Se cierra el acrobat professional 8

Tengo windows vista y acrobat professional 8, esta semana cuando abri un archivo pdf, el acrobat simplemente lo abre por unos pocos segundos, de la misma manera si el archivo lo abro por el IE.
Este error o forma de trabajo recien me ha sucedido ahora, por favor agradeceria me puedan colaborar para no volver al reader, he intentado repara el programa y nada.

Por lo que he leído en los foros en inglés, este método
Jeff Moran, "Actobat 8.0 Pro Closes Automatically" #190, 29 Mar 2007 2:02 pm
ha funcionado para la mayoría de los que tienen versiones legítimas de Acrobat. (Si tienes problemas con el inglés, puedes saltarte la cháchra e ir directamente al método, que tiene sus pasos numerados).

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    Hi there,
    I have been trying to narrow down an issue we have been having for some time in printing PDF files and finding that they look different on paper compared to screen.  Up until today our big KIP plotter got the blame, but as I have been collecting notes on a little windows 8 tablet I noted that PDFs opened in the windows PDF viewer have the same visual defects as the printouts.  My example today is that on a CAD drawing there is a small box/frame with a number in their, I tried printing and the frame was completely blacked out.  As a test I tried saving the PDF as a TIFF file from Adobe Acrobat professional and this file had the same fault as the printed copy.  When I open it in the windows 8 pdf viewer I can see that there is a shading within this box that does not show on Adobe Reader (latest version, the adobe reader and acrobat pro version both show a white background to the box.  We have been having lots of issues with sections being missing from drawings and overly feint lines.
    I am not sure where to start trying to narrow down why we are getting different results in different PDF readers.  Is there anyone who maybe able to point me in the right direction?  It almost feels like the shading or colour density is not being consistent when PDFs are being opened in different packages.
    Thanks in advance

    Some PDF viewers comply with the PDF ISO Standard (ISO 32000) "just enough" while others (such as Adobe's) fully comply.
    As with anything there's a cost to using anything that comes from a "just enough" approach.
    Be well...

  • I have tried to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional XI this morning and payment (AED 1983.53) has been taken, I received a message stating there was/is a problem processing my order and that I should contact your customer service team in UAE.  Having trie

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    CS2 is very old and reached its "end of life" a while back.  So probably won't run on modern operating systems.  If you can still run it, you'll need to uninstall what you have and re-install with the download link below to activate it.
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    Nancy O.

  • How many Licenses of Acrobat Professional do I need for Adobe LC PDF Generator

    At our customer site we have purchased 6 licenses of Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator and have recieved a license file with the keys for Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator and Adobe Acrobat Professional. We bought the license from a reseller of the product. We understand that the Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator is a server based software and needs 1 license per CPU. Each of our server (Dev, Val & Prod) have 2 CPU's so we have sufficient licenses (6). We are under the impression that this would suffice. How ever we are not sure on how many licenses we need for Acrobat Professional.
    Here is a brief description of the way we would use Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator. We are deploying a PLM system and one of the requirement is to render Word documents to PDF so we are using PDF Generator for this capability. On our Adobe servers we will install Microsoft Word, Acrobat Professional V9 Extended and the Adobe Livecycle PDF Generator. We will have around 150 users for the PLM system being deployed. The PLM system is a Web based system which means the PLM application server will be running on a Solaris server in our case. As part of the workflows in the PLM system, at the end of the workflow process, the PLM server would trigger a request to the Adobe server to convert the word document to PDF. The Adobe server processess the request and returns the PDF file that gets generated.
    Based on the above usage of the system how many licenses of Acrobat Professional do we need? We will be installing Acrobat only on the server where we install the Livecycle PDF Generator. We had a call with our purchasing person today and she cautioned us that for Adobe Acrobat Professional we might need 1 license per user of the PLM system. She has asked us to check this with the Vendor of the product. Somehow I don't think it makes sense to purchase so many Acrobat Professional licenses even though we install only once.
    So can someone tell me How does the licensing for Adobe Livecycle PDF Generator work? How many Acrobat Professional licenses we actually need? Is it based on the number of users in the system that is triggering the request? Appreciate your response on this.

    You really should talk to your Adobe Sales Rep about this.  There are all kinds of special deals, licenses and such for customers using LiveCycle.  (For instance the license for PDFG may include Acrobat licenses for certain uses).

