Shared contact list

hOw do i prevent my iPhone contact list from being shared on iPods when we share the same Apple ID?

One one device go to Settings>iCloud and turn off Calendar.
Better is to create a new App ID and use that for iCloud to separate all the iCloud features (mail, contacts, calendar, and some other things) You can also use the ID for Messages and FaceTime
You can create a NEW account without using a credit card by using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before.
  Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card

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  • Cannot Delete a contact in Outlook Shared Contact List

    I have a user who has a Shared Contact List in Outlook 2010.
    He is added as Publishing Editor to the list. Whenever he tries to delete a contact from the list after the sync the contacts appears again.
    These are the sync logs found in the sync folder:
    18:06:11 Synchronizer Version 14.0.7108
    18:06:11 Synchronizing Mailbox 'xyz'
    18:06:11 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'abc - Clients'
    18:06:12 Uploading to server '[email protected]'
    18:06:16 Error synchronizing message 'abc Clients'
    18:06:16 [8007000E-50C-3F1-323]
    18:06:16 There is not enough memory available to perform the operation.
    18:06:16 Microsoft Exchange Information Store
    18:06:16 For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
    18:06:16 Moved a message that failed synchronization to 'Local Failures'. Message subject -> 'abc Clients'. You can view this message in your offline folder only.
    18:06:16 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Conflicts'
    18:06:16 Downloading from server '[email protected]'
    18:06:17 1 item(s) added to offline folder
    18:06:17 Done
    So basically as owner of the contact list he is unable to delete the contact.
    Please help!!

    Hi Top,
    Please performing the deleting action as Administrator for testing if it is convenient.
    If we can do this via Administrator, it should be an permission issue. Please double check whether we modified the owner's permission.
    According to the log said, I found a point "There is not enough memory available to perform the operation."
    Can we add a contact via Owner?
    Found a KB for your reference:
    Error message when you try to add an Active Directory user account as a contact in Outlook: "There is not enough memory to perform the operation"
    Hope it is helpful
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Same thing was happening with me and my daughter.  Go to Settings, then iCloud, and then turn off Contacts.  This solved our issue.

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    Each phone number has it's own Backup Assistant account log in - I would venture to say most folks on family share plans DON'T need or want to share contact lists.  (My husband's, mine, and our kids' are all very different - a few common people but most are not the same at all). 
    With the ability to import AND export contact lists now available, though, you can take a few steps to ensure that your contact lists are the same to begin with.  However, with the auto back up and updates, if either of you makes changes on your phone, it will update your own BA, not both.  Backup Assistant accounts ARE separate.
    You need to set up BA by registering each phone number, and installing and running BA on each phone.  You can then EXPORT the contact list you want both phones to have, and IMPORT it when logged in with the other phone.  That will sync the two at that moment.  If neither of you makes any changes, they will stay the same.
    Also, when you "choose between the two numbers" - you are logged in as the primary number, and viewing information for the second line, but you are NOT logged in with the second number.  You'll need to register for a login and password for that number separately.

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    Solutions I know of:
    1.Use public folder for contact list...= Nope public folder contact list will not sync with his iphone/ipad...(yes there are 3rd party tools but I would prefer to not go this route)
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    3. ??
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    Sbs 2003 I will miss you !!!!

    For more methods of making Shared Contacts available as an Address Book, you can refer to the following articles:
    Add shared Contacts folder as Address Book list:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Hope it can help you.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Contact list question please?

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    If you each want to have independent contact lists then you will want to go into the iCloud options on each of your devices and turn off the Contacts option. If you want to have a shared contact list and a separate one then I'm not sure you you would go about that or if it's even possible (at least through iCloud).

  • Shared contact - unable to trace who owns it or connect to it.

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    I do not fully understand what you are referring to. Apologies, I am not very fluent with in-house Exchange.
    Are you saying to look at something within a working users outlook profile?
    Also this is a shared contact list, I mis-posted and put shared calendar.

