Server Working, FLVs Not

Have read through these forums, several different websites
but I am still having trouble with this. I have FMS 2 installed
with an application named public with the _definst_ folder under
that. I put a test.flv file that I compiled with Sorenson Squeeze
in the directory. I made a simple flash swf with the following code
in the first frame:
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.connect("rtmp://"); <-left
out the IP address
ns = new NetStream(nc);
Now when I go to the FMS server I see the client connected at
2 as I have 2 windows open. I see the heartbeat in the bandwidth
window and in the server log it says Mon 12:48:30 PM: Connect :
rtmp:// So it looks like, to me that
the client is connecting and the video is playing according to FMS
but I am getting no video.
So I am down to either something is wrong with the code or
something is wrong with the flv when its compiled. I have tried
Sorenson Squeeze, Flash 8's video converter and still have the same
problem. I am at the end of the road in terms of what I know so I
am hoping someone out there has any ideas. If you need more
information I will try to provide it.

Ok I altered your code a bit with some traces and did this:
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.onStatus = function(info)
{ //put this portion in function instead of here and call
ns = new NetStream(nc);
//function end
trace("Not connected.");
With those traces I get in the output window:
So its connected, like I thought cause of the stats, so am I
now left to either the compiling of the video or there is something
in the server thats messed?

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    >> Are you saying that if an Active Directory account has the access to a shared mailbox, and then this account can be used for creating the Streaming subscription for that mailbox
    Yes that's correct (try it yourself with the EWSEditor)
    >> In other words, the way how Exchange Server works is that the new messages like new emails are automatically sending to all of the AD accounts which have the access to a mailbox.
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    If you are using EWS to access a mailbox other than the one connected to a specific account, you will want to check out EWS impersonation.  I've found it to be more reliable than any other method for accessing a second mailbox.

  • Set up Search Service App For SharePoint server 2013 on Windows server 2012 R2 not working

    Hi all,
    I installed SharePoint server 2013 on Windows  server 2012 R2 using VirtualBox.  I created a DC(domain controller) server with a domain set up on one VM and it has SQL server 2012 SP1 installed. Then SharePoint 2013 on another VM was set up to access
    the DC server.  Everything seems working except Search Service App which cannot be sucessfully set up. Creation process for Search service app says Successful and 4 search databases were created and look fine. But when I navigate to search service app
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    System status:  The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component. Verify that the administration component '386f2cd6-47ca-4b3a-aeb5-d9116772ef16' in search application 'Search Service Application 1' is in
    a good state and try again.
    Search Application Topology:  Unable to retrieve topology component health states. This may be because the admin component is not up and running.
    From event viewer, I see following errors:
    (1) Error From source: SharePoint Server
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance  Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance
    Reason: The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name.  
    Technical Support Details:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040D02): The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name.  
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance.Synchronize()
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ApplicationServerJob.ProvisionLocalSharedServiceInstances(Boolean
    (2) Error From source: SharePoint Server Search
    Could not access the Search database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain the schema version info.
    Context: Application '386f2cd6-47ca-4b3a-aeb5-d9116772ef16'
    (3) Warning from source: SharePoint Server Search
    A database error occurred. Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Code: 8169 occurred 0 time(s) Description:  Error ordinal: 1 Message:
    Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier., Class: 16, Number: 8169, State: 2    at
    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
    (4) Error From source: SharePoint Server
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance
    Reason: The gatherer application could not be mounted because the search administration database schema version does not match the expected backwards compatibility schema version. The database might not have been upgraded.  
    Technical Support Details:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC0041235): The gatherer application could not be mounted because the search administration database schema version does not match the expected backwards compatibility schema version. The database might not have
    been upgraded.  
    Since separate DC server and SharePoint server do not work, I installed SharePoint 2013 on DC server ( so DC server has everything on it now ) but it gives exactly same result. Later I installed SharePoint 2013 SP1 and still have the same problem with Search
    Service app. I spent two weeks tried all suggestions available from Web and Google but SharePoint Search Service simply does not work. Config and other databases work but why Search Service has this issue seemingly related to search DB.
    Could anybody please help out? You deserve a top SharePoint consultant award if you could find a solution. I am so frustrated and so tired by this issue.    This seems also to be a SP set up issue.
    Thanks a lot.