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  • CONVERT_OTF error while opening the file in acrobat professional.

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm using 'CONVERT_OTF' to convert smartform to PDF and then I'm saving the file to application server (Code shown below). ADOBE Acrobat Viewer can handle this error when you open the PDF file - you don't get an error message.
    Adobe Acrobat Professional can also open the corrupted file but you'll get the following message if you close it:
    'Do you want to save changes to file before closing?'
    Kindly help me why some files can be processed successfully and some files gets corrupted.
    call function 'CONVERT_OTF'
          format                = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth         = 132
          bin_filesize          = v_len_in
         BIN_FILE              = LD_BINFILE
          otf                   = i_otf
          lines                 = i_tline
          err_max_linewidth     = 1
          err_format            = 2
          err_conv_not_possible = 3
          others                = 4.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        perform protocol_update.
      loop at i_tline.
        translate i_tline using '~'.
        concatenate wa_buffer i_tline into wa_buffer.
      translate wa_buffer using '~'.
        i_objbin = wa_buffer.
        append i_objbin.
        shift wa_buffer left by 255 places.
        if wa_buffer is initial.
    open dataset v_unix for output in binary mode
        message v_message.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          message 'Could not open file for saving' type 'E'.
        loop at i_objbin.
          transfer i_objbin to v_unix.
        close dataset v_unix.

    Try to use binary data:
            FORMAT                = 'PDF'
            BIN_FILESIZE          = BIN_FILESIZE
            BIN_FILE              = BIN_FILE
            OTF                   = OTFDATA
            LINES                 = T_LINES
            ERR_MAX_LINEWIDTH     = 1
            ERR_FORMAT            = 2
            ERR_CONV_NOT_POSSIBLE = 3
            ERR_BAD_OTF           = 4
            OTHERS                = 5.
        IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

  • System Events not working correctly with Acrobat Professional

    Hey Guys, I have a script that I have written that automatically enables security settings on a PDF through Acrobat Professional. Because of Acrobats poor scriptability I am forced into doing much though System Events.
    This is not a major problem... however when activating some settings in the security settings, often warning Alert dialog boxes appear when you tell System Events to enable particular settings. These Alerts do not have a title... The only way I have been able to get the script to deal with them is with the following code:
    if title of front window is "" then
        tell front window
            click button "OK"
        end tell
    end if
    I guess this is an ok solution... bit hard to identify windows when they don't have titles...
    BUT this is not my main problem. The main problem is that the script gets to one of these alert dialog boxes and just sits there... It sits there for like 10 seconds and then it performs the "click button "OK"" command.
    This is a problem as there are like 3 of these instances and it really adds up. Can anybody help me... I am using Acrobat Professional 8.2.0 and the entire code is:
    tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Acrobat"
                -- Enable security settings
                click menu item "Properties..." of menu "File" of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                tell window "Document Properties"
                    tell tab group 1
                        click radio button "Security"
                        tell group "Document Security"
                            click pop up button 1
                            click menu item 2 of menu 1 of pop up button 1
                        end tell
                    end tell
                end tell
                tell window "Password Security - Settings"
                    click pop up button 1
                    click menu item 4 of menu 1 of pop up button 1
                    tell group "Permissions"
                        click checkbox "Restrict editing and printing of the document. A password will be required in order to change these permission settings."
                        click text field 1
                        keystroke pdfPassword
                        click pop up button 1
                        click menu item 2 of menu 1 of pop up button 1
                        click pop up button 2
                        click menu item 4 of menu 1 of pop up button 2
                    end tell
                    click button "OK"
                end tell
                if title of front window is "" then
                    tell front window
                        click checkbox 1
                        click button "OK"
                    end tell
                end if
                tell window "Adobe Acrobat - Confirm Permissions Password"
                    click text field 1
                    keystroke pdfPassword
                    click button "OK"
                end tell
                if title of front window is "" then
                    tell front window
                        click checkbox 1
                        click button "OK"
                    end tell
                end if
                tell window "Document Properties"
                    click button "OK"
                end tell
    end tell
        on error
            display alert "System Events was unable to Enable Commenting. This may be because Acrobat has modified its menu system. Please contact your system administrator."
        end try
    end tell
    A delay does not work... its like as soon as I click the "OK" button it stalls for 10 seconds or does not know that is meant to continue... because I did this:
    tell window "Password Security - Settings"
        click button "OK"
    end tell
    In this situation it still takes like 10 seconds for the beep to occur after the click button "OK" command.

