Run Time and Shot Duration

Anyway to display them both at the same time?  Something like 00:01:20 / 00:11:33 would be AWESOME!  You got room for it if you shrink the font slightly or force a slightly earlier word wrap.

There's no bug here. If you go to the end of the clip in AE you'll be at the last frame. Go 1 more frame and you'll be at the end of the clip. This is where the confusion comes. If you were butting together to clips in AE then the first frame of the second clip would start when the preceding clip ends, IOW at the end of the clip.
Dropping a clip in an empty timeline or dragging it into the new composition icon creates a composition exactly the same length as the clip, but the frame number of the last frame is one less than the length of the comp.
Maybe the confusion arises because you're not counting bananas, you are measuring time. 60 bananas are 60 bananas because you started with a banana, but 60 seconds is a minute because you started with no seconds. The last second in a minute is the 59th second. When that second is over the minute is up.
In Premiere, or any other NLE, when you go to the end of a clip you don't see that clips last frame, you go to the first frame of the next clip. This makes sense because you wouldn't want to overlap the clips by 1 frame. When you go to the end of a comp you see the last frame, but the frame number is one less than the length of the composition. This also makes sense because you wouldn't want to the render to have one blank frame at the end of the movie.
I hope this clears things up.

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    Statistics should be switched ON for all the queries first. You can check this in RSDDSTAT.
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    Hope this helps.

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    p1 VC2005MSMs\
    p10 NI-RPC\
    p11 XercesDelayLoad27\
    p12 NI-ORB\
    p13 NI-DIM\
    p14 NI_TraceEngine\
    p15 NI-PAL\
    p16 NI_Logos_XT\
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    Hello sjunge,
    basically there should be no problem installing the software with Inno Setup as long as you do not violate the License Agreements.
    But keep in mind that there could be dependencies between the installers you install and those you don't and you may run into trouble with the software later on
    Kind regards

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    Thank you.

    some ways
    1. use transaction st03, expert mode.
    2. tables rsddstat*
    3. install bw statistics (technical content)
    there are docs on this, also bi knowledge performance center.
    BW Performance Tuning Knowledge Center - SAP Developer Network (SDN)
    Business Intelligence Performance Tuning [original link is broken]
    also take a look
    Prakash's weblog on this topic..
    oss note
    557870 'FAQ BW Query Performance'
    and 567746 'Composite note BW 3.x performance Query and Web'.

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    ImageX Tool for Windows
    Version: 6.2.9200.16384
    Error opening file [K:\PRELOAD\BASE7.WIM].
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    2. if not deploy it
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    BR, Jim 

    Meg K. B. , 
    It sounds like you are experiencing Time Stamp Counter (TSC) Drift as mentioned in the KB's for the AMD Multi-Core processors. However, according to this wikipedia article on TSC's, the Intel Core 2 Duo's "time-stamp counter increments at a constant rate.......Constant TSC behavior ensures that the duration of each clock tick is
    uniform and supports the use of the TSC as a wall clock timer even if
    the processor core changes frequency." This seems to suggest that it would be not be the case that you are seeing the issue mentioned in the KBs.
    Can you provide the exact modle of the Core 2 Duo processor that you are using?
    Ben Sisney
    FlexRIO V&V Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Go to Solution.

    The first thing I'd say is that a restart may not be necessary.  I have in the past installed LabVIEW development environment and when asked I said I would restart later.  Then I opened LabVIEW and started coding.  I'm not sure what it thinks it needs to restart for but it may not be required.
    The other thing I'd like to mention is that LabVIEW 7.1 and older can run EXEs without needing to install a run time engine.  So it is possible to build a EXE in 7.1, then include some files and DLLs in the same directory as the EXE, and when it is ran it will use them.  There's probably issues with talking to DAQ devices without MAX and I have no idea how you address this but it is another possibility.
    Of course you already know the best answer and that is to reboot the system when most convenient.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

  • Pick a subject area at run time and create an analysis on this subject area.

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    2. If the user selects DS1, the analysis sql should be:
    select <colgroup1>, <colgroup2>
    from DS1;
    However, if the user selects DS2, the analysis sql should be:
    select <colgroup1>, <colgroup2>
    from DS2;
    Hence the requirement for a dynamic FROM clause.
    I tried using a presentation variable in the from clause but I get the sql syntax error.
    Is there a way of implementing this requirement?

    To work around the license issue, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article LICREQST.EXE Requesting a License Key from an Object and download licreqst.exe. Run licreqst.exe and find "CWUIControlsLib.CWSlide.1" under the registered controls section and click on it. The license string at the top can be passed to Licenses.Add and then you should be able to dynamically create the Measurement Studio controls. For example:
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Licenses.Add "CWUIControlsLib.CWSlide.1", "[Add license string from licreqst here]"
    Dim slide
    Set slide = Controls.Add("CWUIControlsLib.CWSlide.1", "slide")
    With slide
    .Top = 120
    .Width = 1215
    .Visible = True
    End With
    End Sub
    Creating controls like this would have an impact on performance since all calls are late bound. If you are using the Measurement Studio controls in a UserControl, though, you should not need to do this since the license would get compiled into the binary that contains the control. I don't think that you would have any problems creating your control since it would not be licensed.
    - Elton

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    check this solution.

