Skip Nexval of Sequence

I have 3 sequence in one user
some time sequence next value skip some numbers
like if last sequence no was 10 it generate next value 21
some time only one no skip last no 21 ... next value 23
all 3 sequence are getting some problem.
I created sequence
Sequence 1 :-
create sequence SJV
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999
start with 1
increment by 1
Sequence 2 :-
create sequence JV
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999
start with 1
increment by 1
Sequence 3 :-
create sequence voucherno
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999
start with 1
increment by 1

Kame wrote:
I am generating the sequence with the following method
No. 1
select fwqgl.voucherno.nextval GlVNo,t.* from
          select r_no,to_char(r_date,'YYYY') VYear, to_char(r_date,'MM') VPeriod,'SRV' Vtype,
          r_date Vdate,narration
          from fwqrecview
          where chk='Y'
No. 2
select fwqgl.SJV.nextval GlVNo,t.* from
                  select inv_no,to_char(inv_date,'YYYY') VYear, to_char(inv_date,'MM') VPeriod,'SJV' Vtype,
     inv_date Vdate, status, ('To record Invoice No.'|| inv_no ||' to '||Sh_name||' against '||v_name||' BL QTY '||bl_qty||'@'||Exc_rate||' x ' ||USd) Narration
     from fwqInvView
          where chk='Y'
No. 3
select JVno.nextval into :vouchermaster.vm_no from dual;I noticed that sequence no skip every day at morning (first entry) when user enter data in form.
after that all the day sequence give next val in serial accordingly.That would indicate that the sequence is cached then. Rather than it read a single value each time you ask for a sequence, the database reads the next X values (let's say 10 values for sake of argument), so that it can help with performance (albeit very very slightly). So the first request gets a sequence number and caches another 9, the next request can read the next value from that cache rather than having to do the additional processing of getting it from the sequence in detail. Now, while there are values cached in the databases memory, if the database is shut down and restarted (like probably happens overnight for you when backups are done I'm guessing etc.), the database loses that cache of numbers and has to start from the next one from the sequence again. This is the most likely cause of you seeing gaps first thing in the morning.
I also checked that when I change the system date and close all the forms and re-open and run .
it skip the next val.Yes, with Forms a similar caching can happen, so you can lose values in the same way.
This is not an issue, because this is how sequences work. There is no such thing as a gapless sequence and you shouldn't expect to ever get one.
The closest you can get is to create your sequence with the NOCACHE option, which will prevent the caching, but won't rollback the sequence if someone has fetched the nextval but rolled back their transaction.

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    I wouldn't use Shake to do this - investigate the free plugin G-Reverse from Graeme Nattress...

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    Thanks in advance,

    I apologize Pam, my response actually contradicted itself. Once it skips the access sequence it then skips the condition, along with skipping the alt. calc. etc.
    To get this to work happily together there's a number of options.
    You could have the access sequence be not exclusive, so when that is skipped it will move down to the next access sequence (which you'd define with less detail so it will be "true"). Only thing here is when it is not skipped, then both access sequqnces will fire.
    More of an ABAP route would be do attempt most of this checking in the Price Proc Rqmt & AltCalc code. Possible have the requirement set a variable for your condition that the Alt Calc would then act upon.
    This is all off the top of my head, by I know you can get it to work properly. It's not that crazy of a requirement

  • Gap in Sequences

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    EdStevens wrote:
    jgarry wrote:
    Check printing requires the computer data and the paper data to be synchronized. It is not something to be shared among users. Yes, you can blow a ream of checks, the printer can jam, a new printer can have a different version of the same pcl language and act strange, and so forth, so stating the requirement as gap-free is a mis-statement, focusing too much on the software mechanics rather than the design. It's an accounting issue of accountability. However you solve it, Oracle sequences are not the way.
    The news this morning had a military wife working in a doctor's office grabbing $200K by simply writing herself checks... over two years. That's bad accounting, assisted by bad accounting software implementation. You never give one person that much power. But it's par.Years ago (26+) I spent a miserable year working for a major car rental company. They would regularly blow a case of checks due to printer jams. The biggest issue was the operator not confirming a good print run before 'commiting' the check numbers. This would necessitate me coming in at 2:00 am to run a rollback job. (Yes, this data center had multiple QC issues due to self-imposed procedures - and poor printer maintenance). I don't remember how the accounting department accounted for the ruined checks and their numbers. It's obviously been a long time since working on such a system, but I'd think that with check printing and similar applications, the check number would still be generated out of a local variable, initialized by an operator at run time. (As you said, Oracle sequences are not the solution for this application). Actually, my current application has a similar requirement, that batches of documents have gapless sequence numbers. But that is only within the batch, so just like the checks, the app just keeps a counter in memory at run time and the operator tells it where to start.1981 or so I remember a requirement from the gummint that some annual tax forms, if submitted by computer output, had to be printed with the multipart forms continuously joined. With this stupid old chain-drive printer, it took hours and hours and a whole box of forms to print something like 300 of them.
    I recently got some checks from the company that does pretax (section 125) health payments that were printed so bad they couldn't be read by ATMs (I tried 3 different branches, finally had to see a clerk).

