Regarding view output

Hi everyone,
below is the code for the view:
create or replace view c2v_borr_secu_rpt as
bank_cust_id --1
, bank_company_id --2
, client_id --3
, cust_name --4
, segment_id --5
, seg_name --6
, sector_id --7
, sector_name --8
, industry_id --9
, industry_name --10
, client_group_id --11
, group_name --12
, npa_status --13
, restructured --14
, acl_id --15
, asset_class --16
, sub_acl_id --17
, sub_asset_class --18
, b_retail --19
, sum(advances_outstanding) advances_outstanding --20
, sum(investments_outstanding) investments_outstanding --21
, sum(Tot_FB_Outstanding) Tot_FB_Outstanding --22 (20+21)
, sum(nfb_nmr_outstanding) nfb_nmr_outstanding --23
, sum(nfb_mr_outstanding) nfb_mr_outstanding --24
, sum(Tot_NFB_Outstanding) Tot_NFB_Outstanding--25 (23+24)
, sum(advances_undisbursed) advances_undisbursed --26
, sum(investments_undisbursed) investments_undisbursed --27
, sum(Tot_FB_Undisbursed) Tot_FB_Undisbursed --28 (26+27)
, sum(nfb_nmr_undisbursed) nfb_nmr_undisbursed --29
, sum(nfb_mr_undisbursed) nfb_mr_undisbursed --30
, sum(Tot_NFB_Undisbursed) Tot_NFB_Undisbursed --31 (29+30)
, sum(Total_Outstanding) Total_Outstanding --32
, sum(Total_Undisbursed) Total_Undisbursed --33
, sum(Total_Exposure) Total_Exposure --34
, sum(own_bank_td) own_bank_td --35
, sum(own_bank_current_a_cs) own_bank_current_a_cs --36
, sum(own_bank_saving_a_cs) own_bank_saving_a_cs --37
, sum(own_bank_rd) own_bank_rd --38
, sum(Fund_Based_Security) Fund_Based_Security --39 (35+36+37+38)
, sum(security_code_lc) security_code_lc --40
, sum(security_code_bg) security_code_bg --41
, sum(other_secu) other_secu
, sum(Non_Fund_Based_Security) Non_Fund_Based_Security --42 (40+41)
, sum(Total_Liquid_Security) Total_Liquid_Security --43 (39+42)
, sum(Tot_Exposure_after_Tot_Secu) Tot_Exposure_after_Tot_Secu -- 44 (34-43)
, sum(Tot_FBC_before_Tot_secu) Tot_FBC_before_Tot_secu -- 45 (22+28)
, sum(Tot_FBC_after_Tot_FB_secu) Tot_FBC_after_Tot_FB_secu --46 (45-39)
, sum(Tot_NFBC_before_Tot_secu) Tot_NFBC_before_Tot_secu --47 (25+31)
, sum(Tot_NFBC_after_Tot_NFB_secu) Tot_NFBC_after_Tot_NFB_secu --48 (47-42)
, sum(provisions) provisions --49
, sum(sec_alloc_after_srf) sec_alloc_after_srf --50
, trading_book_outstanding --51
bank_cust_id --1
, bank_company_id --2
, client_id --3
, cust_name --4
, segment_id --5
, seg_name --6
, sector_id --7
, sector_name --8
, industry_id --9
, industry_name --10
, client_group_id --11
, group_name --12
, npa_status --13
, restructured --14
, acl_id --15
, asset_class --16
, sub_acl_id --17
, sub_asset_class --18
, b_retail --19
, advances_outstanding --20
, investments_outstanding --21
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding) as Tot_FB_Outstanding --22 (20+21)
, nfb_nmr_outstanding --23
, nfb_mr_outstanding --24
, (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding) as Tot_NFB_Outstanding --25 (23+24)
, advances_undisbursed --26
, investments_undisbursed --27
, (advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) as Tot_FB_Undisbursed --28 (26+27)
, nfb_nmr_undisbursed --29
, nfb_mr_undisbursed --30
, (nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) as Tot_NFB_Undisbursed --31 (29+30)
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding) + (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding) as Total_Outstanding --32
, (advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) + (nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) as Total_Undisbursed --33
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding) + (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding) +
(advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) + (nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) as Total_Exposure --34
, own_bank_td --35
, own_bank_current_a_cs --36
, own_bank_saving_a_cs --37
