delete anything related to your synchronization framework except individual application preferences files, should that be necessary.

  • Isync Mac OS X 10.5.4 issu

    After installing the 10.5.4 combo isync did not longer started. I tried many suggested solutions (e.g. move to desktop and back, empty cache, empty sync services files, reinstall combo, using pacifist to re-install isync from combo) on various forums but no success. . . I am desperate even the icon is not longer correct. With "Get info" it states: Version 3.0.2.

    Yes, had the same problem. I have done a workaround like so. If you go to Applicatations, right-click on iSync, open package, navigate to iSync under the MacOS folder. That should fire up iSync, with a Terminal session. It will enable you to do the iSync stuff and close it all down when you've finished. You can also put an alias of the file on your desktop to save navigating to the Applications folder all the time.
    See if that works for you.

  • ISync palm conduit in 10.5 - won't work under user imported from 10.4?

    My Palm m500 was syncing fine with my PowerBook G4 running Mac OS 10.4
    I recently got a spiffy new MacBook Pro (Penryn) with 10.5, and although the Palm does communicate and sync via Palm Desktop, it no longer syncs via iSync with iCal & Address Book. I keep getting the following in the hotsync log:
    < snip >
    OK Install
    iSync Conduit starting 3/13/08 10:38:34 PM
    iSync Conduit: received NULL message, disconnecting...
    OK iSync Conduit
    </ snip >
    Other info:
    I imported the user info for my main user from the old 10.4 installation using Migration Assistant.
    • Deleted old Palm HotSync & Desktop files from the username:Library:Application Support, as palm preference files from username:Library:Preferences
    • Copied the old user folder to an alternate location, and removed the Palm folder from username:Documents:
    • Re-installed Palm Desktop 4.2.1 under main user (authorized as an "administrator" temporarily)
    • Sync worked (no data on Palm Desktop, but everything backed up ok), HotSync even recovers and creates a new user based on the data on the device, and even backs up all the programs.
    • Enabled Palm Os Syncing from within iSync (works fine, so long as the account being used has read/write permissions to HD:Library:Application Support:Palm HotSync:Conduits)
    • "Enable iSync for this palm device" from the iSync conduit within HotSync Manager.
    During a sync, iSync kicks in and "connects", but can't get past AddressBook syncing, and never actually sends info to the Palm device. Presumably, this is where the "NULL message" is received and syncing stops. When I specify "Erase data on device then sync" in iSync (for first syncronization), it does indeed erase address book data on the device, but never sends anything to replace it, but also does not touch the calendar data on the palm device.
    Furthermore, I tried the same procedure when logged in as another administrator account (what is normally the main administrator account on this computer), and synced first without iSync, then enabling "iSync for this Palm device". Under this other account, the syncing works. I can add events to iCal, and contacts to address book, and they are transferred sucessfully and synced with the palm device. But it still does not work when logged in as the main user (even when administrator privileges are enabled, which I normally don't want), which actually has all my iCal and Address book data (which syncs successfully through .Mac with my computer at work).
    There should be plenty of free space on the device for all my calendar & contact data (3MB).
    Given that syncing DOES work for one administrator user (which was never before set-up for this), but not for the user that was imported from 10.4 and was syncing successfully before, I have a suspicion that there's either some leftover files that I missed, or a permissions conflict within the user's home folder that I am missing. Has anyone else been able to resolve this issue, or have any suggestions based on this information?
    Much appreciated.

    Experimentation reveals that:
    • replacing the old addressbook data with blank allows syncing to work without problems.
    • having multiple groups causes the same error: BUT only on the first sync (set to “Erase data on device then sync”, but also if set to “merge”). Adding groups after a successful initial sync did not interfere with further syncs.
    • deleting groups from existing AddressBook data does allow a successful first sync.
    • but adding them back in again breaks the sync.
    Having no groups would seem to allow a successful sync.
    I don’t want to have to limit myself to this. I do use groups rather a lot and it would be frustrating to have to give up using them just so I can sync my Palm in Leopard.
    The following does NOT solve the problem:
    1. Move old Address Book data to a backup location (after exporting AddressBook library)
    2. do a first sync
    3. re-import full Address Book data from archive
    4. continue with regular syncs.
    • only sync one Group still leads to the same error.
    • iSync 2 doesn’t run under Leopard (error message along the lines of “You can’t use this software with this version of Mac OS”).
    • I also tried to use the previous iSync palm conduit (v3.0.2 instead of v3.1.0), but got the same errors.
    For now, I removed all the groups and synced my contacts to my Palm, but I then turned off syncing for contacts within iSync, so I could recover all my Address Book Groups. Fortunately, I need to update Calendar information more often than contact info, and I won’t be able to change contact info on the Palm device. When I do want to do a periodic update to my Palm device, I will have to:
    1. Backup my address book
    2. Delete all groups (but not the contacts within them, which stay in the library itself)
    3. Turn contact syncing on in iSync
    4. Sync the Palm device
    5. Turn contact syncing OFF in iSync
    6. Recover my Address Book Library & groups from backup
    Not as simple as I would expect from Apple software ... I hope this issue gets fixed in iSync 3 (Leopard).

