Really Out OT" Box

Hi, I have just ordered an Olympus E-3 Digital Camera..and I know we have photographers like myself in the forum. my question -> which CF cards 2gb - 4gb - or higher would you recommend? I do very little sports or other action shots, I mostly do candids, family portraits, of the wall current cards are 2 year old Sandisk & Lexars...L

With a high-powered camera like that why cut corners?
A 4GB SanDisk Extreme III (20 MB/s) is only about $60 -- or some folks
would prefer to go with two 2GB cards (about $40 each) to avoid putting
too many eggs in one basket.

Similar Messages

  • Task termination due to sending of out of box email templates

    We are using custom templates to notify end user during creation, group approval and deletion process. Handling of proper template has taken care in workflow.
    Instead of deleting the Out of box templates, the smtp address has changed to "", to make sure end user won't receive these templates even its triggered by mistake.
    In group approval scenario during update of a user, approver is getting an email notification through custom template and workitem is adding into approver's bin but randomly observing that the task is getting terminated with error message "javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed; nested exception is: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25; nested exception is: Connection timed out: connect".
    This could be due to IDM sending default templates (as SMTP host: is present only in default templates).
    Due to this no action is getting executed upon the group approval request approved by the approver as main update task itself has terminated ( it makes sense).
    Workflow trace shows task has executed fine with no errors.
    Can any one help us why out of box templates is kicked off though custom templates names were set in workflow??
    Is there a mapping of templates with scenario similar to form and process mapping??
    Is deletion of out of box templates affect the system as we no where using??

    vilynne46 wrote:
    Denial Letter: I don't understand something i have 3 Synchrony bank accounts, Which 2 of them have a zero balance of $102.00 dollars  which I will pay off on Monday  and I was denied for a BP gas credit card .I totally disagree with the reasons you gave for the denial as my credit report says nothing of the sort. If you really check my credit report you will see that I pay my bills on time I have never been late for the past seven years, I had a Bankruptcy in 2008 because I co signed for my step daughter for a house and she reniged on the payments and they came after me , so my Attorney suggested I claim bankruptcy, But if you check I always paid my bills on time every month Even before the Bankruptcy. I earn a good living , and I do not have any financial problems. My wife and I both use BP Gas as it is right down the street from our house, so rechecking my credit report will show you I always pay my bills on time  Sincerly Victor GrecoDenial reference # is Loo22tWelcome to MyFico. Just so you know this is not Synchrony Bank but the forums for Fico, the issuer of credit scores.  If you wish to communicate with Synchrony, you need to contact them directly though they are not known to overturn their credit decisions.  Good luck

  • Need to put out of Box password policy in self registration form.

    Hi All,
    I create a self registration workflow in i put a self gistration form. In the validation section of password field i apply check method of com.waveset.policy.stringQualityPolicy to apply out of box Password policy. But i got an error while running the workflow from configurator interface. i put the trace below. please help.
    <defvar name='policy'>
    </defvar> --> null
    <defvar name='policyChecker'>
    </defvar> --> null
    <invoke name='check'>
    [<defvar name='policyChecker'>]
    <new class='com.waveset.policy.StringQualityPolicy'>
    </new> --> com.waveset.policy.StringQualityPolicy@af914c
    [</defvar>] --> com.waveset.policy.StringQualityPolicy@af914c --> com.wavese
    [<defvar name='policy'>]
    <invoke name='getObject'>
    <rule name='getCallerSession'>
    <Rule name='getCallerSession'>
    <block trace='true'>
    <ref>context</ref> --> com.waveset.session.LocalSession@6c2a78
    </select> --> com.waveset.session.LocalSession@6c2a78
    </block> --> com.waveset.session.LocalSession@6c2a78
    </Rule> --> com.waveset.session.LocalSession@6c2a78
    </rule> --> com.waveset.session.LocalSession@6c2a78
    <invoke name='findType' class='com.waveset.object.Type'>
    <s>Policy</s> --> Policy
    </invoke> --> Policy
    <ref>policyName</ref> --> Password Policy
    </invoke> --> Policy:Password Policy
    [</defvar>] --> Policy:Password Policy --> Policy:Password Policy
    <ref>userPassword</ref>Resolved variables.user.userPassword to aaa
    --> aaa
    <null/> --> null
    <null/> --> null
    <ref>accountId</ref>Resolved variables.user.accountId to aaaaaaa
    --> aaaaaaaXPRESS <invoke> exception:
    com.waveset.util.WavesetException: Can't call method check on class com.waveset.
    ==> java.lang.NullPointerException:
    </invoke> --> null
    Thanks in advance.
    Any pointer will really be helpful.
    Edited by: Amit_Bansal on Feb 27, 2008 3:05 PM

    Has anyone been successful at displaying the "View PAssword Policy" on the self registration form? Or is this not possible to get done?

