Removing stored keyword history

Hi. Next to most entry fields (for example, keywords) is a drop down arrow that when clicked reveals a list of recent entries. Is there a way to clear this list? Does anyone know where this info is being saved to?

Is it a difficult question?? or no solution for it?? please, confirm.

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    Create a keyword button set and then either use the menu option to remove that keyword or the shortcut key.

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    etmarcr wrote:
    I didn't think about..
    Perhaps not the most intuitive, but that's how I do it..
    Free tip: to assign to all, remove the '*' (asterisk).

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    To tell you the truth, I don't think the Lighroom Import function has the capability of removing keywords.
    Your choices seem to be ...
    Remove keywords after import, in which case you would also have to remove the unwanted keyword from your hierarchy
    Use freeware tools like Geosetter or Exiftool to remove the keywords from your photos before importing

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    The only place that Thunderbird gets suggested addresses is from your address books. I have seen some not show up in the books because some key info was never stored when the contact was saved.
    Sometimes you can start a new message and when the bad contact shows up select it. Create the message and save it to drafts. Then you can go to the Draft folder open the draft message by right clicking and select Open Message in Tab. Then click the star to the right of the contact and it will open the contact edit button. From there you can delete the contact.
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    Piece of cake (Aperture is -- like most programs -- very good at batch processing).
    Select all the images which have the wrong keyword. Remove it from all of them (use whatever method you like). All the images are still selected. Add the new keyword (use whatever method you like).
    Databases are tremendously powerful at ... manipulating data. In all cases they follow the now-standard "Noun, Verb" syntax: first select what you want to act on, then specify the action.
    There are four separate specific sections in the User Manual detailing applying keywords: ction=0
    And one specific section on removing them: ction=8%26tasks=true
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger to add links to User Manual.

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    If you delete or rename a keyword then it affects the whole library, so that will not solve your problem.
    If you have a way of selecting all of the images with the wrong keyword (or all the images with the keyword correctly applied) then there is a way.
    Create a keyword set called Mistake and add the keyword to that set. Display that keyword set at the bottom of the screen. Now select all of the images that have that wrong keyword and Shift click the button with that keyword at the bottom of the screen. That will remove the keyword from those images.
    See the following for more keyword info that may help:

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    1. select the images you want to remove a keyword from
    2. in the keyword field at the bottom type in the keyword you want to remove
    3. hold down shift, and hit enter
    Instead of assigning the keyword to the selected images, the keyword will be removed.

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    I have also faced this problem.  (I'm using Ver 2.5)
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    (Note to LR designers: I think Keywords should be included as part of metadata synch - or have their own separate synch.)
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    set curSelection to selection
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    set kw to item 1 of kwlist
    get name of kw
    end tell

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    even if I have multiple images selected, only the current "active" image gets updated.
    (Using aperture 2.1.1 on mac os x 10.5.4.)
    Any pointers on what the problem might be?
    (UPDATE: same problem exists in reverse: trying to ADD keyword to multiple images using one of the keyword buttons, but only currently active image is updated, the other images in my selection are NOT updated with the new keyword.)
    Regards, Strathglass
    Message was edited by: strathglass

    Now that I discovered the problem also exists trying to ADD keywords, I was able to search for and find the answer in these fora:
    The solution:
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    Remember that if you switch to File - Save As to save your JPEGs with metadata intact, you will also be saving the file with your working color space by default (pay attention to the Color section at the bottom of the File - Save As dialog).
    If it is other than sRGB you'll have problems with some browsers displaying your images inconsistently.  In that case you may want to consider setting your default color space to sRGB.

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    Hi all,
    I have started the laborious task to keywording my photos in Aperture 3, all 35,000+. I recently imported my photos folder into Aperture and will eventually restructure the library hierarchy based on keywords.
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    Since you have two External Definitions and you are using both in on mapping hence your scenario becomes 1:N mapping scenario and this is the reason you are getting the additional nodes in your mapping.
    so if your requirement is 1:N then whatever you are getting is correct, you can refer the below mentioned blog for help on this, But if you don't want the additonal nodes then you have to create TWO different mappings and used the external definitions seprately in each mapping.
    I hope it helps...

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