Requests pending state

Have defined separate manage for a request. There is no incompatibility for the requests...
The number of process defined for the manager is 2. But the manager is not picking up that
requests...only one requests in running at a time...
Has anyone help this out

It looks like an Oracle Application Doubt, please redirect your thread the relevent forums.
E-Business Suite
Sabdar Syed.

Similar Messages

  • Child CPs are always in PENDING STATE.

    Procedure parent_cp (errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2) IS
    ret number;
    i number;
    BEGIN ---Block A
    req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
    if (req_data is not null) then
    i := to_number(req_data);
    if (i < 5 ) then
    errbuf := 'Done!';
    retcode := 0 ;
    end if;
    i := 1;
    end if;
    for j in 1 .. 4 loop
    vRequestId(j) := fnd_request.submit_request('CZ', 'Child','Delete Localized Text - Child Number : ' ||TO_CHAR(vChildNo), NULL,TRUE, vChildMdlRange);
    fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(conc_status => 'PAUSED', request_data => to_char(vChildNo)) ;
    IF (vRequestId(j) = 0 ) THEN
    errbuf := fnd_Message.get;
    retcode := 2;
    errbuf := 'Sub-Request submitted!';
    retcode := 0 ;
    END IF;
    BEGIN ---block B
    For j in vRequestId.FIRST..vRequestId.LAST LOOP
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' reuest' || vRequestId(j));
    vrequeststatus := fnd_concurrent.get_request_status(vRequestId(j),
    dev_phase ,
    dev_status ,
    message );
    WHILE (dev_phase != 'COMPLETE') LOOP
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' while loop' || vRequestId(j));
    vrequeststatus := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request(vRequestId(j),
    phase ,
    status ,
    dev_phase ,
    dev_status ,
    message );
    dbms_output.put_line(' Block after submitting Child CP ');
    END parent_cp;
    The above procedure was the Parent CP. Here the problem is in fnd_request.submit_request('CZ', 'Child','Delete Localized Text - Child Number : ' ||TO_CHAR(vChildNo), NULL,TRUE, vChildMdlRange); i have given sub_request as True and used fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(conc_status => 'PAUSED', request_data => to_char(vChildNo)) ; to make parent CP to pause it.
    It submits 4 child CPs as expected but the phase as INACTIVE and status NO MANAGER and PARENT CP was always in running state.
    If i make sub_request parameter of fnd_request.sub_request to FALSE . It submits 4 child CPs as expected with the phase as PENDING and status NORMAL and PARENT CP was always in running state. But child cps are never changing the Phase to RUNNING. It is always in PENDING STATE.
    Please suggest how to use fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals and fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request together.

    Pl do not post duplicates - Parent Concurrent Program executes  rest of the logic  before PAUSED STATE.

