Restarting Lightroom - how to do it *and* have preferences saved (& start up with specified catalog)

I know one way to restart Lightroom (with specified catalog), however preferences are not saved:
Win: lightroom.exe -restart {catalog}
Mac: open {catalog}
However sometimes (usually) it would be better if preferences were saved on the way out.
PS - I can exit Lightroom with preferences saved by stuffing the keyboard (Alt/Cmd-FX), but how to get it to startup again (with specified catalog).
Any ideas?

Before invoking those commands to start LR on a catalog, politely terminate the application:
Windows: taskkill /im lightroom.exe
Mac: osascript -e 'tell application "Adobe Photoshop LIghtroom 5" to quit'
These send a "quit" event to the application.  A quickie experiment indicates that LR does indeed save its preferences before terminating, but you should definitely test it more thoroughly.
(I knew the Windows solution immediately, but had to Google the Mac one after discovering the Unix "kill pid" isn't trapped by Mac apps.)
If you're invoking these as shell scripts from a plugin, I think you might have to do some more magic to ensure that the shell script doesn't terminate immediately after it kills its parent (the LR process).  On Windows, I think (but not positive) the following would work:
start killandrestart.bat
On Unix, I think the magic is:
nohup &
but I haven't tried it on Mac OS.

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