  • Out of Box Recovery doesn't match out of box state

    I am working to get my mom's Satellite A660 back up and running. I helped her buy it from Toshiba Direct last year and I chose the customization options because she doesn't like dealing with technology. I know that I chose the installed operating system to be Windows 7 Professional, and that matches the Windows sticker on the bottom of the laptop. We also chose to have it shipped with Office 2010 included. 
    Three days ago things went downhill for her system and it started running extremely slow, being glitchy, and windows explorer kept crashing. At some points it wouldn't get past the "Starting Windows" screen. After running the System Repair options, Windows troubleshooting options, and antivirus scans and not getting results, I decided that using the Toshiba recovery options would be best. 
    Not only was the recovery glitchy (it would have an error and have to shutdown and restart) but when all the recovery was complete, the "Out of Box" factory settings and system are NOT the same as when we first opened it from the box. The biggest descrepancy is that Windows 7 is no longer the Professional version but it is now Home Premium. Also, I notice that when I view the available drives in Windows explorer, the recovery partition that was listed is now gone. This would be irritating but acceptable, however, the computer is now just as clunky and glitchy but in different ways. 
    I'm actually on a different computer to write this because Firefox keeps not responding, Windows Update is not downloading any updates, and the computer is extremely slow. Does anybody know anything about this scenario? I am extremely disappointed with the recovery process, my mom needs her laptop for school, and I am trying to solve this for her before she really loses it! 
    How can I get the correct Out of Box recovery?? Why doesn't the OS match what truly came to us in the first place? Will this create licensing issues? Most importantly, how can I get the computer into a fresh, non-problematic state??
    Thanks in advance.

    If it's still under warranty, send it back. That would be my first option. I wouldn't be surprised if they put in the wrong OS in the recovery partition. It's typical copy and paste from their typical best selling system is what you have. You can always call their 800 number and see if they will support you even if it's not under warranty.
    Toshiba is making a lot of junk lately. I've owned 3 Toshibas prior to acquiring my latest POS last year.

  • Poor IP Connectivity - Reinstalling Out of Box Config

    Hi All, I started having problems yesterday with Airport and not being able to connect to the internet on my 10 day old MBP. Prior to this I had solid connections all over the house. Not sure what happened but I have seen a flood of posts on this with poor IP connectivity. My ISP is solid as I have an existing wireless network and the PC's are fine! Upgraded to 10.4.7 and same thing. I get 3 to 5 bars, fluctuates, sometimes I get on the internet, sometimes I do not. Very frustrating indeed. Reception and connectivity really went South last 36 hours or so
    So I decided to reinstall the DVD restore discs so I can get it back exactly as it was out of box. I hope this won't cause any problems. I am somewhat leary now of installing any updates! Should I be? All I know is that right out of the box and for the last 10 days I had no trouble at all so hopefully I can get back to that point again.
    If anyone has any feedback or comments on similar experiences, I would very much appreciate it. Many thanks

    Wanted to update everyone on my experiences today regarding this issue. I first called Apple Customer Care first thing this morning and described the problem and they assigned a case number.
    Then I took the unit to our local Apple Store, made an with the "genius" and after about 10 minutes in the back, he verified that there was a hardware problem of some kind with the Airport Card. They annotated this on the case number notes.
    Then I called Apple Customer Support when I got home and, to be honest, I was expecting a big hassle but they took care of me and will send me an RMA label to ship the MBP back and then I will get a new unit! I just hope that the new one will not have the same problems and that it is a week 24 or higher build!
    Just wanted to share with everyone that if you have a problem with your Mac, the process does work if you give it a chance. My original machine was ordered on June 6th with a delivery of June 12th, so today is the 16th day I have had it. No restocking fee! I hope this info is helpful. Thanks for reading!

  • Please clarify: can you add attributes to the Out of Box classes?

