Repeating tables.

I have a complex scenario inside PDF.
My context nodes are:
A(cardinality 1..n, selection 0..1, singleton=true)
__B(cardinality 0..n, selection 0..1, singleton=true)
__C  (cardinality 1..1, selection 1..1, singleton=false)
           |__D(cardinality 0..n, selection 0..1, singleton=true)
(D is subnode of C, C is subnode of B, B is subnode of A)
For every row of first table (bound to node B), I have to show a table (bound to D)
The pattern is:
Table 1
first row of node B
Node D
2nd row of node B
Node D
nth row of nodeB
Node D
Is this something possible/feasible inside a PDF?

I am using just 2 tables, instead.

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    Hi Rohan,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to create a Visual Studio workflow to get data from info path repeating table.
    I suggest you can submit Repeating Table to a SharePoint List and then you can create a .NET workflow to read data from the SharePoint List.
    Here are some detailed articles for your reference:
    Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list
    Create a Workflow using Visual Studio 2010
    Best Regards
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Copying information from one repeating table to another repeating summary table?

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    I am not sure how to upload a file to show you what I have, so please let me know and I can send a copy directly.
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      Check the code below
    Data: itab1 type table of tab1,
          itab2 type table of tab2.
    * itab2 is of new table type created from some fields of tab1
    * In the select statement below you can select few fields depending upon your requirement
    select * from tab1 into table itab1.
    loop at itab1 into wa1.
      wa2-f1 = wa1=f1.
      append wa2 to itab2.
    insert itab2 into tab2.
    PS: Reward points if you find it helpful

  • How to handle a repeating table in FrameMaker 8 with varying columns

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    Rick Quatro has a plugin that handles some of your issues:

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    I found a similar thread posted by you here:
    I suppose both the threads are reuqesting the method to get values from repeating table via workflow, so we can focus on the issue on the other case. If there is more requestment here, let me know.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using the Current Function in a repeating table with cascading drop-downs

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    Please assist.

    Based on your description, you don't want to meet the following issues:
    The first row returns back all the data from the list up to the value selected.
    Any new item added, replaces the value in the other items.
    Here is an article about InfoPath Repeating Table Lookup control on SharePoint List, refer to it:
    Besides, here is a similar post, you can use as a reference:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Infopath submit button only works for the first row in a repeating table‏

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    Still not working..Just return the first record of emailaddress from master repeating table... Does anyone know what's going on here? Thanks a lot!

    Use double eval to get all rows values. See my reply for more information in below thread:
    eval(eval(EmailAddress, 'concat(ToField, ";")'), "..")
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Repeating Table in Template -- Can't Edit It

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    I created a template
    ) to be
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    initial list of
    However, when I opened the page a few days later to add a new
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    move up, move
    down) work. To make matters worse, when I create a new page
    based on the
    above template I can add no new rows.
    I've gone over things several times and can't figure out what
    I did wrong.
    Can someone take a look for me?

    I have actually had a similar issue like this before and it was a simple fix once I figured it out.
    Move the folder that is in the trash to your Desktop.  Open it and then move the folder that is in there to the trash.  You should be able to empty the trash.  Next move the empty folder that you had put on the Desktop back into the trash and you should be able to empty it again.
    Also, you should run an app like DiskWarrior, TechTool Pro or Drive Genius that can rebuild the volume directories.

  • Reg. Repeating Table headers in Report Output

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    Sr. No. Customer No. Customer Name.
    If the output is taken in RTF/PDF, and if the no. of records are huge that records go to the next page, then is there any possibility to repeat the table headers to the next and consecutive pages?

    To repeat header rows:
    Select the row(s) that you want to repeat on each page.
    From the Table menu, select Heading Rows Repeat.
    Re: Header table to repeat on every page

  • How to keep track of count from repeating table - INFOPATH 2007

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    with count of 3 and next row, Title2 with count
    2. Now, I have a repeating section which contains a dropdownlist
    'B' that uses 'A' as a datasource.  I need to develop a fucntionality to put some validation on dropdownlist
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    B has Title2.
    Please assist.

    To get the count of the repeating tables dynamically with custom logic, custom code behind the InfoPath form will be required.
    The link below will show how to count the total amount of sections in a Repeating Section in InfoPath on the change event of the repeating section, you can apply extra custom
    logic to it to meet your requirement:
    Another two links about how to work with InfoPath form programmatically for your reference:
    Best regards,
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Add data to a repeating table

    Hi, is it possible to create a submit button in the middle of the form to add data to a repeating table (That repeating table would add an item to a list).

    Please refer to the articles related to repeating section from the following link
    Repeating Tables and Sections in InfoPath
    Please don't forget to mark it as answered, if your problem resolved or helpful.

