Silent installs of JDK

I am trying to silently install JDK 1.5 but I can't find any documentation on it. There is plenty of docs for silently installing the JRE but nothing for the JDK. I currently have:
jdk-1_5_0_09-windows-i586-p.exe /s "/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0 INSTALLDIR=C:\java\jdk1.5"
But that dosen't work. Does anyone anyone have any idea?

It is true that the command line to install the JRE do not apply to the JDK.
The only solution that I find to install my PCs with the JDK into a specific folder other than the "C:\Program Files\" folder was to install first the JRE then install the JDK.
I don't know why but it's works.
So I know that I have got a JRE that IE and Fireofx use to run applet and an other JDK (which include the JRE) for development.
It is not perfect and it manages my case (JRE available into IE and Fireofx for applet) and a JDK development; both install into d:\java folder.
That may be can help you.
If you want talk about that, send me a email to essaidetest<a>
Pierre JEAN
(Sorry for my incorrect english, I am a french guy)

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    It appears that it does not. Read the Silent Installation chapter in the Java Deployment Guide
    C:\Program Files\Java\docs\guide\deployment\deployment-guide\contents.html

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    If anyone has any suggestion it will be very helpfully

    I might be 2 years too late but it's more for anyone else who bumps into this forum on their search for this answer (like I did).
    Just create a file containing the word "yes" and then run directing the file to stdin and then stdout to a file.
    Or simply:
    $ echo "yes" >install.script
    $./ <install.script >/tmp/install.log

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    No multiposting, please. One thread is enough.
    silent installs - quick question
    Moderator action: I'm locking this thread

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    Hi All,
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    chk d below log for silent installation ...
    Performing check for Kernel
    Checking kernel parameters
    Checking for semmsl=250; found semmsl=250. Passed
    Checking for semmns=32000; found semmns=32000. Passed
    Checking for semopm=100; found semopm=32. Failed <<<<
    Checking for semmni=128; found semmni=128. Passed
    Checking for shmmax=536870912; found shmmax=33554432. Failed <<<<
    Checking for shmmni=4096; found shmmni=4096. Passed
    Checking for shmall=2097152; found shmall=2097152. Passed
    Checking for file-max=65536; found file-max=52371. Failed <<<<
    Checking for VERSION=2.4.21; found VERSION=2.4.21-4.ELsmp. Passed
    Checking for ip_local_port_range=1024 - 65000; found ip_local_port_range=32768 - 61000. Failed <<<<
    Checking for rmem_default=262144; found rmem_default=65535. Failed <<<<
    Checking for rmem_max=262144; found rmem_max=65535. Failed <<<<
    Checking for wmem_default=262144; found wmem_default=65535. Failed <<<<
    Checking for wmem_max=262144; found wmem_max=65535. Failed <<<<
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Check complete: Failed <<<<
    Problem: The kernel parameters do not meet the minimum requirements (see above).
    Recommendation: Perform operating system specific instructions to update the kernel parameters.
    Performing check for GLIBC
    Checking Recommended glibc version
    Expected result: ATLEAST=2.3.2-95.27
    Actual Result: 2.3.2-95.3
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Performing check for TotalMemory
    Checking physical memory requirements ...
    Expected result: 922MB
    Actual Result: 496MB
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Check complete: Failed <<<<
    Problem: The system does not have sufficient physical memory to perform the install.
    Recommendation: Increase the amount of physical memory available to your system before continuing with the installation.

