Re: Upload Speed

I have the exact same issue. Migrated across from IDNET with a connection speed of around 8mb download and upload was around 768kbps. My download speed has remained the same, but my upload is locked at 448kbps, so it appears I'm also on ADSL Max  I'll contact the mods too I guess...
Go to Solution.

Thanks for moving this to a new thread. 
I don't actually use a Home Hub - I use a Belkin N300 instead.  IDNET do have LLU yes, but my connection with them was via a BT Wholesale mux. The exchange (Newport, Essex) is 21CN enabled yes. It's been a while since I worked in BT's Broadband Operations Unit, but I'm pretty sure the MSAN port is configured for a ADSL Max profile.
Here are the diagnostic results:
I've been syncing at 8128k all week, but reset my router this morning so it's synced a little lower today. Still, with IDNET my upload was 768kbps and download was anything from 8mb-9mb.
Thanks for your help in advance 

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    Here is where I need someones help.  If unplug the PC's lan wire from my wireless N router and instead plug it directly into one of  the open ports on the  Verizon router, I get the same download speeds, but now i am getting between 30 and 35mb/s.  Does anyone know why plugging into the lan port on the other router kills the upload speed? It has to be something in the settings, because if I connect wirelessly to either the verizon or the Dlink routers, I get the same upload speeds for both usually around 25mb/s.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

    You don;t say which D-Link router you have.  A number of D-Link routers have an option called "Game-Fuel".  This is a setting that enables specific QOS settings.  If you have Game-Fuel turned on, that can adversely impact your upload.  Game-Fuel uses QOS to ensure that no one user monopolizes the upstream bandwidth.

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    ... just a quick note to say that the appears to be resolved after a long telephone call to apple service dept (very patient - very helpful).
    In my naivety I had attempted to revert back to using the homehub (3.0) router and connecting the APExtreme into one of the Ethernet LAN ports but this didn't work!  So called the apple helpline & we went back to basics until it worked.  One point to note that may help anyone finding themselves in a similar position...
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  • Basic Questions on ActionTec MI424-WR Router - problems with poor download/upload speed

    First, I will get to the point and ask my questions, then will explain what's happening - I'm interested in hearing whether the right actions are being taken to solve my problem.
    1) After perusing the forums, I see frequent reference to the "Rev" version of the ActionTec MI424-WR Router.  How do you find the Rev version?  I have logged into the Router and in the "System Monitoring" icon, the Router Status lists my Hardware version as 'A'.  Does this mean I have Rev 'A'?
    2) What is Verizon handing out these days for Routers?  Mine is being replaced, and I am wondering what to expect.  I have Verizon FIOS Phone, TV, and Internet service, and have the 25/25 Internet service.  Will they give me another MI424-WR?  If so, what Rev level are they likely to give me?
    Here's why my router is being replaced - opinions/comments/advice welcomed.
    For the past year or two, I've consistently measured (via about 30Mbs download, and around 22-25 Upload.  Lately, I noticed that my downloads were quite slow, so I tested my speed at the above website, which I had not done in many months.  I measured only about 2-3 Download and 1-2 up.  Note all of what I am discussing hear takes place with hard-wired ethernet, NOT wireless.
    I tried testing from multiple computers, running XP, Vista, and Windows 7.  All getting consistently similar poor speeds.  I verified my account still is supposed to have 25/25/ service, which I verified online. 
    Tried rebooting the router, no change.  Then tried hard reset (pushing in the recessed button, holding it for about 20-30 seconds.  After it reconnected to the Internet, I tested speed again.  No change.
    Interestingly, I tested wireless speed on the laptop I have.  Speed is MUCH better, around 15 down, and 10-12 up.
    I tried the speed optimization tool on two of my PCs, it made no improvement.  Finally, got into an online chat with a Verizon Tech.  He did some tests on the line, we repeated some of the things I already tried, and then he asked how old my Router was...I am pretty sure it is the original one I received when I first signed up for FIOS, around 5-6 years ago, which is one of the reasons I asked how to tell which rev level I had.   So the tech concluded the problem was probably my Router.
    I TEND to agree, especially because I recently had an "anomaly" on my network.  My son complained one day that Internet was down.  When I got home, I found out my NetGear Gigbit switch was dead, and two of my hard-wired ethernet network printers could no longer talk to the network.  I replaced the switch, so now I am thinking perhaps the Router was damaged somehow.  I have no idea what the cause of this anomaly was - everything that connects to my network was plugged into Triplite ISOBAR surge protectors, but that only protects AC power. 
    I would think a hardware failure would completely kill the ethernet portion of the router, not simply reduce speed, but I could be wrong.  Anyone been through something similar to this before?  I expect to receive the new Router next Thursday, so hopefully I should know by then, but still - what should the next steps be if the new router does not fix the problem?
    Thanks for any comments, insight or shared experiences you might be willing to share...
    Go to Solution.