  • Error PENDING state, err(0) installing clusterware

    I'm installing oracle clusterware in Windows server 2008, when finish setting up proccess, It run some configuration, the first config failed(Oracle Clusterware Configuration Assistant).
    the error is :
    Step 5: Starting up CRS stack on all nodes
    sdf01 service OracleCSService in improper PENDING state, err(0)
    sdf02 service OracleCSService in improper PENDING state, err(0)
    we can not use the 11g version because the ERP is not yet certified for this release.
    the servers 2008 are virtual machine built on vmware.
    the shared storage is external via SAN
    My configuration is :
    1. Clusterware
    2. 2 nodes windows 2008R2 x 64
    3. shared storage is raw partitions from SAN :
    Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
    Volume 0 D DVD-ROM 0 B No Media
    Volume 1 C NTFS Partition 60 GB Healthy System
    Volume 2 E New Volume NTFS Partition 180 GB Healthy Pagefile
    Volume 3 RAW Partition 400 GB Healthy
    Volume 4 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy --- For ocr primary
    Volume 5 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy --- For voting disk ( copy 1 )
    Volume 6 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy --- For ocr mirror
    Volume 7 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy --- For voting disk ( copy 2 )
    Volume 8 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy --- For voting disk ( copy 3 )
    Volume 9 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy
    Volume 10 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy
    Volume 11 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy
    Volume 12 RAW Partition 300 MB Healthy
    Volume 13 RAW Partition 97 GB Healthy
    4. firewall off in node1 and node2
    5. My host files is localhost SDF01 SDF02 SDF01-PRIV SDF02-PRIV SDF01-VIRT SDF02-VIRT
    6. the execution runcluvfy.bat is ok for all items ( except for VIP address )
    7. ocssd.log is :
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.247 [2648] >TRACE: clssnmReadNodeInfo: added node 1 (sdf01) to cluster
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.278 [2648] >TRACE: clssnmReadNodeInfo: added node 2 (sdf02) to cluster
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.294 [2776] >TRACE: clssnm_skgxninit: Compatible vendor clusterware not in use
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.294 [2776] >TRACE: clssnm_skgxnmon: skgxn init failed
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.294 [2648] >TRACE: clssnmNMInitialize: misscount set to (60)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.310 [2648] >TRACE: clssnmNMInitialize: Network heartbeat thresholds are: impending reconfig 30000 ms, reconfig start (misscount) 60000 ms
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.325 [2648] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 1 to 2 disk (0/\\.\votedsk1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:25.325 [2296] >TRACE: clssnmvDPT: spawned for disk 0 (\\.\votedsk1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [2296] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 2 to 4 disk (0/\\.\votedsk1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [2648] >TRACE: clssscSclsFatal: read value of disable
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [2672] >TRACE: clssnmvKillBlockThread: spawned for disk 0 (\\.\votedsk1) initial sleep interval (1000)ms
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [2648] >TRACE: clssscSclsFatal: read value of disable
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [2820] >TRACE: clssnmFatalThread: spawned
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmClusterListener: Listening on (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sdf01-priv)(PORT=49895))
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmClusterListener: Probing node sdf02 (2), probcon(00000000042CF410)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [2112] >TRACE: clssgmclientlsnr: listening on (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.338 [1052] >TRACE: clssgmPeerListener: Listening on (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=1208)(HOST=
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:27.369 [2296] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down. rcfg(-1) wrtcnt(-1) LATS(19921561) Disk lastSeqNo(-1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:28.336 [3004] >TRACE: clsc_send_msg: (00000000042CEDF0) NS err (12571, 12560), transport (533, 57, 0)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:28.336 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmDiscHelper: sdf02, node(2) connection failed, con (00000000042CF410), probe(00000000042CF410)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:14:34.436 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmRcfgMgrThread: Local Join
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >WARNING: clssnmLocalJoinEvent: takeover succ
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate: Initiating sync 1
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate: diskTimeout set to (57000)ms
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSetupAckWait: Ack message type (11)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSetupAckWait: node(1) is ALIVE
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSendSync: syncSeqNo(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitForAcks: Ack message type(11), ackCount(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmHandleSync: diskTimeout set to (57000)ms
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmHandleSync: Acknowledging sync: src[1] srcName[sdf01] seq[1] sync[1]
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitForAcks: done, msg type(11)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate: node(1) is transitioning from joining state to active state
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSetupAckWait: Ack message type (13)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSetupAckWait: node(1) is ACTIVE
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitForAcks: Ack message type(13), ackCount(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmSendVoteInfo: node(1) syncSeqNo(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitForAcks: done, msg type(13)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo: Checking disk info...
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo: diskTimeout set to (200000)ms
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmEvict: Start
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitOnEvictions: Start
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSetupAckWait: Ack message type (15)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSetupAckWait: node(1) is ACTIVE
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmSendUpdate: syncSeqNo(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitForAcks: Ack message type(15), ackCount(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmUpdateNodeState: node 0, state (0/0) unique (0/0) prevConuni(0) birth (0/0) (old/new)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmUpdateNodeState: node 1, state (2/3) unique (1354310065/1354310065) prevConuni(0) birth (1/1) (old/new)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmUpdateNodeState: node 2, state (0/0) unique (0/0) prevConuni(0) birth (0/0) (old/new)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >USER: clssnmHandleUpdate: SYNC(1) from node(1) completed
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >USER: clssnmHandleUpdate: NODE 1 (sdf01) IS ACTIVE MEMBER OF CLUSTER
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [3004] >TRACE: clssnmHandleUpdate: diskTimeout set to (200000)ms
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmWaitForAcks: done, msg type(15)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.138 [2676] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate: Sync 1 complete!
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.153 [2296] >ERROR: clssnmvReadFatal: voting device corrupt (0xffffffff/0xffffffff/0/\\.\votedsk1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2648] >USER: NMEVENT_SUSPEND [00][00][00][00]
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmReconfigThread: started for reconfig (1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >USER: NMEVENT_RECONFIG [00][00][00][02]
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmEstablishConnections: 1 nodes in cluster incarn 1
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [1052] >TRACE: clssgmPeerListener: connects done (1/1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmEstablishMasterNode: MASTER for 1 is node(1) birth(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmChangeMasterNode: requeued 0 RPCs
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmMasterCMSync: Synchronizing group/lock status
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmMasterSendDBDone: group/lock status synchronization complete
    [    CSSD]CLSS-3000: reconfiguration successful, incarnation 1 with 1 nodes
    [    CSSD]CLSS-3001: local node number 1, master node number 1
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:17:50.231 [2876] >TRACE: clssgmReconfigThread: completed for reconfig(1), with status(1)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:19:22.599 [2540] >TRACE: clsc_send_msg: (000000000451EA10) NS err (12571, 12560), transport (533, 57, 0)
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:19:22.755 [2112] >WARNING: clssgmShutDown: Received explicit shutdown request from client.
    [    CSSD]2012-11-30 16:19:22.755 [2112] >WARNING: clssgmClientShutdown: graceful shutdown completed.
    I appreciate any help
    Edited by: user531958 on 3/12/2012 12:09 PM