    Hi Pierre,
    thats fine that I should nt contuinue the installation if the prerequisties isnt match
    but my question is "if we are doing the same installation in GUI based then we have to select that failed components and verify it again, i.e. I select that failed component and retry it (that the same thing done by me) and its working perfectly..." and my installation is successfully completed with any errors.
    So, how can I do the same thing through command line, IF I want to retry for the failed components?
    FYI ...Log for kernel parameters, RPM and Memory...
    Performing check for Kernel
    Checking kernel parameters
    Checking for semmsl=250; found semmsl=250. Passed
    Checking for semmns=32000; found semmns=32000. Passed
    Checking for semopm=100; found semopm=100. Passed
    Checking for semmni=128; found semmni=128. Passed
    Checking for shmmax=536870912; found shmmax=536870912. Passed
    Checking for shmmni=4096; found shmmni=4096. Passed
    Checking for shmall=2097152; found shmall=2097152. Passed
    Checking for file-max=65536; found file-max=65536. Passed
    Checking for VERSION=2.4.21; found VERSION=2.4.21-4.ELsmp. Passed
    Checking for ip_local_port_range=1024 - 65000; found ip_local_port_range=1024 - 65000. Passed
    Checking for rmem_default=262144; found rmem_default=262144. Passed
    Checking for rmem_max=262144; found rmem_max=262144. Passed
    Checking for wmem_default=262144; found wmem_default=262144. Passed
    Checking for wmem_max=262144; found wmem_max=262144. Passed
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Check complete: Passed
    2) also the GLIBC is already higher version with me..then why it shown me as fail
    Performing check for GLIBC
    Checking Recommended glibc version
    Expected result: ATLEAST=2.3.2-95.27
    Actual Result: 2.3.2-95.3
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    3) Memory error
    Performing check for TotalMemory
    Checking physical memory requirements ...
    Expected result: 922MB
    Actual Result: 496MB
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<

  • Silent Installation of Additional OMS with repo fails...

    Followed instructions from the OEM Installation and Basic Configuration guide E10953-04 - Software Only Installation...
    In the section 'Temporary update of the Repository Core Version' I changed the version to
    When trying to install additional OMS on Linux x86-64 using silent installation... The installer fails with the below message...
    connectString = xxxxx:xxxx:emdb1
    INFO: 1/17/09 1:09:42 AM EST: Query Returned:
    1/17/09 1:09:43 AM EST: User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
    1/17/09 1:09:43 AM EST: Invalid version: To be used for the Management Repository, the database must be version, or version or higher.
    1/17/09 1:09:43 AM EST: This silent installation was unsuccessful.
    Any Ideas...

    Directly pointy to 11G database is not supported, you have to go by note 467677.1

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    I am trying to install WL server through silent mode.
    The silent.xml that i am using is as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Silent installer option -mode=silent -silent_xml="/u01/app/wlogic/sil/silent.xml" -->
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="/u01/app/wlogic/sil" />
    <data-value name="WLS_INSTALL_DIR" value="/u01/app/wlogic/sil/wlserver_10.3" />
    <data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS"
    value="WebLogic Server/Core Application Server|WebLogic Server
    /Administration Console|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade
    Framework|WebLogic Server/Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server|WebLogic Server/WebLogic
    JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/Third Party JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server
    /WebLogic Server Clients|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Web Server Plugins
    |WebLogic Server/UDDI and Xquery Support|WebLogic Server/Server Examples" />
    <data-value name="INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE" value="no" />
    <data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER" value="yes"/>
                   <data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS" value="/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_07" />
    The installation returns a failure code "null".
    I am using the generic installer and have successfully installed through the GUI and console mode.
    The OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4(32bit on VWare machine).
    I have also tried it on Windows 7.
    I am at my wits end and any help would be appreciated.
    thanks in advance
    PS:- i am new here and hence any forum policies that may have been violated by me is un-intentional.

    Thanks Fabian for taking out your time for helping me.
    This solution is not working completely though.
    The log has more information now but still does not make much sense.
    Hope it does for you.
    Here is a part of log for your perusal
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,605 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl -      Evaluation Database=false
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,605 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl -      Workshop Code Completion Support=true
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,605 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl - Oracle Configuration Manager=true
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,605 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl -      Data Collector=true
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,605 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl - Oracle Coherence=false
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,605 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl -      Coherence Product Files=false
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,606 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl -      Coherence Examples=false
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,606 DEBUG [home] com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl - -----------COMPONENT SELECTIONS DUMP END-----------
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,606 ERROR [home] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.helpers.BEAHomeHelper - Error setting selections!
    com.bea.cie.gpr.model.RegistryException: Unable to locate product "WebLogic Server" and component "WebLogic Web Server Plugins "
         at com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl.setSelections(
         at com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.helpers.BEAHomeHelper.buildTarget(
         at com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.silent.tasks.SilentBEAHomeTask.execute(
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,607 ERROR [home] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.silent.tasks.SilentBEAHomeTask - The local BEA product registry is corrupted. Please select another Middleware Home or contact Oracle Support
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,607 DEBUG [WizardController] com.bea.plateng.common.cleanup.CleanupTaskManager - Preparing cleanup task: com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.cleanup.tasks.CleanupTempTask
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,607 DEBUG [WizardController] com.bea.plateng.common.cleanup.tasks.AbstractCleanupTask - com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.cleanup.tasks.CleanupTempTask.doBefore()
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,607 DEBUG [WizardController] com.bea.plateng.common.cleanup.CleanupTaskManager - Executing cleanup task: com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.cleanup.tasks.CleanupTempTask
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,607 DEBUG [WizardController] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.cleanup.tasks.CleanupTempTask - Deleting file/directory '/tmp/bea2028415609744706723.tmp'
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,618 DEBUG [WizardController] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.cleanup.tasks.CleanupTempTask - command=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_07/bin/java -cp . com.bea.plateng.common.util.Delete /tmp/bea2028415609744706723.tmp 30
    2012-10-19 16:00:54,641 DEBUG [WizardController] com.bea.plateng.wizard.WizardController - Terminating..
    Hope it helps.