, own_bank_rd --38
, other_secu
, (own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd + other_secu) Fund_Based_Security --39 (35+36+37+38)
, security_code_lc --40
, security_code_bg --41
, (security_code_lc + security_code_bg) as Non_Fund_Based_Security --42 (40+41)
, (own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd) +
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg) as Total_Liquid_Security --43 (39+42)
, (case when
((advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding +
advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg)) < 0
then 0
((advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding +
advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg))
end) as Tot_Exposure_after_Tot_Secu -- 44 (34-43)
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed)
as Tot_FBC_before_Tot_secu -- 45 (22+28)
, (case when
((advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) -
(own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd)) < 0
then 0
(advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) -
(own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd)
end) as Tot_FBC_after_Tot_FB_secu --46 (45-39)
, (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed)
as Tot_NFBC_before_Tot_secu --47 (25+31)
, (case when
((nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg)) < 0
then 0
((nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg))
end) as Tot_NFBC_after_Tot_NFB_secu --48 (47-42)
, provisions --49
, sec_alloc_after_srf --50
, trading_book_outstanding--51
nvl((select e.bank_cust_id
from c2u_exposure e, c2m_exposure me
where t.limit_id = me.limit_id
and e.exposure_id = me.exposure_id
and t.limit_exp_id = 3),
(select u.bank_cust_id from c2u_limit u
where u.limit_id = t.p_limit_id)) bank_cust_id
, (select c.bank_company_id from c2u_client c where c.client_id = d.client_id) bank_company_id
, t.client_id
---------------------Client Details
, (select c.cust_name from c2m_client c where c.client_id=t.client_id) as cust_name
, (select m.bankcode from mst_mktsegment m where m.seg_code= d.segment_id) as segment_id
, (select m.seg_name from mst_mktsegment m where m.seg_code= d.segment_id) as seg_name
, (select m.sector_bankcode from mst_sector m where m.sector_code= d.sector_id) as sector_id
, (select m.sector_name from mst_sector m where m.sector_code= d.sector_id) as sector_name
, (select m.industry_bankcode from mst_industry m where m.industry_id = d.industry_id) as industry_id
, (select m.industry_name from mst_industry m where m.industry_id = d.industry_id) as industry_name
, d.client_group_id
, (select g.client_group from c2c_client_group g where g.client_group_id = d.client_group_id) as group_name
, (case when t.b_npa=1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end) as NPA_Status
, (case when t.b_restructured=1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end) as Restructured
, t.acl_id
, (select c.acl from c2c_acl c where c.acl_id =t.acl_id) as asset_class
, t.sub_acl_id
, (select c.acl from c2c_acl c where c.acl_id =t.sub_acl_id) as sub_asset_class
, (case t.b_retail when 1 then 'Retail' when 0 then 'Non-Retail' end) as b_retail
, (case when f.class_id = 1 and t.b_funded =1 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as Advances_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 4 and t.b_funded =1 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as Investments_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 3 and t.b_funded =0 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as NFB_NMR_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 2 and t.b_funded =0 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as NFB_MR_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 1 and t.b_funded = 1 then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as Advances_Undisbursed
