Reception/Signal Issue

Anyone having signal/reception issues with their new HTC Thunderbolt?? Finding a HUGE difference in my reception with this new phone vs my old one. Any ideas??

I have always had really good service, so I guess its hard for me to tell.. I'm still getting good service?
/not help at all lol

Similar Messages

  • Loss of Reception/signal on 4S with iOS 6.1.1 update

    Since updating to iOs 6.1.1, I have noticed on my phone and my fiancee's phone there has been a loss of reception/signal. As I thought  this update fixes an issue that could impact cellular performance and reliability for iPhone 4S. But it looks as if it affected it to where I now no longer get all bars of signal as before the update my signal strength was excellent all bars lit up and receiving signal was excellent since the 6.1.1 update I no longer get a full signal, I get between 2 and 4 bars shown never 5 now since update. I think a fix update should be in order to correct the issue as before it was good now it is terrible. I know others also have been compaining about battery drain on iOS 6.1.1 but I have not seen that on mine or my fiancees phone just the signal strength does not go above 4 on either of our phones like as before they would sit at 5 in our house and anywhere we would travel. Has anybody else noticed that if so please let me know so I know I am not the only to see that since updating to iOS 6.1.1. Thanks and have a nice day.

    Hi again, today's journey to the Apple store was worthwhile. Not only did I get a replacement phone,  it was still under warranty, but also an explanation as to what may have caused the problem.
    According to the technician who assisted me, as the upgrade from IOS 5.- to 6.- is quite large, in the transfer of information upgrade, apparently the programming data for wifi and Bluetooth connectivity was lost, which apparently sometimes happens, this being described as a freak occurrence. According to the technician, if this occurs, it becomes a hardware fault and there is no repair, replacement is essentially the only option. Fortunately as I was within the warranty period, on the spot replacement was available, already with IOS 6.- on it, so was informed that the same problem would not occur.
    Upon arriving home, after a minor upgrade to 6.1.2 I was able to put everything back on to the phone so it ran like it did three or so weeks ago. The other advice given was to always hook up to iTunes via your computer to do the larger updates, those that increase in whole number, as those that increase incrementally are usually very minor and are usually an addition of data, not replacement.
    I hope this helps others with their problem, mine in the end was resolved within ten minutes in-store. I dread to think what situation I would have been left in if I was not within the warranty period. Good luck to you all!