    Please make sure your operating system for Oracle Version :
    *1. Oracle Real Application Clusters is not certified on Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) 2008 R2*
    2. Oracle Real Application Clusters is certified on Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) 2008
    3. Oracle Real Application Clusters is certified on Microsoft Windows (32-bit) 2008

  • IRP in Pending State

    Hi Experts,
    Does putting the IRP in pending state for long time creates latency in the system ?

    no, quite the opposite. it allows you to use the rest of the OS resources while processing of the request is happening.
    d -- This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Pending state issue

    hi all
    i am attempting to run a large scheduling run of 3550 report instances. this is obviously going to take some time so is difficult to test within a decent time frame (3.5 days total - yes they are big)
    my problem is that some (20%) of the reports remain in a PENDING state.
    the code used to configure the schedule timing is
    the instance detail for one of the pending jobs is
    creation time: 2/26/2010 6:05 pm
    next run time: 2/26/2010 6:05 pm
    both the invoking java application and the enterprise server are on the same time, locale, etc
    can anyone help me out?
    Edited by: warwick.mayson on Mar 1, 2010 9:13 AM bad grammer

    You aren't going to get 3550 jobs running simultaneous, anyways.   Job Servers work by spawning child processes for report generation, and the maximum number of child processes are configurable in the CMC.
    There's two issues that's commonly encountered, of which one may apply to you:
    1. If the Enterprise Java SDK application is hosted on a different machine from the CMS service, you have to ensure that the two machines have their times synched using a time server.  When you schedule a report to run Right Now, the Right Now time is determined from the SDK app machine.  So if the times are out of synch, a job may wait in pending.
    2. Scheduling Web Intelligence jobs, you may encounter a problem where the Web Intelligence Job Server may respond very slowly when so many scheduled jobs are requested at once.
    If you set the schedule to not run "Right Now" but Once, where you stagger the start time of jobs, and the issue still occurs, I recommend opening a support case with SAP.
    Ted Ueda