, (case when f.class_id = 4 and t.b_funded = 1 then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as Investments_Undisbursed
, (case when f.class_id = 3 and t.b_funded = 0 then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as NFB_NMR_Undisbursed
, (case when (f.class_id = 2 and t.b_funded = 0) then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as NFB_MR_Undisbursed
-----------------------Fund Based Security Value
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D001','D007','D008','D009','D010')),0) as OWN_BANK_TD
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D003')),0) as OWN_BANK_CURRENT_A_CS
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D004')),0) as OWN_BANK_SAVING_A_CS
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D002')),0) as OWN_BANK_RD
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id not in ('D001','D007','D008','D009','D010','LC','BG')),0) as OTHER_SECU
-----------------------Non Fund Based Security Value
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('LC')),0) as Security_code_LC
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('BG')),0) as Security_code_BG
, t.provisions
, nvl((select sum(s.net_security_value) from c2m_ls s where s.limit_id=t.limit_id and t.b_crm = 0),0) as sec_alloc_after_srf
, nvl((select sum(e.outstanding) from c2m_tb e where e.client_id=t.client_id),0) as trading_book_outstanding
from c2m_limit t, c2m_client d, c2c_bk_facility f
where d.client_id = t.client_id
and t.bk_facility_id = f.bk_facility_id
group by bank_cust_id --1
, bank_company_id --2
, client_id --3
, cust_name --4
, segment_id --5
, seg_name --6
, sector_id --7
, sector_name --8
, industry_id --9
, industry_name --10
, client_group_id --11
, group_name --12
, npa_status --13
, restructured --14
, acl_id --15
, asset_class --16
, sub_acl_id --17
, sub_asset_class --18
, b_retail, trading_book_outstanding;
the result is as given below.
1     TREASURY1     999009224     1000     MANPPURAM GENERAL FINANCE AND LEASING     TRSY     TREASURY COMMON FUNCTION     DFL     DEFAULT     DFL     DEFAULT     0     -     No     No     111     Corporates     11141     Corporate.All.Unrated.TCIL(Total Claim within Limit)     Non-Retail     23021712     0     23021712     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     23021712     0     23021712     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     23021712     23021712     23021712     0     0     0     0     5074466764
2     CBS1     999009224     1000     MANPPURAM GENERAL FINANCE AND LEASING     TRSY     TREASURY COMMON FUNCTION     DFL     DEFAULT     DFL     DEFAULT     0     -     No     No     111     Corporates     11141     Corporate.All.Unrated.TCIL(Total Claim within Limit)     Non-Retail     0     0     0     1573753.67     0     1573753.67     50000     0     50000     250000     0     250000     1573753.67     300000     1873753.67     20793     150000     20000     1000     642793     200000     199500     451000     399500     591293     1524003.67     50000     0     1823753.67     1474003.67     0     199750     5074466764
3     RETS4     999009224     1000     MANPPURAM GENERAL FINANCE AND LEASING     TRSY     TREASURY COMMON FUNCTION     DFL     DEFAULT     DFL     DEFAULT     0     -     No     No     111     Corporates     11141     Corporate.All.Unrated.TCIL(Total Claim within Limit)     Non-Retail     0     600000     600000     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     600000     0     600000     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     600000     600000     600000     0     0     0     0     5074466764
The output is comming as 3 rows, with the same bank company ID, I require only 1 row as the output, with only one bank company ID.
How can i change the view ?

