Reinstallation problems

I have installed a SSD for OS and applications. When trying to reinstall CS6 (an upgrade from CS5) and after entering both CS5 and CS6 serial numbers, I am unable to sign in with my Adobe ID and password (error: incorrect ID or password). However, I can sign into the Adobe site utilizing the same ID and password that is not accepted during installation. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks very much.

after entering both CS5 and CS6 serial numbers, I am unable to sign in with my Adobe ID and password (error: incorrect ID or password)
Adobe software does not ask for Adobe ID and password at that point in the installation procedure.
Sounds like your computer operating system is asking for your local admin username and password so it can install the software.

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    Cheers, David

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    Immaculate detail, thanks david.
    Taken as a whole, your symptoms suggest that some application (other than QuickTime itself) has stashed old QuickTime componentry in unorthodox locations in your system files. (It can also cause "Fatal error" uninstall trouble for QuickTime.)
    So we'll go looking for the older QuickTime componentry in the most common locations for it to be stashed.
    First we'll need to change some view options on the PC.
    1. Open My Computer from the desktop or Start menu.
    2. In the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
    3. Click the View tab.
    4. In the "Advanced settings" pane under "Hidden files and folders" make sure that the "Show hidden files and folders" option is selected, and the "Hide extensions for known file types" option is unchecked.
    5. Click OK.
    Now in My Computer, open your C drive.
    Open the "Windows" folder.
    Open the "system32" folder.
    What files and/or folders can you see in there with QuickTime in the file/folder name? (In a standard installation of QuickTime, you should see precisely two files ... QuickTime.qts and QuickTimeVR.qtx ... and no QuickTime folders whatsoever.)

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    You don't necessarily need to reformat your hard drive, but you can if you wanted to reinstall Windows fresh. Otherwise, if you have Windows backups, you can restore back to a known good version. You can check how many version of LabVIEW are installed on your PC by going into the Programs -> National Instruments folder and view the different LabVIEW versions installed. I don't like to go back in versions of LabVIEW as I always had problems with drivers and hardware compatibility. If you ever want to revert to an old version, I would recommend to install on a fresh Windows.

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    at com.sun.install.products.Product.processEvents( at com.sun.install.products.Product.processEvents( at com.sun.install.products.Product.processEvents( at com.sun.install.products.Product.performInstallation( at com.sun.install.tasks.ProductTask.perform( at com.sun.wizards.core.Sequence.perform( at at

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    Sorry for the trouble (and the name)

    You need to clean up the ASu installer files.
    Download and install Microsoft Installer cleanup utility, there are instructions on the page as well as the download. Note that what you download is the installer not the program – you have to run it to install the program. The installer doesn't give any message to confirm the installation.
    (To run the program – All Programs>>Windows Install)
    Run the cleanup utility and remove any references to Apple Software Update.
    Restart your PC and try installing again.
    If you have had trouble with installing itunes, it might be a good idea to install Quicktime first. Download the version of Quicktime that does not include iTunes and install that.
    Then install iTunes.

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    Please help.  We have purchased this product and desperately need to have it reinstalled and running.

    Larry, see if this post:
    Crystal Reports XI Developer upgrade installation error
    will help you out. Specifically, I'm wondering about option (B) that is discussed on that thread. E.G.; download CR XI r2 and install that.

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    Thanks for your help.
    Message was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

    Thanks! It helped. <b><REMOVED BY MODERATOR></b>
    Message was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

  • Reinstallation Problem PCI-1200

    In troubleshooting a DAQ problem, I tried to reinstall the drivers for my PCI-1200 running on a Power Macintosh G3 running MAC OS. I followed the directions stated here and deleted all of the mentioned files. When I reinstalled the drivers, my card wasn't autodetected. When running the NI-DAQ Configuration utility, my card is no longer detected. What do I do? I noticed that the .llb files were not reinstalled again (#'s 5-8). Other than that I am stuck.
    Your help is appreciated.
    James Hoggard
    NI's website directions for uninstalling Ni-Daq 6.1.0:
    * Delete the following:
    1. NI DAQ Folder (ie the folder where you installed NI DAQ)
    2. ystem Folder:Extensions:NI-DAQ
    3. ystem Folder:Extensions:NI-DAQ Hardware Database
    4. ystem FolderreferencesAQ Channel Wizard Preferences
    5. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:_daq301.llb
    6. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:dqchnutl.llb
    7. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:misc.llb
    8. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:zadvd.llb
    * Note: If you remove the DAQ .llb files the NI DAQ installer will not install them again. They must
    be present for NI DAQ to update them.
    Uninstallation for NI DAQ 4.9.1 and earlier:
    * Delete the following:
    1. NI DAQ Folder(ie the folder where you installed NI DAQ)
    2. ystem Folder:Control Panels:NI-DAQ
    3. ystem Folder:Extensions:NI-DMA/DSP
    4. ystem Folder:Extensions:NI-DAQ for LabVIEW (only for PowerPC)
    5. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:_daq301.llb
    6. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:dqchnutl.llb
    7. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:misc.llb
    8. :LabVIEW Folder:vi.libAQ:zadvd.llb
    * Note: If you remove the DAQ .llb files the NI DAQ installer will not install them again. They must
    be present for NI DAQ to update them.

