Scripting preferences

I'm working on a script that sets various preferences for InDesign and InCopy. My goal is to be able to set every preference that appears on every tab of the Preferences dialog in either application.
I've got most of them, but there are a few I can't nail down.
1. General tab: Enable attached scripts. (I'm assuming this can't be done with a script for security reasons.)
2. Type tab: Set the font preview size.
3. Grids tab: Set the "relative to" value for the baseline grid. (I can do this in InDesign, but the property seems to be read only for InCopy.)
4. Guides & Pasteboard tab: Set the minimum vertical offset value for the pasteboard. (I can do this in InDesign, but the property seems to be read only for InCopy.)
5. Display performance tab: all settings. (I can set all of these in InDesign, but can't find a way to get it done in InCopy.)
6. File Handling tab: enable/disable Version Cue.
1. Type tab: Set the font preview size
2. File Handling tab: Set snippet-import options and enable/disable Version Cue.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.

Yes, I've been through the object model upside down and sideways. The missing items that puzzle me the most are the ones that work in InDesign but don't seem to be supported (or are read only) in InCopy.
>>> "[Jongware]" <[email protected]> 8/23/2010 3:40 PM >>>
Did you go over all Preferences in the JS Help?
While checking for your Font Preview Size, I found a few mystifying ones in the General Preferences:
Controls whether or not multi-touch gestures are enabled.
Controls whether page items move when a page is repositioned from the UI. The option/alt key temporarily reverses this property
.. and in ImageIOPreference, this one:
The image resolution in ppi, set when the graphic is imported.
(unfortunately it's read-only!).
(I didn't find either of your 2 missing items.)

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  • My InDesign to PDF script ignores warnings, but I need to change that.

    I have a script here that converts InDesign Docs to PDF files.
    It works fine and was created to make bulk pdf's regardles of missing images.
    Now I want to revise it so that it does stop for missing fonts and images.
    This script also was built for quark and I can see where I could remove the supress all warnings dialog to remove it for the quark part, but I can't figure out where that warning is in the InDesign part to remove it.
    Here is the script: If anyone can help me find out where this line of code is that I could remove, so that the script does stop if there are missing fonts and images, that would be great!!
    property Babs_Folder : "Babs PDF Folder"
    global deskPath
    global PathToFolder
    global PathToFolder2
    global tempPictures
    on open thefiles
        tell application "Finder"
            set tempPictures to (every item of (get selection)) -- MUST GET BEFORE MAKING FOLDERS
            if not (exists folder Babs_Folder) then make new folder with properties {name:Babs_Folder}
            set deskPath to desktop as text
            set PathToFolder to POSIX path of (deskPath & Babs_Folder)
            set PathToFolder2 to deskPath & Babs_Folder & ":"
        end tell
        my openfiles()
        say "Finished"
    end open
    on openfiles()
            tell application "Finder"
                repeat with LoopFiles in tempPictures
                    set foundImages to {}
                    if kind of LoopFiles = "Folder" then
                            set foundImages to files of entire contents of LoopFiles as list
                        on error
                            set foundImages to files of entire contents of LoopFiles
                        end try
                        if kind of LoopFiles is not in {"Volume", "Disk Image", "Application", "Web Internet Location", "Document", "Text Clipping"} then
                            set end of foundImages to LoopFiles
                        end if
                    end if
                    --set WorkingFile to item i of fileList
                    repeat with WorkingFile in foundImages
                        if not ((kind of WorkingFile starts with "Quark") or (kind of WorkingFile starts with "InDesign")) then
                            display dialog "This file is not an InDesign or Quark document!" buttons "Skipping" default button "Skipping" with icon 0 giving up after 1
                            --Determine whether to use InDesign subroutines or Quark subroutines
                            if (kind of WorkingFile starts with "InDesign") then -- Process as InDesign
                                my createInDesignPDF(WorkingFile, PathToFolder2)
                            else -- Process as Quark
                                my createQuarkPDF(WorkingFile)
                            end if
                        end if
                    end repeat
                end repeat
            end tell
        on error errmsg
            display dialog "OpenFiles." & return & errmsg giving up after 20
        end try
    end openfiles
    on createInDesignPDF(WorkingFile, savePath)
        set x to 0
            if x = 0 then
                set newpart to ""
                set newpart to " " & x
            end if
            tell application "Finder"
                set tempname to my add_extension(WorkingFile, newpart, "pdf")
                if not (exists file tempname in folder Babs_Folder) then exit repeat
            end tell
            set x to x + 1
        end repeat
        tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
                    set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
                end try
                open WorkingFile as alias
                delay 2
                    if exists document 1 then exit repeat
                    delay 0.2
                end repeat
                set theProps to properties of PDF export preset "[Press Quality]"
                set newProps to {view PDF:false, crop marks:false, bleed marks:false, color bars:false, registration marks:false} & theProps
                set oldProps to properties of PDF export preferences
                set properties of PDF export preferences to newProps
                export front document format PDF type to (savePath & tempname) without showing options
                set properties of PDF export preferences to oldProps
                delay 1
                tell documents to close saving no
                    set user interaction level of script preferences to interact with all
                end try
            on error errmsg
                display dialog "CreateIndesignPDF." & return & errmsg giving up after 20
            end try
        end tell
    end createInDesignPDF
    on createQuarkPDF(WorkingFile)
            set x to 0
                if x = 0 then
                    set newpart to ""
                    set newpart to " " & x
                end if
                tell application "Finder"
                    set tempname to my add_extension(WorkingFile, newpart, "pdf")
                    if not (exists file tempname in folder Babs_Folder) then exit repeat
                end tell
                set x to x + 1
            end repeat
            tell application "QuarkXPress"
                open WorkingFile as alias with Suppress All Warnings
                tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                    click menu item "Layout as PDF..." of menu 1 of menu item "Export" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                    delay 1
                    keystroke tempname
                    delay 1
                    keystroke "G" using {shift down, command down}
                    delay 1
                    keystroke PathToFolder
                    delay 1
                    click button "Go" of sheet 1 of window "Export as PDF"
                end tell
                repeat 2 times
                    delay 1
                    tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                            if exists button "OK" of window 1 then
                                click button "OK" of window 1
                            end if
                        end try
                    end tell
                end repeat
                delay 1
                tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                        click button "Save" of window "Export as PDF"
                    end try
                end tell
                repeat 4 times
                    delay 1
                    tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                            if exists button "OK" of window 1 then
                                click button "OK" of window 1
                            end if
                        end try
                            if exists button "List Profiles" of window 1 then
                                click button "Continue" of window 1
                            end if
                        end try
                    end tell
                end repeat
                delay 2
                close front document saving no
            end tell
        on error errmsg
            display dialog "CreateQuarkPDF." & return & errmsg giving up after 20
        end try
    end createQuarkPDF
    on add_extension(WorkingFile, new_part, new_extension)
            set this_info to info for WorkingFile as alias
            set this_name to the name of this_info
            set this_extension to the name extension of this_info
            if this_extension is missing value then
                set the default_name to this_name
                set the default_name to text 1 thru -((length of this_extension) + 2) of this_name
            end if
            return (the default_name & new_part & "." & the new_extension)
        on error errmsg
            display dialog "add extension " & return & errmsg
        end try
    end add_extension