Please find the below code in the specified tags:-
create or replace view c2v_borr_secu_rpt as
bank_cust_id --1
, bank_company_id --2
, client_id --3
, cust_name --4
, segment_id --5
, seg_name --6
, sector_id --7
, sector_name --8
, industry_id --9
, industry_name --10
, client_group_id --11
, group_name --12
, npa_status --13
, restructured --14
, acl_id --15
, asset_class --16
, sub_acl_id --17
, sub_asset_class --18
, b_retail --19
, sum(advances_outstanding) advances_outstanding --20
, sum(investments_outstanding) investments_outstanding --21
, sum(Tot_FB_Outstanding) Tot_FB_Outstanding --22 (20+21)
, sum(nfb_nmr_outstanding) nfb_nmr_outstanding --23
, sum(nfb_mr_outstanding) nfb_mr_outstanding --24
, sum(Tot_NFB_Outstanding) Tot_NFB_Outstanding--25 (23+24)
, sum(advances_undisbursed) advances_undisbursed --26
, sum(investments_undisbursed) investments_undisbursed --27
, sum(Tot_FB_Undisbursed) Tot_FB_Undisbursed --28 (26+27)
, sum(nfb_nmr_undisbursed) nfb_nmr_undisbursed --29
, sum(nfb_mr_undisbursed) nfb_mr_undisbursed --30
, sum(Tot_NFB_Undisbursed) Tot_NFB_Undisbursed --31 (29+30)
, sum(Total_Outstanding) Total_Outstanding --32
, sum(Total_Undisbursed) Total_Undisbursed --33
, sum(Total_Exposure) Total_Exposure --34
, sum(own_bank_td) own_bank_td --35
, sum(own_bank_current_a_cs) own_bank_current_a_cs --36
, sum(own_bank_saving_a_cs) own_bank_saving_a_cs --37
, sum(own_bank_rd) own_bank_rd --38
, sum(Fund_Based_Security) Fund_Based_Security --39 (35+36+37+38)
, sum(security_code_lc) security_code_lc --40
, sum(security_code_bg) security_code_bg --41
, sum(other_secu) other_secu
, sum(Non_Fund_Based_Security) Non_Fund_Based_Security --42 (40+41)
, sum(Total_Liquid_Security) Total_Liquid_Security --43 (39+42)
, sum(Tot_Exposure_after_Tot_Secu) Tot_Exposure_after_Tot_Secu -- 44 (34-43)
, sum(Tot_FBC_before_Tot_secu) Tot_FBC_before_Tot_secu -- 45 (22+28)
, sum(Tot_FBC_after_Tot_FB_secu) Tot_FBC_after_Tot_FB_secu --46 (45-39)
, sum(Tot_NFBC_before_Tot_secu) Tot_NFBC_before_Tot_secu --47 (25+31)
, sum(Tot_NFBC_after_Tot_NFB_secu) Tot_NFBC_after_Tot_NFB_secu --48 (47-42)
, sum(provisions) provisions --49
, sum(sec_alloc_after_srf) sec_alloc_after_srf --50
, trading_book_outstanding --51
bank_cust_id --1
, bank_company_id --2
, client_id --3
, cust_name --4
, segment_id --5
, seg_name --6
, sector_id --7
, sector_name --8
, industry_id --9
, industry_name --10
, client_group_id --11
, group_name --12
, npa_status --13
, restructured --14
, acl_id --15
, asset_class --16
, sub_acl_id --17
, sub_asset_class --18
, b_retail --19
, advances_outstanding --20
, investments_outstanding --21
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding) as Tot_FB_Outstanding --22 (20+21)
, nfb_nmr_outstanding --23
, nfb_mr_outstanding --24
, (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding) as Tot_NFB_Outstanding --25 (23+24)
, advances_undisbursed --26
, investments_undisbursed --27
, (advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) as Tot_FB_Undisbursed --28 (26+27)
, nfb_nmr_undisbursed --29
, nfb_mr_undisbursed --30
, (nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) as Tot_NFB_Undisbursed --31 (29+30)
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding) + (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding) as Total_Outstanding --32
, (advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) + (nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) as Total_Undisbursed --33
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding) + (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding) +
(advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) + (nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) as Total_Exposure --34
, own_bank_td --35
, own_bank_current_a_cs --36
, own_bank_saving_a_cs --37
, own_bank_rd --38
, other_secu
, (own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd + other_secu) Fund_Based_Security --39 (35+36+37+38)
, security_code_lc --40
, security_code_bg --41
, (security_code_lc + security_code_bg) as Non_Fund_Based_Security --42 (40+41)
, (own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd) +
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg) as Total_Liquid_Security --43 (39+42)
, (case when
((advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding +
advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg)) < 0
then 0
((advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding +
advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg))
end) as Tot_Exposure_after_Tot_Secu -- 44 (34-43)
, (advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed)
as Tot_FBC_before_Tot_secu -- 45 (22+28)
, (case when
((advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) -
(own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd)) < 0
then 0