  • Photoshop Elements 13 Silent Installation

    I am trying to do a silent installation of Photoshop Elements 13.
    We can rollout single installations to specific computers with Enteo DSM (Client Management System).
    When i assign an installation to a client, i have the possibility to give the serialnumber with the installationpackage as an variable.
    This worked well with PSE10, PSE11 and PSE12.
    But with Version 13 the installation routine changed completly. Are there any instructions to do an silent installation with PSE 13 ?

    Silent install worked great but I cant get the adobeID to serialize. I used this for PSE 12 but it's not working on 13.
    adobe_prtk --tool=Serialize --leid=V7{}PhotoshopElements-EMT13-Win-GM  --serial="xxxx-xx...." --adobeid="[email protected]"
    Do I have the right leid? I couldn't find any information on how to get the Adobe ID working.

  • Need help with a Silent Installer for Photoshop Elements 10

    I can't seem to get the silent installer working. I've used the Elements 9 instructions for 10 but I still get pop-ups requesting info:
    I cannot find any info at all relating specifically to Elements 10. Before I go digging into the msi with ORCA (preferable to have something I can deploy in Active Directory through GPO) I tought I'd ask here

    Delete the blank between /UL and 1033, and it will work. :-)
    @Davide M, thanks a lot for your helpful article!
    mtarggart wrote:
    I've tried the above command and I keep getting prompted to select an Install Language. I'm trying to install this on Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. From an elevated command prompt pointed to the directory of the Elements install files (C:\PSE 10), this is what I am typing: start /wait setup.exe /UL 1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx".
    For the ones who want to use installation from a server share,
    change "Setup.exe" by using \\Servername\Share\Setup.exe
    and set \\Servername\Share to your Servershare.
    The last thing I've been searching for was setting the right country
    and stopping PSE from asking me which country I am living in.
    Seems as if there was an additional switch e.g. "Country=244" for US.

  • Silent Installation of Oracle 10g on Windows XP

    I was trying out "SILENT INSTALLATION OF ORACLE 10g ON WINDOWS XP", where I was getting the following error. Can you please help me out.
    COMMAND GIVEN : D:\database>d:/disk1/setup.exe -responsefile d:/disk1/response/custom.rsp -silent -nowelcome
    ERROR THROWN : Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\DOCUME~1\RAVIKA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\OraInstall2011-04-06_07-54-37AM. Please wait ... Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
    Copyright (C) 1999, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    You can find a log of this install session at:
    C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions2011-04-06_07-54-37AM.log
    .................................................................................................... 100% Done.
    SEVERE:Values for the following variables could not be obtained from the command line or response file(s):
    Silent install cannot continue.
    Please press Enter to exit...
    So I changed the "CUSTOM.RSP" response file parameters by adding
    But it is still throwing me the error.
    REquesting you to help me out in this case.
    Thanks and REgards
    Ravikanth Garimella

    Pl identify exact versions of "10g" and "Windows XP". Pl also post the last 100 lines from the install log.
    Pl note that Home versions of Windows are not supported -
    Pl see the Install Guide on how to use response files -

