Should I get an iPad?

Hi everyone!
I'm a high school student who does a lot of photo and video editing. I have a Mac Pro, iMac, MacBook Pro and iPhone, and I'm debating if I should buy an iPad or and iPad mini. Besides video/photo editing, I also surf the web, type up small documents and play games on my iPhone. I will mostly use it for games and web surfing because its a pain to get out the 17" MacBook Pro just for 2 minutes. Also the new iPads are smaller and more portable than the MacBook Pro. I don't know what I should do?!?!

Get the mini.
Compare iPad Specs
 Cheers, Tom

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    Well that depend on what you want to do, and wether or not your 4S can keep serving you as a phone.
    The iPad cannot be used a phone, so you would still need to keep your 4S handy.
    Obviously the main attraction is the larger screen. It makes it easier to browser th web, read email, etc...
    At the end it comes down to what yo plan on using it for. If you only need a phone, you may be better of with an iPhone 5.

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     Cheers, Tom

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    First, I think the size of the ipad is very individual. Some love the idea of 'put a mini in your pocket and go.' Others want to hang out somewhere and read more easily, watch movies/tv, etc. among other things, on a bigger screen. If you are near an Apple store, you might want to take a trip there and check out what your preference might be.
    If money is an issue, as it is for many students or parents with students in college, consider looking in the Apple refurbished store. And this is because more important than the physical size of the ipad, is the AMOUNT OF SPACE you will buy vs. how much space you will end up needing as a college student.
    My son got his ipad 2 refurb in the Apple refurb store before he started his junior year in college last year. He thought 32 gb would be more than enough, but some time during the school year, he used about 50 gb of his ipad 2 64 gb which was the way to go.  He has to have apps and space for required financial newspapers, pdf's for class, text books, and of course, movies, tv shows, and music, and all that goes with it - netflix, hbo go, mlb, nfl, and other sports apps... The list goes on.
    Following is a little more detail from a post I responded to this past week.
    PLEASE NOTE - Whatever you decide - I read about an app last year and my son got it. It allows him to use anything on his imac (in his dorm) on his ipad and it works anywhere on campus. For example. if he's working on a paper on MS Word or Excel on his imac, and he's somewhere else on campus, he can actually work on his paper in its current program, save changes, etc., so he doesn't have to deal with many of the ios apps that sometimes change format and fonts in translation from mac/pc to ipad. wherever he is because pretty much all campuses have wireless. (It works everywhere for him on his big campus except in one classroom.)
    However, when I was checking for updates on it the other day, I found one that sounds better than Splashtop. It's now the top paid app in the business in the app store, reviews are great, and for anywhere access does not require a cellular ipad. It's called Jump Desktop and it works with macs and pcs with your ipad.
    Hope this helps and enjoy college!

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    "found this out" is totally inaccurate. There are no facts to "find out", only rumors, most of which have been false and/or contradictory.
    If you go into the store and ask for an iPad 2 they will you give the upgraded one.
    Wrong; totally wrong. Apple still sells the iPad 2, and if you ask for one, that's what you'll get. Whether the local stores are stocking iPad 2s I don't know, but it's definitely sold as a different model.
    You are free to believe whatever rumors you wish to believe, but there is no indication from Apple that they have plans for any new model of iPad the rest of this year, and such a release would be completely out of their normal pattern. We obviously can't say for certain, though, so it's not impossible; Apple's broken pattern before. If you wish to wait, that's up to you.

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     Cheers, Tom

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    Depends on the person. Yes, you can take notes on the iPad. but you will possibly benefit from an external keyboard to type fast. (depends on how you can type /adapt to the on screen keyboard)
    I don't use Pages, but I do Documents to Go and it works very well.
    You will possibly find challenges getting things to print since the iPad only goes to AirPrint enabled printers. You will find challenges if you need to get data on or off the iPad since it doens't support flash drives (e-mail is the easiest way, and to do that you need wifi access)
    You can't get microsoft office. but the afrorementioned docs to go works, as do other office apps.
    You can make it work. Personally? For functionality and the such, I'd look into a netbook. Less money, hundreds of gigs and likely less compatibility issues with other devices.


    thinking about getting an iPad, main reason is that the wifi Is free on iPad but I have to pay for wifi on iPhone 3GS
    any opinions would be great!
    Thanks X

