SanDisk mp3 player

How do I get music onto my sons SanDisk mp3 player from itunes?

Hey emil41
Unfortunately iTunes will only transfer your media to an iPod or Apple TV. iTunes is not designed to put media onto other devices.
You can Get Info on the file by going to File>Get Info. Then copy the file to your device from its location on the computer with Explorer or any other application that came with the device.

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    I used to do this on my PC with no problems.
    Thank you for your help.

    Please see this page:
    which says:
    'Although Mac OS is NOT a supported operating system, the Sansa player can still be recognized if the Sansa player is only plugged in MSC mode.
    Mac computers do NOT support MTP
    A Sansa player in MTP mode when plugged into a Mac computer will NOT be detected or recognized.'
    and links to instruction pages.

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    Yep, I know, when you buy itunes music, the songs are protected, so burn a cd of the music, and import it into windows media player, or back into itunes in a different format, because when you burn it, it becomes unprotected and you can change the format.

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    According to their web site it should be able to conect via USB. They do mention support for Mac OS 10.1 and up but whether that extends to 10.4 I don't know. You would have to contact them for that information. If 10.4 is supported you should be able to put music that is yours on it.
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    I have tried this with a SanDisk mp3 player, so I am not sure if it would work with a Sony - don't see why not..
    Open your iTunes, build a playlist of songs you want to put in the Walkman.
    Connect the Walkman and when the icon mounts on the desktop, open the Finder window to it - if it has a .mp3 folder inside, ('cos the sony devices have multiple folders in some instances), open that. Drag and drop the playlist of songs - (the list not the sidebar icon for it) into the .mp3 folder, and it should copy the files right in. iTunes itself will not likely 'see' the Walkman, but the Finder does, and will treat it like a new storage volume - which it is. You just build the iTunes playlists to tell the Finder what to copy.

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    I have tried this with a SanDisk mp3 player, so I am not sure if it would work with a Sony - don't see why not..
    Open your iTunes, build a playlist of songs you want to put in the Walkman.
    Connect the Walkman and when the icon mounts on the desktop, open the Finder window to it - if it has a .mp3 folder inside, ('cos the sony devices have multiple folders in some instances), open that. Drag and drop the playlist of songs - (the list not the sidebar icon for it) into the .mp3 folder, and it should copy the files right in. iTunes itself will not likely 'see' the Walkman, but the Finder does, and will treat it like a new storage volume - which it is. You just build the iTunes playlists to tell the Finder what to copy.

  • SanDisk Clip Jam MP3 Player

    Befestigen Sie den kompakten, farbenfrohen digitalen MP3-Player Clip Jam™ an Ihrer Kleidung und nehmen Sie ihn überallhin mit. Mit dem hellen 1-Zoll-Display und den großen Navigationstasten lassen sich Dateien in allen gängigen Formaten ganz einfach wiedergeben und verwalten, einschließlich AAC. Über den integrierten microSD™ Kartensteckplatz können Sie die Speicherkapazität sogar** um bis zu 18 Stunden** bombastische Musikwiedergabe erweitern.
    Ultraleichter, tragbarer Musikplayer
    Ein fesselndes Klangerlebnis
    8GB** interne Speicherkapazität mit einem Erweiterungssteckplatz für microSD™ Speicherkarten**
    Großes, helles, lesefreundliches Display und komfortable Navigationstasten
    Die Akkulaufzeit beträgt bis zu 18 Stunden.**
    Erhältlich in verschiedenen leuchtenden Farben
    Speicherplatz für die komplette Musiksammlung
    Der ultraleichte Clip Jam™ vereint hohe Kapazität mit einem erstklassigen Klangerlebnis. Der kompakte Audioplayer bietet 8GB** Speicherkapazität mit einem Erweiterungssteckplatz für microSD™ Speicherkarten für noch mehr Musik- und Hörbuchgenuss.
    Spielt Audiodateien in vielen gängigen Formaten ab
    Spielen Sie Ihre komplette Musiksammlung auf dem Clip Jam™ MP3-Player ab. Kopieren Sie die gewünschten Musikdateien zum Abspielen einfach auf den Player – MP3, WMA (kein DRM), AAC (DRM-freie iTunes-Titel) und Audible (nur DRM). Der Clip Jam™ MP3-Player ist Ihr persönlicher DJ.
    Einfach zu bedienende Tasten und ein helles Display
    Der Clip Jam™ MP3-Player überzeugt durch seine benutzerfreundliche Navigation. Das helle 1-Zoll-Display ist lesefreundlich und die Tasten lassen sich mit kleinen und großen Händen gleichermaßen intuitiv bedienen. Sie verlieren nie den Überblick und wissen immer, was Sie gerade hören.
    Der Klang macht den Unterschied
    Ein Musikplayer, den Sie so regelmäßig tragen wie Ihre Lieblingssneaker, muss selbstverständlich einen großartigen Klang bieten. Genau das tut der Clip Jam™. Und er macht seine Sache so gut, dass Sie sich fragen werden, wie ein derart kleiner und erschwinglicher Audioplayer einen so tiefen und satten Klang liefern kann.
    Lange Akkulaufzeit, leuchtende Farben und UKW-Radio
    Der Clip Jam™ MP3-Player bietet eine Wiedergabedauer von bis zu 18 Stunden** mit einer Aufladung. Er ist in so vielen leuchtenden Farben erhältlich, dass Sie Probleme haben werden, sich für eine zu entscheiden, und ist mit einem integrierten UKW-Radio sowie angenehm zu tragenden Kopfhörern ausgestattet.
    Unterstützt MP3, WMA (kein DRM), AAC, WAV und Audible (nur DRM)
    8GB** Speicherkapazität
    0,96 Zoll weißes OLED (128x64 Pixel)
    Die Akkulaufzeit beträgt bis zu 18 Stunden.**
    2 Jahre eingeschränkte Garantie**
    microSDHC™ Speicherkarten-Steckplatz**

