Reg.ora001 error on seq.

HI ,
I am inserting records in table there are 100k records. in this while inserting records p.k is a seq. through seq it is auto incremented and data is inserting.
while inserting some 41 records are not able to insert reason saying unique constraint volation. seq is auto generated and it's incrementing.
Please do let me know what is the root cause this error has been thrown..
appreciate your help

1) Your sequence is generating a number that already exists in the table. In that case you need to reset your sequence to a value that doesn't already exist.
2) Besides your PK, there might be other unique indexes/keys present on your table...

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    Hi Team,
    when i am trying to seq Vlc i got below error in power shell.
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    1. cd c:\install
    2. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
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    Thanks in Advance :)
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    PS C:\Install>

    Thanks for your replay
    i have re- seq'd it's working..
    Er Reddy

  • "mapping null reg" compiler error LV2009

    Opens fine in LV 8.6, but gives "Compiler error. mapping null reg" error in LV 2009.
    If you get rid of the 2D transpose, the code compiles fine.
    Bitmap to Graphic Block ‏17 KB

    Thanks for reporting this. The issue has actually already been addressed in LabVIEW 2010. 
    Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified Professional Instructor
    Choose Movement Consulting

  • Reg:Getting error text from a channel into a file or into a variable

    Can we get the error text such as u201Cjava.lang.NegativeArraySizeExceptionu201D  from a communication channel into a variable or in the form of an xml message so that based on kind of error further processing can be done.

    You can decide further processing based on the data available in the mapping. If the value comes in the source field for a list element as you expected do UDF and return error as string and decide the mapping as per business need. I talk about something like enhanced interface determination. That's one way. Reading the error message from the communication channel and decide does not seem to be better option.

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    sender => 'NAVEEN',
    recipients => '[email protected]',
    subject => 'Testing utl_mail',
    message => 'The receipt of this email means'|| ' that UTL_MAIL works'
    UTL_MAIL package is installesd and the port 25 is configured and firewall is changed.
    The same block was working fine before 5 days and now is giving the error as
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 501 badly formatted MAIL FROM user - no "<"
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 21
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 99
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 222
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 407
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 594
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Could you please help me out how to proceed???
    Naveen Kumar.

    Can you back that statement about an Oracle UTL_SMTP bug up with an actual bug number??
    From what you have posted, this is not a bug!! but expected and documented (RFC'ed) SMTP server behaviour.
    My proof:
    /home/billy> telnet mail 25
    Connected to mail
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 CNTRRA20-GTW01 [CNTRRA20-GTW01] Thu, 06 Mar 2008 14:26:26 +0200
    250 CNTRRA20-GTW01 Hello []
    MAIL FROM: naveen <[email protected]>
    501 naveen <[email protected]> : illegal character(s) in domain string
    501 NAVEEN : domain string is NULL.
    221 CNTRRA20-GTW01 closing connection. Goodbye!
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    As you can clearly see, the SMTP server expects a DOMAIN name as part of the MAIL FROM address. It also does not accept the alternative format suggested.
    Yes, not all SMTP servers are equal and some support additional formatting.
    But to imply that because the SMTP server does not accept your address formatted as string NAVEEN, it is a UTL_SMTP problem, sounds like a smelly one to me.

  • Reg. Error in MIGO transaction

    Hi friends,
    When I run standard transaction MIGO it is giving dump. Just after entering the Tcode it is giving dump. The following is the error we are getting.
    *Syntax error in program "SAPLVBDOCUBATCH_DM ".*
    Detail description:
    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                                               
    The current ABAP program "SAPLMIGO" had to be terminated because it has          
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                                                               
    The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLVBDOCUBATCH_DM " in include  
      "LVBDOCUBATCH_DMU25 " in                                                        
    line 139:                                                                        
    "You can only use the COLLECT command in a table if all of its non-key "         
    "fields are numeric (type I, P, or F) . . . . . . . ."                           
    The include has been created and last changed by:                                
    Created by: "SAP "                                                               
    Last changed by: "SAP "                                                          
    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                                               
    The current ABAP program "SAPLMIGO" had to be terminated because it has          
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                                                               
    Please look into this and give me your suggestions, Thanks in advance.