  • Sending to a shared contact group with subgroups fail

    Hello all,
    I am hoping someone can help me with this one, as I have researched non stop and cannot find an answer.
    Outlook 2010 (with all the latest updates)
    Exchange 2010
    Windows 7 x64
    We are a group of 15 users. All 15 of us add a shared mailbox used for communications into our Outlook client so we can access and monitor the entire mailbox, including contacts.
    When trying to send a communication to a Contact group that is in the shared mailbox contacts, it will work fine unless there is another contact group within that group (subgroup).  The email will bounce back with the following error:
    [email protected] #550 5.4.4 ROUTING.NoConnectorForAddressType; unable to route for address type ##
    If you send to a contact group with a subgroup from your own local contacts, it works fine.
    If you send to a contact group without a subgroup, it works fine.
    If you log directly into the shared mailbox and send from there, it works fine.
    This issue appears ONLY to occur when sending to a contact group that has a subgroup within it from a shared contact list.
    Based on my investigation, it appears that Outlook is trying to look for the subgroups within the local contact list, not the location of the actual contact group itself. Perform the following steps:
    Add an additional (or shared) mailbox to your Outlook profile.
    In the shared mailbox contact list, create 2 contact groups. (Test 1 and Test 2).
    Add Test 2 into the Test 1 group. In Test 2 group, create/add a contact. (This may easiest be done by the shared mailbox itself)
    Ensure you are logged into your original profile, and Right click the Test 1 group and Create->Email.
    You will notice right away if you expand the Test 1 group, it will show up Test 2 (Unknown) and if you try and double click Test 2 to see it's properties, it says it cannot find it. If you perform this same step while logged into the shared mailbox directly,
    it is able to locate the contact.
    Any information I have found on this bounceback references a bug where a link in an email who try to send to a contact using MAILTO instead of SMTP. However, this is not the scenario I am in.
    It is currently not feasible to have everyone add all these contact groups into their own contact list, as these groups change all the time.
    If anyone has any ideas how this could be fixed, or have maybe other suggestions of how to use and access groups with subgroups for communications without logging into the shared mailbox, that would be great. We are unable to login to the shared mailbox
    directly anymore as we are doing away with shared passwords.
    Thanks all

    How did you select the recipients when composing email? Did you click the To button and select it from the Address Book or use the auto-complete list? If you select from the auto-complete list, please try deleting the contact group from the auto-complete
    list and then test again.
    In addition, since the bounceback error is similar to the MAILTo bug, we may try to install the hotfix to take a chance.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Importing Shared Contacts into the Global Address List (Outlook 2013)

    A colleague of mine has made a contact list which is going to be shared with other colleagues to increase productivity.
    His question is, if it's possible to import the contact list into the Global Address List after it has been shared?
    The contact list does not appear in my Global Address List, instead it appears in the People section (next to Calender).
    If you need technical info about the office version etc., feel free to ask!
    Thanks in advance.

    You can import contacts into Active Directory, so that it can be included in GAL. There are some gotchas with that however. Maybe, a simple Outlook folder sharing is more convenient for you. You can share Outlook Contacts folders among collagues just the
    same as Outlook Calendar sharing works. Start here:
    With Exchange Public Folders you can achieve somewhat the same.
    If you really want to mess with AD and the GAL, this is your article:
    The ideal situation would be if the shared Contacts Folder shows up in the Offline GAL, but I'll try to fiddle around with it for a bit. 
    Is there also a possibilty that users can import a contact list so that appears in their Offline GAL?, I do think that it might be a hassle to keep the contacts updated....