    This is embarrassing.
    Smith6612, you are absolutely correct, and you nailed it!
    When all this mess started, I checked my Verizon account to make sure I was signed up for 25/25 Internet.  I was.
    I don't know what has happened, but after reading Smith6612's response, I went back to recheck my account.  I was set up for 15/5!  So, the speedtest measurements I have been getting the last couple of days are exactly what I should be getting.  Two possibilities:
    1) My Triple-Play bundle must have expired in the past two weeks by coincidence.
    2) The Verizon tech may have changed my account profile when I worked with them online last week, although this was never discussed.
    At any rate, Smith6612 wins the prize.  It certainly explains the download/upload speeds I am getting.  I have logged into Verizon and signed up for a new bundle.  According to their website, my new profile should take effect Tuesday 1/10, so after that point, I should be measuring 25/25 again.
    Thanks to all who responded to this thread.  I will update this thread to confirm after Tuesday.  I get nervous whenever I have to change anything with Verizon - although everything has worked fine for the past few years, we have so many services with them - Cell Phone, TV, Internet, and Home Phone, that I worry something will go wrong with the billing, but we'll see.

  • Download and Upload speeds have been dropping sinc...

    I have recently been having seriously problems with my connection, every day the router appears to reset/crash, sometimes once and sometimes more than several times a day.
    This was the speed I was getting in December, everything was fine.
    Now this is the speed that I am getting.
    I'm not sure how this is happening but I have been able to confirm that it isn't an issue within my household, there is only have one master socket which the router is connected to along with a wireless phone thats connected to it.
    This is what the results that I got from the router.
    Line state
    Connection time
    0 days, 0:18:57
    2,016 Kbps
    256 Kbps
    ITU-T G.992.1
    Latency type
    Noise margin (Down/Up)
    15.5 dB / 6.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up)
    56.0 dB / 31.5 dB
    Output power (Down/Up)
    17.0 dBm / 11.8 dBm
    Loss of Framing (Local)
    Loss of Signal (Local)
    Loss of Power (Local)
    FEC Errors (Down/Up)
    15 / 0
    CRC Errors (Down/Up)
    0 / 2147480000
    HEC Errors (Down/Up)
    nil / 0
    Error Seconds (Local)
    And this is the test that I took on the bt speedtester.
    1. Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Download Speed
    1303 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    2000 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 1303 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 800-2000 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :2080 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 320 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 1500 Kbps
    The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 13.18:22.06:64.83 (SBE : NBE : PBE)
    These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic.
    The results of this test will vary depending on the way your ISP has decided to use these traffic classes.
    2. Upstream Test:  -provides background information.
    Upload Speed
    240 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    320 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
    >Upload speed achieved during the test was - 240 Kbps
     Additional Information:
     Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 320 Kbps
    I'd like to know if a conclusion could be brought to why my connection has been falling since December. Could it of had been a line switch? Because my connection was fine up until the start of this year.