    You will have to reinstall LabVIEW and its DAQ support to reinstall the DAQ LLBs. You may then have to rerun the DAQ installer to update these LLBs, depending on which version of LabVIEW you installed. The details are in the NI-DAQ for Mac OS Read Me. Regardless, not having these LLBs installed should not prevent the NI-DAQ Configuration Utility from recognizing your device.
    What version of Mac OS are you running?
    What version of NI-DAQ for Mac OS are you installing? The latest version is NI-DAQ 6.6.1 for Mac OS.
    Please ensure that the following files are installed:
    System Folder : Extensions : NI-DAQ
    System Folder : Extensions : NI-DAQ Hardware Database
    System Folder : Extensions : NI-PAL
    Try deleting the System Folder : Preferences : National Instruments folder and relaunching the NI-DAQ Configuration Utility.
    What was the original problem that you were troubleshooting?
    Geoffrey Schmit
    Fermi National Accelerator Laborary

  • Acrobat Pro reinstallation problem

    Variations on this problem have already been asked and responded to, and I have read them, but I'm afraid they don't help me!
    I have Acrobat Pro Extended v9.5.2 installed on my old desktop (XP Home). I bought it as a single-user-licence download, I think between 2 and 3 years ago, but I can't remember from whom and have no emails or documentation relating to my purchase.
    I am in the process of moving over to a new laptop (Windows 7, 64 bit) and wish to run Acrobat on it. I accept that this presumably means I will have to uninstall it from the desktop. I have copied over the files (to the x86 directory) and tried to run the installer.
    I have retrieved the serial number from the desktop's registry, but when I use it in the installer on the laptop I get the 'Invalid serial number' error that so many other people have reported. I have tried with hyphens, with spaces, and with neither - same result.
    Some (not all) postings to some threads on this topic suggest that all valid serial numbers must start with 1118. Mine doesn't - it starts with 9282. Is it possible that the number in the registry is encrypted though it looks straightforward?
    If I knew for certain that the sole reason for the 'invalid' message is that the product is already installed with that serial number on my desktop, I would be happy to uninstall it from there first. However, other people's postings suggest that it is not that simple. I can't risk uninstalling from the desktop, trying and failing to install on the laptop, then trying and failing to reinstall on the desktop because the serial number is still 'invalid' - leaving me unable to use my software on either machine.
    Any suggestions/ideas gratefully received, thank you!

    Thank you for replying. I have come to the conclusion that the serial number contained in the registry must be encrypted. (I am assuming that what you call the key is what I and the installation process call the serial number, ie the 24-digit number contained in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Adobe/Repair/Adobe Acrobat/9.0/IOD/SERIAL and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Adobe/Adobe Acrobat/9.0/Registration/SERIAL)
    From its format and location in the registry I cannot think that this number is anything other than the serial number, therefore it must be encrypted.
    I don’t understand what you mean by “I would have thought that you would have a file that provides the key”. Do you mean that there is a file somewhere among the application files that holds this information?
    Hortense (apologies for mistyping my own name when I created my ID!)

  • T400 XP reinstallation problem

    I bought a T400 with vista last month.
    Then, I installed ubuntu (reformatted the whole harddrive, thus wiped out the system partition)
    Now, I want to install XP to it, but have problems
    From CD-rom
    blue sceen with STOP: 0x0000007B (notes:I already changed SATA to compatible in BIOS)
    From flash drive
    missing hal.dll
    anyone with similiar experience? thanks

    If you have a usb floppy drive just use the intel f6 drivers.  If you don't have a usb floppy just use nlite to slipstream the f6 driver or you can follow some guides that allow you to use a thumbdrive during the f6 drive add process.