    Hey Guys, I have a script that I have written that automatically enables security settings on a PDF through Acrobat Professional. Because of Acrobats poor scriptability I am forced into doing much though System Events.
    This is not a major problem... however when activating some settings in the security settings, often warning Alert dialog boxes appear when you tell System Events to enable particular settings. These Alerts do not have a title... The only way I have been able to get the script to deal with them is with the following code:
    if title of front window is "" then
        tell front window
            click button "OK"
        end tell
    end if
    I guess this is an ok solution... bit hard to identify windows when they don't have titles...
    BUT this is not my main problem. The main problem is that the script gets to one of these alert dialog boxes and just sits there... It sits there for like 10 seconds and then it performs the "click button "OK"" command.
    This is a problem as there are like 3 of these instances and it really adds up. Can anybody help me... I am using Acrobat Professional 8.2.0 and the entire code is:
    tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Acrobat"
                -- Enable security settings
                click menu item "Properties..." of menu "File" of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                tell window "Document Properties"
                    tell tab group 1
                        click radio button "Security"
                        tell group "Document Security"
                            click pop up button 1
                            click menu item 2 of menu 1 of pop up button 1
                        end tell
                    end tell
                end tell
                tell window "Password Security - Settings"
                    click pop up button 1
                    click menu item 4 of menu 1 of pop up button 1
                    tell group "Permissions"
                        click checkbox "Restrict editing and printing of the document. A password will be required in order to change these permission settings."
                        click text field 1
                        keystroke pdfPassword
                        click pop up button 1
                        click menu item 2 of menu 1 of pop up button 1
                        click pop up button 2
                        click menu item 4 of menu 1 of pop up button 2
                    end tell
                    click button "OK"
                end tell
                if title of front window is "" then
                    tell front window
                        click checkbox 1
                        click button "OK"
                    end tell
                end if
                tell window "Adobe Acrobat - Confirm Permissions Password"
                    click text field 1
                    keystroke pdfPassword
                    click button "OK"
                end tell
                if title of front window is "" then
                    tell front window
                        click checkbox 1
                        click button "OK"
                    end tell
                end if
                tell window "Document Properties"
                    click button "OK"
                end tell
    end tell
        on error
            display alert "System Events was unable to Enable Commenting. This may be because Acrobat has modified its menu system. Please contact your system administrator."
        end try
    end tell
    A delay does not work... its like as soon as I click the "OK" button it stalls for 10 seconds or does not know that is meant to continue... because I did this:
    tell window "Password Security - Settings"
        click button "OK"
    end tell
    In this situation it still takes like 10 seconds for the beep to occur after the click button "OK" command.

  • Failed to upgrade acrobat professional 7.0 to 7.1.0

    I found the problem while I install acrobat professional 7.0 on Windows 7( 64 bit version), Adobe PDF port & printer was not created. So I tried to upgrade my acrobat professional 7.0 to 7.1.0, but I met the same problem.  - please refer to the image below - If any more information, please feel free to ask me.

    please delete me from your mailing list.  tks.
    Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 11:14:25 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Acrobat Professional 7.0 not able to PDF documents
    Yes! Thank you. I played around with it some and found that is the case, that I can PDF through the printer as well as bring the application up. I suppose it's just not install-able in full because it just cannot link up with Windows 7 in any capacity.
    That's all the ability that I need at the present time. Nothing special, just whether it can or can't. Thanks!

  • In Acrobat Professional 8, what is the best way to insert/combine multiple pdf's together in a large

    In Acrobat Professional 8, what is the best way to insert/combine multiple pdf's together in a large volume?
    We have 300 pdf reports and need to insert a 2 page cover page infront of each report. Not sure if Batch processing is best???
    Thanks for any tips.

    Probably each cover page is different too. I would probably just bite the bullet and do each individually. I would create the 2 cover pages in WORD or other word processor and print to cover.pdf. Then open a PDF and Pages>Insert Pages or the cover.pdf to the front of the open PDF and save as to the current PDF. Then repeat 299 times. Each time you would make the appropriate change to the DOC file and print a new cover.pdf file (you might want to turn off open in Acrobat for this processing in the printer properties to save time). Probably a good idea to keep a list of the files to check off what has been done (you can generate a list in DOS by Start>cmd, change the directory to your location [cd path], and do "dir >>list.txt". That will give you a list to use.). There may be an easier way, but by the time you get it figured out you might be done this way.