    Hi lionheart1066
    I see Imjolly was giving you a hand with this on another thread.
    We still need to try and get you connected via the test socket to rule out external wiring and possible swap over micro-filters too.
    I note you mentioned you have an I-plate.  Take this off, as it could be faulty, as you will then see the test socket.  If possible connect up via Ethernet and leave for a day or two and see if this stops the drops. 
    Its also important to look out for other sources of interference.  You can see a list of common offenders on this link.
    If you have tried this out and are still having problems drop me in an email please with your BT account and telephone number along with a link back to this thread.
    Just send using the contact us form in my profile under the 'about me' section and mark FAO Craig please.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Download and upload speed issues

    Hi I am new to the forum and I am having problems with my broadband speed I get approx 6.8mb download speed but what appears to be happening is when I surf the net the speed is 6.8mb but the problem is when I download the speed drops to max 2mb can be as low as 0.6mb does anyone know why this would be happening, I have read on the forum that you should keep your home hub on 24/7 must admit haven't been doing this usually turn it off when no one is in the house. The other issue is my upload speed is poor only get approx 0.3mb when I was with O2 before I changed to bt in the summer I was getting 1mb upload any ideas how to improve this

    hi thanks for getting back in touch we have the old type of phone socket does not have a test socket
    speed test result: download speed 7.10mb upload 0.33mb ping latency 39.00 ms
    these are the speeds when i surf the issue is when i download the speed plummets to 2mb. and why is upload only 0.33mb when o2 on same line was 1mb
     1. Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Download  Speed
    7.1 Mbps
    0 Mbps
    7.15 Mbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 7.1 Mbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 2 Mbps-7.15 Mbps.
     IP Profile for your line is - 7.11 Mbps
    2. Upstream Test: -provides background information.
    Upload Speed
    0.33 Mbps
    0 Mbps
    0.45 Mbps
    Max Achievable Speed
    Upload speed achieved during the test was - 0.33Mbps
     Additional Information:
     Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 0.45 Mbps

  • Download and Upload Speeds Very Slow

    I have been having problems with my download speeds they are very sluggish only transferring at 12 kb/s and I know that the problem is not with my laptop as I have tried to download something off my ps3 and the connection just seemed to time out this has become very stressful as I have contacted BT and they have found not wrong with my telephone line, I have tried everything to try and solve this issue but all has failed. Please may someone suggest something. Download speed: 176.89 Kbps (0.17 Mbps) Upload Speed: 743 Kbps (0.73 Mbps)

    Just arrived for xmas at my parents house to find they have the same issue as the oringal poster. Router details are. results showed a download speed of 0.10.....tried different PC's.
    Anyone got any ideas?
    Router Status
    Account Name
    Firmware Version
    ADSL Port
    MAC Address
    IP Address
    Network Type
    IP Subnet Mask
    Gateway IP Address
    Domain Name Server
    LAN Port
    MAC Address
    IP Address
    IP Subnet Mask
    ADSL Firmware Version
    Modem Status
    DownStream Connection Speed
    1888 kbps
    UpStream Connection Speed
    448 kbps
    Wireless Port
    Name (SSID)
    Wireless AP
    Broadcast Name

  • Download and upload speed per ssid in air-sap2602.

    Dear team,
    How to limit the download and upload speed per ssid in air-sap2602 ?
    SSID =5MB download + 1upload
    SSID= 30MB download + 5upload

    If you need help with traffic shaping, you should post your question on the rLAN, Switching and Routing forum:
    You can also look for examples by searching Configure 1941 traffic shaping:
    Help out other by using the rating system and marking answered questions as "Answered"

  • Poor upload speeds via speedtest affecting iTunes match failure to upload new songs?

    Hi Guys,
    My itunes match is stuck at stage 3 - I only have a couple of albums worth of songs to update but it is freezing and eventually erroring saying it can't complete the request and times out.
    generally it is fine with a 15,000 song library. My itunes is up to date. I have logged out and logged in and now I can't even see any of my icloud tracks, even though it says I am logged in...
    My internet browsing has also become very sluggish. I have done various checks and the only thing I have noticed is that my upload speed via a speed test is 0.01 if am lucky which is very low seeing as I should be on around 5MB (via virgin media superhub)
    Would this explain my Itunes match issue?
    Any help or advice on these issues would be hugely helpful.

    Hi rhirons,
    Unfortunately at present there isn't much I can suggest, you've pretty much covered off most of the troubleshooting there is for iTunes match. This is a common problem and has been ongoing since the beginning of the month affecting a lot of people. It appears to be an issue at the iTunes side and until Apple acknowledge there is a problem and fix it I'm afraid we're stuck.
    I'd recommend contacting Apple Support online by going to then selecting iTunes Store > Connecting & Downloading > iTunes Match
    The more people that contact Apple to report the issue will hopefully will trigger a response to get the problem sorted.