    OK-I had then blew it... ;-(
    I was playing with a combination of removing (commenting out those two try areas you suggested), and that didn't do it on its own. It didn't do anything, it just said finished.
    Then I found this in the dictionary ( set alert missing images to true) and added it to the script below. See my changes in Bold.
    At one point, I was able to get the missing images dialog box. Then I don't know what happened, I think I tried to turn one of the try areas back on to test it, and then it stopped giving me that dialog box and only the one being asked in that on error errmsg - display dialog "CreateIndesignPDF." & return & errmsg giving up after 20,  was showing up.
    I commented out what I thought I had  changed, but even after compiling and re-saving, I can't seem to get the missing images dialog box to show???
    any thoughts?
    property Babs_Folder : "Babs PDF Folder"
    global deskPath
    global PathToFolder
    global PathToFolder2
    global tempPictures
    on open thefiles
        tell application "Finder"
            set tempPictures to (every item of (get selection)) -- MUST GET BEFORE MAKING FOLDERS
            if not (exists folder Babs_Folder) then make new folder with properties {name:Babs_Folder}
            set deskPath to desktop as text
            set PathToFolder to POSIX path of (deskPath & Babs_Folder)
            set PathToFolder2 to deskPath & Babs_Folder & ":"
        end tell
        my openfiles()
        say "Finished"
    end open
    on openfiles()
            tell application "Finder"
                repeat with LoopFiles in tempPictures
                    set foundImages to {}
                    if kind of LoopFiles = "Folder" then
                            set foundImages to files of entire contents of LoopFiles as list
                        on error
                            set foundImages to files of entire contents of LoopFiles
                        end try
                        if kind of LoopFiles is not in {"Volume", "Disk Image", "Application", "Web Internet Location", "Document", "Text Clipping"} then
                            set end of foundImages to LoopFiles
                        end if
                    end if
                    --set WorkingFile to item i of fileList
                    repeat with WorkingFile in foundImages
                        if not ((kind of WorkingFile starts with "Quark") or (kind of WorkingFile starts with "InDesign")) then
                            display dialog "This file is not an InDesign or Quark document!" buttons "Skipping" default button "Skipping" with icon 0 giving up after 1
                            --Determine whether to use InDesign subroutines or Quark subroutines
                            if (kind of WorkingFile starts with "InDesign") then -- Process as InDesign
                                my createInDesignPDF(WorkingFile, PathToFolder2)
                            else -- Process as Quark
                                my createQuarkPDF(WorkingFile)
                            end if
                        end if
                    end repeat
                end repeat
            end tell
        on error errmsg
            display dialog "OpenFiles." & return & errmsg giving up after 20
        end try
    end openfiles
    on createInDesignPDF(WorkingFile, savePath)
        set x to 0
            if x = 0 then
                set newpart to ""
                set newpart to " " & x
            end if
            tell application "Finder"
                set tempname to my add_extension(WorkingFile, newpart, "pdf")
                if not (exists file tempname in folder Babs_Folder) then exit repeat
            end tell
            set x to x + 1
        end repeat
        tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
                --set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
                --end try
                open WorkingFile as alias
                set alert missing images to true
                delay 2
                    if exists document 1 then exit repeat
                    delay 0.2
                end repeat
                set theProps to properties of PDF export preset "[Press Quality]"
                set newProps to {view PDF:false, crop marks:false, bleed marks:false, color bars:false, registration marks:false} & theProps
                set oldProps to properties of PDF export preferences
                set properties of PDF export preferences to newProps
                export front document format PDF type to (savePath & tempname) without showing options
                set properties of PDF export preferences to oldProps
                delay 1
                tell documents to close saving no
                --set user interaction level of script preferences to interact with all
                --end try
            on error errmsg
                display dialog "CreateIndesignPDF." & return & errmsg giving up after 20
            end try
        end tell
    end createInDesignPDF
    on createQuarkPDF(WorkingFile)
            set x to 0
                if x = 0 then
                    set newpart to ""
                    set newpart to " " & x
                end if
                tell application "Finder"
                    set tempname to my add_extension(WorkingFile, newpart, "pdf")
                    if not (exists file tempname in folder Babs_Folder) then exit repeat
                end tell
                set x to x + 1
            end repeat
            tell application "QuarkXPress"
                open WorkingFile as alias with Suppress All Warnings
                tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                    click menu item "Layout as PDF..." of menu 1 of menu item "Export" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                    delay 1
                    keystroke tempname
                    delay 1
                    keystroke "G" using {shift down, command down}
                    delay 1
                    keystroke PathToFolder
                    delay 1
                    click button "Go" of sheet 1 of window "Export as PDF"
                end tell
                repeat 2 times
                    delay 1
                    tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                            if exists button "OK" of window 1 then
                                click button "OK" of window 1
                            end if
                        end try
                    end tell
                end repeat
                delay 1
                tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                        click button "Save" of window "Export as PDF"
                    end try
                end tell
                repeat 4 times
                    delay 1
                    tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuarkXPress"
                            if exists button "OK" of window 1 then
                                click button "OK" of window 1
                            end if
                        end try
                            if exists button "List Profiles" of window 1 then
                                click button "Continue" of window 1
                            end if
                        end try
                    end tell
                end repeat
                delay 2
                close front document saving no
            end tell
        on error errmsg
            display dialog "CreateQuarkPDF." & return & errmsg giving up after 20
        end try
    end createQuarkPDF
    on add_extension(WorkingFile, new_part, new_extension)
            set this_info to info for WorkingFile as alias
            set this_name to the name of this_info
            set this_extension to the name extension of this_info
            if this_extension is missing value then
                set the default_name to this_name
                set the default_name to text 1 thru -((length of this_extension) + 2) of this_name
            end if
            return (the default_name & new_part & "." & the new_extension)
        on error errmsg
            display dialog "add extension " & return & errmsg
        end try
    end add_extension

  • How to avoid missing font dialog box(alert) while running the script??