  • Databases in Recovery Pending state

    Dear all,
    Need your expertise to understand bit more. 
    Yesterday i came across databases in "Recovery Pending" state problem.
    Followed too many recommendations form Google but to no avail.
    Plucked some leafs from Paul Randal's articles as well
    But none of them could fixed my problem. 
    What i did:
    I installed 2008 r2 on a machine (DEV) which already had 2008; yea instance name was different.
    Had to restart the server so i did (yea, i gave all developers enough time but due to some reasons databases were in recovery pending mode).
    After restart, some databases (not all) were in recovery pending state. Above links provided enough stuff to recover them but didnt work. For instance after setting database in Emergency mode, it stayed there for ages telling something like "Database is
    being recovered, wait until recovery is finished".
    How i fixed it:
    I attached them onto the newly created 2008 r2 instance. Made them offline (on old instance) in case there is any access conflict. Didnt get any error, like files are in use or something,  while attaching them (which raised an eyebrow).
    Couple of things i noticed after new instance's installation:
    While trying to reattach database on same old instance, I wasn't able to see the .mdf and .ldf files form there respective drives. But i was able to see from the new instance.
    Both sql server services (old and new) were using same service account. When i gave service account enough ntfs permissions on the drive i was able to see all .mdf and .ldf files.
    Questions are:
    1) Why it wasnt the case before? Important to note here: service accounts were local admins on the server.
    (I think i am answering myself here...would love to get more insight on it).
    2) Is it normal that i just have 2008r2 tools in Start>>Program. e.g. there is just 2008 r2 management studio not 2008 one etc.
    Dont want to let this happen in production environment (i will have backups though), so is there any approach you guys are using to avoid it.
    I hope i made myself clear here, or let me know.
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Dinkar Chalotra

    If you dont need your log file, you can:
    Detach your database
    Move the log file to other place
    Attach back the database and from the file list, remove the ldf
    SQL server will create a new log file and the database will be online again.

  • OSD Request User State Storage fails after SCCM 2012 upgrade to R2

    After SCCM upgrade from SP1 to R2 OSD fails on Request User State Storage. Error:
    Task sequence: XXXXX has failed with the error code (0x00004005). For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.
    In smsts.log:
    <![LOG[Certificate is a self signed certificate. It will not be checked for revocation or expiration.]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.133-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="0" thread="5984"
    <![LOG[Successfuly retrieved public key and verified signature.]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.133-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="1" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:2604">
    <![LOG[Sending share info request message: <RequestStateStore><ClientID>GUID:BF0F737B-1834-4625-984C-5C9DE2391CFC</ClientID><Reserved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eserved2></RequestStateStore>]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.134-120"
    date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="1" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:2285">
    <![LOG[Requesting SMP Root share config information from]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.290-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="1" thread="5984"
    <![LOG[Received 3963 byte response.]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.333-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="0" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:2363">
    <![LOG[Adding \\\SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$ to list ]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.367-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="1" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:2403">
    <![LOG[Failed to connect to "\\\SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$" (1203).]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.440-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="2" thread="5984"
    <![LOG[Failed to connect to "\\\SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$" (1203).]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.468-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="2" thread="5984"
    <![LOG[Cannot connect to SMP root share]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.468-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="3" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:1754">
    <![LOG[ClientRequestToSMP::DoRequest failed. error = (0x80004005).]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.468-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="3" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:1882">
    <![LOG[Request to SMP '' failed with error (Code 0x80004005). Trying next SMP.]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.468-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="2"
    thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:1590">
    <![LOG[Sleeping for 60 seconds before next attempt to locate an SMP.]LOG]!><time="09:27:37.468-120" date="03-14-2014" component="OSDSMPClient" context="" type="1" thread="5984" file="smpclient.cpp:1565">
    IIS log:
    172.20.0.xx CCM_POST /SMSSMP/.sms_smp op=KeyInfo 80 - 172.20.6.yy SMS+CCM+5.0+TS 200 0 0 2281 2
    172.20.0.xx CCM_POST /SMSSMP/.sms_smp op=RootShareInfo 80 - 172.20.6.yy SMS+CCM+5.0+TS 200 0 0 4088 29
    172.20.0.xx OPTIONS /SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$ - 80 - 172.20.6.yy Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 200 0 0 206 19
    172.20.0.xx PROPFIND /SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$ - 80 - 172.20.6.yy Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 405 0 0 1496 1
    172.20.0.xx PROPFIND /SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$ - 80 - 172.20.6.yy Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 405 0 0 1496 1
    Allow clients to connect anonymously enabled on DP
    On SMP file share permissions enabled for everyone
    Any suggestions where to look?

