Sequence markers in FCP multiclip project cause error on send to STP

I have had problems with the procedure "send to soundtrack pro multitrack project" as it concerns a Apple ProRes(HQ) multiclip sequence. The send consistently resulted in an "Error sending selection to Soundtrack Pro" and a "General Error".
From what I can tell, the cause of the problem is the use of "sequence markers" versus "clip markers". This problem can be replicated consistently. The removal of "sequence markers" eliminates the error. There is no problem with the use of clip markers as far as I can see.
I believe this is a bug and perhaps it needs to be looked at since it certainly can stop the successful integration of FCP-7 and STP-3. The manual describes:
Important: Chapter, compression, and scoring markers are used only for sequences. When
you export a QuickTime movie, make sure that these markers have been added to the
sequence itself in the Canvas or in the Timeline ruler, and not to individual clips.
I have submitted a feedback to Apple, but perhaps some other users have some insight to this problem.

The default project for STP is setup correctly to use the Motu. In fact, if I create a default project the Motu works well and I get multiple tracks going to the appropriate 5.1 outputs.
I was able to get the audio to work ONCE and ONLY once by selecting "Undo Base Channel change" (not even sure how this was an option, nothing I selected) and then I had to select the headphone icon on each track to be able to hear it.
So, thinking I had solved this mystery I immediately saved the project. I opened the project up again directly in STP and you guessed it, I don't get any audio again!!! Argh!!!! This time checking/unchecking the headphones icon did nothing.
I'm about ready to toss in the towel on FCP and STP and will start looking for alternatives that have a well integrated package that works with my Motu Ultralite. Any suggestions are welcome for alternatives to FCP and STP.
Motu claim the Ultralite is fully compliant with OSX core audio and don't have any recommendations for FCP send to Multitrack STP issue.
In my efforts I thought I might be able to use Logic Pro but importing video doesn't import the associated audio so I have to export the audio separately -- becomes very worky.
I also tried to Export my sequence to a quicktime movie and then add the movie to STP under a new STP project -- this exhibited the same problem -- no audio.
I just don't know what to try next.

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    So what version do you have?
    How is the external hard drive formatted?
    Have you set the external's permissions to "ignore ownership".

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    Cheers and thanks,

    Hi Lilybiri,
    Yes, this slide has an CP-Published SWF in the CP-file. This procedure was used on multiple projects without issue. It only appears to have become an issue when Captivate 7 is introduced.
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    Hi I have this same problem right now!
    Mac Mini
    OS 10.8.5
    FCP 10.0.9
    No recent upgrades, nothing has changed.
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    That is a very large project file. Keep in mind that for FCP to be fast and responsive, it must load all the media, every transition and filter and all the sequences into active RAM. I would guess that you've pushed the application to its limit.
    Is there any reason for this huge project? Could you break it down into sub-projects? Throw away old and outdated sequences and render files?
    If I was in your lederhosen, I'd copy the file a number of times, in a way that made sense to you. Then, in each copy, get rid of things that do not pertain to your chosen "subject." For example, I'd name one sub-project Munich and delete everything that has no relation to Munich. And another "Trip to Brazil" and in that one delete Munich and everything else not related to Brazil.
    Does that make sense? It might seem like a good idea to put EVERYTHING in one project file for ease of access, etc-- but if you've pushed the software to the limit, you are gaining exactly nothing.
    Good luck.

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  • Sequence Settings for Computer-targeted Projects

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    So post away; let others know what settings work for you. If you can post the project type, source type, and then the settings, so much the better. Something like:
    Type: Web Slideshow
    Source: TIF, PSD
    Frame Size:
    Field Dominance:
    Video settings:

    Bogie: if some of the sequence settings listed are dependant on the imported material (think that's what you're saying), why are we even able to change them? I guess this is an Apple design issue but seems strange if they "are not part of the creation process", that they should be in the same panel as the other items that are, etc.< </div>
    Umm, no.
    The question here asked about export settings, they did not ask about project or sequence settings. If you meant to ask about sequence settings, that's an entirely different thread and, frankly, it's all covered in the manuals.
    To repeat what Zeb has said, because we can't quite seem to get us all speaking the same language here, use conventional, known formats for your production and creation of effects; DV is a great place to star because it's flexible and it's built into FCP (h264 is not a production format, Animation isn't either, nor is MPEG2).
    Render your sequences and export them as self-contained movies. Bring them into Compressor and (doh!) open that manual for a few hours of casual and frustrating reading. Compressor is where you will create your transcoded, encoded and compressed movie for delivery to the Web.
    What settings will you use in Compressor? Those are determined by your Web host's demands. The smoothest path to Web delivery is to give your Webhead a DV file and tell them to use their favorite compression and encoding tools to create their own favorite formats and bitrate settings.