  • Satelite L750-0LM02V reinstallation problem

    Hi guys,
    I reinstalled the Win7 system with another language edition. Not the one provided, I used my own disc and erased all the info on the harddrive. So the recovery option is not a choice. After I reinstalled the system, my laptop became really slow... slow as!!!!
    the light indicating that it's try to read the hard drive all the time.
    Has anyone have the idea how to solve this problem? Thanks.

    You have installed Win7 with another language. OK that means you have installed own OS version. We dont know what have you dont with drivers, tools and utilities. So there is no point to start serious discussion. What have you done exactly?
    Have you installed all necessary drivers, tools, utilities?
    Have you installed some additional software?
    Are all hardware components installed properly?
    Mostly after fresh OS installation option for Windows update installation is set to automatic and when you go online Windows starts to install all available updates. It can be hundreds MB on data and notebook download and install it in the background so what you can notice is permanent HDD activity and slow notebook reaction if you want to do anything.
    My advice is to change Windows update settings. Disable automatic and use Check for updates but let me choose... With other words: updates will not be installed automatically and you can choose the time for updates installation. Do it during some working pause and leave notebook install all important stuff. Do not install optional updates, especially not some drivers listed there. Use Toshiba drivers only.

  • Lion Reinstallation problem

    I'm in the middle of factory resetting my MacBook Pro (Lion) and i've come across two major problems
    By using Lion's OS X Recotery Disk Assistant ( i made a virtual cd on my external harddrive (Western Digital, 500gb (350gb free disk space)). So I could install the OS after cleaning the computer.
    These are my two problems:
    1. The installation reaches "Install OS X Lion" and asks for my Apple Id that it wants controlled by Apple. When its Ok'd the window goes back to "Install OS X Lion". The harddrive is ofcourse plugged in when doing this.
    2. When im trying to use the harddrive on my other computer (Macbook Pro 2.3ghz Retina) im not able to se the content of the harddrive. Just the virtual cd.
    I would aptriciate if anyone could help me with any of these problems.

    I might have to setup a Genious Bar visit. I am experienceing problem #1 in your list. Unsatisfied with overheating/high CPU usage with Mountain Lion, I wiped the drive with gParted (including the recovery partition) and forced Internet Recovery Mode. Install went fine, but everytime I create an account for the machine, it takes me back to the "welcome screen." Interestingly, I know the account was created because I can no longer use the same username or full name again.

  • Reinstallation problems trying to deal with boot camp

    Ok a bit of a long story, i have been using bootcamp beta for a while on tiger. i have installed xp and deleted the partition twice before, and now ive decided to install it a third time, however boot camp refused to partition most likely because of fragmentation issues. to make life easier for myself i backed up my computer data onto an external with superduper. after this i reinstalled mac os x with the option that allows you to save your core files, but not the network information or users. after reinstallation i noticed that i only have about 11gigs of space as opposed to the 90 i should have. i assume that the files from my former mac user are somewhere on my computer, however no matter how hard i search i cannot find them. there is no partition or anything yet, and the applications from before the installation are still around. could someone shed some light on how i can find and erase the files from before the reinstallation without reinstalling again?

    Open the Previous Systems folder on the hard disk and move or delete it or the files inside it as desired.

  • Reinstallation problem! Please help! CS3

    Hi, I'm using Windows Vista. My laptop had something wrong with it so I brought it in the Best Buy, who fixed it for me. I got it back, tried to run CS3, I got an error message saying I couldn't run it, and that I had to reinstall it. So I got my disc out, reinstalled it. (i removed it from my computer completely first) The installation window came up, as well as Adobe Play, whatever that is. The Shared Components reinstalled, but not my CS3. Someone help, please!

    read the instructions.
    Using the new CS3Clean Script
    you might have to run it a couple of times at increasing levels.
    again, READ first...
    then note the tip at the bottom:
    >Start out at Level 2 and advance to Level 3 only if you still have issues installing your CS3 applications. Running this script removes shared components created during the installation of CS3 applications.
    then try to reinstall.

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    Hi Gina,
    You did not mention the Oracle release version. The MSVCRT.DLL error might suggest you're using a release with a non Y2K compliant Oracle Installer (<33110).
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    At that site you can find the ftp-oracle site

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