    Please try to access
    \\\SMPSTORED_39C7CA32$ using Network Access Account from the workstation you working on.
    Best Regards,
    Joyce Li
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Batch is in pending state forever

    HI i had submitted a batch control LTRPRT through "batch job submission" page ,i had checked the batch job table and found that it is in pending state,I waited for one day and again checked but it was still in pending state
    1.what would be the reason?
    2.where can i configure batch server?
    3.what are essential settings for batch server?

    What CC&B version are you on?
    Pre OUAF 2.1 (until CC&B V2.0.5) , you needed the command based cron utility to be running - cdxCronBatch
    Post OUAF 2.1, you still have Command based daemon called submitbatch in addition to Online Batch Daemon.
    I assume you are on FW 2.2+, execute %SPLEBASE%\bin\submitbatch -e %SPLENVIRON% -s 60
    and look at 753301.1 white paper on Metalink for more details on configuring Online Batch Daemon.

  • Reports stay in a pending state

    Hi all, I'm hoping to find a little bit of help in regards to an issue I'm having on a Crystal Reports XI R2 server. When reports are scheduled now they stay in a "pending" state and don't run correctly. I've verified that all the servers (they're all on one physical machine) are started and have rebooted, too.
    I get a couple of errors in the event viewer:
    Event Type:     Warning
    Event Source:     BusinessObjects_jobserverchild
    Event Category:     Transport
    Event ID:     34700
    Date:          10/1/2008
    Time:          4:32:05 PM
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     CR-SERVER01
    Transport error: Communication failure.
    Event Type:     Warning
    Event Source:     BusinessObjects_w3wp
    Event Category:     Transport
    Event ID:     34700
    Date:          10/1/2008
    Time:          4:32:32 PM
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     CR-SERVER01
    Transport error: Communication failure.
    I've setup a trace but didn't see anything that stood out as an issue, although I certainly could have missed something. Any hints on steps I could take to get the reports publishing again?

    well if you need help right away you should open a message with support and get an engineer assigned. I don't normally work on reporting issues so not much help I'm afraid.
    You said the servers are started but are they also enabled in CMC? CCM?
    The issue could be from the CMS or job server, did you trace both? The CMS is responsible for sending the job to the job server (at which time it should go from pending to running).

  • Exception in webservices - Endpoint cannot handle requests in state: CREATE

    Hi All
    urgent help needed in webservices.
    we have a webservice deployed. and i have made a web service client (a java application client), it is registered with the deployed web service, but when running this clinet, we are getting the following excption
    Please let me know if you have any idea? It is very urgent........ :(
    Following is the stack trace of the Exception:
    Exception = Endpoint cannot handle requests in state: CREATED Endpoint cannot handle requests in state: CREATED
    at $Proxy15.tellFortune(Unknown Source) Attached is the source of client............
    * Created on February 20, 2007, 11:53 AM
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package client_ws;
    * @author ic005332
    public class Main {
    /** Creates a new instance of Main */
    public Main() {
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try { // Call Web Service Operation
    client_ws.FirstWebService service = new client_ws.FirstWebService();
    client_ws.FirstWebServiceSEI port = service.getFirstWebServiceSEIPort();
    // TODO process result here
    java.lang.String result = port.tellFortune();  //Exception is coming at this line
    System.out.println("Result = "+result);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("Exception = "+ex.getMessage());
    }Thanks in advanvce
    Inder Jeet Singh