    Hi Venkat,
    My BASIS people solved the issue, they applied some patches to the system. Then it got set. You please check with your BASIS team.

  • Reg : Getting error while approving leave request

    Hello Experts,
    Manger is getting and error message u2018Work item 000000000000 cannot be readu2019 while
    Approving the leave request of one his reportee. This error is triggering for only one
    Experts please kindly help us.

    Hi Raj,
    There are a number of issues that could cause this.  Can you share your scenario (where is manager approving the request - via SAPGUI, ESS, MSS?)  Are you using an SAP standard workflow?
    Plus, there are lots of threads in SCN on this topic.  Have you checked any of these?
    Good luck,

  • Reg. Error while Full load - process chain

    I am running a process chain, which is a full load. In Manage screen it is in RED status whereas, While i chekced in Monitor screen it is showing as "Missing messages" . While I checked in the error and warning messages, I found that the data packet should be run manually. So I tried Manual update option by killing the job manually. After doing this i tried to run the same process with "Back to Technical Status" option. While performin this again i got an error saying  "REQUXXXX terminated, as data packet 0000XX could not be locked"
    How this error can be rectified.
    Please advice.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    Hi Melissa.....
    While i chekced in Monitor screen it is showing as "Missing messages"........where did u got the the data packet.......right...........?..........
    I found that the data packet should be run manually. So I tried Manual update option by killing the job manually..................which job u hav killed........? Extraction Job?If u hav killed the Extraction job........then Manual update is not possible..............Manual update is only possible when the Extraction job will get completed successfully........
    Due to this u r getting the Error Message error saying "REQUXXXX terminated, as data packet 0000XX could not be locked"....................When the request itself does'nt could u do Manual update for that deletedrequuest........
    Then only option is..............make the QM status red.............delete the request from the target and repeat the load.........
    Hope this helps.......

  • Reg: webservices  error  in  xi

    Hi ,
    Iam new to xi and  had developed a http to web service scenario and the response i got an error
    <SAP:Error><SAP:Category>XIAdapterFramework</SAP:Category><SAP:Code>MESSAGE.GENERAL</SAP:Code><SAP:AdditionalText> invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML</SAP:AdditionalText></SAP:Error>
    so in the receiver soap adapter  in module tab  i have given
    Module name - localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTranspormationBean
    Type - Local Enterprise Bean Module - This is defined by the user, but the same name should be given in the module configuration for passing the parameters. In this case “transform” In the module configuration ,
    Module key - In this case “transform”
    Parameter name - TransformContenType
    Parameter Value - text/xml;charset=utf-8
    I got an error
    <SAP:Error><SAP:Category>XIAdapterFramework</SAP:Category><SAP:Code>MESSAGE.GENERAL</SAP:Code><SAP:AdditionalText> local bean not found: localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTranspormationBean</SAP:AdditionalText></SAP:Error>
    the websevice is
    Could any one help me out.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Gangadhar
    If you are  new to SAP XI , then its better to read TIBIT. Below are the links of TIBIT which are very helpful in understanding the End-to-end process of XI. And you can even do some exercies here which are very helpful.
    later you can follow this link which contains step by step blogs for http to webservices
    PS: if helpful plz reward points

  • Reg: Proxy error while fetching data from RFC's

    Hi All,
    I am fetching data from RFC's. When the data is in bulk I am getting an error like:
    Proxy Error
    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request POST /webdynpro/dispatcher/
    Reason: Error reading from remote server
    When the data is samll only I am not getting any error and am able to fetch it easily. Please suggest me something in this regard.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Detlef / Gowtham,
    Now I am able to fetch data from flat files from OWB Server as well as OWB Client.
    One way I have achieved as suggested by you
    1) Creating location on the OWB Client
    2) Samples the files at client
    3) Created & Configured external table
    4) Copy all flat files on OWB Server
    5) Updated the location which I created at the client.
    Other way
    1) Creating location on the OWB Client
    2) Samples the files at client
    3) Created & Configured external table
    4) Copied flat files on the sever in same drive & directory . like if my all flat files are on C:\data at OWB Client then I copied flat file C:\data on the OWB Server. But this is feasible for Non-Windows.
    Hence my problem solved.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Reg. Error message during Purchase order more than PR.