    The previous thread I posted can be deleted.  This thread has everything people need to read.  Here is the conversation I just had with Palm about the rampant signal problems everyone is having with their Palm Pre phones (side note, they say they'll be calling me back in a few days.  I'll assume they mean BUSINESS days and i'll post here again tuesday or wednesday if I don't hear from anyone.) :
    1:56 AM Connecting...
    1:56 AM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
    1:57 AM Support session established with Sabino.
    1:57 AM Sabino: Hello David. Thank you for contacting Palm. My name is Sabino.
    1:57 AM David Doria: hi
    1:58 AM Sabino: I understand that you are facing issues with weak signals.
    1:58 AM Sabino: Am I correct?
    1:58 AM David Doria: yes.  weak, and also erractic.  sometimes i will get full bars, and then it will jump to one bar, or none...then be roaming, then Ev, then 1x...all in the SAME spot
    1:58 AM Sabino: I’m sorry for any trouble this may have caused.
    1:58 AM Sabino: May I know since how long you are facing this issue?
    1:59 AM David Doria: as long as i've been using a palm pre, but it is getting worse with time.  i've been using a palm pre since october of last year
    2:00 AM Sabino:  Let me know the webOS version on the device and your carrier name.
    2:01 AM David Doria: whatever the latest OS is.  1.4.whatever.  and i'm with sprint
    2:01 AM Sabino: This seems to be the issue with the network, all the network related issues were taken care by your carrier. I suggest you to contact Sprint. They will be able to fix the issue.
    2:01 AM David Doria: um, you said that before i even told you what carrier i'm using
    2:01 AM Sabino: I just pulled the details using your phone number.
    2:02 AM David Doria: you know that isn't true.  you know it's not sprint
    2:02 AM David Doria: i just told you all my other phones with sprint worked fine here and i've only been having problems since i got a palm pre
    2:02 AM Sabino: Okay, contact your carrier, they will be able to fix the issue.
    2:02 AM David Doria: i've lived here for 4 years and i've had sprint all 4 years
    2:02 AM David Doria: no they won't.  i've been contacting them for weeks.  they came out and checked the tower TWICE now.  there's nothing they can do.  it's a hardware issue for palm
    2:04 AM David Doria: there are threads all over the internet with hundreds of people complaining about having signal issues ONLY since they bought a palm pre.  now you're telling me it's a sprint issue and you haven't even looked at my phone yet.
    2:05 AM Sabino:  What I would like to do, is place your case into a special team that develops technical solutions. They will do further research on it. They would be in touch with you once they have further updates. I cannot commit to a specific callback period, but please know that we are working on your case. May I do that for you?
    2:06 AM David Doria: no, because i saw someone in one thread say that palm told them the exact same 2009
    2:06 AM David Doria: so you're basically saying you're forwarding the problem to a generic department to a generic person that i can't know the name of, with no contact info, and that there is no guarantee when they will contact me IF they even will contact me...but i should definitely believe they are working on the problem
    2:06 AM Sabino: What exactly you want me to do now?
    2:06 AM David Doria: that's ridiculous
    2:07 AM David Doria: i want you to tell me why palm is not fixing this problem with the palm pre and is instead telling me it is sprint's problem and then pretending to forward the issue to another department which has already had years to fix the issue
    2:08 AM Sabino: As I stated, all the network related issues are taken by carrier.
    2:09 AM David Doria: it's a hardware issue
    2:10 AM Sabino:  I am going to tell you about our 2 repair options:
    2:10 AM Sabino:
    1.  Repair return: After I create your service repair order, you receive an email with the details on how and where to ship your device for repair. The email also contains info on the follow-up process. After the repair center receives your device, you’ll receive a working device in another 5-7 business days.
    2. :”With the advance exchange option, we ship you a replacement device first, and then you return your defective device to us using a prepaid label. There is a $29.95 fee for this special service but you get a replacement device within 3-5 days.
    2:10 AM David Doria: you can't even KNOW it's a network issue without looking at the phone, and all evidence points to hardware since other phones on the same carrier work fine
    2:10 AM Sabino: Please go through the above 2 options.
    2:10 AM David Doria: this is my SEVENTH palm pre phone, sabino
    2:11 AM David Doria: as many others in forums will tell you, they have also replaced their phones MULTIPLE times hoping to fix this issue.  nothing works.  there is SOMETHING physically wrong with the reception capability of the palm pre
    2:12 AM David Doria: dude, stop copying and pasting what palm tells you to say and listen to me.  these phones do NOT work.  there is something majorly wrong with them and palm is cheating people out of hundreds of dollars a piece to save themselves the cost of a fix.
    2:13 AM Sabino: Please hold on while I transfer the chat to our Supervisor.
    2:13 AM David Doria: thank you
    2:13 AM Sabino: You’re welcome.
    2:14 AM Transferring session to another technician...
    2:14 AM Support session established with Saben.
    2:14 AM Saben: Hello David, this is supervisor Saben.
    2:15 AM Saben: Please stay on hold while I go through the chat.
    2:15 AM David Doria: hello, saben...i urge you to read the conversation i just had with sabino so i do not have to explain the situation again.
    2:15 AM David Doria: ok, thank you
    2:15 AM Saben: Thank you for staying on hold.
    2:16 AM David Doria: sure
    2:16 AM Saben: I understand that you are facing network issues with the phone.
    2:16 AM Saben: Am I correct?
    2:16 AM David Doria: no
    2:16 AM David Doria: i am facing signal issues.  my network is functioning just fine
    2:16 AM Saben: Okay.
    2:16 AM Saben: Did you try any troubleshooting steps?
    2:17 AM David Doria: yes.  i reset my phone...tried NEW phones...updated...updated PRL...etc...tried 2G only, restarting the phone after removing the battery, tried going outside...tried going a few blocks down.