  • Slow response Premiere when building (longer) sequence.

    We're a company working on corporatie videos and television documentaries. Six months ago, we started working with Adobe Premiere, saying goodbye to FCP7, after experiencing many crashes, connection errors, etc.
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    We've tested this on two of our sets:
    1 Mac Pro Nehalem:
    Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.26 GHz
    Proccessors: 2
    Cores: 8
    Memory: 12 GB
    Blackmagic Decklink HD Pro (Dual Link)
    ATI RADEON HD4870 512MB
    OS: 10.9
    2 Hackintosh:
    8-Core Intel Xeon
3.2 GHz

    Processors: 1
    Cores: 8
    Memory: 64 GB
    Blackmagic Decklink HD Extreme 3D+
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
    OS: 10.9
    Both have SSD drives with OS/Applications, Media is stored on a QNAP NAS (60TB) with 10GB ethernet connection.
    I've noticed when I remove audio clips from a sequence, things speed up amazingly.
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    If we need to give more info about config, setup, please let me know.

    I stopped using Suitcase because of that delay. X1, I think, but maybe the one before it. Waiting 2-5 minutes for each file to open seemed a bit extreme so I switched to FontExplorer (which has the added benefit of being free) and I have never looked back. Auto Activate works about 80% of the time, and the other 20, I just do it manually.
    I think Suitcase's pause has something to do with Suitcase making sure it's opening the right version of the font, which if I had to guess based on the pause, has something to do with inspecting each individual point in each individual glyph in every font that is installed on every machine within 5 miles of your location.


    작성날짜 : 2003-08-04
    Sequence Cache
    오라클 sequence를 사용할 때에 cache라는 옵션을 가지고 있다.
    이러한 옵션을 사용할때 가끔 수자가 이어지지 않고 끊어지는 경우가 발생할 수
    있는데 여기서는 어떤 상황에서 수자가 없어지며 이러한 상황을 최소화할수 있는
    방법을 찾아보고자 한다.
    non-cache mode 인 경우에 'nextval' 을 요구하게 되면 current value에서 increment
    만큼의 값이 증가될 것이다. 예를 들어 current value는 0이고 increment는 1이며
    cache가 아닐 때 'nextval'을 요구하게 되면 1이 return 될 것이다.
    cache option과 같이 사용될 때 sequence에 대해서 'nextval'을 요구하게 되면
    cache 되는 만큼의 값에서부터 차례대로 next 값을 가져오게 되며 cache된 값을
    모두 사용하고 난 다음은 다음 caching 을 하게 된다.
    만약 다음과 같이 sequence가 선언되었다고 하자.
    create sequence seq increment by 1 cache 5;
    start none 0 none
    1st access 1 5 1
    2nd access 2 5 2
    3rd access 3 5 3
    4th access 4 5 4
    5th access 5 5 5
    6th access 6 10 6
    7th access 7 10 7
    cache되어 있는 값들이 절대로 없어지지 않는다고 가정하면 출력되는 결과 값들은
    non-cache 의 그것과 다를 것이 없을 것이다.
    그러나 sequence cache도 역시 다른 cached information과 같이 shared pool 에 저장된다.
    이것은 다른 shared pool에 있는 procedure처럼 자주 access 되지 않으면 age out될 수
    있음을 의미하기도 한다. 또한 shutdown 시에는 cache에 있는 모든 것을 잃어버리게
    된다. 여기서 주로 shutdown에 의해 sequence의 번호가 skip 될수 있으므로 skip되어서는
    안되는 번호를 가진 응용프로그램에서는 non-cached sequence 를 사용해야 한다.
    다음에는 cache age out과 shutdown이후에 sequence number의 변화를 예를 들어 설명한다.
    start none 0 none
    1st access 1 5 1
    2nd access 2 5 2
    cache aged out
    3rd access 5 10 5
    4th access 6 10 6
    5th access 10 15 10
    6th access 11 15 11
    7th access 12 15 12
    aging 문제를 해결하기 위해서 7.3 이후에서 부터는 dbms_shared_pool 이라는 package 를
    이용해서 shared pool내에 다음과 같이 고정시켜 놓을수 있다.
    Reference Documents

