Separation between screen glass and aluminium base

My new i5 iMac has a slight sepearation between the glass surrounding the screen and the aluminium base at the bottom. It's wide enough to fit my fingernail in. Is there a way to fix this/should I be worried about it?

Taking it back to the store would be...quite the experience as I live where I'd be using public transit. Apart from any aesthetic issues, the machine should be completely functional, no?

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    That's normal, there's a gap all around the screen, your phone is still waterproof, I believe that the gap its to reduce the chances of the screen cracking if its dropped
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    hi ,
        As its said by many colleagues in SDN , there are not very major differences between Modulepools and screen painter .
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    Ranjita ..
    Message was edited by:
            Ranjita Kar

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    Hi Margini,
    Please check the forms u can find the lot of answers
    Here is a link
    What is a data dictionary?
    Data Dictionary is a central source of data in a data management system.  Its main function is to support the creation and management of data definitions.  It has details about
    ·            what data is contained?
    ·            What are the attributes of the data?
    ·            What is the relationship existing between the various data elements?
    Best regards,

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    That plastic clips in around most of your computer. There are small clips that hold it in place and it is actually attached to your keyboard. In other places on your computer that plastic is attached to metal and the metal is screwed into the frame of the computer, I guess it all depends on where your talking about.
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    images if you wish to look
    Message was edited by: M0bius1

    After reading the post and review the pictures I think I have the same problem.
    I bought a MacBook Pro 13" in December 2009 (still under warranty) through Apple Store and I noticed what I thought was a dead pixel. Looking better, even with the screen off, there is something in the sector. I took it to an Apple service and said it was a speck of dust behind the glass. I made the request to repair to Apple Care and have not had a response succesfull.
    Would greatly appreciate any suggestions from you guys.
    Here are some pictures:
    Message was edited by: Jorge Castillo S.

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    Put in a bowl covered by uncooked rice on a radiator or heated floor for min 48hours

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    Message was edited by: xalexinchainsx
    Message was edited by: xalexinchainsx

    ya, but this isnt the first time ive had bad customer service with apple. Granted it was a different apple store, but about 3 days after i bought the phone i made an appointment, and took it in for the same separation issue. This time the guy seemed almost clueless as he had to ask his co workers questions i was asking him. Thankfully a manager overheard the situation and informed him that it was an issue that needed to be taken care of. So the guy goes to the back, comes out with a phone from the black box (At the time i had no clue of how the black boxes worked), and i ask if it was a new or refurbished phone, and he assured me it was a new one.
    So after inspecting the phone i noticed another gap in the glass and told the worker and he replies with "its not that bad, i dont think yours was that bad either". after seeing the same issue and getting his response, i decided to just keep mine and make a different appointment at another store (Today). Oh, might I add that after we leave the store, my girlfriend tells me that as i picked up the phone to inspect it, the guy rolls his eyes. Just experiences like these leave a biter taste in my mouth. its sad that a couple experiences from non corporate workers would make me start to dislike a company.

  • Gap on bottom between glass and frame

    Hi all,
    I got a D6653 last week, absolutely loving it BTW.  However, I've come to noticed a decent gap on the bottom of the device, between the glass and frame.  I don't see the same gap on top, which makes me think it's a manufacturing issue.  But, when I look at the back of the device, I see the same thing.  Does anyone else see this?  Is it normal?  This is my first Xperia device.
    The gap is starting to collect particles and it's looking very unattractive about now (only in 4 days).  Also, it makes me question the waterproof capabilitly.  I would imagine the phone assembly would have to be very tight to be able to make that promise.
    Would appreciate any feedback, thanks.

    Joshnor713 wrote:
    Hi all,
    I got a D6653 last week, absolutely loving it BTW.  However, I've come to noticed a decent gap on the bottom of the device, between the glass and frame.  I don't see the same gap on top, which makes me think it's a manufacturing issue.  But, when I look at the back of the device, I see the same thing.  Does anyone else see this?  Is it normal?  This is my first Xperia device.
    The gap is starting to collect particles and it's looking very unattractive about now (only in 4 days).  Also, it makes me question the waterproof capabilitly.  I would imagine the phone assembly would have to be very tight to be able to make that promise.
    Would appreciate any feedback, thanks.
    Any pictures?
    It's definitely a manufacturing error, and you should get a replacement. I have the Z2 and have a LOT of gaps. Fortunately the device is still waterproof, but it doesn't feel right when you notice the gaps.
    Just get a replacement (should be covered).

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