  • My iSync is in German How do I get it back to English?

    After downloading and installing the PPC combined update to 10.4.8, iSync and only iSync appears in German!
    Everything else seems fine. I trashed and with no change even after restart. Any suggestions?
    Imac G3 600 MHz 512 Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   G3 600 MHz 512 Ram
    Imac G3 600 MHz 512 Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   G3 600 MHz 512 Ram

    Try clicking once on the iSync icon, then choosing "Get Info" from the "File" menu.
    Then, click the little triangle alongside "Languages" and see if English is available and selected.
    If it's not there, you'll have to re-install iSync from your original Mac OS X 10.4 Install DVD, then re-install the 10.4.8 Combo updater.
    Instructions for re-installing iSync are here:

  • ISync 2.4 and Sony Ericsson T610

    I have always stored contacts in my T610 as "Last Name, First Name" and never had a problem syncing with my Mac address book. Now with iSync 2.4, "Last Name," ends up in the First Name field and "First Name" ends up in the Last Name field. This seems like a bug. Has anyone else seen this?
    eMac 1.25 GHz w/ SuperDrive   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  
    eMac 1.25 GHz w/ SuperDrive   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Maybe I should have been more clear about this.
    You cannot install iSync 2 or later using Pacifist from anything but a Mac OS X 10.4 or later Install or Upgrade DVD - either the one which shipped with your machine, or a commercial universal installer disk.
    You don't have the option at the bottom of the Devices menu because, no matter what you might believe about the process you followed, you STILL have iSync 1.5 installed. The list of menu items you show is the view in iSync 1.5, not iSync 2 or later.
    You need to locate your Mac OS X 10.4 or later disk or purchase a retain version, and then follow these instructions:
    Launch Pacifist. Insert your Mac OS X 10.4 Install or Upgrade DVD in your optical drive and wait for it to mount. Press the now-activated Open Mac OS X Install Packages button in Pacifist. Wait for the window to appear - it will take some time to load all of the resources - then double click on the Contents of Essentials.pkg file to open it, double-click on the Applications folder, select then press the Install button.
    That will install a copy of iSync 2 into your Applications folder. Then run the Mac OS X 10.4.9—at minimum, or the 10.9.10 or 10.9.11—Combo update for PowerPC or intel processor based machines—whichever is appropriate for your platform—to update it to release 2.4.
    There is no other way to do it: Pacifist. Original disk. That's it.

  • ISync Assertion Failure Line 575 & 114 errors

    I am trying to sync my G4 Tower running 10.3.9.
    I do not have any additional devices attached i.e. Palm devices, etc.
    Since late last week, iSync suddenly will not work on my Tower.
    I receive the following message whenever I try to sync to .mac:
    Assertion Failed!
    Expression: IsOpen()
    File: Source/f1shared/f1clog.cpp
    Line: 575
    Assertion failure: File Source/f1shared/f1clog.cpp, Line 575: IsOpen()
    *I have repaired permissions and repaired the disk via Disk Utility.
    *I also uninstalled and re-installed iSync, but no change in errors.
    For a short time I also received an error 114 when attempting to sync.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated, as I am at a total loss.
    My thanks in advance.

    Hi svee, i didnt try the cluster rules, 1 because i wouldnt know where to start with checking that, and 2 i dont have full privileges to make such system changes.
    and on your second point of recreating the report, i really want to leave that as a last resort because, 1 I havent noticed the error in a few days since it started back working, 2 its not just one report, but All the reports like that one. Even on different menus on the dashboard, so i'm thinking there is something in common with those reports, like the metadata or the particular data type that was contained within the report. So in short, it woudl be a last resort to recreate the reports because they are so many. But i would still like to figure out what would caused the problem. if it was a bug or something else.