    Using new Search Service App wizard to create SSA is always a success. I could delete existing SSA and recreate it and no problem. It says successful but when I open Search Admin page from CA, it gives me errors as mentioned.
    Now I used the following PS script for creating SSA from Max Mercher, but it stays at the last setps in following script:
    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $IndexLocation = "C:\Search"  #Location must be empty, will be deleted during the process!
    $SearchAppPoolName = "SSAPool"
    $SearchAppPoolAccountName = "mydomain\admin"
    $SearchServiceName = "SSA"
    $SearchServiceProxyName = "SSA Proxy"
    $DatabaseServer = "W12R2DC1"
    $DatabaseName = "SSA"
    $spAppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity $SearchAppPoolName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (!$spAppPool)
     $spAppPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name $SearchAppPoolName -Account $SearchAppPoolAccountName -Verbose
    $ServiceApplication = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Identity $SearchServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (!$ServiceApplication)
    # process stays at the following step forever, already one hour now.  
    $ServiceApplication = New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Name $SearchServiceName -ApplicationPool $spAppPool.Name -DatabaseServer  $DatabaseServer -DatabaseName $DatabaseName
    Account mydomain\admin is an farm managed account, domain admin account, in WG_ADMIN role, It is in all SQL server roles and is DBO. I see search DBs are already on SQL server. From Event viewer, I got following errors in sequence:
    (1) Crawler:Content Plugin under source Crawler:Content Plugin 
    Content Plugin can not be initialized - list of CSS addresses is not set.
    (2) Warning for SharePoint Server Search
    A database error occurred. Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Code: 8169 occurred 0 time(s) Description:  Error ordinal: 1 Message: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier., Class: 16, Number: 8169, State: 2   
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
    (3) Error for SharePoint Server Search
    Could not access the Search database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain the schema version info.
    Context: Application 'cbc5a055-996b-44a7-9cbc-404322f9cfdf'
    (4) Error for SharePoint Server
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance (b7c72eb8-cbaf-435e-b4c9-963cb6e4e745).
    Reason: The gatherer application could not be mounted because the search administration database schema version does not match the expected backwards compatibility schema version. The database might not have been upgraded. 
    (5) Error Shared Services for SharePoint Server Search 
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance (b7c72eb8-cbaf-435e-b4c9-963cb6e4e745).
    Reason: The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name. 
    Technical Support Details:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040D02): The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name. 
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance.Synchronize()
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ApplicationServerJob.ProvisionLocalSharedServiceInstances(Boolean isAdministrationServiceJob
    Above errors keep being generated. Last step for SSA creation stay there forever.  Any clue what is really going on?  Thanks.

  • SharePoint server 2013 Search Service App on Windows server 2012 R2 not working

    Hi all,
    I installed SharePoint server 2013 on Windows  server 2012 R2 using VirtualBox.  I created a DC(domain controller) server with a domain set up on one VM and it has SQL server 2012 SP1 installed. Then SharePoint 2013 on another VM
    was set up to access the DC server.  Everything seems working except Search Service App which cannot be sucessfully set up. Creation process for Search service app says Successful and 4 search databases were created and look fine. But when I navigate
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    System status:  The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component. Verify that the administration component '386f2cd6-47ca-4b3a-aeb5-d9116772ef16' in search application 'Search Service Application 1' is
    in a good state and try again.
    Search Application Topology:  Unable to retrieve topology component health states. This may be because the admin component is not up and running.
    From event viewer, I see following errors:
    (1) Error From source: SharePoint Server
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance (b7c72eb8-cbaf-435e-b4c9-963cb6e4e745).
    Reason: The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name. 
    Technical Support Details:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040D02): The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name. 
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance.Synchronize()
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ApplicationServerJob.ProvisionLocalSharedServiceInstances(Boolean isAdministrationServiceJob)
    (2) Error From source: SharePoint Server Search
    Could not access the Search database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain the schema version info.
    Context: Application '386f2cd6-47ca-4b3a-aeb5-d9116772ef16'
    (3) Warning from source: SharePoint Server Search
    A database error occurred. Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Code: 8169 occurred 0 time(s) Description:  Error ordinal: 1 Message: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier., Class: 16, Number: 8169, State: 2   
    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
    (4) Error From source: SharePoint Server
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance (b7c72eb8-cbaf-435e-b4c9-963cb6e4e745).
    Reason: The gatherer application could not be mounted because the search administration database schema version does not match the expected backwards compatibility schema version. The database might not have been upgraded. 
    Technical Support Details:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC0041235): The gatherer application could not be mounted because the search administration database schema version does not match the expected backwards compatibility schema version. The database might not have
    been upgraded. 
    Since separate DC server and SharePoint server do not work, I installed SharePoint 2013 on DC server ( so DC server has everything on it now ) but it gives exactly same result. Later I installed SharePoint 2013 SP1 and still have the same problem
    with Search Service app. I spent two weeks tried all suggestions available from Web and Google but SharePoint Search Service simply does not work. Config and other databases work but why Search Service has this issue seemingly related to search DB.
    Could anybody please help out? You deserve a top SharePoint consultant award if you could find a solution. I am so frustrated and so tired by this issue.    
    Thanks a lot.