    You are completely wrong.
    No, I'm not completely wrong. It depends where you connect. Which, if you had bothered to actually read what I posted, I said "WiFi is no more 'free' on the iPad than it is on the iPhone."
    If you are in a place that offers free WiFi it will be free no matter what device you access it on.
    If you are in a place that charges for WiFi it will be *paid for* no matter what device you access it on.
    There is no charge when you connect your iPad or iPhone to WiFi ! Don't spread misinformation like that.
    You are the one spreading misinformation. You don't even live in the UK so you are in no position to comment on the free/paid status of WiFi in the UK. WiFi is NOT free everywhere in the UK. Stop spreading misinformation because you clearly don't know what you are talking about.
    To correct your misinformation I will give you some examples:
    a) McDonalds offer free WiFi. It is free to both iPad and iPhone users.
    b) Starbucks offer paid for WiFi. It is charged to both iPad and iPhone users.
    c) Companies like "The Cloud" and "BTOpenzone" offer paid for WiFi subscription plans that cover the whole country. If you pay for one of these plans, you can access the internet at any location within the price that you pay.
    Now, stick to answering question you know something about.

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    should I get the ipad if i just got a new pc?

    I love my iPad, but it really depends on what you think you'd do with one.  I have a laptop, but the portability of the iPad has it beat.  However, if you need to do a lot of work work, access and modify documents, work with spreadsheets, etc., you may find iPad a bit of a letdown.  For me, all I do workwise on my iPad is read and answer email.  Otherwise, it's just a brilliant entertainment device.  All the apps are fun.  I have a book library through iBooks and Kindle.  I read magazines through Zinio.  I watch TV and movies through Netflix.  I listen to Pandora radio and just have a great time when I'm using my iPad. 
    You just need to think about what you need iPad to do for you. 

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    So first I'd say that it's not a good idea to start a new apple id if you have a large purchase history.  You may not transfer purchases between apple IDs.  You should consider some other options listed here  Primarily the option where you or your children have seperate icloud accounts/email accounts that sync their contacts apart from yours.  You may use your apple ID for purchases and use a different one for icloud/email/etc.

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  • Should I Get an iMac, Macbook Pro, or iPad (3rd Generation))

    I'm getting a new "computer" this summer, and I was wondering: Which Apple Device is right for me: iPad 3, iMac, or Macbook Pro? I realize WWDC is this summer (a day after I was planning on getting a Macbook Pro, June 10, which is my birthday) and Apple will be releasing/ unveiling their new products there. I realized that the iMac is more bang for your buck, but people are starting to lean towards portable devices, such as laptops over desktops, and tablets over laptops (mostly). I had planned to get a Macbook Pro (when the 2012 models come out) as of Sunday, April 22. But, as I realized that the prices for each are so different, considering their value, I realized this:
    "Land" - Locked
    More Power for money (student discount)
    Will last me longer (at least 2.5 years)
    Macbook Pro:
    Costs less (as of student discount)
    iPad 3:
    Even More Portable
    Costs even Less.
    Considering these, which do think I should get by the following:
    Go upstate every once a month or so.
    Going on vacation in the summer w/ family.
    Do light gaming (Sims 3, Civ 5, Spore; not much)
    Plan on bragging about being the only one in family w/ Mac (bring to relatives' houses to prove a point to my cousin that he's not the one w/ the coolest computer)
    Lots of Word Processing (can use pages on iPad)
    w/ iPad, I'll have more money to use on accessories (Step dad giving me $500 towards computer, I'll have $350 by June 10)
    Mostly do web browsing.
    Want to use in school (high school)
    If I get an iPad, I can afford to upgrade it every year, but not the Macs
    Will be reading lots of books next year (will be taking AP English)
    Lots of notes next year (Doing Government in Social Studies next year)
    Will use iTunes U if needed
    Need something to fit in backpack if using in school.
    Not sure if teacher will allow laptops/ tablets.
    Mostly do my computing at home
    So what do you think? Should I get an iMac, Macbook Pro, or an iPad 3? Thanks! Best answer gets 5 ***** for the long reading!

    Wow, using computers in school. I remember when I went, teachers flipped out if you had as much as a cell phone
    A couple things I would like to point out:
    1.) WWDC /=/ product releases. While it is likely, no one knows for a fact what will happen at WWDC other than usual events. I would expect it, but don't jump the gun and say "a new Mac will be launched at WWDC", because they have been released before WWDC.
    2.) The iPad is in a different tier than Mac, IMO. I believe iPads should be supplements to PC's, since if troubleshooting need occur, you must still have a PC to restore. (Mac is PC). So say if you suddenly go into Recovery mode, you will be stuck until you find a PC to restore to. One downfall of iOS devices, so for that reason, I will not recommend the iPad alone.
    If you plan to do most of your computing at home, I would get the iMac. I am a college student, and plan on replacing my Macbook Pro (selling it) with an iMac if I can afford it. I agree with you on the "bang for your buck", but even then, iMac is still pricey. With $850, you're still shy $300 of the $1149 price w/education discount. If you want to upgrade your processor (which I would), that's even more $. Plus, software if you need it.
    What exactly are you going to do with a Mac that you cannot do with a Windows PC (outside of just using the Mac OS)? The playing field is leveling out quite a bit. But, if you plan on developing of any sort, get a Mac.

