Resetting numbering in Lightroom 1.3

Is there a possibility to reset the numbering in Lightroom 1.3 when importing images from a Card or something similar. Or is that not a feature in Lightroom 1.3?

Judith -
I am not suggesting that files not be renamed.
What I am saying is that in order to have a trusty workflow you really don't want to combine a bunch of steps into one.
My workflow is somewhat as follows:
a) Copy files from card to hard drive. Each complete card goes into a different folder.
b) Copy files from hard drive to cheap DVD or another hard drive "just in case". Now I don't have to worry about reusing a card.
c) If using multiple cameras, calculate time offsets to verify that they are all in sync. Adjust time in each folder so the photos from different cameras all have the same time reference and they will 'mesh' properly together.
d) RENAME files in each folder according to time and photographer code (the photographer code gives press agents that we work with an easy way to provide attribution without having to use an IPTC aware system... the file name says it at a glance.)
e) Combine renamed files from different folders into a master folder.
f) IMPORT into Lightroom. Inspect that the number of files adds up and that everything got imported correectly.
g) Apply base IPTC to photos (in LR database) now that I can actually see them properly. The export will eventually stamp the IPTC into the final files.
h) Backup master folder to hard drive or DVD. I now have two different backups (one before and one after renaming) and one set of renamed files that are actually referenced in LR.
I could try to combine applying IPTC, renumbering , etc into a single step while downloading the photos from the cards... but that is MUCH more error prone than just adding an extra 15 minutes and doing things one thing at a time and verifying that they are coming out correctly and make sense.

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    Edited by: Damir Vadas on May 16, 2011 12:49 PM

    Simple question.. Does your posting deal with an APEX issue or a BI Publisher issue? The posting you have deals with the RTF add-on for Word that builds report layouts for BI Publisher. I suggested in my response that you move it to a more relevant forum..
    If you feel that me alerting you to the fact your are VIOLATING forum policy is an issue, please feel free to ask others their view.. (posting to a 3 year old closed thread, creating MULTIPLE threads for a single issue..) You do NOT seem to get the idea that posting this in the Bi Publisher support forum would probably get you a BETTER response than here.. Asking pl/sql questions here will also get people to refer your questions to the PL/Sql Support forum..
    Also, here is a POSSIBLE answer from the BI Publisher Forum:
    This Is The APEX SUPPORT forum, we deal with SUPPORT questions on APEX (Application Express)..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    You know, I used to think that it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
    If this question is answered, please mark the thread as closed and assign points where earned..

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    Gary Wornell wrote:
    I want to open the catalogue from my Windows 7 Lightroom 5. I can open the catalogue, but cannot see the file structure in the left pane.
    It is surprising to me that you were able to get this far. If the drive is formated in HFS+ then you would not be able to view the files on the drive from Windows.
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    Yes this is most likely the problem and the fix. Use Disk Utility on the Mac to confirm that the drive is currently formated with HFS+ which would be why it doesn't work in Windows.
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    Am I likely to run into any problems?
    I would be slightly concerned about sharing a Lightroom catalog between Windows and Mac. Hopefully Adobe does not do anything stupid to introduce incompabilities between the two platforms. Make sure to keep the version numbers of Lightroom close on the two machines.

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    You're not doing anything wrong, just perhaps missing some of the details. FM autonumbering is a joy to work with once you've got the hang of it, and/but different from most other approaches. (and by "different", I don't just mean flexible and reliable)
    Broadly speaking, I'd say you have two options:
    define two styles for the numbering you use inside tables, let's say TableNumberStart and TableNumberContinue. Define autonumbering so that TableNumberStart uses <n=1> and TableNumberContinue uses <n+1>
    This works because you've made the extra effort yourself.
    use one style – let's say TableAnchor – to anchor each table, and another style – let's say TableNumber – for the numbering you use inside tables. Define autonumbering so that TableAnchor uses < =0>, and TableNumber uses <n+1>.
    This works because you've asked FM to make the effort for you :-} TableAnchor resets the counter to zero, and TableNumber increments it as required. Note: in the definition < =0> the space before the equals sign is essential. It keeps the counter from displaying on the page.
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    2) I'm using CS3 on a G5 dual PPC and want to install LR2.5. Are there any issues that I should be aware of because I'm using CS3 with ACR4.6
    thanks everyone....

    The last version of ACR that will work with Photoshop CS3 is version 4.6.  No, you can not get ACR 5.5 to work with Photoshop CS3.  As far as Lightroom goes, you want to install Lightroom 2.7.  That was the last version in the 2.x series, and will have the most up to date features and will support the most cameras.  Lightroom 2.5 specifically indicates that it is compatible with ACR 5.5 because the version numbers of Lightroom and ACR generally are synchronized.
    There shouldn't be any problems using Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom 2.7.  I still use Photoshop CS3 with Lightroom 3.3, and I don't have any problems, although I'm using Windows XP.  Occasionally, when I'm sending files to Photoshop, I'll get a reminder that Photoshop CS3 will not be able to read some of the Lightroom adjustments.  But that's okay, because I render TIF files that contain all of the Lightroom adjustments, and that is what I send to Photoshop.
    If you need support for newer cameras, you can always download the newest DNG converter and create DNG (Digital negative) copies of your raw images.  Lightroom will then be able to edit those DNG files.