    According to your post, my understanding is that  SharePoint server 2013 Search Service App did not work on Windows server 2012 R2.
    Please make sure you configure Search Service Application correctly. You can refer to:Create and configure a Search service application in SharePoint Server 2013
    I recommend to created new Search Service Application, and made a full crawl. Then assigned the new SSA as the default SSA for webapplications. Finnlay checked  the issue doesnt occur now,
    If all search related components now are online, to keep the enviroonment clean, you can delete the old SSA.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    in the server: I checked the SSL certificate. Tried several configuration.
    Well, that's a problem for a start.
    Your port 80 connection should NOT use SSL. Port 80 is the standard HTTP port, not HTTPS and most applications that connect to port 80 will not expect to use SSL
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    In future, please try to make the subject line of your posts shorter. In this case the following would have been sufficient: "JavaScript works locally, but not on remote server".
    Short, but meaningful subject lines make it easier for others to identify what your question is about, and often bring faster help.

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    I got my web server working exteranlly, but within my internal network, the webserver only works if I input the actual ip address and not
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    Any thoughts on why it's not working interanlly?
    Thank you,

    Lol...After fixing one issue, another one came up. This time it has to do with the name I am using. For example: and (both are hosted with different ips)
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    You have been a great help John, is there anyway to fix this?
    Thank you

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    OS Lion Server DNS service not working for local zones. Was fine under Snow leopard server but Lion server upgrade has severely broken my DNS and web sites. Zones look fine under Server Admin but keep getting "query failed (SERVFAIL) for xxxx at /SourceCache/bind9/bind9-42/bind9/bin/named/query.c:3921" in the logs. BTW - Server Admin cant seem to see the log file either.
    Surely someone actually tested that DNS still worked on Lion?

    I upgraded from Snow Leopard Server to Lion Server on day 01.  I hit the same issue where, after the upgrade, my Lion Server stopped serving names for my private local domain.
    I finally took a few minutes to figure out what was wrong.  After turning on debug logging and looking through the logs, I found my particular issue, now resolved.
    The issue I had was, when the domain initially was setup when I installed Snow Leopard Server, for some reason it created a zone just for the server (in my case, something like zone "s-01.mydomain.priv"), and a separate zone for all the other machines (zone "mydomain.priv", containing all the private IPs for my local domain).  I never messed with it because it worked, but generally I would have put all of them in the same zone.
    My zone "mydomain.priv" had a nameserver and mail exchanger entry for my server, s-01.mydomain.priv.  I could see this in the Server Admin app on the DNS bubble, Zones tab, mydomain.priv selected, and the General Info panel.  This was fine in Snow Leopard.  This was failing the zone load in the updated bind for Lion Server, though.  The issue was that the "mydomain.priv" zone was referencing the s-01.mydomain.priv server, which was not defined in the "mydomain.priv" zone but rather in the "s-01.mydomain.priv" zone.
    My fix:
    1. In Server Admin, add the server to the zone "mydomain.priv".  I put an A record (Add Machine) in the "mydomain.priv" zone for my server named s-01.mydomain.priv.
    2. shut down DNS on the OS X Lion Server (hit the Stop DNS button on Server Admin).
    3. edit /etc/named.conf by hand, removing the specialized zones that contianed just the server.  In this case, it would be the section titled 'zone "s-01.mydomain.priv"' and the section titled 'zone ""'.  Your zone name will change based on whatever your server IP address was.  My internal one happened to have s-01.mydomain.priv mapped to
    4. Once the specialized zones for just the server were removed, I started the DNS up again.  Instead of serving four zones as it had in OS X Snow Leopard Server, it now servers two zones.  And, now, it is resolving my local machines for the mydomain.priv zone.
    YMMV.  I did note that it wasn't totally necessary to do step 3, but I never really understood the need for the specialized domain, and keeping it around would have a copy of data that would just confuse things.
    Hope that helps.  That's been the only hiccup I've noticed updating to OS X Lion Server thus far.