    In this thread,
    It said, (March 21, 2001)
    "You are not allowed to add attributes to the Out of Box classes that ship with IFS. You have to subclass the out-of-box attributes and define your custom attributes as extended attributes of your subclass. The add button is only active when the class you are viewing is not one of the out of box classes"
    In the 1.9 documentation on page 179 I see
    "Oracle 9iFS also allows you to add or modify attributes on content types after they
    have been created.
    Or, you may need to add custom attributes to the Document and Folder content types that come with Oracle 9iFS. You can add
    attributes to a content type at any time"
    Is this a new feature of 1.9?
    Would a good workaround be to create a PropertyBundle for each Document and Folder? Would there be a big performance hit?
    I dont want to create a new folder type and a new document type since I'm not sure how the rest of the system will use them.
    Someone please respond, I've been trying to figure this out all day.
    Thanks in advance

    In the isshell in ifs 1.1.9, I do a
    ls -attrall
    and I see "null" next to the property bundle. I assume this to mean that no property bundle has been created for this folder instance.
    As for categories, 1.2 doc states.. "A folder, ... can be associated with zero,one or more categorys" I will have to create a new category for each file and or folder.
    I really want to have additional attributes for each file.
    I dont want to subclass folder because, if a user does a drag and drop in NTFS a folder will be created and not a MyFolder.
    I have a kludge for now; I put a comma delimited list of items in description field.
    Apparently this limitiation, is changed in 1.2. See above.
    Thanks for your help. IFS is a really great product. Cant wait for 1.2 on NT.

  • Creating automated email reminders to users every 2 weeks via Workflow 2010 Out of Box approach only

    I have been asked to automate the email reminders to users (every two weeks) from the SharePoint2010 solution.
    I am trying to achieve this via workflow ,but am unable to get the results.
    Req :
    Twice a month the users should get an automated email reminder for a specific task.
    1. On 14th (or last working day in mid month -1) of the month. ( a field "mid month end" captures the date as 15th of the month)
    2. On last working day - 1 of the month. ( a field "month end" captures the date as last day of the month)
    Please let me know how i can achieve this via Out of box functionality. I donot have exp with workflows so a detailed steps guidlines will be very helpfull.

    Although you can start a workflow and then pause it for a number of days, I'd feel uncomfortable with that. If the farm crashes, who guarantees that the paused workflows will pick up where they were left off?
    SharePoint does no offer to run a workflow on all items in a list/library -- which I feel is a big draw back. 
    The good news is that there is a free 3rd party tool that can run a workflow on all (or specific) items in a list or library.  It's called the
    HarePoint Workflow Scheduler and I love it.
    You can create a view that shows the items that you want to run the workflow on.
    Or, if you know how to write CAML, you can feed the CAML Query right into the HarePoint Workflow Scheduler task. 
    At my company we have several sites in production that use the HarePoint Workflow Scheduler with a view. 
    So, first, create a SharePoint Designer workflow and define it to run manually.
    Then use the HarePoint workflow scheduler to define a schedule.
    You can define a schedule for the HarePoint tool, like every day, month, week, etc., by just clicking a few boxes. 
    Since this functionality does not come out of the box with SharePoint 2010, this free tool is a real gem. 
    cheers, teylyn

  • How to change font size in a call-out tool box?

    Hi, the other day i inserted a call-out tool box in a PDF document, however i cannot find anything that can change the font size of the letters i input in that box. could anyone help? Thanks.

    This is a question for the Acrobat support forums – please post there.
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 10:55:07 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: how to change font size in a call-out tool box?
    Re: how to change font size in a call-out tool box?
    created by danmarch<> in PDF Language and Specifications - View the full discussion<

  • Just took my iPod classic 160GB out of box turned it on and accidently hit clickwheel or button and eveything is in language other than english.  How do I get it back to english without being able to read symbols.

    just took my iPod classic 160GB out of box, turned it on and accidentially hit a button changing the language from english to something else (chinese or japanese).  All I see now is symbols.  How do I turn it back to english without knowing what any of these symbols mean.  I started clicking buttons and click wheel and can't seem to get to any section with various language options.  Please some help me get it back to english.

    There are two options. The first is to learn whatever language you have it set to, the second is to find someone else with an iPod Classic and read the English menu and follow it in your iPod. I also believe you may be able to set language perfunces from within iTunes while the iPod is docked, providing they are in English.

  • How to hide views in a SharePoint2010 list by using out of box solutions only

    I work on a Time Reporting tool which is used by the users to submit their time sheet twice a month.
    The submission of time sheet is done through a MS INFOPATH 2010 form. The data then gets submited to a List named "Time Sheet List".
    This list has several important views already existing. These views had been created by the designer (not me) .
    Currently if an user submits his/her time report once,then they cannot edit/delete it. Only the admins [Me one of them] can do any kind of modifications. 
    I am working on giving the users access to edit/delete their own time report for the current month only.
    I have created a view "Edit Time Sheet" which will show the user only their own time report for the current month only.
    Now the issue is how do i provide permission to the list "Time Sheet List" so that only the "Edit Time Sheet"
    view is visible to the users and the other views are hidden from all users except the admins .
    If i provide edit permission to the whole list then all of the views will become editable which is not wanted.So, i just want the users to see "Edit Time Sheet" view so that they can only modify their own time sheet for
    the curent month.
    Please let me know how i can achieve this through out of box solution as i donot have any dev environment installed in my system. I have only MS INFOPATH2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010 in my system.
    Anena Das