  • ISync 1.2

    Our IT department recently replaced my mac. I'm running Panther 10.3.9. When we tried to install the iSync Palm Conduit, I got the following message:
    iSync_Palm cannot be installed on this computer.
    This version of iSync Palm Conduit requires iSync 1.2 to be installed first.
    However, I've looked all over the Apple Web site and can't find iSync 1.2 anywhere -- only the conduit. Is this something that's on the installer disk that IT missed when installing Panther?
    I had iSync on my old mac (another G5) and it worked beautifully.
    Thanks for your help!

    Before you can install the iSync Palm Conduit version 1.2, you must have already installed a version of iSync ranging from release 1.2 though 1.5 - the initial error you saw was reported by the iSync Palm Conduit installer because a required version of iSync was not installed.
    I cannot understand how the attempt to install iSync 1.5 itself could produce what you described as "…the same error."
    You to download and install iSync 1.5 from this location:
    Once you have done that, you then need to download and install the iSync Palm Conduit 1.2 from this location:
    You then add your device to iSync not by using iSync as you would non-Palm devices such as mobile handsets, but rather by using the HotSync Manager or the HotSync menu of the Palm Desktop to configure the settings of the iSync Palm Conduit. Disregarding for the moment the possibility that your Palm handheld may be a Japanese Palm OS device, your only option is to enable synchronization and add your device to iSync by checking the option labeled Enable iSync for this Palm device.
    Once you've done that, quit either the HotSync Manager or the Palm Desktop and launch iSync. Your device should appear in the main window, at which point you can drop down a configuration pane by pressing the Palm device icon.

  • Can anyone help me add my Tungsten T5 to iSync?

    When I try to hotsync through the palm software, it freezes on the isync conduit.
    When I try to add the Tungsten T5 to iSync, iSync doesn't see the device.
    Any suggestions would be of great help.
    I am running OS X 10.4.4 on a powerbook G4 17", isync Palm conduit 1.2, isync 1.5 and Palm desktop 4.2.1Revd.
    Powerbook G4 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    Powerbook G4 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    If you are correct in profiling your configuration, you have serious problems and it's no wonder that your Tungsten won't synchronize. In fact, I don't think that your setup could be any more broken than it is!
    If you are using Mac OS X 10.4.4, you should have iSync 2.1.1 installed. iSync 2 was installed when you updated to Mac OS X 10.4 originally. You should not have installed iSync 1.5 or the iSync Palm Conduit 1.2 - neither one are intended to work in a Tiger environment.
    The first step is to absolutely determine what is actually installed - iSync 1.5 or earlier or iSync 2 or later. If it is iSync 1.5 or earlier, you will need to remove it using the iSync Uninstall utility. It's no longer available for download from Apple, so send me an electronic mail message and I'll reply with a copy.
    You will then need to reinstall iSync 2 be extracting it - using Pacifist - from your original Mac OS X 10.4 Update or Install DVD. You'll find that application here:
    There is no way to download iSync 2 or later from Apple. The iSync 2.1 package is an updater, not a full application installer. Do not install any version of the iSync Palm Conduit - the updated version is built into, and only available from, iSync 2 or later. It is installed automatically for you as one of several steps involved in configuring iSync 2 or later to synchronize with a Palm device.
    In summary, you'll need to…
    • verify which release of iSync is installed
    • remove iSync 1.5 or earlier using the iSync Uninstall utility
    • extract and install iSync 2 using Pacifist and your original Mac OS X 10.4 DVD
    • update to iSync 2.1 using either the Software Update mechanism or the downloadable iSync 2.1 package
    • update to iSync 2.1.1 by reapplying the Mac OS X 10.4.3 or 10.4.4* Update
    Both the Mac OS X 10.4.3 Combo Update and the 10.4.4 Combo Update are configured to upgrade iSync 2 directly to iSync 2.1.1, so you could reapply whichever is appropriate for your configuration and skip the iSync 2 to 2.1 update step.
    If you are unsure of any of these steps, stop and ask what to do. If you don't execute them properly, you will end up having to start the process all over again. [Apple clearly has not made this easy.]

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