Send an e-mail when a message is determinated

Dear Gurus,
i need to set a message in a sales order, and this message have to send an e-mail for some users.
can anybody explain to me how to generate it and where i have to put the email addres?
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.

Hi Juan,
Please go through the link given below, Hope you will get your answer.
Specially read Martina's Post in this thread.
Output generation using condition type for deliveries - emailing output
Hope this helps,

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    Best Regards,
    Dominik Kastner

    Hi Dominik,
    There is no standard Action for this but you can easily create your own action.
    Please check:
    Also check:
    Service Desk: Support team determination
    Sending E-Mail from Support Message:
    Note: 1521582 - Solution Manager: no mail is sent to processor of the message if sender and receiver are the same
    Its very easy to create new Action. Above blogs will help you creating them easily.  Let me know if any issue.

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    Hello Chetan,
    First of all, are you using SolMan 3.2 or 3.1? I am asking that because the SAP Tutor file shows old version of Service Desk. If you have 3.2, are you working with SLFN transaction type or SLF1? With SLFN, you have to change action profile SLFN0001_ADVANCED. In order to send email on status change, create a new action as explained in the SAP Tutor, but using the correct action profile. Then create a condition for action for the correct status profile. It should work, it works for me..
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    If it does not work for you, please explain in details what you have done and if you have any error message.
    Did you check the Actions tabstrip in your Service Desk Message? You have all the log of the actions there, if the action was scheduled and did not work, you should find an error.
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    Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
    From:Mail Delivery Subsystem <noreply@noreply>
    To: "dilixxx.xxxai at" <dilixxx.xxxai at>
    This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
    500:Read error: null
      ----- Original message -----
    Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:57:27 +0000
    From: "Dilimot Mihai" <dilixxx.xxhai at>
    Subject: Test
    To: Dilixxx.xxhai at
    Reply-To: dilixxx.xxhai at
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    X-Priority: 3
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    X-NIMS-User: dilixxx.xxhai831
    X-NIMS-UGUID: 0xa1fbe420e5dc2dbb1698335ab79f4914
      ----- End of message -----
    Any ideas?
    Details: Nokia E75
    Best regards,
    Mihai Dilimot:
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    Go to Solution.

    Well, you have three choices:
    The first one is provided in the Nokia Messaging FAQ (
    I get a 'This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification 500: Failure' error when sending an email. What does this mean?
    In rare cases, Nokia Messaging cannot send emails because your email provider's SMTP server settings are incorrectly configured, or because your email provider will not allow Nokia Messaging to send email through their server. If you are receiving this error, log into your account at, select Edit Settings on the account that is receiving error, select Change Server Settings and remove the information in Outgoing mail server and Outgoing server port and uncheck SSL Required for outgoing mailserver, and select Save. This will cause your emails to be sent through the Nokia Messaging server and should resolve the problem.
    The second one is to change the SMTP server. (source:!_Mail#Free_IMAP_and_SMTPs_access)
    In addition it is also possible to send mail through mail clients as yahoo also operates an SMTP server ( It is necessary to enable SSL through port 465.
    The third one (the one it worked for me) is to wait. I didn't do any changes to my email client from my phone and it worked after some time, so I assumed it was server related. (Either Yahoo! or Nokia Messaging servers)
    Currently, I'm a Yahoo! Mail Plus subscriber. (POP3/SMTP access through dedicated servers; 20 $ / Year). If you're a heavy sender, I would recommend this instead of Nokia Messaging servers.
    I do hope this answers your problem.
    Best regards,
    Dilimot Mihai

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    Are you using LabVIEW as the controller, non-controller, or both?
    NI-488.2 does have a configuration option to enable unaddressing. I am not sure of where it is in LabVIEW, but if you search for unaddressing, you should find some information on it. With unaddressing, NI-488. will unaddress the device after communicating with it.
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    Ex01(Exchange 2010)
    Ex02(Exchange 2013)
    Ex03(Exchange 2013)
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    As Hinte mentioned, it seems that you have a send connector configured for Outbounding on Ex01 only. If you disable Ex01, Outbound should be disabled.
    Please check whether you have other send connectors configured on Ex02 and Ex03 for Outbounding.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can try resetting your iPhone. Make sure to make a backup of your data.

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    I want to implement a trigger to send an e-mail when the condition of the tigger is verified.
    Thanks in advance.

    i'm using the sample code you can find at to implement the mail function.
    Check out you gateway configuration cause i had some problems with it at the beginning
    my trigger goes like this (i use it to receive a mail everytime i have a exception in one of my processes):
    create or replace trigger TRG_error_handle
    after insert on errores
    for each row
    demo_mail.mail(sender => "sendername", recipients => "your emailadress",
    subject => 'Error en reporte ' || :new.proceso,
    message => 'Ha ingresado un error de aplicación a las ' ||
    to_char(:new.fecha, 'hh24:mi:ss') || ' del ' ||
    to_char(:new.fecha, 'dd/mm/yyyy') || chr(13) ||
    ' Proceso: ' || :new.proceso || chr(13) ||
    ' Mensaje de error: ' || :new.err_desc);
    end if;
    end TRG_error_handle;
    Good luck.-

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    Check the following link and also sdn threads:-
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    Re: Sending an automatic mail on changing message status
    Mail during the creation of Support Message
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