    2:17 AM David Doria: i can't even count how many things i have tried.  something is wrong with the palm pre
    2:18 AM Saben: Did you try with the webOS doctor?
    2:18 AM David Doria: i've tried every software solution i can find
    2:19 AM Saben: I am sorry, I just want to know did you run the webOS doctor tool?
    2:19 AM David Doria: i've been talking to sprint about this for WEEKS now.  in case you didn't read the conversation, they've already come out to check the local tower twice now
    2:20 AM Saben: Okay. It seems that you did not use the webOS doctor tool on the device to check the issue.
    2:20 AM David Doria: yes.  the local sprint repair center used the tool when my phone froze during an update
    2:20 AM David Doria: yes i did
    2:20 AM Saben: Okay. Thank you for the information.
    2:20 AM David Doria: you're welcome
    2:20 AM Saben: Then it seems need a repair.
    2:20 AM David Doria: but this is my 7th palm pre phone.
    2:20 AM David Doria: they have all done this
    2:22 AM Saben: Okay. To best assist you I will escalate the issue to specialist team. They will call back you and find a resolution.
    2:22 AM David Doria: are you guaranteeing me that they will call?
    2:22 AM David Doria: because the last guy said someone MAY contact me but probably not
    2:23 AM Saben: Yes. They will contact you. I will escalate the issue to specialist team.
    2:23 AM David Doria: when will they contact me by?
    2:23 AM Saben: I need few information from you to do a specific escalation.
    2:23 AM David Doria: ok
    2:24 AM Saben: Give me a minute while I post the questions.
    2:25 AM David Doria: ok
    2:25 AM Saben: Please provide the following details so that I can set up the call back from our Specialist team:
     First and last name :
     Primary phone number :
     Secondary phone number (if any) :
     Primary email address :
     Device serial number :
     Purchase date :
     Country where you purchased your device  :
     Preferred time to call :
    2:26 AM David Doria: David Doria
    no secondary number
    2:27 AM David Doria: which number is the serial number on the box?
    2:27 AM Saben: Open the launcher on the phone.
    2:27 AM Saben: Select the Device Info.
    2:27 AM Saben: You will find the serial number of the phone there.
    2:28 AM David Doria: as far as purchase date, this particular phone was sent to me less than a month ago.  original purchase date of ORIGINAL palm pre was october of '09.
    United States
    2PM-midnight best time to call
    2:28 AM David Doria: serial number: ************
    2:29 AM Saben: Okay,I also need yourfull name, phone number and email address.
    2:30 AM David Doria: I gave you that if you can scroll up a bit
    2:31 AM Saben: I am sorry, are you refering to the one you have mentioned before entering to chat?
    2:31 AM David Doria: no.
    2:31 AM Saben: I am sorry, I see that.
    2:31 AM Saben: Thank you for the information.
    2:32 AM David Doria: ok, thank you
    2:32 AM Saben: I will escalate the issue. You will receive a call from the specialist team within 48 to 72 hours.
    2:32 AM Saben: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    2:33 AM David Doria: i am looking forward to it. meanwhile, i am posting this conversation in the palm website forum because i want people to be updated about this problem since so many are having signal issues
    2:33 AM David Doria: no, there's nothing else you can help me with
    2:33 AM Saben: Here’s the reference number for our chat: Chat session ID number ********. Keep this number as a record of this chat, and if you need to call our Voice Support team or contact us again for this same issue, please refer to this number.
    2:33 AM Saben: Thank you for contacting Palm and feel free to contact us for further assistance. We rely on your suggestions and feedback to help us provide the best support, so please take a few minutes to complete the customer survey that you'll receive via email. You may now close the chat window. Have a great day!
    2:33 AM Saben: Bye!
    2:33 AM David Doria: bye
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    So they finally called me back, but I didn't get the call because.....I had no signal.  HAHA
    I got their voicemail and called back.  First, they tried telling me YET AGAIN that it was Sprint's problem.  They said that if I call Sprint, they will give me a device to boost signal in my home.  I said, "That's fine, but what do I do when I'm in the rest of the country?"  Then they told me it was a software problem and that I need to run WebOSdoctor to reinstall the operating system.  I told them that this is my 7th Palm Pre.  I told them that Sprint already used the I told the online tech people.  But this guy on the phone wasn't having it.  He told me that he didn't think Sprint was able to do that (so I can, but Sprint can't =/?) and that I should do it just to be sure.  He said if that doesn't work that they will try out a NEW Palm profile and see if that fixes it.  If neither of those works, he basically admitted there are no other options.
    I asked him if there is some sort of way they can physically upgrade the antenna system with a better material or placement and he said that Palm has no department able to do that. 
    I told him about the various threads online like this one, where dozens of people complain about the same  issue.  He told me to just do the WebOSdoctor and call him back.   I asked him if this has fixed signal problems for people previously and he said that he doesn't get to know the end result of his suggestions to customers.   How unprofessional is that?  How is the guy supposed to get better at his job if he's not allowed to find out if the fixes he suggest to people actually work?  That seems nuts to me, but i digress.
    I haven't tried the Doctor yet.  I'm going to, but I'm just being lazy because I know it won't work, and it's going to be really annoying to update my phone and backup photos first and all that good stuff.
    I will post back after I run the doctor and try the new Palm profile.  Until then, I'd REALLY suggest you all do what I did and call Palm, insisting they fix the problem, even if it means a recall.  They aren't gonna do it just for me, no matter how many times I complain.  That's a fact.
    If anyone DOES call Palm, it would probably be a good idea to bring up this thread and also to post here about what they tell you!