    Hi Anena
    There is no OOTB approach to achieve the same , one simple work around would be
    Edit the view (Site Actions->Edit page) you will see your List view webpart there . Edit the Webpart Properties and Set the "Target Audience". Mention the SharePoint groups in there or users who should view the list view.
    So when a user who is not a part of the target audience navigates to this page , they will not see the list View. You can show some custom message to them "You are not authorized to view this".
    As I mentioned it will be just a work around if u dont want to use Javascript/jQuery and custom components/
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Price Difference: Out of box w/ Missing Accessories vs Out of box w/o Missing Accessories?

    Ok, so I need some help. 
    Last night, I purchased a Samsung 55" TV out of box. When I went home to install my brand new (used) TV. It was missing the power cord! After further examination, it was also missing the IR Extender Cable and the batteries. 
    On the label, it said it was "no missing accessories" but unfortunately, it was missing some key accessories to run the tv. I talked to the store and they were unable to provide me with the missing accessories and that I had to buy them individually and despite being labeled as "no missing accessories," that's the true cost of the TV. 
    My question, is that price correct, would there be a price difference if a out of box tv had all the accessories vs not having all the accessories? 
    I just want to make sure I paid the true value of the TV. As I see it, the TV may have been priced based on all the accessories but since the TV is missing accessories, the price of the TV may be different.
    Your thoughts?

    Hello ItsJTP, 
    Open box items are a great way to save on some of your favorite devices! It is sad to hear that this experience may not have met your expectations or been what we hope for our customers purchasing such items. I am sorry for any concern this may have caused you. 
    Open box items should be marked appropriately for any missing pieces or accessories, and then priced accordingly. With that said, unfortunately I am unable to know whether this was priced correctly, and missing accessories listed incorrectly, or if the missing accessories were listed incorrectly and thus the price was not appropriate. 
    With the information registered with the forum, I was unable to locate your purchase to review it. I am sending you a private message to gather further information in regards to this inquiry. You may check your private messages by signing into the forum and clicking the envelope icon in the top right corner of the page. 
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • HP Pavilion DV6-320 out-of box recovery error: PLEASE HELP!!!!

    I have restored(F11) my laptop to out-of-box factory restore, after fresh installation laptop got rebooted . After entering the system name, location, date.. etc. Before the desktop is loading for the first time i got the error,
    ' To run this application, you first must install one of the following version of the .NET Framework: v2.0.50727
     Conatct your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of .NET Framework'
    After clicking OK on the error window desktop loaded with classic theme and explorer.exe was not working.. i am unable to open My computer, there is no IE, on the bottom of the desktop it was written as the copy of windows is not genuine.
    Operationg system is windows 7 Home premium
    I have restored my laptop to out-of-box 6 months before i did not face any issues.
    Please Please some body suggest me !!!

    Have you tried to restore it again since then? It sounds like something went wrong during the installation and not all of the required files were installed correctly. If that doesn't work, you may want to contact HP and have them send you the recovery discs.
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  • I have lost my disks for my imac computer and now its on a grey screen cause i have no time machine backup. How can i restore my imac to the original out of box state please

    Is there anyone that can give me the steps to erase everything and have out of box state again. i lost my disks. i ordered a os from apple
    not the lion that my machine had but another one. is there anyway i can just erase everything and start over. please help

    You need to contact Apple Customer Service about purchasing replacement discs for the computer. You have posted in the PPC forum, so I assume you do not have an Intel Mac, but since you haven't stated what you have we simply don't know enough to assist you.
    Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers.

  • Need help in modifying mapping parameters of out the box mapping

    Hi There,
    I am a new bee to dac.
    Need help in modifying mapping parameters of out the box mapping, which is invoked by DAC task.
    We got a requirement to edit mapping parameter. When I go and see parameter under mappings tab in a mapping, I could not see any values in it.
    But when I set any value, and validate it. It is successful.
    Is it right way to do it?
    What my concern is, When I initially go and see parameter values under maapings tab in a mapping, they are blank.
    Where is it storing these values?

    If you modify mapping then u have to create new task in dac and dac itself craete parameter file at run time. if you want to add more parameters then do it in dac system parameters tab.

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