    작성날짜 : 2003-08-04
    Sequence Cache
    오라클 sequence를 사용할 때에 cache라는 옵션을 가지고 있다.
    이러한 옵션을 사용할때 가끔 수자가 이어지지 않고 끊어지는 경우가 발생할 수
    있는데 여기서는 어떤 상황에서 수자가 없어지며 이러한 상황을 최소화할수 있는
    방법을 찾아보고자 한다.
    non-cache mode 인 경우에 'nextval' 을 요구하게 되면 current value에서 increment
    만큼의 값이 증가될 것이다. 예를 들어 current value는 0이고 increment는 1이며
    cache가 아닐 때 'nextval'을 요구하게 되면 1이 return 될 것이다.
    cache option과 같이 사용될 때 sequence에 대해서 'nextval'을 요구하게 되면
    cache 되는 만큼의 값에서부터 차례대로 next 값을 가져오게 되며 cache된 값을
    모두 사용하고 난 다음은 다음 caching 을 하게 된다.
    만약 다음과 같이 sequence가 선언되었다고 하자.
    create sequence seq increment by 1 cache 5;
    start none 0 none
    1st access 1 5 1
    2nd access 2 5 2
    3rd access 3 5 3
    4th access 4 5 4
    5th access 5 5 5
    6th access 6 10 6
    7th access 7 10 7
    cache되어 있는 값들이 절대로 없어지지 않는다고 가정하면 출력되는 결과 값들은
    non-cache 의 그것과 다를 것이 없을 것이다.
    그러나 sequence cache도 역시 다른 cached information과 같이 shared pool 에 저장된다.
    이것은 다른 shared pool에 있는 procedure처럼 자주 access 되지 않으면 age out될 수
    있음을 의미하기도 한다. 또한 shutdown 시에는 cache에 있는 모든 것을 잃어버리게
    된다. 여기서 주로 shutdown에 의해 sequence의 번호가 skip 될수 있으므로 skip되어서는
    안되는 번호를 가진 응용프로그램에서는 non-cached sequence 를 사용해야 한다.
    다음에는 cache age out과 shutdown이후에 sequence number의 변화를 예를 들어 설명한다.
    start none 0 none
    1st access 1 5 1
    2nd access 2 5 2
    cache aged out
    3rd access 5 10 5
    4th access 6 10 6
    5th access 10 15 10
    6th access 11 15 11
    7th access 12 15 12
    aging 문제를 해결하기 위해서 7.3 이후에서 부터는 dbms_shared_pool 이라는 package 를
    이용해서 shared pool내에 다음과 같이 고정시켜 놓을수 있다.
    Reference Documents

  • Vendor number range issue

      In testing server when i created a vendor it skipped number series sequence. Lastly vendor was created with xxxx50 but upon creation it created vendor with xxxx67, i have heard there is some problem with buffering settings in SNRO but when i look there i find it to be set as 5 then why system is skipping so numbers. Anyone can help me on it.

    Please ensure that none is using the system during the copy, this can generate this gaps
    Also check note 175047:
    In note 175047 you can find a summary about situations, where missing
    document numbers (gaps) could occur. See also the referred notes at the
    bottom of the note.
    The possible and usual causes for the number range gaps are as follows-
       1. User exit USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE in program RV60AFZZ.
          Please check the user exit.
       2. Number buffering (which might not be applicable to your case)
          Please check transaction SNRO for object RV_BELEG to verify
          if buffering is switched on.  Please refer to the attached
          note 62077, 23835 and 363901.
       3. Update termination
          This is the most likely cause of number range skipping.
          Please review trxn SM13 for update terminates during the run. If
          so, copy them in this message. Please also use trxn st22 to check
          whether shortdump occurred. If yes, upload the first 15 pages of
          the dump into this message.