  • Silent Installation Adobe Acrobat 9 Win 2008 R2

    I have a problem with the silent installation of Adobe 9 under Win 2008 R2. I have created an admin installation with all hotfixes including 9.3.2 german.
    When I install. The installation fails with 1603. In the log i found the following errors:
    Property(S): UnsupportedOS_DotNet = The installation of [BrandName] on a 64-bit Windows operating system requires that you first install the following package from the location indicated below:
    - Package: Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 x64
    - Location:
    Property(S): HotFix64_Link =
    Property(S): ADOBE_ACROBAT_DOCUMENT = Adobe Acrobat Document
    Property(S): UnsupportedOS_HotFix = Acrobat requires an update for this 64-Bit operating system.  The update can be found at  Please update your system and run setup again. Setup will now terminate.
    Both Hotfixes are not available under win 2008r2. Dotnet 3.5sp1 is already installed and the other hotfix is not for R2.
    What can I do?
    thanks in forward!

    Hi John,
    Acrobat 9.3.2 is certified for W2008R2

  • Oracle 10g db Silent installation error

    Hi All,
    I am getting this error while going for silent installation :
    SEVERE:Values for the following variables could not be obtained from the command line or response file(s):
    Here is response file and execution summary :
    $ ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /dumps/oracle4linux/dvd/database/responsevenf
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2
    All installer requirements met.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2008-11-14_03-07-37AM. Please wait ...[oracle@hrmodev database]$ Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
    Copyright (C) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    You can find a log of this install session at:
    .................................................................................................... 100% Done.
    SEVERE:Values for the following variables could not be obtained from the command line or response file(s):
    Silent install cannot continue.
    Here is my response file :
    #This entry is not used on Windows platforms
    #UNIX_GROUP_NAME;String;Used in Dialog
    #Group that the current user is part of, for ownership of the install files.
    #FROM_LOCATION;String;Used in Dialog
    #Full path for the products.jar file.
    #Replace the X: with the drive letter of your CD-ROM device.
    #FROM_LOCATION_CD_LABEL;String:Used in multi-CD installations.
    #It includes the label of the Compact Disk where the file "products.jar" exists.
    #The label can be found in the file "disk.label" in the same directory as
    #ORACLE_HOME;String;Used in Dialog
    #Enter the path to your oracle home. Replace the drive letter and optionally
    #alter the home path.
    #ORACLE_HOME_NAME;String;Used in Dialog
    #Enter the name of this oracle home. The name will be used to identify this
    #TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT;StringList;Used in Dialog
    #Choices: "oracle.server", ""
    #TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT={"oracle.server", ""}
    #Some components are flexible in where they are installed, although all have
    # default locations. Set this to FALSE if you want to accept the default locations
    # and not show this page.
    #SHOW_SUMMARY_PAGE;Boolean;Used in Dialog <---------------
    #MUST be <false> for "silent" install
    #SHOW_INSTALL_PROGRESS_PAGE;Boolean;Used in Dialog <---------------
    #MUST be <false> for "silent" install
    #SHOW_REQUIRED_CONFIG_TOOL_PAGE;Boolean;Used in Dialog
    #SHOW_OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOL_PAGE;Boolean;Used in Dialog
    #SHOW_END_SESSION_PAGE;Boolean;Used in Dialog <---------------
    #MUST be <false> for "silent" install
    #Parameter : LOCATION_FOR_DISK2
    #Type : String
    #Description : Complete path to the other disks.
    #Example : LOCATION_FOR_DISK2 = "..\..\Disk2"
    #Parameter : NEXT_SESSION
    #Type : Boolean
    #Description : Set to true if the installer needs to go to the File Locations page for another installation.
    #Example : NEXT_SESSION = true
    #Parameter : SHOW_SPLASH_SCREEN
    #Type : Boolean
    #Description : Set to true if the initial splash screen in the installer needs to be shown.
    #Example : SHOW_SPLASH_SCREEN = true
    #Parameter : SHOW_WELCOME_PAGE
    #Type : Boolean
    #Description : Set to true if the Welcome page in the installer needs to
    be shown.
    #Example : SHOW_WELCOME_PAGE = false
    #Type : Boolean
    #Description : Set to true if the Confirmation dialog asking to run the script in the installer needs to be shown.
    #Valid only in Unix platforms.
    #Example : SHOW_ROOTSH_CONFIRMATION = true
    #Type : Boolean
    #Description : Set to true if the confirmation when exiting the installer needs to be shown.
    #Example : SHOW_EXIT_CONFIRMATION = true
    #INSTALL_TYPE;String;Used in Dialog
    # Minimal - Optional pre-configured DB (b_createDB), Networking services, Server utilities
    # Typical - Pre-configured starter DB, Licensable options and Cartridges,
    # Networking services, Server utilities
    DEP_MODE = Custom
    TLDepModes = Custom
    #OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOLS={"dbassist"} OR OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOLS={"Oracle Database Configuration Assistant"}
    #s_GlobalDBName;String;Used in Dialog
    #This is the name of the database which will be created as part of the typical install.
    #You should modify this string to use an appropriate name.
    #This entry not needed for Windows installation.
    #s_mountPoint;String;Used in Dialog
    #Database file location: directory for datafiles, control files, redo logs
    #s_dbSid;String;Used in Dialog
    #Value for ORACLE_SID. Change this to an appropriate SID.
    #Relevant only in MINIMAL, set to TRUE if you want a starter database, set to FALSE if not.
    Edited by: Kishore KVR on Nov 14, 2008 2:56 PM