(advances_outstanding+investments_outstanding + advances_undisbursed+investments_undisbursed) -
(own_bank_td + own_bank_current_a_cs + own_bank_saving_a_cs + own_bank_rd)
end) as Tot_FBC_after_Tot_FB_secu --46 (45-39)
, (nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed)
as Tot_NFBC_before_Tot_secu --47 (25+31)
, (case when
((nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg)) < 0
then 0
((nfb_nmr_outstanding+nfb_mr_outstanding + nfb_nmr_undisbursed+nfb_mr_undisbursed) -
(security_code_lc + security_code_bg))
end) as Tot_NFBC_after_Tot_NFB_secu --48 (47-42)
, provisions --49
, sec_alloc_after_srf --50
, trading_book_outstanding--51
nvl((select e.bank_cust_id
from c2u_exposure e, c2m_exposure me
where t.limit_id = me.limit_id
and e.exposure_id = me.exposure_id
and t.limit_exp_id = 3),
(select u.bank_cust_id from c2u_limit u
where u.limit_id = t.p_limit_id)) bank_cust_id
, (select c.bank_company_id from c2u_client c where c.client_id = d.client_id) bank_company_id
, t.client_id
---------------------Client Details
, (select c.cust_name from c2m_client c where c.client_id=t.client_id) as cust_name
, (select m.bankcode from mst_mktsegment m where m.seg_code= d.segment_id) as segment_id
, (select m.seg_name from mst_mktsegment m where m.seg_code= d.segment_id) as seg_name
, (select m.sector_bankcode from mst_sector m where m.sector_code= d.sector_id) as sector_id
, (select m.sector_name from mst_sector m where m.sector_code= d.sector_id) as sector_name
, (select m.industry_bankcode from mst_industry m where m.industry_id = d.industry_id) as industry_id
, (select m.industry_name from mst_industry m where m.industry_id = d.industry_id) as industry_name
, d.client_group_id
, (select g.client_group from c2c_client_group g where g.client_group_id = d.client_group_id) as group_name
, (case when t.b_npa=1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end) as NPA_Status
, (case when t.b_restructured=1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end) as Restructured
, t.acl_id
, (select c.acl from c2c_acl c where c.acl_id =t.acl_id) as asset_class
, t.sub_acl_id
, (select c.acl from c2c_acl c where c.acl_id =t.sub_acl_id) as sub_asset_class
, (case t.b_retail when 1 then 'Retail' when 0 then 'Non-Retail' end) as b_retail
, (case when f.class_id = 1 and t.b_funded =1 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as Advances_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 4 and t.b_funded =1 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as Investments_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 3 and t.b_funded =0 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as NFB_NMR_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 2 and t.b_funded =0 then t.outstanding else 0 end) as NFB_MR_Outstanding
, (case when f.class_id = 1 and t.b_funded = 1 then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as Advances_Undisbursed
, (case when f.class_id = 4 and t.b_funded = 1 then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as Investments_Undisbursed
, (case when f.class_id = 3 and t.b_funded = 0 then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as NFB_NMR_Undisbursed
, (case when (f.class_id = 2 and t.b_funded = 0) then nvl((t.ua_limit_ccy*t.ccy_cf),0) else 0 end) as NFB_MR_Undisbursed
-----------------------Fund Based Security Value
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D001','D007','D008','D009','D010')),0) as OWN_BANK_TD
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D003')),0) as OWN_BANK_CURRENT_A_CS
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D004')),0) as OWN_BANK_SAVING_A_CS
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('D002')),0) as OWN_BANK_RD
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id not in ('D001','D007','D008','D009','D010','LC','BG')),0) as OTHER_SECU
-----------------------Non Fund Based Security Value
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('LC')),0) as Security_code_LC
, nvl((select sum(s.security_value) from c2m_ls s, c2c_bk_secu b
where t.limit_id=s.limit_id and b.bk_secu_id=s.bk_secu_id
and b.ref_secu_id in ('BG')),0) as Security_code_BG
, t.provisions
, nvl((select sum(s.net_security_value) from c2m_ls s where s.limit_id=t.limit_id and t.b_crm = 0),0) as sec_alloc_after_srf
, nvl((select sum(e.outstanding) from c2m_tb e where e.client_id=t.client_id),0) as trading_book_outstanding
from c2m_limit t, c2m_client d, c2c_bk_facility f
where d.client_id = t.client_id
and t.bk_facility_id = f.bk_facility_id
group by bank_cust_id --1
, bank_company_id --2
, client_id --3
, cust_name --4
, segment_id --5
, seg_name --6
, sector_id --7
, sector_name --8
, industry_id --9
, industry_name --10
, client_group_id --11
, group_name --12
, npa_status --13
, restructured --14
, acl_id --15
, asset_class --16
, sub_acl_id --17
, sub_asset_class --18
, b_retail, trading_book_outstanding;