  • Oracle heterogeneous services in 10g r2

    The dba configured oracle heterogeneous services to connect to a SQL Server database.
    The purpose of doing this is to select from a view in SQL Server.
    We are able to select. But as soon as a where clause is introduced, the session just hangs.
    So we thought it might be because we are accessing a view.
    We then created a table in SQL Server and inserted all the data into the table. However, the select with a where clause does not work.
    We then created a table in Oracle and selected from the view in SQL Server to insert data into the oracle table . Once the data is in an Oracle table, we are able to select and use a where clause. We do not want to bring data into Oracle as the data architect is trying to avoid a duplication scenario.
    The DBA is not able to find what is wrong. Can someone please help. Have you seen a similar issue?
    The oracle version is and sql server is 2000.
    Edited by: user8699561 on Mar 16, 2010 8:30 AM

    If the application is using sequences, it cannot require that values are not skipped. Oracle sequences will never be gap-free. And assuming that there are multiple users, the order of transactions and the order of sequence generated values cannot be guaranteed.
    I suppose that if your failover process was manual and scheduled and the downtime window was sufficient (i.e. you're failing over because you're taking one server down for scheduled maintenance, not because there was an unexpected fault), you could set up a script that would shut down the application, iterate over the sequences on the master getting the next value, alter the local sequences (presumably by altering the increment, selecting the next value from the local sequences, and returning the increment to 1), and then allow the application to start on the new server. If your downtime window is sufficient, when the primary has an unscheduled failure, you could potentially do a SELECT MAX(primary key) on each table on the local system (while the application is down), alter the sequences and then allow the application to start running. Neither is a particularly pretty option, and the latter option can be quite expensive if there is a lot of data.

  • Swf file stays in cache and used in additional visits?

    If I have 5 HTML pages, each with the SAME swf embedded in them (..and that swf has a preloader sequence at the start that cycles through a LOADING sequence, before continuing on with the rest of the movie, if all the frames are not loaded yet...), will visiting one of the other pages (after viewing a first one) result in the swf embedded in it to skip the preload sequence (since it would already be loaded in the browser cache), or would it have to load all the frames again, each time you visit one of the pages?

    Darn... Still having issues.
    My swf is structured like this:
    Frame 1: Blank... Checks if all frames loaded (to detect a revisit).  If so, jump to 'Loaded' label
    Frame 2: ('Preloader' label): Display preloader background and percentage display.  Check if all bytes loaded, if so jump to 'Reveal' label
    Frame 3: Go to 'Preloader' label
    Frame 4 ('Reveal' label): Main content appears in layers below  preloader background, preloader background slides away, revealing them.
    Frame 20 ('Loaded' label): Unobstructed main content
    Theory here would be that on the first load, the preloader would kick in if needed (showing the load progress), then sliding away to reveal the main content.  If the connection is fast enough, it skips right up to the main content (no preloader screen or transition).  On return visits, since all pages are using the same swf (which should now be stored in the cache), all the frames should register as loaded, and so you just go straight to the unobstructed contect.
    A few flaws with that theory...
    1) Since the initial 'frames loaded' check is on the first frame, it would probably never register as having all frames loaded (unless you have a ridiculously fast connection).  Only time it (in theory) would work is on a revisit...
    2) ...which brings me to a newly discovered flaw in my logic.  Even with the swf in cache, it still needs to be 'loaded' ('s just a lot faster than from the Internet... but nonetheless a non-instant 'load').  So, I would think now that you'd never get the initial 'frames loaded' scan seeing 'all frames loaded'.
    Only solution I can think of is to extend the initial 'blank frame' (frame 1) to a few frames duration, and putting the initial 'frames loaded' check at the end of that, allowing a highspeed connection to fully load the cached swf by the time the inital check is performed..... but that would give you a longer gap before something appears...
    So, now I either have the preloader just 'pop' away (without a nice transition out)... or live with the preloader background appearing on entry of the page, and transitioning out.  I could actually live with the traditional 'door opens on arrival, door closes on leaving' routine... if only the main content actually changed in some way (justifying the doors closing).... But, since it's the same swf being used each time, the content is identical.
    Just looks like I'll have to accept a compromise of one type or another...

  • How do I fix tabbing through fields flow in order?

    In my form, I have mutliple text field boxes.  Sometimes, when I tab through the fields, one is skipped (not in sequence).  How do I fix that so the tabs flow in order?  For example, when I ask for:
    instead of going in order, the tab will go to:

    In the Heirarchy palette, if you change the Tab order No for one field, then rest of the form tab order wil lbe reset. This is a common functionality.
    When you go to View menu -> Show Tab Order, it will open up a splash screen with the simple instructions on setting the tab order.
    You can select the field in the Tab order palette on the left and drag it UP/ DOWN as needed to move it in the correct order.

  • MDT 2012 bypass choosing image to deploy

    is there any parameter in customsetting.ini or anywhere else where we can specify image we want to deploy to avoiding it in the MDT console

    In CustomSettings.ini:
    This will skip the task sequence selection pane in the wizard and deploy whatever image is associated with the task sequence ID you've specified. Please note this will automatically choose a task sequence and not an image, per se.
    -Nick O.