  • Update Text at run time and print in SAPScript

    Hello Experts,
                     My requirement is to print some hard coded text in SAPScript at item level based on the quantity.
    If at all the quantity is 4 then i need to print the text "Quantity" 4 times.
    In script i have written the command: INCLUDE <textname> OBJECT TEXT ID ST LANGUAGE E.
    and i have created a text using tcode SO10 then written a subroutine to update that text.
    In the subroutine i have used the Funtion Module SAVE_TEXT and FM: COMMIT_WORK to updated the text.
    Though it is updating the text in SO10 but its priting the text which was created for the first time.
    Like: for the 1st line item if the quantity is 4 then its printing the "Quantity" 4 times
    But for the 2nd line item if the quantity is 2 then also its priting the "Quantity" 4 times and i can see in the tcode SO10 the text is updated from 4 times to 2 times but at script level it is not priting the updated one.
    Ex: 4 times the quantity is update to 2times
    Please help out with this

    i think this is possible in print program. it may be useful to u
    Ex :   item     description   quantity.
            00010   test1              4
            00020   test2             3
            00030   test3             8.
    loop at lt_itab into wa_itab.
    for first item : 00010   the quantity is 4.
    n = your qnatity (4) wa_itab-qty.
    take one more final table and append all quantity records.
    do 4 times.
    text :  " quantity"
    append final table.
    finally your final internal table is :
    item     description   quantity    text.
    00010   test1              4          quantity
                                     4           quantity
                                     4          quantity
                                     4          quantity

  • Planned Delivery Time and Transportation duration- Tlane and Means of Transportation

    Dear Experts ,
    I have question regarding lead time calculation my SNP
    I have
    Start Location : A
    Destination location: B
    I maintained Planned delivery time in ECC- material master as 10 days  and cifed to Tlane Product procurement as 10 days
    and leave empty in the transportation duration empty so the total lead time is 10 days from start location A to destination location  B
    I maintain 24 hours in Means of transport as transportation duration by truck
    now the lead time is 11 days from start location A to destination location B
    i leave empty planned delivery time empty and maintain Means of transport duration as 48 hours
    so the lead time is 2 days from A to B
    does my understanding is correct or not advise please

    Hi Raj,
    Take a look of these notes. Specially SAP note 379006. This note explains how the system sets the times in ECC and APO. Basically, It recommends a BAdI in order to match the delivery date in ECC and APO (transit time). What I recommend is to set delivery time equal to 0 if this is possible in your company.. This is not an SAP recommendation, because the delivery date is a key master data in the purchasing process and making it equal to 0 could not be allowed.. Now, if its possible in your case, it is the easiest way to ensure consistency...
    These are the notes:
    - Transport duration and planned delivery time in APO and R/3
    - Supplying-plant-dependent planned del. time/trans. time
    - Incorrect dates for RBA controlled stock transfer
    Kind Regards,

  • Running Time and Connected Noises

    I am wondering if there is a maximum time limit I should run my laptop, because it gets really hot on the bottom and today it is making funny humming noises like something behind the speakers is vibrating. I think that it's because I used it to aggressively for too long yesterday, but it was only abou 2 or 3 hours. Does anyone have some good insight for the problem?

    Hi, Liza. Welcome to the Discussions.
    Your question is really hardware-related and should be posted on the MacBook Pro Discussion.
    The humming noise may simply be the cooling fans running. The MacBook Pro has been notorious for heat.
    If you find the bottom is hot because you are using the Mac on your lap, note that laptops are not designed for laps, which is probably why Apple calls them "portables." You can't use a laptop ergonomically with it sitting on your lap. This can also prohibit proper airflow for cooling of the laptop.
    Your laptop should be placed on a smooth, hard surface while in use, e.g. a desk or table at the proper height for correct ergonomics. If you ignore proper ergonomics, you risk injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
    Likewise, if you use the laptop on a soft surface, it can "sink in" a bit and, depending on the model, block the airflow for cooling. For example, if you use it on a table, no tablecloth should be under the laptop.
    You can learn more about proper ergonomics at Apple's Ergonomics Site.
    There are Apple Retail Stores in Durham and Charlotte, so if you're near one of those, you might want to take it there for a checkup. Call ahead to make an appointment at the Genius Bar.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Sharepoint -Creating document libraries at run time and add and delete permission at runtime--taking too much time in C#(SOM)

    I am creating a batch job in C# and my requirement is as follows.
    My Requirement is to create multiple document libraries and after breaking inheritance  I remove all the groups which that library inherits and add some groups which are created for that library.Initially when libraries are less the creation
    of library is good but once it gets increased ,system takes lot of time.I will have to create around 2000 libraries and almost 600-700 groups.
    Q.1 ) What would be my approach?
    Q.2) Do we have powershell command which can break inheritance and delete all the default groups in a one go (without looping) of a library?
    Please suggests.

    It is recommended to create timer job for the time consuming job when in SharePoint environment.
    About creating timer job:
    If you want to do it via PowerShell, the links below would be helpful.
    About how to stop inheriting permission for SharePoint list and give custom permission using PowerShell:
    About How to remove users and groups from a SharePoint list using PowerShell:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Creating executable including run time and drivers windows 7

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    I remember running the compiler at home on Windows 7 64bit using 32bit LabVIEW and I did not have any problems.  The exe built just fine.
    You have to have your code in a project in order to build an executable.  Once you have created a project and included your source files, right click on Build Specifications and choose "New->Application (exe)".  Go through each section of the Application (exe) dialog and input the appropriate settings you need.
    You can include the runtime and device drivers by creating an Installer.  Once you have your executable built, you can right click on Build Specifications and choose "New->Installer".  Same thing, go through each part of the dialog box selecting appropriate settings.  Under "Additional Installers" you can include NI drivers and the LabVIEW runtime.  If you have never done this before, it may ask for you to insert LabVIEW/NI Driver discs so it can include what it needs to for your installer.
    My users tend to groan whenever I do this, however, as it creates installers >400MB (which seems silly to them for what appears to be a simple program).  Ah well. 

Maybe you are looking for

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