    Do you see any exception on the server side ? May be endpoint is throwing some exception. If you use JAX-WS 2.1 the error diagnostics are much better.

  • Will dbms_stats.export_database_stats also export pending stats in 11g?

    Hi all
    In 11g, will the dbms_stats.export_database_stats procedure also export pending stats?
    There is an export_pending_stats procedure but we want to export both published and unpublished stats.

    Check here:

  • Management Services and Repository pending state?

    I just rebuilt the repository for my EMGC(10.1.0) and everything is working fine except under unknown availability in the alert tab I have the entry "Management Services and Repository" - "Target is Temporarily in status pending state. Does anyone know what or how to get this out of the pending state? I shutdown EMGC and restarted it. I have rebooted the box, nothing seems to fix it, it has been this way for 4 days now.

    4 days? tried metalink yet?
    to get you started see note:
    If that doesn't help or you can't get anything else out of metalink, post again...

  • Standby CM Hangs in pending state

    I have a Standby CM running 4.0.9 that we just installed. Tried to upgrade it to 4.0.19 and it just sat there in pending state for a long time. It appeared to be hung because I couldn't get to it remotely any longer. Rebooted the box and set it up as an AA instead. The game plan was to get it upgraded, then convert it to a Standby CM. So now the box sit's, showing online via the CM as a Standby CM (even though it's set to AA) and it still sits there in pending state. How can I get this resolved? TIA

    The Primary CM is running 4.0.19. I managed to blow it away in the Primary CM. Forced a CMS de-registration on the AA. Re-registered it as an AA and got the code upgraded to 4.0.19. (I did hit what I believe is a bug her which I will explain later). Now I need to change it's funtion to a Standby CM but I don't know if I can do this from the Primary CM.
    So the bug I hit was that when the WAAS was rebooted to load the new code I lost connectivity for a long time. Check the switch that it was connected to and saw the interface was up/down. Bounced the interface on the WAAS and it came back. Fortunate for me the box is in our DC. Had this been remote I'm not sure a bounce of the switch interface would have worked. FYI - I have my interfaces on an etherchannel with the load-balancing set to ip-dst (round-robin didn't work).

  • Pending State... for a day

    I have an H.264 Blue Ray file I have exported from Premiere that is 22G. When I try to build the disc I keep getting an error about how it is in "pending state". I happened to have to do something and just left the program going thinking Encore just needed to do it's thing but that's been a day now and I still get the some message. Any ideas?

    If exported as H.264 Bluray, you should use settings that allow it to show as "Do Not Transcode." The file may be a bit too big, depending on what else you have in the project.
    Unrelated to that, it helps troubleshooting to use the "transcode now" option to separate problems with transcoding the asset from other issues in the project.

  • CiscoWorks 3.1 RME devices hung in pending state

    I added over 4800 devices to my new instance of CiscoWorks LMS 3.1 using the dcrcli tool and a about 75% of them are stuck in the RME pending state.  About 900 of them have moved to the normal state and inventory and config archive collection has been successful on them.  3950 have not moved from the pending state and when I click pending no devices show up.  They also show as failed under the inventory collection state.  I am new to CW so any help would be apreciated.

    Is LMS integrated with ACS?

Maybe you are looking for

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  • USB Issue - Not recognizing ANY device

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  • Networking OS X to Windows 7

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    How do I fix the gray screen and non responsive cursor after iMac sleeping?