  • Third party application can list contacts from shared contacts folder, but not retrieve

    I am working with a third party developer on a problem occurring in their application.<o:p></o:p>
    The software displays the contact list and retrieves a fax number from Outlook. I wish to
    return a number from an Outlook Shared Contacts Folder.
    This works well under Windows 7 with Outlook 2013 in cached mode..<o:p></o:p>
    Running the same software in a terminal services window on a Remote Desktop Server running
    Server 2008 R2 with Outlook in Online mode an error is produced when trying to
    do the same. The contact list is shown, but when the code tries to retrieve the
    displayed record there is the following error:<o:p></o:p>
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040201): The operation failed.
    at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AddressEntry.GetContact()
    at Zetadocs.Outlook.OM.x664bc8bcf689f252.x36f18e7b3c08fff5()<o:p></o:p>
    If I open Outlook myself first, browse to People and click on the Shared Contacts Folder,
    then run the application, there is no error and everything works fine. It is as
    if starting Outlook from code is not loading all contact folder information.<o:p></o:p>
    Have you any suggestions on what may be causing this to happen and if I can do anything to cure this?<o:p></o:p>

    Sorry to be away from this for so long.
    It looks like Outlook is not initializing shared folders when it starts.
    I confirmed this using the following code for the Outlook startup event:
    Private Sub Application_Startup()
        Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
        Dim nspNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
        Dim objTempFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
        Set olApp = ThisOutlookSession.Application
        Set nspNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        For Each objTempFolder In nspNameSpace.Folders
        Next objTempFolder
    End Sub
    With this in place I do not need to go to People and click the shared folder, and the third party app has no problems retrieving.
    The third party app starts Outlook itself if it is not already running. In this scenario no events fire.
    So the question is: Is there a means of executing this code when the third party app starts Outlook?

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    Just set-up 2 user accounts on the computer, then you effectively have 2 computers in one. All your phone data, and everything else (internet bookmarks, desktop preferences, application preferences) etc. are completely separate.
    You and your wife can then use the computer in exactly the way you both prefer without affecting the other.
    You didn't say what version of Mac OS X you are using, so here are the instructions for:
    You can then use *Fast User Switching* to switch between the accounts:

  • Family sharing, contacts turned off but still showing up on other devices

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    when starting a new message on the kids iPad it will display all tthe contacts, they don't actually appear in his regular contact list, however are populated in a drop down list when you start typing the name of a new recipient

    It seems it is a problem related to the recent contacts list.  As I stated above, the contacts don't show up on his contact page, however when you are starting a new message it populates a list with essentially any and all of my previous contacts, none of which exist in his contact page.  They show up with their names and all contact info included.

  • HT2486 can I have two contact lists on one mac book pro?  I need one to sync with my iphone, one to sync with my husband's iphone.

    can I have two contact lists on one mac book pro?  I need one to sync with my iphone, one to sync with my husband's iphone.

    I agree with Chris CA that this is the way I would *expect* iTunes to behave.
    When I look at iTunes from my account (my music is in ~/Music/iTunes/ and not available to my spouse's account), I can see in my music library all my rips and my purchases, just as I would expect. I can use Store>View My Account (<myAppleID>) and all is as expected. Home sharing is NOT on.
    Doing the same from the other account is not much different, actually. Nothing in the library yet, of course. Store>View My Account (<herAppleID>) also works. I CAN authorize my computer to play her music. I CAN view her iTunes purchases. When I attempt to download the purchases to HER library, though, I get the following dialog box:
    Now I interpret this to mean that this computer (mine) will not download from a different AppleID (also mine) for 90 days. Is that [interpretation] correct?

  • How can I move my contact list to new ID account and question about updating iOS

    How can I move my contact list to new ID account?
    And should I update my iOS system ?

    Hello Godde
    Lets start with checking out the articles below for setting up Family Sharing and more information about Apple ID’s. I will say that you will not be able to transfer any purchases to a different Apple ID, but you can rename the Apple ID. If you want to use Family Sharing, then you will need to just create a new iCloud account and then follow the steps in the second article to start sharing content between you to.
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    Sharing purchased content with Family Sharing
    -Norm G.

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