  • Master/Detail? Repeating Tables - Combine data from 2 repeating tables to one cell in sharepoint

    Hi there, new to infopath.  I have 2 sections in my form which are hidden and display based on the department selected.  So Department A versus Department B, a section opens for details pertaining to that Department.  So in each
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    A fills in Name on their section, then someone else submits the same form for Department B I still have one column of metadata in SP to displace the Name regardless of department or section they filled data into). However now I am stuck, I have repeating
    tables in both sections and I want to concate the entries to output to the sharepoint list for that cell.  However everything I have tried so far only concats the 1st value in the repeating table.  Is there a way to take ALL of the data from
    two repeating tables and merge them into one column/cell in sharepoint (metadata for the one form entry)???  I want to avoid having to create a excessive "views" of a list in order to accomodate the needs for BOTH departments.  I hope
    this is clear.  Thanks for your help!
    from msn forum

    Hi Meera,
        I apologise for delay. Anyways you can goto the
    following link:
    for details.
    Hope this will clear you. However, you further require
    any more information then please feel free to mail.
    ty_t_sender, cl_abap_char_utilities DEFINITION LOAD
    all these are present in alsmex function group if you
    place your function module in this function group then
    you'll be able to access these things. Further, like
    if you have security options and can't place your code
    in this function group then create your own function
    group in your own package and copy the contents from
    alsmex function group.
        Hope that answer your questions.
    Mirza Ifthekhar Baig.

  • I created a repeating table but want to add a "do you really want to delete this row" prompt.

    Let me clarify, I created a repeating table which allows users in Adobe Reader to add or delete rows.  However, if user inadvertently hits delete, the row and any data is lost with no way to undo.  So, I'd like to either add a pop up prompt for user to confirm they want to execute action or create an undu option somewehre else on the form.  Can this be done?
    Message was edited by: deanotn

    Yes you can do it using app.alert().
    var nButton = app.alert({
    cMsg: "Warning: This will delete the row and all data in it. \n\nDo you want to continue?",
    cTitle: "Delete Row",
    nIcon: 1, nType: 2
    if (nButton == 4) {
              deletion code here
    Description of app.alert() options:

  • Value in repeating table

    Good day, colleagues. I have InfoPath form the "Waybill car." In a separate cell indicates the initial meter reading at the time of receiving shift. In repeating table set field: Route (text), Mileage (in this field is the final meter reading at
    the place of arrival, km) distance. During the shift the number of routes can be from 5 to 20. Need to adjust the form to automatically calculate the range (distance) for each route in a separate field.
    Initial indications: 310 km.
    Repeating Table: Route:
    Object 1 Mileage: 315 Distance, km: 5.
    Object2 Mileage: 323 Distance, km 8 ....
    How can I insert in the "distance" from the previous field "Mileage"?

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to get the field “distance” value based on the previous field "Mileage"  in the repeating table of InfoPath.
    For achieving your demand, you need to create the fields “Initial indications (km)”  with Number type, “Mileage (km)” with Number type in the repeating table ,”
    Distance (km)” with Number type in the repeating table.
    Then you can create a rule as below on the Mileage (km) field:
    Condition: Mileage (km) is not blank
    Action: Set a field’s value : Distance (km) = Mileage (km) - Initial indications (km)
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Generate the Dynamic Repeating Table using Infopath

    I have created the repeating table, which is having values like below.
    Once i click on Add to basket,It should  add only current row in table format.
    Please help me possible way to achieve this. Thanks in advance.

    Something needs to clarify, is the "Basket" a SharePoint list or it's format table ?
    If the "Basket" is a list, then you can create custom rule to the format table like the detailed article below:
    Submitting to a SharePoint List
    How to submit data from repeatable table in infopath form to a sharepoint list?
    If the "Basket" is a format table, then please provide the format table screen shot.
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Repeating Tables, and Grey Sections

    U gave Adobe Livecycle Designer ES4.
    I am making a new form, and I am attempting to make an expandable table for our metrics. I added in the form but when I try to go to the binding tab it wont let me select the "Repeat Table" box. Is there a setting that I am missing?
    My second question is, is there a way to "grey out" a section of a form? We are looking for a way to cover up a section of a form, where the user can select or deselect to see what is underneath that section. My other thought is if that was not possible, is there a way to make an invisible subform with a button to make it visible and invisible?

    Hi Sara,
    1) The first problem is because you did not set the Page content direction to "Flowed". Once the Page's Content property is set is flowed, your problem should be resolved.
    2) You can always make a section visible or hidden by scripting. Use code :
                   subform.presence = "visible";
                   subform.presence = "hidden";

Maybe you are looking for

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