    this is the first shipping FW. there are no release notes for changes because this is the first release. 

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    "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.  If you click Quit the application will close immediately.
    InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelctedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex"
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    Thanks anyone who can help

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    I am thinking of buying a Sandisk Sansa Fuze or Clip+.
    I love my iMac but want to try a new MP3 player with better sound quality.
    Please share your experiences.
    Mahalo! :]]]

    The SanDisk players use Windows Media Player to take the place of iTunes (for interfacing with an palyer). It seems like you will be able load it manually, by dragging and dropping files using Finder, but you will not be able to do all the things iTunes does for you, such download media, manage media, and create playlists.
    Also, according to the specs, it does not play the non-proprietary AAC format. Many other non-Apple players can play unprotected AAC (which is the audio component of the open MPEG-4 format), but I do not see AAC listed in the supported formats for those SanDisk players. iTunes can obviously rip to and play MP3, but if your library has AAC encoded files (which Apple favors), you'll have to convert or re-encode them.

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    brand new s10, all ok  but neither usb port  seeing mp3 player.(sandisk clip) mp3 used on other computers, no problem.

    USB port does not see MP3 player. I looked at "support & downloads". Nothing there about USB's.
    This is crazy, I have never had to download drivers for a NEW computer to make the USB's work. 

  • Ipod (and other mp3 player) no longer mount

    When I connect my Nano to my Mac, the battery charge icon shows in the Nano display, but the Nano does not mount on the desktop nor does it show as being connected to the computer. I have a second mp3 player (Sandisk) and it does the same -- its display shows it connecting to the computer but it never shows on the desktop or in the sidebar of windows.
    BTW, I have checked Finder preferences and Ipods are checked to be displayed. I have the iPod in disk mode.
    Any help appreciated.
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Sorry can you see the other MP3 under the Disk
    No. I also checked the /Volumes directory in the terminal and it doesn't show there either. The player display says "USB connect."

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    I have a Sandisk clip sport MP3 player and would like to download files from my iTunes library.  Do I have to use the sync?  If so, how do I enable sync on my Mac?

    Drag the songs from the iTunes library or iTunes Music folder to the device in the Finder. If it doesn't show up there or that doesn't work, check the device's documentation.

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    Is there any way to sync a non-apple MP3 player with iTunes?

    I use a freeware app called SyncTunes with my Walkman mobile phone. The app works with any MP3 player that mounts as a USB drive - and works extremely well at that, IMO.
    Which makes me believe that Apple should work on opening up iTunes to non-iPod USB-based MP3 players. More and more devices - from SanDisk, from mobile phone manufacturers, and now in portable GPS units like the Garmin Nuvi 360 - incorporate this capability. (Personally, this means the iPod's days are numbered...)

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    I wish the iPod shuffles had direct USB connection still.
    Anyone found something that sounds like this???
    A frustrated Mac user

    Here is a link to what I am talking about:
    You can buy a seperate cruzer micro that is of larger memory to give you 2Gig functionality. Hope that helps!

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