Refresh BridgeTalk with Premiere Pro

When I change a value within a AE project via script (and AE running in command-line mode), the changes aren't reflected on the PR (dynamically linked composition). Is there any additional command I can use to refresh the dynamic link? Saving the project by itself is not enough apparently.
- refreshMedia() on PR didn't solve the problem.
- The only solution I found so far is to open AE with the UI. then the changes made are updated on PR. But I wanted the linked composition to be update without having to open the AE with the UI.

Sorry, not a direct answer, just a thought. I've never used the Dynamic Link setup before, but from what I am reading in the help doc it sounds like both apps need to open for communication to happen between them. Which would explain the update working when you opened AE. I'll let someone more knowledgeable on this chime in though.
After Effects Help | Dynamic Link and After Effects

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    You need to ask in Adobe Story and/or
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    Message was edited by: umustbejoking

    If the computer's running Mac OS X, move the cursor to the very top of the computer's screen, click on Store, and choose Authorize this Computer.
    If the computer's running Windows, press the Alt and S keys and choose Authorize this Computer, or click here, follow the instructions, click on Store in the menu bar, and choose Authorize this Computer.

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    The important information that I do not see mentioned nor offered by you.
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    Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Supported file formats
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    Motherboard:  MSI® Z87-G45 Gaming [Red on Black color] 2x SLI/CrossFire
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    Memory:  16GB Corsair® Vengeance™ DDR3-1600 1.5V (2x8GB)
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    Power Supply:  1300W EVGA
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    Try these to see if they work
    SD capture or
    I do know that the demo of Scenalyzer puts a mark in the video, so don't do anything real until you pay and enter the registration code
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    Yes... I run one and it works fine.
    How To Enable GPU Cuda in Adobe CS6 for Windows

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    Hi _durin_
    Thanks for your quick response.
    But I didn't quite understand your answer.
    I have seen Jason Levine's video earlier, as CS5.5 was announced and it looks natively good. I understand the mixdown attributes etc.
    Please correct me if im wrong HOWEVER this workflow and settings applies still to ONLY the new CS5.5 Version?
    Im currently using Master Collection CS5.
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    Im confused and hope you can help me clear my mind up, whether to upgrade or not. I will download the trial eventually, but not onto my current CS5 system since I already use this in my daily video work and want to AVOID confusion.

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    You didnt need to look very far down the page to see this...

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    In case you're wondering, I've bought a Canon Vixia HF10 and a Samsung HMX-H100 so far and both had every issue I can think of from codec incompatibility to aspect ratios changing to A/V sync being lost to all-out-I-don't-know-WTF-just-happend-errors. I just want a camera that's going to give me a file I can drop straight into Premiere.

    Unless you want a new computer, forget about AVCHD. It requires too much muscle to edit comfortably on anything but the fastest computer.
    What camera is nice, depends on your budget. Formats that are easy to edit are HDV, DVCProHD (P2) and XDCAM. In the consumer range you could look at the Canon HV40 or XH-A1s, in the prosumer range look at the Panasonic AG-HPX170, Canon XH-H1s, JVC GY-ND250 or Sony HVR Z5 or Z7 and all Sony XDCAM cameras, especially the EX1 and EX3. In the professional range look at the Sony PDW-F355 or upward.

  • I work with Premiere Pro on a mac and export quicktime movies to be played on pc's or mac's

    I work with Premiere Pro on a mac and export quicktime movies to be played on pc's or mac's. When I export a qt from Premiere with audio it will not play on a pc only a mac. After extensive research I have narrowed down the problem to this: if you use the inspector in quicktime it looks like this
    DV, 720 x 480 (640 x 480), Millions
    16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz
    I have to run it thru AE to make it look like this....then it plays
    DV, 720 x 480 (640 x 480), Millions
    16-bit Integer (Big Endian), Stereo, 48.000 kHz
    SOOOO the problem is the Little/Big Endian. I googled that and it looks like a file/bit structure....anyone know how/why to change it in Premiere? Because everytime I make a movie in Prem I have to drag the sequence into AE and render it there so the sounds works.....

    Two questions:
    1. What CODEC are you choosing when exporting on the Mac?
    2. Do you have any Blackmagic hardware/software installed?
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  • Major Issues with Premiere Pro CC

    I am currently having some major issues with Premiere Pro CC running on my macbook pro(specs below).
    I am trying to export a 4 minute video using the vimeo 1080p export settings as I usually do, and it takes about 10 hours to export the video. On cs6, a similar project would take 5-10 minutes.
    Also, the video that was exported contained a lot of clips that came out choppy and low quality.
    I am currently on the phone with tech support, and they cannot seem to figure out what is wrong.
    I have seen a few post about CC having issues with amd cards, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated since this job is past due due to these issues.
    2011 MacBook Pro
    i7 2.2
    16GB Ram
    256 SSD + 750GB HD
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1GB

    You neglected to specify exactly which release of PPro CC you are running. There have been 5 of them.
    If you're on CC7.2 or 7.2.1, then you may be hitting the same problem discussed in one of these threads:
    RGB Curves:
    The first thing to try is switching Renderer to Software Only.

Maybe you are looking for