Similar Messages

  • View logfile or view output hangs in 3 node environment

    Hi All,
    Briefing the environment:
    Database -- ERPDB001
    Conc + admin -- APPS001
    Forms + web -- APPS002
    Some times when we try to see view log or view output after running the Concurrent requests. The system seems like hanging and it will display following error after. If you check in the next minute, it will show the output/logfile. looks like a strange behavior
    "An error occurred while attempting to establish an Application File Server connection with the node APPS001. There may be a network configuration problem, or the TNS listener on node APPS001 may not be running, Please contact your system administrator."
    Is this the Oracle Apps issue or the network issue between two node.

    05-JUL-2008 09:51:56 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST
    =<APPS002IP>)(PORT=56065)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 09:51:59 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST
    =<APPS002IP>)(PORT=56070)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 09:52:16 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST
    =<APPS002IP>)(PORT=56087)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:20:28 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=<HostnameofAPPS001>)(US
    )) * status * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:20:28 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=<HostnameofAPPS001>)(US
    * stop * 0
    05-JUL-2008 09:51:56 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=56065)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 09:51:59 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=56070)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
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    05-JUL-2008 10:20:28 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=<HostnameofAPPS001>)(USER=applprod))(COMMAND=status)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=APPS_PROD)(VERSION=134243072)) * status * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:20:28 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=<HostnameofAPPS001>)(USER=applprod))(COMMAND=stop)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=APPS_PROD)(VERSION=134243072)) * stop * 0
    TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production on 05-JUL-2008 10:25:03
    (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Log messages written to /u02/applprod/prodora/8.0.6/network/admin/apps_prod.log
    Listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=10)(HOST=<IPofAPPS001>)(PORT=1676))
    05-JUL-2008 10:25:03 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=<HostnameofAPPS001>)(USER=applprod))(COMMAND=status)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=APPS_PROD)(VERSION=134243072)) * status * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:25:34 * ping * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:25:35 * ping * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:25:35 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDSM)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<IPofAPPS001>)(PORT=37849)) * establish * FNDSM * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:41:53 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=59076)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 10:47:52 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=59435)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 11:00:34 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=60186)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 11:16:33 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=61139)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 11:33:41 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=62210)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 11:34:06 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=62236)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 11:38:47 * 12502
    TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client
    05-JUL-2008 11:46:32 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=62977)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:12:37 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=64546)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:12:39 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=64548)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:13:37 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=64609)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:26:42 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=65439)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:26:44 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=65444)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:27:22 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=65485)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 12:28:38 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=32810)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
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    05-JUL-2008 12:51:17 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=34177)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 13:47:59 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=37909)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 13:48:02 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=37914)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 14:15:10 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=39543)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 14:15:12 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=39548)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 14:25:03 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=40157)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 14:25:07 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=40162)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 14:25:17 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=39984)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
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    05-JUL-2008 16:32:50 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=47917)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    05-JUL-2008 16:32:55 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=FNDFS)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<APPS002IP>)(PORT=47925)) * establish * FNDFS * 0
    We found not much errors.
    One time the error is
    "05-JUL-2008 11:38:47 * 12502
    TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client"
    But I used to get above Original error (Core issue) lot of times in the Application.
    Even users are complaining about this.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Need formatted EXCEL output, from View Output,Oracle Applications

    To view the report(Normal RDF report,not XML Publisher Report) output in EXCEL, I changed the Profile Options.
    From: System Administrator Responsibility.
    Navigation: Install -> Viewer Options.
    Added the below entry.
    PDF application/ Microsoft Excel
    Now when I submit the report, after completing, when clicked to View Output, I can see the list showing Browser and Microsoft Excel.
    I saved the Excel Sheet,but its not formatted. How do I get the formatted Output. As columns are not in proper shape.
    Please do the needful.

    Hi Abdul;
    Please check below thread's mention metalink note&advice:
    Open Text output of a Report in Excel - Bad format
    Re: Open Text output of a Report in Excel  - Bad format
    Hope it helps

  • Unable to View PDF output in View Output

    Hi ,
    We recently installed XML Publisher Release 5.6.1 . I converted one Report into XML , and created a Template/Data Definitions for it . When I fire the report now , I can see the .PDF file being generated in the unix box . But if I click on the output of the report , the IE page doesnt display anything . The page goes in error .

    Tim, Please advice on this ASAP.. This issue is preventing us from using XML Publisher in our instances..
    When we click on View output with PDF as output format, then a broswer tries to open up and it gets errored out..
    When we click on View output with RTF as output format, then a Oracle Apps window open up with Junk characters. Tool -> Copy file gives an error
    When we click on View output with EXCEL as output format, then a Oracle Apps window open up with Junk characters. Tool -> Copy file gives an error
    Please advice a solution for the same.
    Shobana & Sukalyan

  • View Output/View Log options are redirecting to browser automatically in Oracle Apps 11i

    Can any one please let me know the what is the option to change popup options in oracle apps 11i.
    My requirement is when I click on view Output/View Log options it should pop up there itself rather than redirecting to  browser.
    Application version is :

    Clear the value for the following profile option:
    Viewer: Text

  • View output should popup the lov containing EXCEL,Browser etc

    We are on and the other instance is on 12.0.4,
    We have one requirement in bothe the instance, When we are opening a "view output" to open the concurrent requests output file, We need to get the popup (LOV) to choose excel, browser etc
    I got one doc:184375.1 but i am not sure, This is the perticular doc
    Please help me out to make this setup.
    many thanks in advance...