  • IOS 4.1 and Signal Issues?

    Now - I have not done any "extensive" testing yet... But I have a gut feeling that my signal has actually weakened with my update of iOS 4.1. Anyone else having this problem? Noticing any degradation?

    I'm getting really bad signal issues after the ios 4.1 update. I was really happy with my iPhone 4 on Vodafone (Good reception + Excellent Data speeds, up & down).
    Now after the update, it seems that the iphone cant get a decent signal or 3g at my home, office or girlfriends...
    WHAT's Going on APPLE!??
    I've done some field tests and my signal is usually -108... aka 1 bar of signal. I just wish i could revert back to 4.0.1....that was acutally better.
    Please can someone help? 4.1 has definately had an adverse effect on my beloved iPhone.


    Go to Solution.

    I also have reception issues on E71; as my N95 did not suffer this, I am sure that it is down to the phone, either hardware or software or both.
    Disappointing however I have waited in vain for a software update, and Nokia Care could not help.
    It it's any help to you, sometimes I try changing the phone network mode from 'Dual Mode' to 'GSM' and this improves things, a bit. I think as I am in a poor 3G area, the phone constantly hops between a 3G and '2G' signal, and at times doesn't know which to go for so goes for neither?!
    Also I changed the operator selection from 'automatic' to my specific operator.
    It's not great, but better.
    It is clearly a major design fault; whatever the manual says, at the end of the day you shouldn't have to hold the phone in a certain 'grip' just to get a signal at all!
    Good luck.

  • Droid 2 signal issues

    I would really like to switch from T-Mobile back to Big Red for the coverage and the network.  I have to have a physical keyboard, so the Droid 2 seems like the best option so far but the problem is that the reviews I've read about it say it has signal issues, and that's totally unacceptable.
    I'm not about to pay a termination fee and sign a contract with Big Red (again, I might add) if I'm going to have the same signal issues as I do with T-Mobile...
    Can I get a Verizon rep to answer if motorola is working on a software fix to the signal issue?  Is it even fixable with software?

    I bought a Droid 2 yesterday and taking it to work today, I've had signal issues already. I have 1 and sometime no bars and other Verizon users have pretty good signal here. I'm really disappointed because the Droid 2 seemed like such a good phone from my research.  I called customer service and they had me do a Factory Data Reset but that didn't help.
    The kicker is I just exchanged my Samsung Fascinate for this Droid 2 phone and the Fascinate had great signal strength everywhere. 
    Is there any proven resolution out there for the Droid 2 signal issue / reception issue?

  • My iPhone 4 signal issues are gone...