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    My work around is to export to original format (mxf / XDCAM EX HQ) and then go back to Media Encoder CC rather than 2014 to produce the Blu-ray MPEG2 file, which works without problem.
    Here's a copy paste of my bug report in case anyone with a similar setup has an opportunity to replicate (I'd be very grateful to anyone able to confirm whether its a bug or something specific to me that I might be able to fix).
    Export from Premiere 2014.1 directly or via Media Encoder of MPEG 2 1080 50i Blu-ray files causes error in preparation of Blu-ray disc in Sony DVD Architect 5.2.
    This error does not occur when using the same Media Encode export preset in the previous version of Premiere Pro CC / Media Encoder.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Export Sequence from Premiere
    Export, in my case XDCAMEX 1080i HQ, using a media encoder MPEG 2 Blu-ray preset:
    Preset Name: HD 1080i 25
    Format: MPEG2 Blu-ray
    Bitrate Settings: Medium (Target 25Mbps)
    2. Create DVD Architect 5.2 project
    Set up as single movie Blu-ray project in DVD Architect:
    Disc format: Blu-ray Disc
    Resolution: 1920*1080
    Framerate: 35 interlaced
    Choose the file exported from Premiere
    3 Prepare Disc
    - Select Make Blu-ray Disc
    - Click Prepare
    - Choose Location of iso
    - click next then finish
    Around 50% - 60% through the process the following error is displayed:
    An error occurred while preparing compilation
    File name: STREAM/00000.m2ts
    Status: TSWrapper.dll::CTSWrapper::ProcThreadMain::Failed to read ES file. - The ES file may be shorter than the size described in the MUI file.
    Expected results:
    A shiny ISO ready to be burnt to disc and sent sent to eager customers.
    Its taken me a full day and a half to isolate problem - someone remind me why I fall for the software updates every time?!
    Other details:
    Windows 7 pro 64 SP1
    Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07GHz
    RAM 24.0GB
    1279MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470

    There is a known bug in the H.264-Bluray export. I assume it has nothing to do with your issue, but perhaps it will give you something to consider.
    It appears due to a malformed xmpses file. It creates a problem on import into Encore, and I think it should do the same upon import into Architect or it would be ignored entirely. The test is to delete the xmpses file and see if that avoids the issue.

  • Scoring Markers from FCP to STP?

    I am trying to move markers from a FCP sequence to and STP multi-track project, but no matter how I do it - Export for STP, Export to QT etc, then import the moview into WTP - I get no orange scoring markers in STP. If I Send to STP, - no orange scoring markers in STP Any suggestions?
    Thanks - Jonathan
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi Jonathan,
    It seems to work for me. Here's what I'm doing.
    First, it appears that the markers are only seen in STP when they are added to the quicktime file (via export to quicktime or for Soundtrack from FCP).
    In FCP
    -Add a marker to the timeline (with no clips selected, press "m" to add a marker at the playhead, then mark->markers->edit to get the marker edit window and click on the [Add Scoring Marker], then click [ok] (the markers should show up on the FCP timeline ruler)
    -Export the new quicktime with scoring markers (e.g. File->export->QuickTime Movie... or File->Export->For Soundtrack...), and make sure that under Markers you select "Audio Scoring Markers" -- for somereason this is the only setting that works (selecting "All Markers" actually seems to include all markers except scoring markers. then click [Save].
    Then, in STP:
    -Open a multitrack project
    -Drag the newly created quicktime movie (with the scoring markers) into the video window.
    -Now you should see the markers.
    Note: How to get a multitrack project with scoring markers
    Since, the scoring markers do not come across in a send to Soundtrack Pro Multitrack Project, here's what I do:
    -In FCP: perform the send to Soundtrack Pro Multitrack Project
    -In FCP: export the movie as described above (except that I select "Include:Video only" on the QuickTime export screen)
    -In STP: Open the multitrack project that was sent from FCP, then drag the quicktime movie created with mscoring markers into the video window of the multitrack project
    Now you should have the multitrack Project sent from FCP with scoring markers.
    I hope that helps