         In Illustrator CS4 ,I tried to skip missing font dialog box(alert box) by using the following  script .But,I could not skip the dialog box
    So if you have any suggestion about this let  me know..
    tell application "Finder"
      set user interaction level to never interact
        set fileName to (path to desktop folder as string) & "fer11757_f1208.eps"
        --set user interaction level to never interact
        --    set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
        open file fileName
        --set alert missing fonts to true
        set user interaction level to never interact
    end tell
    display dialog ("completed")
    end tell

    Does this NOT error when run? Your target application here is 'Finder' Apple's system file browser and you are giving it Adobe illustrator commands?
    Im not 100% about the versioning with Illustrator installs I think they are all just…
    Tell application "Adobe Illustrator" -- No CS Versioning?
         -- do stuff here
    end tell
    you could check by just picking the app from this list
    choose application

  • We have an applescript that will batch print InDesign CS6 files from a folder to a laser printer using an InDesign print preset. The script does not work in OS X Yosemite. The script errors out with the print preset. Any thoughts?

    tell application "Finder"
      set thefolder to choose folder with prompt "Select a Folder with InDesign Files to be Printed" as text
      set thePath to thefolder as text
      set the selected_items to every item of folder thefolder
      if the selected_items is {} then
      display dialog "Please select a folder with InDesign files before running this script." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
      end if
      repeat with aFile in selected_items
      tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
      with timeout of 600 seconds
      set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
      open aFile
      tell document 1
      tell print preferences
      set active printer preset to "Catalog Pages"
      set page range to all pages
      end tell
      print without print dialog
      close saving no
      end tell
      end timeout
      --might need this delay
      --delay 10
      set user interaction level of script preferences to interact with all
      end tell
      end repeat
      tell application "Finder"
      display dialog "Batch Printing is complete!" giving up after 5
      end tell
    end tell

    After I put a small delay in as shown, your code ran fine, tested on about twenty ID files, using ID CC 2014, OSX 10.10.2
    tell document 1
    delay 0.5   -- delay added
      tell print preferences
      set active printer preset to "Catalog Pages"

  • "MakeGrid" scripts in InDesign CS3 aren't working

    Hello -
    I have an interesting problem: most of my scripts stopped working last week. I don't know if I accidently hit some keyboard shortcut disabling things, or what. I have one java script ( add guides ) that still works but most of the others don't. I've tried resetting preferences but that hasn't worked. General, I know... but I thought maybe someone else had run into this too.
    thanks -

    I have a feeling the last script you ran turned off user interaction and didn't turn it back on when it finished.
    Try running this one-liner:
    //Dave Saunders
    //Resets script preference
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;

  • How to handle relative folders in script

    Just say I have the following folder: C:\test
    Inside there is one file, install.sql, and a folder 'addons' with the file three.sql
    How should I run install.sql in SQL Dev?
    @@c:\test\install.sql results in:
    Error starting at line 4 in command:
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "addons/three.sql"
    This is a basic example. The actual application is for install pl/json... It has the following lines in the install script:
    PROMPT ------------------------------------------;
    PROMPT -- Adding optional packages for PL/JSON --;
    PROMPT ------------------------------------------;
    @@addons/json_dyn.sql --dynamic sql execute
    @@addons/jsonml.sql --jsonml (xml to json)
    @@addons/json_xml.sql --json to xml copied from
    @@addons/json_util_pkg.sql --dynamic sql from
    @@addons/json_helper.sql --Set operations on JSON and JSON_LIST
    But running @@C:\pljson\install.sql
    -- Adding optional packages for PL/JSON --
    Error starting at line 52 in command:
    @@addons/json_dyn.sql --dynamic sql execute
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "addons/json_dyn.sql"
    Error starting at line 53 in command:
    @@addons/jsonml.sql --jsonml (xml to json)
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "addons/jsonml.sql"
    Error starting at line 54 in command:
    @@addons/json_xml.sql --json to xml copied from
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "addons/json_xml.sql"
    Error starting at line 55 in command:
    @@addons/json_util_pkg.sql --dynamic sql from
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "addons/json_util_pkg.sql"
    Error starting at line 56 in command:
    @@addons/json_helper.sql --Set operations on JSON and JSON_LIST
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "addons/json_helper.sql"

    This is SQL*Plus compatible - i.e. the expected behaviour.    Although I have to say it took me by surprise until I tested it.
    As you can see from the example below,  it doesn't work in sqlplus either, unless your current directory is where install.sql is.
    You can make it work in SQL Developer by setting the Select default path to look for scripts preference to the location of install.sql
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>sqlplus jim/xxxxx@xe
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Aug 17 12:28:32 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    jim@XE> @q:\dev\scratch\install
    SP2-0310: unable to open file "addons\test1.sql"
    jim@XE> quit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>q:
    Q:\>cd \dev\scratch
    Q:\dev\scratch>sqlplus jim/xxxx@xe
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Aug 17 12:29:33 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    jim@XE> @install
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