    Well, like many of people here I had the obnoxious signal loosing issue that is affecting a staggering amount of iPhone 4 users. However, I never realized I inadvertedly fixed the issue until just 10 minutes ago. I had signal issues since Day 1.
    Bear with me thru this small story. I saw here a thread on MacRumors about a user experiencing camera issues on his iPhone 4. Said issue was that the camera showed a green spot in the center. I was sorta curious but never really paid much attention to it. This was 4 days ago. Flash forward to yesterday.
    I was on the Apple Store picking out a new case for my iPhone 4, along with the respective screen protector. While I was doing that I saw an empty iPhone 4 demo unit and I decided to test drive FaceTime. I fired up both my iPhone 4 and the demo unit and connected. Disaster struck, my iPhone suffered from the same green spot effect as the iPhone from the user on MacRumors. Knowing full well, it was a hardware problem I set up an appointment for today at 6:30 PM.
    Flash forward to today 6:30 PM. I got there at 6:15 and the Genius helped me out right away. He saw the problem, diagnosed my phone and concluded as previously stated it was hardware problem. Obviously warranty kicks in. He takes out my Micro SIM card and puts in the new iPhone (this was a brand new, not refurb unit). He activates it and hands it to me for mini inspection. first thing I do is check the camera, and against ALL odds, the same issue plagued this new phone. The Genius and I were, to say the least, shocked. Same issue, different phone. Now, how does this relate to the signal loss? Well, I am getting there so hang on tight.
    The Genius does a comparisson between my iPhone and replacement unit to find the exact spot. He then pulls out his and does the comparisson to find his iPhone 4 too suffers from the dreaded green blob/spot. He then tells me there is no other replacement unit for my iPhone and that I had 2 choices. Take my current iPhone and wait if a software fix comes along, or take the replacement phone with me. I decided to wait and keep my phone (it is a hassle to resotre everything to previous state). So the Genius reswaped the SIM card to my phone back and handed it to me. (My iPhone spent 15 minutes with out SIM card while the Genius did all his tests on my and replacement unit, and while he asked for 2nd opinions on the green blob issue)
    I went on my merry way, but realized something now. No matter what position I held my iPhone 4 in, the signal never decreased. I held it the many ways I know the signal issue pops and nothing. No bar loss, no signal loss, no call drop. NOTHING. So there you have it.
    I am theorizing that moving the SIM card had something to do with the signal issue, because the only thing I have done to my iPhone 4 differently is take out and reinsert the SIM card. Other than that no other changes to it. No setting change, no software change no nothing. Just reinsertion of the SIM card. Now, to prove my theory, I need people who can test this and see if this fixes their iPhone. I know it did on mine, but on yours?
    Check it out.
    PS - No, I did not have the green blob issue fixed.
    My original thread is found here:
    Many users are claiming (me included) the signal issues being fixed.

    I have "death-grip" issue. Just ejected SIM card to test SIM contacting the SIM tray issue. I have a 10x loupe and inspected the area in question (SIM card gold contacts touching tray) and I found that there is a space between contacts and SIM tray. Under 10x magnification you can easily see how precice my SIM card was made and cut. There's also a relief rout around contact area. Also there is a thin film of some non-conducting material between SIM card and SIM tray where the tray supports the card. This SIM tray even has the IMEI and Serial number etched on it and under 10x magnification you can appreciate the fabrication and close tolerances even this SIM tray is made to.
    I followed all instructions on the macrumors forum and this "DID NOT" solve my "death-grip" issue and I can verify with 100% certainty that the SIM contacts are not touching the SIM tray anywhere.
    I do hope this helps others but I am still hoping that this can be rectified with software.

  • I am facing wifi and mobile 2G signal issue after upgrading to IOS 6 from IOS 5 in IPhone 3GS. Please help, restoring setting even didn't helped.

    I am facing wifi and mobile 2G signal issue after upgrading to IOS 6 from IOS 5 in IPhone 3GS. The mobile carrier signal as well as WIFI suddenly drops zero and are then restored automatically. Sometimes i cannot conenct to WIFI even standing infront of WIFI router. Please help, restoring setting even didn't helped.

    Update: my phone's connecting to the WiFi again. I don't know what did the trick. I did nothing since reinstalling the software. It hadn't worked then, it is now. I tried connecting to my dad's phone's hotspot( he uses a Moto G), and it worked. I then tried connecting to the WiFi at a friend's house, and when I came back home, my phone was able to connect to my WiFi! Is it of any significance that my friend's router doesn't require a password? My issue has been resolved( for now; I hope I'm not counting my chickens before they've hatched). For anyone facing a similar issue, I suggest you try everything I did:
    1. Turn your router off for a minimum of 30 seconds, turn it back on and try connecting.
    2. Click on the WiFi network you are connected to, scroll to the bottom, tap "Renew Lease".
    3. Do a soft and hard reset.
    4. Reset network settings.
    5. Back your data up, erase all content from settings menu, restore from backup.
    6. Reinstall your software( put it in recovery mode).
    I am not sure which of the above worked for me. Make sure you try everything. If none of the above works, take it to a genius bar or an authorised service provider. Good luck! :)

  • Is there any way to fix my signal issues on iPhone 4S?

    I'm experiencing signal issues...Don't know if it is a hardware problem, but I want to know how to fix it.
    If anyone else have gone thru this too, please let me know the right thing to do. Do I need to send it back to apple and see what's going on, or I need to see if it is a provider problem?
    Thank you.