  • I dont know if i should get an iPad 2 or 3??

    Hi all,
    I am going to get an iPad soon but I dont know if I should get an iPad 2 or an iPad 3.
    Its a lot to do with cost but I also dont want to get one that I will later regret and think I should have gotten the other!
    I am looking to use it for everyday use, emails, apps, web browsing and when I am out and about the occasional film too!
    I am really stuck because I dont have a lot of money and so therefore this is a big decision for me!
    I know i dont really need the 3G already but I am really torn between the iPad 2 and the 3.
    If I was to go for the 3 then I would only be able to afford the 16GB version which is the same as my iPhone.
    If I was to go for the 2 then I could afford the 32GB version!
    Advise would be really good thanks,

    If you want a 32GB iPad 2, you must get a refurbished unit. See below.
    What are all the differences between the iPad 3rd Gen and the iPad 2? Is the iPad 2 worth the cost savings? -2012-ipad-2-2011.html
    What are all the differences between the iPad 3rd Gen models? Which should I buy? -early-2012-models.html
    Should I Buy a New iPad? Or an iPad 2?
    iPad 3 vs iPad 2 vs iPad 1- Feature comparisons with iOS 5
    iPad Q&A -gen-early-2012-models.html
    A Few Questions (and Answers) About the New iPad   new-ipad/?ref=personaltechemail&nl=technology&emc=edit_ct_20120315
    New iPad: A Polishing of the Old he-same-only-better.html?nl=technology&emc=edit_ct_20120315
    iPad 1, 2 and New Specifications
    16GB vs 32GB vs 64GB: Which new iPad storage capacity should you get?
    How much content will fit on my iPod or iPhone?
    If you think you may get an iPad 2:
    Refurbished iPad Prices
    New 16GB iPad 2 Prices
    When iOS 6 comes out in the fall, the iPad 3 will get Siri, but the iPad 2 won't.
     Cheers, Tom

  • For college/grad school should i get ipad 3 or mac book air?

    for college/grad school should i get ipad 3 or mac book air?

    Nobody can tell you which one is best for you, it's a personal preference. However, here are a few factors you might want to take into consideration:
    1-They're two different devices that serve different purposes. The way you take notes in an iPad is different than the way you would on a MBA. On the iPad, with apps like Evernote and Notability you can take more complete notes than with a MBA. You have the option to have audio notes, write with a Stylus, make diagrams by hand to explain/relate concepts easily. With the external keyboard (for that I'd recommend using the Apple Wireless Keyboard with the InCase Origami Workstation) you could type just as fast as you would on a MBA and format the text just like you would on the MBA. However, for bigger (possibly partner) papers, the MBA would help you. You could start the paper on the iPad without any issues (using Pages or even Evernote) but you'd need a laptop/computer to finalize the project.
    2-Portability wise, they're both incredibly light. The iPad is somewhat smaller = lighter but with the keyboard they're about the same. The fact that with the ipad + keyboard combo you can take out the keyboard only when you need it, for me, is an advantage be ause when I don't want to use it, it's not in the way. For others, it's a disadvantage because you have to carry two items instead of one.
    3-MBA let's you access all websites and most file types. If one of your classes requires you to go to the Browser and see a Flash enabled page, the iPad would not be of much help. Same goes for any programs you might need to install. On the MBA you'll most likely be able to do so. On the iPad, chances are there won't be an app for that.
    4-Aonce you already have a MBP, I'd go for the iPad. If/when the iPad falls short(because of the limitations mentioned above) you can use the laptop. And in the mean time, use the iPad for everything else. That way you get the best of both worlds. You'd only need to take the MBP when you know you'll need it and wont have to carry that weight all the time.
    6-Studying (reading, highlighting, annotating) is easier and more intuitive on the iPad. The iPad is great for reading, combine that with the fact that you can leave comments/notes just like you would on a physical piece of paper, and you've got the best way to learn IMO.

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