  • Quicktime Stereo

    Hello to all reading this.
    I posted this awhile back but am still having issues with it. My end goal is to use FCP 5.1 and a Canopus 100 ADVC box to capture DV video and Audio with the audio as 2 DISCRETE channels. The Reason for this is to be able to hand off the captured QuickTime files to others (Audio editors and Music editors) to be worked with. The problem I am having is that both the clip in FCP 5.1 and my captured QuickTime file itself, although have discrete audio channels, neither plays back discretely; Rather the playback as a stereo mix. Opening the clip into QT Pro 7.x and panning in QuickTime player only gives me 1 channel of the mix, not the discrete audio. In FCP 5.1, panning each of the audio tracks (MonoA1) and (MonoA2) will make the clip play back discretely. However, to get that same result in the Quicktime file, I am required to Recompress every frame in export box - taking me another 12 minutes for a 20 minute clip. And yes, In the capture window under the audio tab, I have the little aduio icon as 2 distinct circles indicating 2 discrete tracks. Hey even in the Capture window, under the audio tab, when not digitzing, the level indicators show 2 discrete channels. However after capturing, the audio is alas a stereo mix, not 2 discrete channels.
    I would very much like to skip this "Make Sequence/re-export" step as it costing me an hour a day re-making these QuickTimes instead just capturing the QuickTimes with the discrete audio. Does anyone know how to do this or what I am missing to make this work for me.

    I doubt that there are many people using FCP to capture footage from an Avid. Why are you doing this? I use both systems and am not sure why you are doing this. Not that this has anything to do with the issue, I was just curious.
    Have you set up FCP to capture them as mono and not stereo? I think you said as much but I want to be sure. In the Capture Window, Clip Settings tab there is that option to capture Stereo or capture as separate mono.
    In the viewer, you say they show up as Mono, right? My mono captures are always center panned...but you need them right and left panned, correct? Yeah...I can see needing that. Hmmmmm...

  • Live-Playback get´s more jerky with growing resolution

    Hi all,
    have a question concerning the playback of Live content
    on my laptop with a i7 920 (shows 8 cores).
    With growing video resolution the picture get´s more jerky:
    720x576  ~ 5% CPU Power
    1280x720 ~ 10% CPU
    1440x800 ~12% CPU
    1920x1080 ~15% CPU, all with 25fps.
    All resolutions are encoded live with 4.5MBit Main Profile H264 and AAC. 720x576 and 1280x720 is perfect,
    1440x800 little bit jerky, and 1920x1080 more jerky (every 1-5 sec a frame skip/drop/wrong sequence???)
    Due my CPU Power seams to be enough I did not have an explanation for such a behaviour.
    What could be the reason - is it possible to get the HD Resoltuions also smooth?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi, this thread may give some insight, but keep in mind the Flash Player is not version 10.1. Also I don't know if this site would give any additional info for you or not, but you could take a look.

  • CDRW problems!

    Hi every one:
    Hope you guys are OK when reading these few lines.
    The reason I'm posting this message is because I have a problem with a new Lite On 52X/32X/52X CD RW drive I bought yesterday.
    It looks like (sometimes) when you insert a data disc it doesn't recognize it and apparently it looks like there's no CD on it. I checked the IDE cables and change them but still having the same problems. Both the CD-RW and DVD drive are using the same secondary IDE channel ( I set the CD-RW as Master and the DVD drive as slave) and the hard drive is uing the primary channel (Master) (lol).
    When a try to read a disc it starts reading but then suddenly it stops. When I preview the Warcraft III intro it just skips and it freezes. The DVD drive is working fine so it can't be the IDE cables. Both drives has DMA on.
    I disabled the DVD drive and the CD-RW still not working!
    I tryed to make a clean Windows XP installation ONLY using the CD-RW drive but it doesn't read the disc and it skips the boot sequence.
    What can I do?   ?(
    My System:
    KT4-Ultra S-R
    Athlon XP 2700+ (fsb set to 166Mhz)
    512 MB 333 MHZ Kingston Value Ram
    80 Gig Maxtor (7200 RPM, UDMA 133)
    LiteON CD-RW drive(52X-32X-52X)
    LiteOn DVD drive (16X DVD/48X CD)
    Omega 450 Watt PSU (3.3v->18A//5v->50A//12v->24A)

    The damn thing is damage, what a bad luck of mine.
    Next time I'll be more conscious when purchasing CD-RW drives (I'll test them at the retail store). :D
    Thanks for your help anyway.

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