    Basics from the manual are reset, restart, restore. 
    Another good troubleshooting step is Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Network Settings.
    Also, remove and reseat the SIM card.
    Do others in your area with the same carrier have issues?
    Has the carrier been contacted to rule out network issues?
    Has anything been done to narrow down the problem instead of jumping to the conclusion that it's an iPhone issue?

  • Another unhappy iPhone 3GS user - SIGNAL issues

    I have recently (2wks ago) received an iPhone 3GS from Vodafone UK.
    Which like many other users has a problem holding a signal.
    In the house I can't even hold a 2G signal and that is in a "good to excellent 3G area".
    And 3G is hardly ever possible in the house.
    Now this continues to be a BIG issue outside the house which is apparently an "Excellent 3G area".
    It drops signal at the drop of a hat.
    Many people are reporting the same issues on the Vodafone forums but we keep getting fobbed off.
    And I notice other people here too mentioning signal issues.
    Am well fed-up of this and feel well ripped off - the phone barely functions for the purpose it was meant for "PHONE".
    I have tried all the scripted useless help Vodafone give out - does anyone have any suggestions ???

    FWIW, I think it's down to a poor receiver, not an 'inherent fault' as you suggest.
    If you want to take it further, then I suggest a legal route if Vodafone aren't sympathetic.
    You won't get any more useful advice here, because there is no more to give!
    Actually, there is some more advice. Recently, Vodafone have started to push their 'Sure Signal' box. Guaranteed signal in your home via wi-fi for £50. It's a no-brainer for you I would suggest.
    Message was edited by: igmackenzie

  • Samsung Note 3 Signal Issue

    I have 2 Note 3 phones and both are having signal issues and dropping calls.  On average I get 2 bars if I'm lucky.  Most of the time I have no service.  I called Verizon and at first they seemed to act like it was a device issue.  However after the network team reviewed my case I was told the area I live in has lots of hills and service can be disrupted.  Um...  I live in Omaha, Nebraska.  It's flatter than a sidewalk.  So I took the device to the Verizon store and they switched the SIM card.  Still no improvement.  I switched to Verizon in December for improved cellular experience.  Guess I should have stayed with Sprint.  At least I could receive calls and texts on the sprint network.

    Check in Settings, About to see which software the phones are running.
    I had a similar problem after months of good service, I finally had the kit kat or 4.4 update put on my phone and all my problems were solved.
    I had to go to a Samsung rep at a Best Buy to get this done.   it may void my warranty so I'm keeping quiet as no hardware was touched

  • I-phone 5 signal issues

    The Verizon I-phone 5 has a serious signal issues!  I went from a great 4s and now all three of our I-phone 5's have issues.  Reading the blogs, it doesn't seem to discriminate,  my question is what is Verizon doing to correct this very serious issue?!

    114Monty wrote:
    my question is what is Verizon doing to correct this very serious issue?!
    oh, i thought you asked this.

  • Tenda W1800R Signal Issues

    I have been a user of the Tenda W1800r for about 2-3 years roughly and I have always suffered really bad signal issues on it. I cannot compare it to the stock firmware as it was flashed with tomato within 10 minutes of me taking out of the box.
    I have used tomato by shibby up until today and my only annoyance has been this weak signal up until today when I tried RAF tomato but the issue is still very much there.
    To give you an example of how poor the signal is when using a Wi-Fi analyser I receive about -40db when I'm practically sat on top of the router which isn't too bad however if I then move out of the room with the router in signal loss happens fast by just moving out of the doorway signal has dropped to around -62 and if I go to the opposite side of the wall that the router is next too its -64 this is very shocking as it means that most areas of the house just have devices disconnecting due to this issue as for example the area we cook (the word kitch**n is not allowed lol) directly opposite the room with the router in gets about -80 so even thinking about using it in the garden is laugh.
    I currently live in a bungalow in a rural location so I can ensue that interference is practically non existent.
    I really like this router however I would just like to be able to use it like a normal person would and expect the signal to cover the house especially in a property of this size.
    I have tried many different set ups and countries from EU to Singapore to US and UK non of which make a difference and the EU actually losing the 80MHz channels.
    Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

    I believe Tomato has there own forum as well...