    Thanks Hsawwan,
    I could able to configure..
    Steps are
    1. System Administrator Responsibility
    3. Created valid MIME for Excel
    Format Type     MIME               DESCRIPTION
    Text          application/vnd.msexcel     11i Excel
    1. System Administrator Responsibility
    2. PROFILE > SYSTEM      -
    3. Check the PROFILE > SYSTEM OPTION - Viewer: Text
    This can be Blank to continue using the TOOLS > COPY FILE function or it can be set to browser to be able to choose a Viewer Option.
    Now the Required functionality is working.
    Edited by: user593603 on Oct 17, 2008 6:02 AM

  • Can't view output for concurrent request

    I apologize if this is a common error - I tried to research this in the forums but didn't find anything that I haven't already tried. I checked the OPP - it is running with 3 processes - no error in the log that I can see. I checked the profile for the OPP timeout and have increased it....
    I have registered the data definition, registered and associated a template - created the concurrent program but when I try to run it completes with a warning and can't view output. The log states:
    XDO Data Engine Version No: 5.6.3
    Resp: 20420
    Org ID : 81
    Request ID: 2322744
    All Parameters: PO=5026930
    Data Template Code: GISDOSXML
    Data Template Application Short Name: XXGISD
    Debug Flag: N
    Calling XDO Data Engine...
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
    Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request 2322744.
    Check that the Output Post Processor service is running.
    ------------- 2) PRINT   -------------
    Not printing the output of this request because post-processing failed.

    also - I found a note on using the XML Republish Report and I tried it with the report I ran and it erred completely. Here is the log for the republish:
    Oracle XML Publisher 5.6.3
    Updating request description
    Waiting for XML request
    Retrieving XML request information
    Preparing parameters
    Process template
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.invokeParse(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.transform(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLTWrapper.transform(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XMLPublisher.runProgram(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(
    Caused by: oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XMLParseException: '=' missing in attribute.
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors1(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseAttrValue(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseAttr(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseAttributes(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
         ... 17 more

  • User view output in IE and the output is in portrait but should be in landscape

    No issue create BI template.  Completed successfully run in oracle and able to print it out in landscape as expected..  BUT when user click the "view output" button.  The IE pop up open the output file.  when user either save it or print it, it will save and print in Portrait even the BI template is landscape.  Anything I can do to "fix" it so user save and print the output from IE stay in landscape?

    First, I would try disabling any Add-ons like Adblock Plus, or NoScript.
    Second, possibly try disabling anti-virus
    Third, if that didn't do it, I would then Restart FF in Safe Mode, and see if that worked.
    Then, re-enable each individually, to see which is causing it.

  • EBS R12 open PDF with error by "View Output" button

    In EBS R12,
    We did setup some report output as PDF.
    After run concurrent job of report, click "View Output"
    It prompt a new IE window and prompt error "Internet Explorer cannot display page".
    Problem Client PC information:
    1. Win XP SP3
    IE 8
    Adobe Reader 9 or 8 (Enable Option "Open PDF in Browser")
    2. Win 7
    IE 9
    Adobe Reader 9 (Enable Option "Open PDF in Browser")
    Any related setting can help for this?

    Hi AsifMuhammad,
    Thanks for your help.
    - Is the issue with all the user (different machines).
    >> Yes, tested on different user and different machines.
    >> If using Acrobat Reader 8 or 9 will have the problem, while uninstall Acrobat Reader 8 or 9, then install Acrobat Reader 10 or 11 the problem fixed (Open pdf via IE is normal)
    >> All are Opening the same "View Output" of the same already run Concurrent Program ID.
    - Is the issue with all the PDF reports.
    >> We do not use other PDF reports. (Forget to mention it is the concurrent program "Format Payment Instruction")
    - Do you still get the error when trying with other browsers such as Firefox.
    >> When using Firefox, it prompt "Download Postscript File" > Click "Open PostScript Document" > Then it still open by Acrobat Reader.
    >> For this point, yes, we has been setup "Output as PostScript" for the concurrent program "Format Payment Instruction"
    - Was the report working fine and did you do any changes recently.
    >> The report is working fine, when using Acrobat Reader 10 or 11.
    >> The problem seems just exist when using Acrobat Reader 8 or 9.
    Of course, you may said possible solution maybe Install Acrobat Reader 10 or 11 for those user.
    But it need furthur testing for our internal programs.
    And I've checked, according Oracle's Document, R12 should support Acrobat Reader 5 or up.
    Which lead me think, there should be missed some setting.
    But I cannot find any related setting on this point.