  • "Unable to Open Project File" - error

    Does anyone know how to resolve an "Unable to Open Project File" - error. I accidentally shut down my computer wrong, although Final Cut wasn't open.

    Welcome to the forums.
    The project file might have gotten corrupted. Look for the AUTOSAVE VAULT (typically in the DOCUMENTS>FINAL CUT PRO DOCUMENTS folder) and open the most recent version. Copy it to your main project folder if it works.
    If not, then try trashing your prefs with FCP Rescue.

  • Sequence Settings - LiveType & FCP for widescreen

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    What would be the best setting to use for project in Live Type? I know I have to use the same sequence setting in FCP. I have tried a few different things and don't seem to get it right. (having to render in fcp when I edit clip) I did watch the video on "Editing non-standard FCP codecs. But I want to start with my LT clips being optimized for the final output.

    There are presets for livetpe and for fcp that are 16:9.... some are HD, some are not... but in any event you should be using the same in each program. Also you'll have to render any livetype animated title in FCP... even if the sequence settings match. OR you can export a QT movie of the livetype animation and import it into FCP for the edit, then the "render" will have been done via the export of the QT movie. The best would be uncompressed HD, however this would take some very serious hard drive speeds (think fibre channel array) to play the files back with.

  • Any way to import markers to FCP?

    I don't know if I overlooked something but I can not find a way to (re)import markers to a different sequence in a different project file.
    I have a set of markers in a sequence (not in each clip but global to the sequence) and I exported them to a plain text file. That was the easy part.
    I then have another sequence in a different project file that I need to import those markers to (in the exact same places in the time line). Is there a way to do that?

    Duplicate the sequence with the markers. Open the duplicate and delete the contents. Drag the empty sequence with the markers into the the project you want it in. Copy of the contents of the sequencethat has the clips and paste them into the empty sequence that has the markets. It takes longer to type up than to do.

  • Can I get markers in FCP to work like locators in Avid?

    Hi all,
    I am used to working with Avid's locators. I might be working on an episode of television and I will put a locator at each commercial break for easy navigation while the director and I are still fine cutting. If we extend a segment, then the locators all shuffle down accordingly.
    I am trying to replicate this in FCP. It seems if I use sequence markers then they stay locked to the timecode and will therefore drift away from our commercial breaks as we fine cut.
    If I add clip markers to clips in the sequence then they stay in the right place - but there doesn't seem to be anyway of navigating to them quickly. Well, I can go shift up arrow and down arrow, but I might have to go through a few to get to where I'm going. Ideally I would like them to show up in the scrubber bar in the canvas, like Avid's locators, or like the FCP sequence markers. Or to have a little list pop up of my markers so that I can click directly on the one that I want. (Like Avid's locator window.) Is this possible? Am I missing the obvious?

    Being an Avid man myself I have to say that I really dislike the MARKERS that FCP has to offer. I am too used to the LOCATORS and the wonderful way they work.
    But...FCP is FCP and Avid is whatchagonnado? Let Apple know that you want this changed. I did.

  • Running an fcp studio project (5.0.4)  on macbook pro software

    I'm running a project on final cut pro studio 5.0.4 and would like to
    screen footage on a laptop - preferably on a new macbook.
    i'm wondering if i can run a project that's compatible with both versions of the software. i'd like to screen and select scenes on my laptop - and then bring the sequences back into my fcp studio project.

    Both versions of what software? You mean FCP 5.0.4 and FCP 5.1?
    While you can open and update a 5.0.4 project to 5.1, once you do that you cannot open that project in 5.0.4. At that point you need to export an XML of the sequence and import that XML into 5.0.4.

Maybe you are looking for