  • Problem in creating PDF of Website using Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.

      I am trying to create PDF file of full website using "Create PDF from Web Page..." option, in Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.
    It is creating PDF but the page alignments/text/images alignments are lost and doesn't look good.
    Can any one help to create the PDF same as webpage look and feel.

    Acrobat 8's HTML->PDF engine is quite old and doesn't work well with modern web pages. I'd recommend trying the same page using Acrobat X (trial available) where the engine has been replaced and modernized.

  • Acrobat Professional Windows 9.1.3 Crashing in Preflight Droplet

    I created a preflight droplet using Acrobat Professional 9.1.3 in Windows XP SP2 and when I run the droplet I'm getting the message "DDEHandler unhandeled exception caught!". This message appears in every scenario I tried:
      - Acrobat running before the file is dropped in the droplet icon
      - Acrobat not running before the file is dropped in the droplet icon
      - Acrobat running before I started the droplet in the command-line
      - Acrobat not running before I started the droplet in the command-line
    Eve scenario was tried with a pre-built profile and a custom profile. Nothing works!!!!
    If I run the same preflight profile normally in Acrobat (not as droplet), the preflight runs ok, with no error.
    Any clue?
    It's a trial Acrobat Pro. I'm planning to buy a license if the preflight works...
    I just downloaded Acrobat Pro for Mac and I found a very similar crash (of course, with a different error message but with the same conditions) and there's a thread opened in Acrobat Mac forum since February with no solution from Adobe. I'll look for a competitive solution, it seems Adobe isn't interested in provide a decent solution.
    The Acrobat's preflight tool is made by a german company, Callas Software, and this company sells similar preflight products (with additional functions and higher prices). Callas' products work very fine in Mac and in PC.
    If you need a scriptable preflight, please forget Adobe Pro 9....
    Best regards,
    Lorenzo – as you say the same error occurs in OS X. Here is the corresponding mac-thread with a bit more information (applying both to Windows and OS X). Note that despite the error Acrobat DOES perform the preflight, but has to be restarted after.
    It is an issue with Acrobat 9, and the possible (not very good) workarounds can be summarised as:
    Use Acrobat 8 instead
    Check the box for making a summary PDF
    Do not generate detailed reports
    If you are scripting etc. you might also find a way that automates restarting Acrobat after each preflight (yay...) or that closes the summary PDF created after each preflight (if that options is used).
    And yeah, I do hope Adobe fixes it as Acrobat does have a whole lot of powerful preflight/fixup tools built in and it's a shame the droplets are broken.

  • Please Help!! Links to other PDF documents in my PDF document open in Adobe Acrobat Professional but NOT Adobe Reader XI

    Hi everyone,
    I really hope someone can help me with this problem. I work for a software company and we have a release coming up. Every release requires me to create a 'menu' which is what users see when they insert the release CD. I create this menu in Adobe Acrobat Professional, and add links to all the PDF manuals we have for our products. When I open the Menu in Acrobat Professional, all links open fine. When just attempting to open the links using the default Adobe Reader (which i'm guessing most of our customers will use), nothing happens, not even an error is generated. I'm ensuring I link to the documents that reside in the same folder on my directory as the menu. Is this something to do with relative/absolute links? Something to do with Reader XI, as I don't remember having this problem for our last release? Foxit also seems to work in opening the links.

    I’m using version 11.0.10. So where the Menu resides in a folder ready to be burnt on to a CD, that same folder is where the links point to.

  • Same pdf is different in adobe reader en acrobat professional

    I have a slight problem with a PDF file.
    I have one pdf.
    When I open this pdf within Adobe Reader, everything looks fine, when i open exact the same PDF with acrobat professional, something weird is happening.
    The font't are changed.
    Also, some of the text is in italic.
    I hope anyone can give me a solution to solve this issue.
    Excuse me for my bad English, i'm from Belgium, so English is not my foreign language.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes i did check the preferences and from here they are the same.
    But, correct me if I'm wrong, but i thought you cannot change the font type in Adobe itself.
    Normaly i would guess, i should show the pdf how it was created.
    If not, do yuo know which preference I have to look at?
    Thanks in advance.

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