    Dear Sir
    After putting Purchase order for a Purchase requisition we can able to rise Purchase order for a PR. We a error message. Kindly give the solution this problem.
    How to set error message in this case.

    If u want to restrict PO creation with more than PR Qty u can set error message in OME0 or path as follows
    SPRO>Materials Management>Purchasing>Environment Data>Define Attributes of System Messages-->system message
    06 076
    Set the message no : 06 076 as error messages.
    Then when All The PR qty already convert to PO,then system will not allow another PO to created for this PR.

  • Reg. Error in material BRICKS order 10003000 item 0000

    Dear Experts
    When I do confirmation in CO11N i am getting the following error
    Error in material BRICKS order 10003000 item 0000
    Message no. RU119
    The data necessary for automatic goods movements in a confirmation is incomplete or contains errors.
    System Response
    Automatic goods movements were not carried out. Instead, the system wrote error records.
    Process the error records in one of the following transactions: If the variable parameters are appropriately set then once the confirmation has been created the system asks you whether you want to process the error records. If you answer is "yes" then the system branches to the material overview where you can carry out processing. You branch to the transaction for reprocessing error records from automatic goods movements.
    Pls help me
    Thanks in advance

    Quantity and Value update tick is made in OMS2 - MATERIAL TYPE then this problem is solved.
    by myself
    Edited by: Raja Kumar on Aug 26, 2009 2:48 PM

  • Reg runtime error

    hai to all,
    i am trying to run PO bapi. suddenly i am getting runtime error as
    "Data objects in a Unicode program are not convertible"
    Error in ABAP application program.                                                                               
    The current ABAP program "SAPLGRAP" had to be terminated because one of the  statements could not be be executed.                                                                               
    This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.                        
    i tried to debug the entire program , runtime error occurs immediately after executing.
    please let me know how to correct the error

    This may be due to some structure incompatibility. use function module 'pi_bp_move_unicode' to move the structures, there by avoiding dumps. The imported parameter from the FM should be sent to the BAPI.
    If this is useful, award points pls..

  • Reg - Deployment Error in NWDS7.0

    Hi All ,
    Im trying To Deploy Web Dynpro Sample Application By Creating project Name and Application and Iview . When im try to deloy the application  after giving SDM Pasword it throws Following Error .
    please suggest Valueble inputs . The requested deployable object 'local/test1' and application 'Test1' are not deployed on the server. Please check the used URL for typos.
    Exception id: [00144FFA3533005B000000E2000012EC00047D1D2759F136]
    Regards ,
    venkat p

    Should be here:
    usr/sap/System Id/instance number/j2ee/cluster/server0/log/default trace
    Ask basis to provide you the trace that's tagged with the exception ID that the error message gives you.

  • Reg:bsp error in ICF node

    hi ,
    i had developed a BSP Application in sap 4.7 ,but when i test it iam getting the below error .
    certain ICF nodes must be released in transaction SICF for the BSP Extensions HTMLB
    could any one help me out regarding this issue.
    Thanks & Regards

    In OSS note <b>517484</b> on , and there we can find that for BSP following services should be activated!
    <b>Goto SICF Tcode & activate the below nodes:</b>
    /def ault_host/sap/public/bc (available for 620 with Support Package 34)
    /default_host/sap/public/bc/ur (available for 620 with Support Package 34)
    /defaul t_host/sap/public/bsp/sap/system
    /default_host/sap/public/bsp/sap/htmlb (as of Release 620 Support Package SAPKB62026)
    Note: After you activate the BSP service, the corresponding application services must also be activated.
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja Thangamani

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