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    Is there a different version of this tool I should be using or something that will allow me to change the boot from Windows mode to Linux mode?
    Thanks in advance.
    Trevor Watson

    Hi Vimukta,
    Little late in replying to your post. I tried to generate the PDF using the same XDP template sent by you.
    It is working perfectly fine for me. 
    Can you please verify the code you have written on the WDDoModifyView method ? Just check the form element name once again.
    I know you might have done it but just double check on this.
    public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateCreateView wdThis, IPrivateCreateView.IContextNode wdContext, view, boolean firstTime)
        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
       IWDInteractiveForm iForm = (IWDInteractiveForm)view.getElement("InteractiveForm1");
    Step to debug :
    1. Try in another desktop, try to access the same URL where you have adobe reader 8.1 is installed.
    2. Just create one sample PDF with 2/3 fields and try to hide those fields on click of checkbox throgh java script. let me know if that is working or not.
    3. May be you have problem with the "ReaderRights" Please check your Adobe credentials.
    Actually i have tried with WebAS versiion 7.0 SP10.
    I just think there is mnor problem with ADS configuration.

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    MacBook Pro (OS X 10.9.1) calendar continues to "connect to server" and will not allow shut down or restart. Force quit worked. How can I make this calendar usable? The problem began after I updated to Maverick.

    babowa, it seems like it is using Fuse & NTFS, so I don't think it's the classic WD + 10.9 mess, but extra WD tools & drivers can still break things MtTran.
    MrTran, if you must use unsupported disk formats on your Mac you must also consider actually paying the developers that made the trial software.
    It's probably a good idea to follow the developers removal instructions, reboot & then install one tool at a time.
    MacFuse, FuseOSX, NTFS-3G are all likley to confict if you run older versions so you need to be sure you are using the latest version. I can't remeber which one depends on the other, so you will need to read the manuals.
    When the disk is readable copy the data to another disk. You could probably do this from a Linux distro or Windows if OS X won't do it.
    If you insist on only using the trial versions you will need to reinstall Mac OS, copy data off this disk & reformat it.
    Is there any good reason for not using the Mac HFS extended format?

  • Windows 2003 server scheduled tasks not work properly. Please help.

    I created a couple of windows shell scripting programs. When I call them from command line, it works well. Then I use Task Scheduler to schedule them to be run daily. The strange thing is: If I log into server and open Task Scheduler window. The scheduled tasks will run automatically and execute with result code 0x0. It works well. However, if I just set up Task Scheduler and log out of the server, the scheduled works will not run with result code 0x80. Here is the log info
    "programname-parametername.job" (programname.cmd)
     Started 1/28/2010 11:20:00 PM
    "programname-parametername.job" (programname.cmd)
     Finished 1/28/2010 11:20:00 PM
     Result: The task completed with an exit code of (80).
    I used windows adminstrator account, not system account to schedule the work. I changed scheduled work to be run by my admin account, not by system account. Please advise me where is the problem and how to fix it. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Polarisws,
    According to your description, I understand that your scheduled task did not run when the user is not logged in the system.
    Please go to the services.msc and select the "task Scheduler" service, double-click it and go to "Log On" page, enable the option "allow service to interact with desktop" and test the result.
    Wilson JiaThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Servertool started server not working manually started server working well

    I have written this program that reads an xml file, it works well when i run the server manually. But when i try to use the servertool to run the same server it does not work.

    Note: This thread was originally posted in the [Remote Method Invocation (RMI)|] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

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    I just bought an iPhone5 in a store, and I can't activate it. There is written that the activation server is temporarily not available. What's happening ?

    Sounds like you just purchased a hacked iPhone & Apple's servers have detected such. If not an "authorized" iPhone store, return the phone for a refund.
    Apple's activation servers are running just fine.

Maybe you are looking for

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