  • Parallel Backup script written in python

    I'm writing a backup script in python, based on one I wrote in BASH earlier on. Both of these leverage rsync, but I decided to move to a python implementation because python is much more flexible than BASH. My goals with the new implementation are to back up the system, home folder, and my documents folder to a set of multiple primary, secondary, and tertiary disks, respectively. The method is as follows:
    1. check for the existence of disks and create folders which will contain mountpoints for each category of disk.
    2. decrypt and mount disks found under subfolders within those category folders, creating the mountpoints if they don't exist.
    3. syncronize the aforementioned data to the mounted disks using rsync, doing all three classes of disk in parallel.
    4. unmount and close disks
    This is really my first serious python program, and I realize that it's a bit complicated. My code is rather sloppy, as well, perhaps understandably so given my novice status. My only other programming experience is with BASH scripts, but I digress.
    Here is the code for the script (about 250 lines). It is written as a series of functions, and I'm uncertain as to whether functions or objects would work better. Additionally, I'm sure there's a python function provided by the os module analogous to the sync system call, but I've yet to find it in my python desk reference. The backup functions need work, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get them to loop through the mounted disks in each folder and copy to them. I require assistance in determining how to write the backup functions to do as outlined above, and how to run them in parallel. This is still a work in progress, mind.
    # Backup Script
    #### preferences ####
    # set your primary/secondary backup disks, encryption, and keyfile (if applicable) here.
    # backup disks
    # primary and secondary backups. As used here,
    # primary backups refer to backups of the entire system made to an external drive
    # secondary backups refer to backups made of individual folders, such as documents
    # primary backup disks by UUID:
    global PDISKS
    PDISKS = ("/dev/disk/by-uuid/16d64026-28bd-4e1f-a452-74e76bb4d47b","")
    # secondary backups by UUID.
    global SDISKS
    SDISKS = ()
    # tertiary disks by UUID:
    global TDISKS
    TDISKS = ("/dev/disk/by-uuid/39543e6e-cf50-4416-9669-e97a6abd2a37","")
    # backup paths
    # these are the paths of the folders you wish to back up to secondary
    # and tertiary disks, respectively. Primary disks are set to back up the
    # contents of the root filesystem (/*). NO TRAILING SLASHES.
    global SBACKUP
    SBACKUP = "/home/bryant"
    global TBACKUP
    TBACKUP = "/home/bryant/docs"
    # use encryption:
    use_encryption = True
    # keyfile
    # set the full path to your keyfile here
    # this assumes a single keyfile for all backup disks
    # set this to None if you don't have a single keyfile for all of your backups
    keyfile = "/usr/local/bin/backup.keyfile"
    # import modules
    import os, subprocess, sys
    ### preliminary functions ###
    # these do the setup and post-copy work
    def check_dirs():
    """checks that the folders which contain the mountpoints exist, creates them if they don't"""
    print("checking for mountpoints...")
    p = os.path.isdir("/mnt/pbackup")
    if p == True:
    print("primary mountpoint exists.")
    elif p == False:
    print("mountpoint /mnt/pbackup does not exist.\n\tcreating...")
    s = os.path.isdir("/mnt/sbackup")
    if s == True:
    print("secondary mountpoint exists.")
    elif s == False:
    print("mountpoint /mnt/pbackup does not exist.\n\tcreating...")
    t = os.path.isdir("/mnt/tbackup")
    if t == True:
    print("tertiary mountpoint exists.")
    elif t == False:
    print("mountpoint /mnt/tbackup does not exist.\n\tcreating...")
    def mount_disks():
    """mounts available backup disks in their respective subdirectories"""
    pfolder = 1
    sfolder = 1
    tfolder = 1
    pmapper = "pbackup" + str(pfolder)
    smapper = "sbackup" + str(sfolder)
    tmapper = "tbackup" + str(tfolder)
    for pdisk in PDISKS:
    e = os.path.islink(pdisk)
    if e == True:"sync",shell=True)
    if kf == True:
    print("keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + pdisk + " " + pmapper + " --key-file " + keyfile,shell=True)
    if kf == False:
    print("keyfile not found or keyfile not set. \t\nAsking for passphrase...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + pdisk + " " + pmapper,shell=True)
    f = os.path.isdir("/mnt/pbackup/pbak" + str(pfolder))
    if f == True:"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + pmapper + " /mnt/pbak" + str(pfolder),shell=True)
    pfolder += 1
    elif f == False:
    os.mkdir("/mnt/pbackup/pbak" + str(pfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + pmapper + " /mnt/pbak" + str(pfolder),shell=True)
    pfolder += 1
    for sdisk in SDISKS:
    e = os.path.islink(sdisk)
    if e == True:"sync",shell=True)
    if kf == True:
    print("keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + sdisk + " " + smapper + " --key-file " + keyfile,shell=True)
    if kf == False:
    print("keyfile not found or keyfile not set. \t\nAsking for passphrase...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + sdisk + " " + smapper,shell=True)
    f = os.path.isdir("/mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(sfolder))
    if f == True:"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + smapper + " /mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(sfolder),shell=True)
    sfolder += 1
    elif f == False:
    os.mkdir("/mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(folder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + smapper + " /mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(sfolder),shell=True)
    sfolder += 1
    for tdisk in TDISKS:
    e = os.path.islink(tdisk)
    if e == True:"sync",shell=True)
    if kf == True:
    print("keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + tdisk + " " + tmapper + " --key-file " + keyfile,shell=True)
    if kf == False:
    print("keyfile not found or keyfile not set. \t\nAsking for passphrase...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + tdisk + " " + tmapper,shell=True)
    f = os.path.isdir("/mnt/tbackup/tbak" + str(tfolder))
    if f == True:"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + tmapper + " /mnt/pbak" + str(tfolder),shell=True)
    tfolder += 1
    elif f == False:
    os.mkdir("/mnt/tbackup/tbak" + str(tfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + tmapper + " /mnt/tbak" + str(tfolder),shell=True)
    tfolder += 1
    def umount_disks():
    """unmounts and relocks disks""""umount /mnt/pbackup*",shell=True)"umount /mnt/sbackup*",shell=True)"umount /mnt/tbackup*",shell=True)"cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/pbackup*",shell=True)"cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/sbackup*",shell=True)"cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/tbackup*",shell=True)
    def check_disks():
    """checks to see how many disks exist, exits program if none are attached"""
    pdisknum = 0
    sdisknum = 0
    tdisknum = 0
    for pdisk in PDISKS:
    p = os.path.islink(pdisk)
    if p == True:
    pdisknum += 1
    elif p == False:
    print("disk " + pdisk + " not detected.")
    for sdisk in SDISKS:
    s = os.path.islink(sdisk)
    if s == True:
    sdisknum += 1
    elif s == False:
    print("disk " + sdisk + " not detected.")
    for tdisk in TDISKS:
    t = os.path.islink(tdisk)
    if t == True:
    tdisknum += 1
    elif t == False:
    print("disk " + tdisk + " not detected.")
    total = pdisknum + sdisknum + tdisknum
    if total == 0:
    print("ERROR: no disks detected.")
    elif total > 0:
    print("found " + str(total) + " attached backup disks")
    print(str(pdisknum) + " Primary")
    print(str(sdisknum) + " secondary")
    print(str(tdisknum) + " tertiary")
    return total, pdisknum, sdisknum, tdisknum
    ### backup functions ###
    # these need serious work. Need to get them to loop through available mounted
    # disks in their categories and then execute rsync
    def pbackup():
    """calls rsync to backup the entire system to all pdisks"""
    dirs = os.listdir("/mnt/pbackup")
    for dir in dirs:
    m = os.path.ismount(dir)
    if m == True:"sync",shell=True)
    print("syncing disks with rsync...")
    #"rsync --progress --human-readable --numeric-ids --inplace --verbose --archive --delete-after --hard-links --xattrs --delete --compress --skip-compress={*.jpg,*.bz2,*.gz,*.tar,*.tar.gz,*.ogg,*.mp3,*.tar.xz,*.avi} /* /mnt/pbackup/" + dir + "/ --exclude={/sys/*,/mnt/*,/proc/*,/dev/*,/lost+found,/media/*,/tmp/*,/home/*/.gvfs/*,/home/*/downloads/*,/opt/*,/run/*",shell=True)
    print("disk synced with disk " + pdisk + ".")
    print("sync with disk " + pdisk + " complete.")
    elif m == False:
    def sbackup():
    """calls rsync to backup everything under SBACKUP folder to all sdisks"""
    dirs = os.listdir("/mnt/sbackup")
    for dir in dirs:
    m = os.path.ismount(dir)
    if m == True:"sync",shell=True)
    #"rsync --progress --human-readable --numeric-ids --inplace --verbose --archive --delete-after --hard-links --xattrs --delete --compress --skip-compress={*.jpg,*.bz2,*.gz,*.tar,*.tar.gz,*.ogg,*.mp3,*.tar.xz,*.avi} SBACKUP/* /mnt/sbackup/" + dir + "/",shell=True)
    print("disk synced with disk " + pdisk + ".")
    print("sync with disk " + sdisk + " complete.")
    elif m == False:
    def tbackup():
    """calls rsync to backup everything under TBACKUP folder to all tdisks"""
    dirs = os.listdir("/mnt/tbackup")
    for dir in dirs:
    m = os.path.ismount(dir)
    if m == True:"sync",shell=True)
    #"rsync --progress --human-readable --numeric-ids --inplace --verbose --archive --delete-after --hard-links --xattrs --delete --compress --skip-compress={*.jpg,*.bz2,*.gz,*.tar,*.tar.gz,*.ogg,*.mp3,*.tar.xz,*.avi} TBACKUP/* /mnt/sbackup/" + dir + "/",shell=True)
    print("disk synced with disk " + pdisk + ".")
    print("sync with disk " + sdisk + " complete.")
    elif m == False:
    #### main ####
    # check for root access:
    if r != 0:
    print("ERROR: script not run as root.\n\tThis script MUST be run as root user.")
    elif r == 0:
    # program body
    # pbackup()
    # sbackup()
    print("backup process complete.")
    Last edited by ParanoidAndroid (2013-08-07 20:01:07)