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    1. Header-Footer method.
    2. Adding Page number -file/

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    your lr 5 serial number should work for lr 5.7.1
    here are some links to help you.
    Downloadable installation files available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4, CS4 Web Standard | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  5.7.1| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5.5, 5 | 1
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3 | 3,2
    FrameMaker:  12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7.2
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • Why does figure numbering re-start in each of my chapters?

    For some reason, figure numbering just stopped spanning chapters in my book.
    That is, the first figure in each chapter is labeled Figure 1. All chapters use same
    paragraph definitions for "Figure Caption," and that paragraph definition includes
    autonumbering. And when I generate an LOF file for the book, FM has no trouble
    finding them.
    This is a recent development because all the figures in the book used to be
    numbered correctly. I just can't figure out what changed.
    My figures are built this way: start with an anchored frame,  Import>File , then
    below the imported graphic frane itself, I insert a text frame and put the figure
    caption in it.
    I have never fiddled with any text flows in the book -- I just use whatever
    defaultes FM gave me
    As I said, this scheme used to work. Is there any way to explicitly
    tell FM to use continuous numbering?

    I still can't get figure numbers to continue but I did determine the following behavior.
    If I set numbering of a chapter via the book file to this:
    Chapter: Continue numbering
    Page: Continue numbering
    Paragraph:Continue numbering
    and then update the book file with Edit -> Update References, then heading numbering continues from the previous chapter (for example, chapter 3 starts with heading 3.6) but figure numbering restarts at 1.
    If I reset numbering of a chapter via the book file like this:
    Chapter: Continue numbering
    Page: Continue numbering
    Paragraph:Restart numbering
    the heading numbers immediately revert to 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and the figure numbers remain at 1, 2, 3.
    This is too frustrating. I can't spend any more time trying to figure this out so I'm going to switch to a <$chapnum>-<n+> format for figure numbers (and probably for tables too). I used to use that format at another company. At least it gives the user a clue as to what chapter the figure is in.
    Thanks for the suggestions.
    Michael F

  • Lightroom exporting to JPEG without Detail settings

    In Lightroom 3.3 (on OS X 10.6.4), when I export a photo with Detail  settings (noise reduction, etc) to JPEG, these settings are not in the JPEG.
    Am I doin it rong? This is illogical and frustrating.
    Develop with Detail on:
    Develop with Detail off:
    Exported JPEG:
    They all appear to be a bit different, but the jump from Library/Develop with Detail on to JPEG is pretty drastic.

    I've been having a similar problem recently in Lightroom. At first I thought it was because I shot an event with fill-flash in daylight and I thought my white balance was messed up because of cross contamination of light. But, since that shoot 2 weeks ago EVERY other shoot (around 1,000 images) have been giving me very weird white balance problems. Essentially, my images seem "greyish" so, I boost temp and tint, I boost vibrance, I try all sorts of tweaking until the image looks passable, but not nearly my typical color and saturation look and feel. The processed images in Lightroom still seem a bit under saturated and just "not right." BUT, when I export them... they're OVER saturated - kinda like the numbers in Lightroom tell me the image should look. So, it seems that the display in Develop mode is under saturated and "off." But, I have no idea how to correctly compensate. I feel like I have some hidden setting set incorrectly - Any thoughts? Ideas greatly appreciated. If a screen grab would help I'll try that.
    I'm in Lightroom 2.5 and Camera Raw 5.5
    I'm on a PowerPC Mac running OS X 10.4.11
    Message was edited by: jjlevan - I came back to post a screen grab from Lightroom and the JPG which looks like the Lightroom settings you see with the tint and vibrance boosted. But the Lightroom image looks UNDER saturated or almost normal.

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    This lack pretty much cripples LR for me, as far as using it for any serious work. Anyone have this experience? Or more importantly, a fix?

    I've been having a similar problem recently in Lightroom. At first I thought it was because I shot an event with fill-flash in daylight and I thought my white balance was messed up because of cross contamination of light. But, since that shoot 2 weeks ago EVERY other shoot (around 1,000 images) have been giving me very weird white balance problems. Essentially, my images seem "greyish" so, I boost temp and tint, I boost vibrance, I try all sorts of tweaking until the image looks passable, but not nearly my typical color and saturation look and feel. The processed images in Lightroom still seem a bit under saturated and just "not right." BUT, when I export them... they're OVER saturated - kinda like the numbers in Lightroom tell me the image should look. So, it seems that the display in Develop mode is under saturated and "off." But, I have no idea how to correctly compensate. I feel like I have some hidden setting set incorrectly - Any thoughts? Ideas greatly appreciated. If a screen grab would help I'll try that.
    I'm in Lightroom 2.5 and Camera Raw 5.5
    I'm on a PowerPC Mac running OS X 10.4.11
    Message was edited by: jjlevan - I came back to post a screen grab from Lightroom and the JPG which looks like the Lightroom settings you see with the tint and vibrance boosted. But the Lightroom image looks UNDER saturated or almost normal.

Maybe you are looking for