    Have you checked for any errors in log file....????
    Can you connect via SQL*PLUS ... , for example...????

  • How to rollback the oracle silent installation

    Hello Guys!
    i have one simple question related to the Oracle silent installation.
    I implemented embedded installation of Oracle in silent mode for my product.
    But i want to implement the rollback feature, i mean it should be possible to interrupt silent installation of Oracle s\w and it should be implemented in correct way. All installed files services should be removed, cleared all registry keys, cleared the inventory information etc.
    So if someone knows anything how to perform this functionality it will be great help for me. I see only two ways:
    1. To write something into the input stream of the process, like "stop", "cancel" ...
    Maybe it is funny idea
    2. The second way to perform termination of process and clear all information in scripts, but this is waste of time and may cause some addional errors at execution.
    3. So if you can help me thanks in advance

    Hello Nicolas!
    yes you are very close to the theme. I used this codes but it is not what i am looking for now. I'll try to explain:
    ---------------------------------------- xx% ---------------------------------------
    | Oracle Installer is strated | ---------------> | Oracle istallation is done |
    ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
    | |
    | |
    | to interrupt installation
    | |
    go to the same state as before installation
    Thus do you know the best way how to implement this process:
    1. To interrupt silent installation of Oracle
    2. Rollback all changes made by interrupted setup program(some files are installed etc, but i don't need them since i had interrupted the installation process)
    So thanks for your answer

  • Error 1719 during Office 2010 Silent installation

    I have created a logoff vbs script enforced through GPO for a silent installation of office 2010 SP. The main part of the script run the following command: 
    SetupCommand = ShareDir & "\x86\setup.exe /config " & ShareDir & "\x86\ProPlus.WW\config.xml"
    ReturnValue =, 1, True)
    installation files are located on a network share (permissions: full control for everyone)
    The installation seems to work correctly until installation of updates when I get error 1719 Windows Installer service could not be accessed preceded by a warning event 1530: 
    Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold your registry file may not function properly afterwards.  
    DETAIL - 
    2 user registry handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-682003330-507921405-725345543-4463:
    Process 2760 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-682003330-507921405-725345543-4463
    Process 2760 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-682003330-507921405-725345543-4463\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts
    I've tried the script on 5 different hosts and I always get the same error. I've tried once to use the same script at logon and it worked.
    If I run the command manually it works. Do you have any idea why the script is not working at logoff? do you have any workaround to suggest? 

    Hi Michele,
    get error 1719 Windows Installer service could not be accessed
    Please refer to following KB and check if it help you to troubleshoot Windows installer service issue.
    How to troubleshoot issues with Windows installer service
    Based on your description, I understand that you had configure logoff script via Group Policy to install office
    2010. Meanwhile, you had confirmed that logon script will work fine if use same script. So, I guess the script should be correct, there seems to have some issues in Group Policy settings. Please refer to following articles and check relevant log files if find
    more clues.
    Fixing Group Policy problems by using log
    Fixing Scripts policy settings problems
    If anything I misunderstand or any update, please don't hesitate to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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