    I've run into a problem on line 149. I'm asking the program to list the directories under the top-level backup directories under /mnt, check to see if each one is a mountpoint, and if it is unmount it. It does this, but it appears to recurse into the directories under the directories I'm asking it to check. The output is:
    checking for mountpoints...
    primary mountpoint exists.
    secondary mountpoint exists.
    tertiary mountpoint exists.
    disk /dev/disk/by-uuid/16d64026-28bd-4e1f-a452-74e76bb4d47b not detected.
    found 1 attached backup disks
    0 Primary
    0 secondary
    1 tertiary
    keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...
    mounting tbackup1 at /mnt/tbak1
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    not a mountpoint
    Device /dev/mapper/pbackup* is not active.
    Device /dev/mapper/sbackup* is not active.
    backup process complete.
    here is the code for the entire script. It's been much modified from the previously posted version, so I included all of the code versus the section in question for reference. As I said, the section that seems to be causing the issue is on line 149.
    # Backup Script
    #### preferences ####
    # set your primary/secondary backup disks, encryption, and keyfile (if applicable) here.
    # backup disks
    # primary and secondary backups. As used here,
    # primary backups refer to backups of the entire system made to an external drive
    # secondary backups refer to backups made of individual folders, such as documents
    # primary backup disks by UUID:
    global PDISKS
    PDISKS = ["/dev/disk/by-uuid/16d64026-28bd-4e1f-a452-74e76bb4d47b"]
    # secondary backups by UUID.
    global SDISKS
    SDISKS = []
    # tertiary disks by UUID:
    global TDISKS
    TDISKS = ["/dev/disk/by-uuid/39543e6e-cf50-4416-9669-e97a6abd2a37"]
    # backup paths
    # these are the paths of the folders you wish to back up to secondary
    # and tertiary disks, respectively. Primary disks are set to back up the
    # contents of the root filesystem (/*). NO TRAILING SLASHES.
    global SBACKUP
    SBACKUP = "/home/bryant"
    global TBACKUP
    TBACKUP = "/home/bryant/docs"
    # use encryption:
    use_encryption = True
    # keyfile
    # set the full path to your keyfile here
    # this assumes a single keyfile for all backup disks
    # set this to None if you don't have a single keyfile for all of your backups
    keyfile = "/usr/local/bin/backup.keyfile"
    # import modules
    import os, subprocess, sys
    ### preliminary functions ###
    # these do the setup and post-copy work
    def check_dirs():
    """checks that the folders which contain the mountpoints exist, creates them if they don't"""
    print("checking for mountpoints...")
    if os.path.isdir("/mnt/pbackup"):
    print("primary mountpoint exists.")
    print("mountpoint /mnt/pbackup does not exist.\n\tcreating...")
    if os.path.isdir("/mnt/sbackup"):
    print("secondary mountpoint exists.")
    print("mountpoint /mnt/pbackup does not exist.\n\tcreating...")
    if os.path.isdir("/mnt/tbackup"):
    print("tertiary mountpoint exists.")
    print("mountpoint /mnt/tbackup does not exist.\n\tcreating...")
    def mount_disks(wdisk):
    """mounts available backup disks in their respective subdirectories"""
    pfolder = 1
    sfolder = 1
    tfolder = 1
    pmapper = "pbackup"
    smapper = "sbackup"
    tmapper = "tbackup"
    if wdisk == "p":
    for pdisk in PDISKS:
    if os.path.islink(pdisk):"sync",shell=True)
    if os.path.isfile(keyfile):
    print("keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + pdisk + " " + pmapper + str(pfolder) + " --key-file " + keyfile,shell=True)
    print("keyfile not found or keyfile not set. \t\nAsking for passphrase...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + pdisk + " " + pmapper + str(pfolder),shell=True)
    if os.path.isdir("/mnt/pbackup/pbak" + str(pfolder)):
    print("mounting " + pmapper + str(pfolder) + " at /mnt/pbak" + str(pfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + pmapper + str(pfolder) + " /mnt/pbackup/pbak" + str(pfolder),shell=True)
    pfolder += 1
    os.mkdir("/mnt/pbackup/pbak" + str(pfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + pmapper + str(pfolder) + " /mnt/pbackup/pbak" + str(pfolder),shell=True)
    pfolder += 1
    elif wdisk == "s":
    for sdisk in SDISKS:
    if os.path.islink(sdisk):"sync",shell=True)
    if os.path.isfile(keyfile):
    print("keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + sdisk + " " + smapper + str(sfolder) + " --key-file " + keyfile,shell=True)
    print("keyfile not found or keyfile not set. \t\nAsking for passphrase...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + sdisk + " " + smapper + str(sfolder),shell=True)
    if os.path.isdir("/mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(sfolder)):
    print("mounting " + smapper + str(sfolder) + " at /mnt/sbak" + str(sfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + smapper + str(sfolder) + " /mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(sfolder),shell=True)
