Should i keep my 13 inch 2.3 8gig MBP? or trade in for New Air?

I was wondering whether I should trade in or sell my 13 inch MBP 2.3 that I received on Father's day 2011 for the New MPA.  I was in the store yesterday and the new air seemed to be very quick in response time.  I generally dont perform too many high end task.  I will do recording on garage band and editing in imovie but otherwise normal routine task.  I take my MBP to work on a daily basis and use it for presentations for my sunday sermons.  Any thoughts?  I dont want to lose anything but i like the look and jazzy air.  Weight is a plus too. 
If yes, second question would be whether to get 128 or 256?  and can I upgrade the ssd later?

Generally (and in my opinion):
1) do not buy any computer you cannot replace the hard drive and the RAM in.
2) do NOT (EVER, EVER, EVER) purchase RAM or expended hard drive from any vendor (like Apple, Dell, etc).  they mark up the RAM
purchase the lowest machine that will work for you and upgrade the RAM and hard drive down the road.    Just look at the price Apple charges for the upgrade from 4GB to 8 GB:
Apple is charging the (4GB RAM + $100) for the 8GB upgrade.  You can easily get 8GB for $100.  later you should be able to get 8GB for $60.
Same thing for the hard drives:
Applis charging the price of (500GB + $100) for the 750GB drive.  I just bought a 750GB notebook drive for $99
I, personally, would return the retina notebook for a MacBookPro that you can upgrade the hd and ram

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    >All that happened was that the initial toshiba screen would appear, followed by a frozen black screen (showing an underscore in the top left corner).
    The blinking underscore in the left corner means that the BIOS battery was empty or something wrong with the HDD (possibly BIOS didnt find the right booting source)
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