  • Macbook pro: Extremely slow upload speed

    I know this question has beed raised many times before me, seemingly from hundreds or thousands of users, but none of the threads I have found has lead to any solution.
    My new Macbook Pro (15 inch), using Lion 10.7.3, is simply unable to obtain anything but an extremely slow upload speed, when using Wifi. I am using an Apple Airpor Extreme wifi device. My work PC, my older Macbook Pro (13 inch), all tablets and telephones etc hooks up to the same Wifi device and obtain all the speed they should, but my new Macbook Pro is sloooooooooooowwwww and sometimes cannot even initiated an uload speedtest at i.a.
    As mentioned, I am aware that there are plenty of threads on this, but I am not aware of any that provides a solution.
    Is there a solution or is my new Macbook nothing but crAplle?
    Best regards,

    My subscription is 10 Mbps downloadand 2 Mbps download. upload
    I get that (10/2 Mbps) on all other devices, other than my new Macbook Pro.
    On my new Macbook pro I get 10 Mbps download, but only from 0 to 25 Kbps upload.

  • Since regrade no increase in Upload Speed? Is this...

    Hi all,
    My BT Infinity has now been upgraded to the 80/20 service for just over a week. The download speed has doubled from 35 Meg to circa 70 Meg. But the upload speed is stuck at circa 7 Meg, which is good but it hasn't increased from the 40/10 service. I would expect the upload to be circa 14 Meg. Is there a reason why? Is there anyway to increase the upload speed even at the expense of download speed?
    Download speedachieved during the test was - 72.43 Mbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 12 Mbps-77.43 Mbps .
     Additional Information:
     IP Profile for your line is - 77.43 Mbps
    Upload speed achieved during the test was - 7.68Mbps
     Additional Information:
     Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 20 Mbps

    Try the upload speed test at  The bt tester grossly underestimates upload speed, especially if you have significant latency.  It was giving mine as around 6 or 8, when a proper tester (as above) or a good real site was giving 17.  
    If you have problems with the capspeed tester above (it sometimes has Java issues), still suffers a little from underestimating upload, but not nearly as badly as the BT tester.  It gave 12 or 13 at the same time I was getting the above results.
    Now my line and latency are improved the differences are there but smaller: capspeed 17.0, speedtest 15.7, BT wholesale 13.7, BT retail 9.17.

  • Why is the upload speed for "downloadable product" so slow?

    Upload speeds are normal with other adobe services, but when it comes to uploading my product, the speed continually decreases to a crawl, making it impossible to get my product online. It starts slow: at about 20kB/s and then drops to 3kB/s!
    Any suggestions?

    hi Sanjit,
    Using safari, only one one file was being uploaded, no other browsers or windows open. On a whim, decided to add " https:// " before the address after logging into BC... it made an improvement in the upload speed. Am now getting about 50-54kB/s. It's useable, but still slower than it should be.

  • Why is the download/upload speed so slow on my MBA (about 5 times slower than my PC)?

    Why is the download/upload speed so slow on my MBA (about 5 times slower than my PC)?

    Are you on band 13 or band 4?  13 is the original LTE band and remains relatively congested. Band 4 is the XLTE band and is less congested and has higher overall potential bandwidth (15 MHz vs 10 MHz). Even so, 7 Mbps is more than enough for doing stuff on your phone and is not considered slow. 
    To check band,
    dial *3001#12345#*
    select serving cell info
    frequency band will say 13 or 4
    FInd an area with band 4 and retest. 

  • Very Low Upload Speed

    I wonder if anyone can help, as the BT helpdesk have refused to acknowledge that I have a problem. My BT Infinity Download speed os very good, around 30 mbits/sec. My Upload speed is very very poor, if fluctuates between 0.3 and 0.5 mbits/sec. If I use wireshark to capture the packets used when the BT Wholesale test is running I can see that I have a high packet loss rate for outgoing packets. So something is wrong. I remotely control the PC in my office from my home PC and the performance of this is definitely a lot poorer than it was recently. Kids have also complained about Itunes and stuff. Loss of packets on the outgoing link will damage download performance as the TCP ACKs are not getting back to teh data sender. Any advice on howe I can get BT to accept I have some kind of fault and do something about it? Their recommendation was that I get Business Broadband!!!! 