    sfolder += 1
    os.mkdir("/mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(folder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + smapper + str(sfolder) + " /mnt/sbackup/sbak" + str(sfolder),shell=True)
    sfolder += 1
    elif wdisk == "t":
    for tdisk in TDISKS:
    if os.path.islink(tdisk):"sync",shell=True)
    if os.path.isfile(keyfile):
    print("keyfile found. Using keyfile to decrypt...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + tdisk + " " + tmapper + str(tfolder) + " --key-file " + keyfile,shell=True)
    print("keyfile not found or keyfile not set. \t\nAsking for passphrase...")"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen " + tdisk + " " + tmapper + str(tfolder),shell=True)
    if os.path.isdir("/mnt/tbackup/tbak" + str(tfolder)):
    print("mounting " + tmapper + str(tfolder) + " at /mnt/tbak" + str(tfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + tmapper + str(tfolder) + " /mnt/tbackup/tbak" + str(tfolder),shell=True)
    if os.path.islink(tdisk):
    tfolder += 1
    os.mkdir("/mnt/tbackup/tbak" + str(tfolder))"mount " + "/dev/mapper/" + tmapper + " /mnt/tbackup/tbak" + str(tfolder),shell=True)
    tfolder += 1
    def umount_disks():
    """unmounts and relocks disks"""
    pdirs = os.listdir("/mnt/pbackup")
    sdirs = os.listdir("/mnt/sbackup")
    tdirs = os.listdir("/mnt/tbackup")
    for pdir in pdirs:
    if os.path.ismount("/mnt/pbackup/" + pdir):"umount /mnt/pbackup/" + pdir,shell=True)
    print("not a mountpoint")
    for sdir in sdirs:
    if os.path.ismount("/mnt/sbackup/" + sdir):"umount /mnt/sbackup/" + sdir,shell=True)
    print("not a mountpoint")
    for tdir in tdirs:
    if os.path.ismount("/mnt/tbackup/" + tdir):"umount /mnt/tbackup/" + tdir,shell=True)
    print("not a mountpoint")"cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/pbackup*",shell=True)"cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/sbackup*",shell=True)"cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/tbackup*",shell=True)
    def check_disks():
    """checks to see how many disks exist, exits program if none are attached"""
    pdisknum = 0
    sdisknum = 0
    tdisknum = 0
    for pdisk in PDISKS:
    if os.path.islink(pdisk):
    pdisknum += 1
    print("\ndisk " + pdisk + " not detected.")
    for sdisk in SDISKS:
    if os.path.islink(sdisk):
    sdisknum += 1
    print("\ndisk " + sdisk + " not detected.")
    for tdisk in TDISKS:
    if os.path.islink(tdisk):
    tdisknum += 1
    print("\ndisk " + tdisk + " not detected.")
    total = pdisknum + sdisknum + tdisknum
    if total == 0:
    print("\nERROR: no disks detected.")
    elif total > 0:
    print("found " + str(total) + " attached backup disks")
    print(str(pdisknum) + " Primary")
    print(str(sdisknum) + " secondary")
    print(str(tdisknum) + " tertiary")
    return total, pdisknum, sdisknum, tdisknum
    ### backup functions ###
    # these need serious work. Need to get them to loop through available mounted
    # disks in their categories and then execute rsync
    def pbackup():
    """calls rsync to backup the entire system to all pdisks"""
    dirs = os.listdir("/mnt/pbackup")
    for dir in dirs:
    if os.path.ismount("/mnt/pbackup/" + dir) == True:"sync",shell=True)
    print("syncing disks with rsync...")"rsync --progress --human-readable --numeric-ids --inplace --verbose --archive --delete-after --hard-links --xattrs --delete --compress --skip-compress={*.jpg,*.bz2,*.gz,*.tar,*.tar.gz,*.ogg,*.mp3,*.tar.xz,*.avi} /* /mnt/pbackup/" + dir + "/ --exclude={/sys/*,/mnt/*,/proc/*,/dev/*,/lost+found,/media/*,/tmp/*,/home/*/.gvfs/*,/home/*/downloads/*,/opt/*,/run/*",shell=True)"sync",shell=True)
    def sbackup():
    """calls rsync to backup everything under SBACKUP folder to all sdisks"""
    dirs = os.listdir("/mnt/sbackup")
    for dir in dirs:
    if os.path.ismount("/mnt/sbackup/" + dir):"sync",shell=True)"rsync --progress --human-readable --numeric-ids --inplace --verbose --archive --delete-after --hard-links --xattrs --delete --compress --skip-compress={*.jpg,*.bz2,*.gz,*.tar,*.tar.gz,*.ogg,*.mp3,*.tar.xz,*.avi} " + SBACKUP + "/* /mnt/sbackup/" + dir + "/",shell=True)"sync",shell=True)
    def tbackup():
    """calls rsync to backup everything under TBACKUP folder to all tdisks"""
    dirs = os.listdir("/mnt/tbackup")
    for dir in dirs:
    if os.path.ismount("/mnt/tbackup/" + dir):"sync",shell=True)"rsync --progress --human-readable --numeric-ids --inplace --verbose --archive --delete-after --hard-links --xattrs --delete --compress --skip-compress={*.jpg,*.bz2,*.gz,*.tar,*.tar.gz,*.ogg,*.mp3,*.tar.xz,*.avi} " + TBACKUP + "/* /mnt/sbackup/" + dir + "/",shell=True)"sync",shell=True)
    #### main ####
    # check for root access:
    if r != 0:
    print("ERROR: script not run as root.\n\tThis script MUST be run as root user.")
    elif r == 0:
    # program body
    if d[1] > 0:
    elif d[2] > 0:
    elif d[3] > 0:
    print("backup process complete.")
    Last edited by ParanoidAndroid (2013-08-11 00:32:02)

