Should I wait until Pather is released before upgradting to QuickTime Pro?

Is there any advantage to waiting for Pather? Or should I upgrade to QuickTime Pro tonight?


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    Read l
    If you wish to share an Apple ID with family members then read: r-family/

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    Basically, If your purpose is to keep one thread from opening the file until the DAQ thread has finished with it, then the queue is what I would use.
    All functions are on the ADVANCED | SYNCHRONIZATION | QUEUE palette.
    Use the OBTAIN QUEUE to create the queue. Set the DATA TYPE to a PATH constant. This creates a queue of paths.
    Pass the QUEUE REFNUM to both the DAQ VI, and the PROCESSING vi.
    In the DAQ VI, when you write a file, take the PATH from the CLOSE FILE function and use ENQUEUE ELEMENT to put it into the queue (use the refnum you passed in).
    In the processing thread, use DEQUEUE ELEMENT to fetch the path from the queue. You probably should use a timeout value of 1000 mSec or so. If you timed out, go check your PROGRAM RUNNING flag (so you can stop without waiting forever on the queue), and if you're not stopped, try again.
    If the DEQUEUE ELEMENT returns WITHOUT a timeout, then open the path it gives you - the file is guaranteed to be closed, since you closed it before you enqueued it.
    Steve Bird
    Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use.
    Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks

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    Hi there,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    -Griff W. 

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    If you are moving from the US the iPad 4 /Mini models in US
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    The iPad 3generation does not work on LTE anywhere outside US
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    see this

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    What is your machine specifications? And what OS X version are you on now?
    Apple lists a much lower requirement for Lion, but numerous reports it's slow as molasses on older hardware.

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    The update will be free, and I've never had a problem with any iOS updates on my iPad (some people have but it's a small minority who do). As long as you've got a decent wifi connection to download the update to your computer you should be ok (the last update was just under 600 Meg). As no official date has been released yet for when iOS 5 will be out (apart from in the Autumn), it may still be 5 months away.

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    wash12 wrote:
    I don't know if it would be worth it to wait and see if the price drops or if a new mackbook pro is realeased.
    Unfortunately, neither does anyone else because Apple doesn't tell us in advance. Also, speculation is not allowed by the terms of service for the forum.
    That means you have to use the usual criteria for computer upgrades. If not upgrading your computer will cost you more trouble or money than upgrading, then you upgrade now regardless of what it coming because you or your business literally cannot afford to wait. But if you can afford to wait, then you wait.
    One thing that might help: Apple does have price protection for (I think) a couple of weeks after a purchase, so if you buy and the price drops you can ask Apple to refund the difference. The details of this policy, and also of the full refund policy, are on the receipt when you buy. (There are separate policies and time periods for exchange, full refund, and price protection.)

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    I appreciate your focus on assistance, and thank you for your help.  Couple of follow up questions:  What you said about the new specs suggests that the MacBook Pro line has recently been upgraded with, what, the 2nd gen Intel chips, some other incremental improvements?  So maybe it has paid off to crawl along with my old mac to get the latest tech.  For these kinds of upgrades, I guess Apple doesn't advertise that they have the latest chips (I've seen PC ads touting the 2nd gen chips, and checked out the Intel site, so that's how I became aware) and all?
    I'm planning to enjoy this computer for quite some years.  Of course I will get the 3 yr extended warranty.  And I was planning to get the hi res antiglare screen: that seems to be the best of the options.  It looks like one can now get a faster 750 Gb fast drive, instead of having to settle for 500 in the faster version.  The cost does add up, but my feeling was to go for broke and get the best machine I can.  So does getting the faster cpu and hd and max ram (perhaps buying third party) and all make sense, assuming I can afford it when I add everything up, or is it like a moderately good guitar player getting a top of the line guitar he can't really play well enough to warrant it?  (I remember a story about a student under Segovia arriving with a very very expensive guitar when he was still early in the learning process; it may be apocryphal, but story goes that Segovia took the guitar from the student and smashed it to smithereens.  I assume that was not just because the student mistook the instrument for skill in playing it, but perhaps also because he would be too careful with such an expensive instrument, and fail to master it.  Maybe not a perfect analogy, but I could be mislead by seeking the "best barn burner on the block" when what I need is what will work fine for my purposes.) So I think your original response was probably right on in terms of what will actually be of use to me.
    Thanks again,

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    Sorry, we won't know. Speculations on Apple products are not allowed on these forums. If you want one, buy it now.

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    Personally I would use the Firefox 4 release candidate.
    The current Firefox 4 release candidate will become the official Firefox 4 release providing no bugs are found that force a new version to be created. If there is a second release candidate, those using the first release candidate will automatically be updated to the latest version. It is still undergoing quality assurance testing but so far no showstopper bugs have been found.

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    It should be okay to activate it in the US as I think you can choose your country when you set the iPod up and if it does go wrong, you can always wipe it and start again in UK.

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    The macbook pro is early 2011 if that makes a difference.  And I plan on running Linux in addition to Windows.

    If you want Windows 8 you should at least wait until the official release date. If you install the pre-release version now you will just need to install again when the release comes out.
    If you don't need Windows 8, install Windows 7.

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    Yes, it would be a good idea to let it warm to room temperature. Normal operating range is 15 to 50ºC.

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    Waiting (or not) is up to you... no one here knows your situation, wants, needs, etc.  Apple has not announced anything and it's not certain they will release a new iPhone this year.
    All that being said, if it were me, I would wait a few months.

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