  • Cannot view output report

    I have a problem when I ran request for a single request and I submitted the name of the report. When I went to click on view output but it would not open, I don't know whether if I am doing something wrong Please can anybody help.
    Thanks Ola

    what is message you are getting
    Normally output file not be open only if the outbound directory of output and log is wrongly mapped....check with your DBA ....
    This is very common during the implemenation , where lot of movement and changes the Concurrent logs and outs location.
    or you are trying to view others submit requset log, in that case u need a profile option enabled for your user id.

  • Puplishing No "View Output"

    When I publish this project, there's no option to View Output
    when I'm done. When I went to view project from the saved file, no
    files were there.
    I've published 15 projects and after rebooting, I tried to
    publish one of my older projects and everything is fine. I've
    double checked all information against our publishing standards and
    nothing appears to be wrong. I then checked all data against
    project that published fine. Can't find any reason why this project
    will not publish.

    Welcome to our community, mmancia
    You might double-check to see if you have enabled the .ZIP
    file option. If you do that, all you end up with is a zip file and
    there is nothing to view. Hence the disabled view button.
    Cheers... Rick

  • View output button disabled when publishing to pdf

    I am using Captivate 4 and must publish all my Captivate files to pdf for distribution throughout my organisation. I have two issues:
    1) After publishing to pdf, the View Output button is disabled, and I get the message you must have Adobe Reader 9 or better installed to view
    I have Adobe Reader XI installed
    I am able to open the pdf from my desktop
    I saw elsewhere to try unticking the Zip files output option. Zip files and all other output options are unticked
    I have tried publishing using Flash Player 7 (the earliest version available in the Flash Player Version menu) with same result
    So the question is, is there some setting I am missing to enable the view output button, or another solution?
    2) This wouldn't really be a problem, except some users with Adobe 9 installed are reporting they cannot open the pdfs from their desktop. I thought I would try publishing so that output is compatible with earlier versions of Adobe Reader but can't figure out how to do that.
    So, is there some way to publish to be compatible with Adobe Reader 8 or earlier? Also, many users are accessing videos through a terminal server - could that be  the problem?
    Thanks very much in advance

    You aren't printing the PDF.  You're printing the spool because the user ID has the print immediately field selected and the GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS picks up that setting.  You simply need to blank out the value of TDIMMED in your l_print_parameters

  • Unable to view output from concurrent manager

    Hello all,
    I am unable to view output from concurrent manager, I am using IE 8 32bit on Windows 7 & adobe 10.0.1
    It gives a blank page
    We are trying to view an xml report
    db : 10.2.0.
    linux 4 update 5
    I have already reffered below documents but for no luck
    Note: 888932.1 - R12.1 Unable To View Output For Xml Outputs - View Output Button - The window opens up And Disappear Automatically
    Note: 305850.1 - Unable To View Output Of PDF Report When Clicking ''View Output''

    Is the issue with XML/PDF concurrent requests or with all requests?
    Can you find any errors in Apache/Database log files?
    Is the application listener up and running? Can you find any errors in the listener log file?
    Have you tried to run AutoConfig and bounce the services and see if this helps?

  • Unable to View output in .rtf format

    Hi guys,
    I am new to BI publisher.
    I want to view the output in .rtf format
    When click on view output I am getting an error "Unable to find the published output for this request" and then "No output file exists for request xxxxxxxx"
    Do we need to apply any patch on the applications side in order to resolve this
    I am able the output in .pdf format on the serverside
    I am unable to view it in .rft or excel format
    Any suggestions

    Is the issue with XML/PDF concurrent requests or with all requests?
    Can you find any errors in Apache/Database log files?
    Is the application listener up and running? Can you find any errors in the listener log file?
    Have you tried to run AutoConfig and bounce the services and see if this helps?

  • Cannot View Output Report in SysAdmin

    I cannot view the output of reports generated by other users in SysAdmin Responsibility. Is it an intended functionalilty?

    Pl post details of OS, database and EBS versions.
    Yes, this is intended functionality. You can view the logs of all concurrent requests as SYSADMIN, but not the output, for security reasons. See these MOS Docs for more info
    Concurrent Report Access Level          (Doc ID 736547.1)
    How to View the Output of a Request Launched by Someone Else          (Doc ID 413382.1)
    R12 RBAC Unable to View Output of Requests Submitted by other Users          (Doc ID 862812.1)

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