  • Startup script to load shortcuts - in a Citrix environment

    Let me offer a sample of what I have and ask if anyone knows how to fill in the gaps.
    For starters, a listening script upon booting up InDesign:
    #target InDesign
    #targetengine session
    //collect the name of current user
    var userName = getUser();
    function getUser() {
    var myUser = ($.os.substring(0, 7)=="Windows")
      ? $.getenv("USERNAME")
      : $.getenv("USER");
    return myUser;
    // var startupScriptsFolder = "/z/Scripting/Startup scripts/";
    var startupScriptsFolder = "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Scripts/startup scripts/";
    var startupScriptFiles = Folder(startupScriptsFolder).getFiles();
    for (var i = 0; i < startupScriptFiles.length; i++) {
    then the script itself:
    #target InDesign
    #targetengine session
    //get or create folder for script preferences
    var scriptPrefsFolderPath = "/Users/madmac55/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 9.0/en_US/InDesign Shortcut Sets/";
    if (Folder(scriptPrefsFolderPath).exists == false) {
    var locationPrefsFilePath = scriptPrefsFolderPath + "/ MyShortcuts.indk";
    This hasn't worked for me and it's a hacked solution at best.  So I am wondering how to get it all to click.  In a Citrix environment (windows), Adobe puts the preferences in a hidden folder path ~/AppData/Roaming/   and this is where it's tough to find them — on the server(s) you land on.
    Because you land on an arbitrary server, you have to run the getUser statement first, then drill down inside.  I realize I have mixed paths of  Mac & PC, and I'm really writing abiout a PC environment, but paths are interchangeable.  It's the script that counts.

    Hey Mac,
    I'm not sure if this will work for you as I've only used it when making .bat files... but, in Windows, you can reference the folder directly by using the variable "%USERNAME%"
    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version 5.0\Scripts\Scripts Panel\
    Hope it helps.

  • Missing bridge startup scripts

    In bridge CS4 I am trying to use the Output feature to create a PDF contact sheet. However, when I click on that, I get a new workspace but I get no features in the output panel, it's blank. In reading the bridge PDF help manual, it says that one should use the Adobe Output Module script to do this: "If the Output workspace is not listed, select Adobe Output Module in Startup Scripts preferences." However, when I go to Preferences, Startup Scripts, and select "reveal scripts" there are no scripts shown at all.
    Where can I find them? Is this also why when I select the "Tools" menu item, there is no "Photomerge" choice?

    I have gone to Bridge->Preferences->Startup script panel. The Adobe Output Module is not listed. In fact, there is nothing listed in the panel.
    I have installed Photoshop CS4 but the photomerge options do not appear on the Tools->Photoshop menu of Bridge as they did in CS3. The only choices that appear are "Batch rename", 4 Metadata items, and "Cache".

  • Problem GUI scripting an inDesign dialog box

    I've posted this on the inDesign forums, but haven't received any answers.
    I'm trying to automate the opening of .indd files with InDesign CS3. Naturally they often come in folders with attached/included linked files, and opening the .indd files results in a dialog box offering to 'Fix Links Automatically'
    Trouble is, there's a dialog default button 'Don't Fix', that is selected when sending a return to the inDesign process (that works OK).
    I'd like to select the 'Fix Links Automatically' button, but trying to send a click to the button doesn't work. I can get the button to flicker with multiple 'clicks', both by GUI addressing by name and by position, but the button won't respond. Even 20 consecutive clicks turns the button blue, but doesn't work.
    I think it's a bug, but is it Adobe InDesigns or Apples?.
    Any thoughts anyone?

    Thanks Budgie
    Turns out it's easy to tuen of the dialogs, and re-do links after opening the document.
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
    set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
    open theItem
    delay 5
    set myDocument to document 1
    tell myDocument to update links
    set myFontCheck to (count (every font of document 1 whose status is not installed)) = 0
    if not myFontCheck then say "[[rate " & TheSpeechRate & "]]There are fonts missing. " using TheVoice
    set myGraphicsCheck to true
    set myGraphics to all graphics of myDocument
    repeat with myCounter from 1 to count myGraphics
    set myGraphic to item myCounter of all graphics of myDocument
    set myLink to item link of myGraphic
    if status of myLink is not normal then
    set myGraphicsCheck to false
    if SpeakTheErrors then say "[[rate " & TheSpeechRate & "]]There are linked graphics missing. " using TheVoice
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell

  • Javascript preferences error when clicking insert

    i tried looking around on the net however no solution i could see for this.
    when i click insert in DW CS3 i get an error in "yy/scripts/preferences.js" error 3
    i cannot see that file in my program files, how can i resolve this?
    many thanks

    i gave this a go however it did not resolve the issue. still error when clicking insert. only started happening past few days. cant think of what has happened to make it do it.
    any other suggestions?
    many thanks