    Hi coullyhomeip
    I am sorry you are having trouble with your broadband.  We can not guarantee upload but I will be happy to have a look at this for you and see what we can do.
    Could you drop me in an email please? Use the 'contact us' form in my forum profile under the 'about me' section. You can find it by clicking on my username.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • IPad (and iPhone 4) upload speed on wi-fi very slow - any thoughts?

    Both my "i devices" - an iPad and iPhone 4 are very slow for upload speeds on wi-fi. For example, here are the results of using on my iMac 21.5", iPhone 4 and iPad just now:
    iMac: download 38.39 Mbps, upload 19.22 Mbps (so the wi-fi network itself has good upload speeds)
    iPhone 4: download 21.17 Mbps, upload 0.39 Mbps (why so slow?!)
    iPad: download 23.66 Mbps, upload 0.71 Mbps (why so slow?!)
    The wireless router is an Airport Extreme updated to the latest firmware.
    I've seen screenshots of other people's iPad and iPhone tests where the upload speed over wi-fi doesn't suffer compare to download like mine does, by a factor of 54!
    I've seen postings here and there by people with similar problems. Are there any solutions? Are my iPad and iPhone 4 bad? Are they incompatible with my Airport Extreme? Are there "settings" somewhere that can help with the problem?
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Hi, Carolyn.
    Perhaps so. Maybe there are certain kinds of connections which are better suited for iPads and iPhones than others. But the download speed on neither device seem to have problems. It's just the upload speed.
    I did try several channels yesterday - 6 through 13 - but it didn't seem to make a difference.
    Why would trashing my Mac preference files and restarting my Mac help anything? My Mac isn't having any problems.
    Oh, by the by, on my iPhone at least I already tried resetting Network preferences. I even did a Reset > Erase All Content and Settings and re-installed my iPhone 4 from scratch. While still in a "vanilla state" before restoring from my backup, I tried via Safari and got similar results - very poor upload.
    The 3G connection also fluctuates between "so so" (1-2 Mbps down, 0.8 Mbps up) and really horrible (0.2 Mbps down and 0.05 Mbps up).
    I did just try your suggested "reset networks" on my iPad. This time I got a download of 13.26 Mbps and upload of 2.2 Mbps on the first test. On the 2nd test I got about the same download, but an upload speed of just 0.63 Mbps.
    So something's still wrong.

  • IChat Theatre slows upload speed to 80kbps

    Has anyone else noticed this? I know it's been like that for iChat screen sharing for some time but now I see it happening with iChat Theatre as well. For example, the video chat runs at 700kbps in both directions until someone starts iChat Theatre the bandwidth is immediately cut to 80kbps. My ISP does not traffic shape in any way therefore it seems to be iChat software. At these speeds, like screen sharing resolution is too low to be watchable.

    Jim0 wrote:
    I have a Dlink DGS-2208 gigabit switch connected to my Actiontec router. I just upgraded my FIOS speed to 35/35 from 25/15.
    If I connect my computer directly into the Actiontec router, I get 35/35 speeds just fine.
    But, if I connect the computer to the DGS-2208 and then connect the switch to the router, I get 35 down still, but only 15 up. This is very consistent. If I go through the swich it's always 35/15. If I go straight to the router, it's 35/35.
    The DGS-2208 is a gigabit switch. Why is it cuting my upload speed in half to only 15.
    I would also note, that when I had 25/15, the switch also worked at 15 up. That is, it worked at full speed. But it can't seem to go over 15 up.
    Any suggestions are welcome.
    I don't know why you'd be having the problem you're seeing, but just for informational purposes, I have a Linksys EG008W gigabit switch in the same configuation you describe and  I get 43/32 mb/s down/up.
    A couple of thoughts:
    Do you have another computer on your LAN, connected to the switch and, if so, what kind of throughput to you get between the computers?
    Have you tried a different Cat 5e/6  cable between the switch and the router?
    And have you looked at your NIC's properties and tried forcing it in to 1000 mb/s full duplex?

Maybe you are looking for

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