  • Apple says its a DEFECT with signal issue

    Hi all just wanted to share that today i called customer support as like a lot of us are having signal issues with the iphone 4. I was passed to technical guys on the phone and he told me it is a defult and didnt tell me to hold my iphone without touching the bottom left or put a bumper on it. I was then advised to take to local apple store and it will be changed for a new one! so why is MR JOBS telling us to hold it in a different way ? I have made an appointment to take phone in store lets see what happens. Any one else had this fault admitted to you?

    i actually just spoke with an Apple Tech Rep not even 3 minutes ago and she told me that they (Apple) is basically still looking into the problem. she also told me that their is not solution as of now (phone has only been in peoples hand since the 23rd) and that i would be given a case number and be updated. Nothing about bringing it in to replace for another one. I hate to say it but im willing to bet the rep you talked to was wrong. if you really want to test it, bring it in to an apple store, but there is no way they will have a replacement unit for you until july.

  • Anyone else feel as sad as I do? Left out of the reception/proximity issues

    I hope of the 1.7 million phones sold, someone else loves and enjoys there iPhone 4 as much as I do or am I completely alone?
    I waited on-line the average 14 or so hours to finally get my phone. The experience was incredible, I met a load of new friends and really had a good time. I did get up @ 4am on pre-order day and expecting massive overload, just patiently waited and was able to reserve my phone for pickup, but again, from the noise and complaints, I assume I was the only one in the country who was just THAT lucky and followed the very simple directions. It took me about 1 1/2 hours, but again, I completely expected it, no surprise.
    I've always keep a case on my phones, they really do get quite a bit of abuse, so I bought the bumper the day I got my phone. Then the fun began! I was 100% content with my phone, it did everything it was supposed to and then some! The retina display had to be seen to be appreciated and the speed and multitasking is great.
    But then, the sadness started... People were screaming that if you hold it just a certain way, your bars go down. Well I wanted to be part of the group, but try as I can, nope, nothing. And I asked everyone else that was lucky enough to have one, nope no-one. Hummmm. Then I see a law suit! Dang, can I be part of it? Please? I always wanted to be part of a class action for ummm a phone who's bar's drop when you hold it jussssttttt right. I mean if THAT's not a reason to tie our legal system up for years in pointless nonsense, I just don't know what would be. It's not like you could return the phone if you have a problem with it, right? I knew once I bought it, I have NO choice but to keep it for at least 2 years. I've read many other posts in this discussion area and why else would so many people bitterly complain and not just return the phone? It really makes no sense. If I was unhappy with a product, boom, see ya!
    Then I was hoping I could be part of the proximity sensor issues, dang, NO again!!! And I bet thats also important enough to have a class action and I won't be apart of that either.
    O'Well, I guess I can just sit here sadly using my perfect iPhone. Ummmm, sometimes when I hang up, it takes an extra second to show me the screen, perhaps a class action?
    Message was edited by: Jack Pollard

    I on the other hand is left out because my gf took my iPhone 4 away from me! Because she said I was obsessed with it and forgot about her, LOL. Yeah I was not only obsessed about the nice retina display and A4 processor but also the reception and voice quality issues.
    I got the phone on the 23rd of July and was sadden by the antenna.....the Bluetooth..... then the speaker phone.... and finally the proximity sensor.
    I live in an area with a weak 3G signal where I experience SEARCHING... when I hold my phone to try to make a call..... call failed..... That's the first call right out of the box on 23rd of July. My 3GS and other phones do not experience anything similar.
    I thought I could use a Bluetooth headset to solve the antenna issue. Then people started complaining about hearing my muffled voice. It happened all the time when people called me and complained that they couldn't hear me. So I had to switch to the speakerphone. Unfortunately, the speakerphone voice quality was not good either. People told me that I sounded muffled, choppy, and distorted. I then finally used my hand holding the iPhone 4 in the "right way" and started talking using the ear piece and the noise cancelling microphone. Too bad the proximity sensor was acting weird. It happened when I slightly tilted the phone and everytime when the phone was not in contact with the tip of my ear, the screen turned ON. With me not noticing the screen turned phone, my ear swiped across the screen and hung up my call.
    You guys are happy with your iPhone 4 because you are living in a strong signal area, or you may never or seldom use the other features. However, not using other features doesn't mean your iPhone 4 is perfect. Try and go to an area with slightly weaker signal running at 1900 MHz frequency band and take off your bumpers. Use a Bluetooth headset regardless of any type of brand and ask people to call you. If they can't hear you, then use speaker phone, when they still can't hear you, then go back to your "PERFECT" position, using the earpiece.
    But that still doesn't guarantee you have a perfect iPhone 4, because you may not experience the problem at the right situation.

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