  • Its possible to convert Apple script to Java script

    Please Help me anyone to do that script.
    its possible to convert below mentioned Apple script to Java Script.
    Thanks in advance.
    Help me......!
    tell me to addImageLabels()
    on addImageLabels()
              tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
                        set numberAdded to 0
                        set enable redraw of script preferences to true
                        set currentFonts to (get name of every font)
                        if currentFonts does not contain fontname then
                                  display dialog "The font \"" & fontname & "\" is not active on your system." buttons {"Continue anyway", "Cancel"} default button 2
                        end if
                        tell document 1
      -- get a list of unique page IDs in this document
                                  set allpageids to my getPageIds()
                                  repeat with p from 1 to (length of allpageids)
                                            set pgid to item p of allpageids
      -- loop through these, getting a list of unique page item IDs to inspect
                                            tell page id pgid
                                                      set pageitems to (get id of every page item)
                                                      repeat with i from 1 to (length of pageitems)
                                                                set pid to item i of pageitems
                                                                tell page item id pid
      -- certain boxes will fail to yield a content type, whatever
                                                                                    if content type is graphic type then
                                                                                              set c to class
                                                                                              set i to id
      -- get the name of the link, i.e. the filename, subject to labelFormat (full name, first six chars, etc.)
                                                                                              set gn to my getImageName(pgid, c, i)
                                                                                              if (gn is not "Empty") and (gn is not "") then
                                                                                                         set b to visible bounds
                                                                                                         set h to (item 3 of b) - (item 1 of b)
                                                                                                         set newtop to (item 1 of b) + (h / 2)
                                                                                                         set item 1 of b to newtop
                                                                                                         set w to (item 4 of b) - (item 2 of b)
                                                                                                         if w < minwidth then
                                                                                                                   set item 4 of b to ((item 4 of b) + 0.2)
                                                                                                                   set item 2 of b to ((item 2 of b) - 0.2)
                                                                                                         end if
                                                                                                         set l to (make new text frame at beginning of page id pgid with properties {visible bounds:b, fill color:fillcolor, contents:gn, label:"imagelabel"})
                                                                                                         tell l
                                                                                                                   tell paragraph 1
                                                                                                                             set justification to center align
                                                                                                                                       set applied font to fontname
                                                                                                                             end try
                                                                                                                             set point size to fontsize
                                                                                                                             set fill color to textcolor
                                                                                                                   end tell
                                                                                                                   set inset spacing of text frame preferences to ((insetspacing as string) & " in") as string
      fit given frame to content
                                                                                                                   set numberAdded to numberAdded + 1
                                                                                                         end tell
                                                                                              end if
                                                                                    end if
                                                                          end try
                                                                end tell
                                                      end repeat
                                            end tell
                                  end repeat -- allpageids
                        end tell -- document 1
      display dialog "Added " & numberAdded & " labels." buttons {okButton} default button 1 giving up after 10 with title scriptName
              end tell -- InDesign
    end addImageLabels
    on getPageIds()
              tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
                        tell document 1
                                  tell master spread 1
                                            set masterpageids to (get id of every page)
                                  end tell
                                  set docpageids to (get id of every page)
                        end tell
              end tell
              return masterpageids & docpageids
    end getPageIds
    on getImageName(int1, cla1, int2)
              tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
                        tell document 1
                                  tell page id int1
                                            if cla1 is rectangle then
                                                      set imagename to (name of item link of graphic 1 of rectangle id int2)
                                            else if cla1 is polygon then
                                                      set imagename to (name of item link of graphic 1 of polygon id int2)
                                                      return "Unknown"
                                            end if
                                                      if (labelformat is "First six characters") then
                                                                return (characters 1 thru 6 of imagename) as string
                                                      else if (labelformat is "Base name of linked file") then
                                                                set op to offset of "." in imagename
                                                                return (characters 1 thru (op - 1)) of imagename as string
                                                                return imagename
                                                      end if
                                            on error
                                                      return "Empty"
                                            end try
                                  end tell
                        end tell
              end tell
    end getImageName

    I realize English is probably not your first language, but you are not really making sense. Perhaps you could use more words and write in more detail.
    It seems you already have your script in AppleScript. Why do you need to convert it to JavaScript?
    It's going to be inconvenient at best and probably not worth anyone's time.
    Just use the AppleScript.

  • [AS] Versioning to preserve CS3 scripts in CS5

    Hi everyone,
    I've been reading through the thread about what has changed for scripting InDesign CS5. I have been writing scripts for CS3 for about a year and we are upgrading in the new year. I have the demo of CS5 loaded so I can test how the scripts i've written will or won't run.
    Someone indicated in that "what's different" thread that you can "version" the scripts so that they will run in newer versions without having to rewrite the parts of the syntax that have  changed.
    Can someone elaborate on how to do this with AppleScript?
    I put
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
    set version of script preferences to "5.0"
    at the beginning of the script (and changed all instances of CS3 to CS5 in the script as well) but the script is still not working as with CS3.
    Is there something else I need to do to get CS5 to recognize the syntax of CS3 and understand the commands?

    You will want to set the version back at the end of the script too.
    To deal with the syntax issues, you can wrap the relevant code in:
    using terms from application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
    end using terms from
    You can use the "publish terminology" command to make a dummy dictionary-only version of CS3 so you don't need both versions running; how to do it is documented in the InDesign CS5 Scripting Guide.
    For scripts you run from the Scripts panel, you don't need to make any changes -- just enclose them in a folder called "Version 5.0 Scripts".

  • OpenScript 9.3.1 hangs recording WebHttp type script

    Installed OATS 9.31.0036 on Windows 2008 R2 and Trying to record a HTTP Web
    type of script for PeopleSoft Transaction and OScript stops recording HTTP
    Version: Production
    Build ID:
    I tried the transaction with HTTP watch everything seems to be fine.
    Is there any setting in OSCRIPT I may be missing?

    Windows Server 2008 6.1 , x86
    Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385
    FireFox 19.0.2
    Open Script hangs not recording PeopleSoft transaction.
    Open Script type Load Testing/Oracle Peoplesoft
    Open Script Preferences>Record HTTP>General>Miscellaneous>Record Mode>HTTP
    Open Script Preferences>Record HTTP>General>Miscellaneous>IE Cache>Propmpt to Clear
    Open Script Preferences>Record HTTP>Proxy Settings>Chain Proxy>Use browser's proxy
    Open Script Preferences>Correlation>HTTP>Web Default (System - Version
    Open Script Preferences>Correlation>HTTP>PeopleSoft Version 4
    Open Script Preferences>Correlation>Oracle PeopleSoft Load>PeopleSoft (System - Version

  • [CS5][AS] Hide progress while running script

    Can anyone please tell me if it's possible to hide all Indesign operations when running a actionscript.
    I would like to speedup a script by hidding all operations (opening files, placing pictures, ect) while running the script.
    Many thanks
    Kind regards

    You can either make a document without a window
    set theDoc to make new document without showing window
    or turn off the redraw
    set enable redraw of script preferences to false

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