Skype to go: Cannot add contact

Hi there,
when adding skype to call contact, the save option is not available after
filling in all the relevent details.

We're only able to reproduce the issues intermittently so we need some help from the users experiencing the problem.
Please let me have the following information:
1) are you seeing the problem in the client or on the web browser
2) browser (Chrome, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox etc)
3) browser version (usually available under Help->About)
4) OS (e.g. Mac, Windows 7 etc)
5) what exact behavior or error message are you seeing (e.g. clicking on the Add but nothing happens, clicking Save but nothing happens, no page loads up, etc)
I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    What is the trick to adding people to the other sections in the "Relationships" tab?

    Did the issue happen only for you or for multiple users?
    Did the contact exist on Group Tab after dragging the contact from “Workgroup” to “Colleagues”?
    You can login Lync client on other computer with your Lync account to have a test. If it works normally, you can delete user profile on your issued local workstation, restart Lync client and test again.
    You can also login Lync client on your computer with other well-worked Lync account to have a test.
    Please update to the latest version for Lync client as well.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    As mentioned the Lync Server is not up-to-date, based on my knowledge this is why the issue occurs.
    Please refer to this article below:
    You can configure the client experience only if you are running Lync Server 2013 with the December 2014 Cumulative Update (5.0.8308.857) or later installed. The latest one is:
    KB 3036869 February 2015 Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.871 for Lync Server 2013 Core Management Server.
    You can specify the client experience the users in your organization will see by using the
    Set-CSClientPolicy cmdlet with the EnableSkypeUI parameter:
    Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global -EnableSkypeUI $true
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    programs. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Go to your dial pad .. Dial in number .. Go back to dial pad .. There your recent calls shows up.. There would be a small telephone icon next to the number you wanna save with a + sign .. Touch the icon and now you should be able to create a new contact !! Hope that helps ...

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    There could be several reason... one of the most common is that the other user is on a corporate BES account and receipt or use of the BlackBerry Messenger is disabled.
    Otherwise, I would make sure the other users' PIN is correct. Make sure THEY also delete any pending requests, first.
    Then use the PIN request to the add the contact, it is the most reliable.
    Also--make certain the other user has a BlackBerry Data Plan on their BlackBerry... not a generic data plan.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
    BlackBerry Support Forums Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

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    In client side which is using Outlook Anywhere, please disable using Exchange Cached mode and restart Outlook to use Online mode. Then check whether the error occurs or not when saving a contact. Also do the test in OWA from external internet environment.
    If the issue doesn't happen in Outlook Online and OWA, please create a new Outlook profile for this Outlook Anywhere user.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
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    TechNet Community Support

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    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after the iPad shuts down, then press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds). Ignore the "Slide to power off".

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    Hey Edward, I'm not sure if you're still having trouble with this, but I was struggling with it too, and what I believe fixed it for me was correcting some incorrect MobileMe login info. I guess the contacts were set up to be managed by MobileMe, and since the login wasn't going through, some permissions were disallowed. Anyway, my guess is that you have something misconfigured in an account that's managing your contacts. Good luck!

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    Has been like this since launch. After months of beta.
    I cannot do without a reliable - and synced - address book.
    Android, here I come!
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    rjferguson wrote:
    I cannot be found in the skype list of users. Try this yourself
    Go to Contacts -> Add Contact.
    In the field that says "Skype Name" enter [account name redacted to protect privacy]
    I also do not appear when I enter my full name. Clearly I am a member ... I pay for skype out ...
    I think you may need to contact customer service regarding your concern. Just click the link below to see the instructions on how you can get in touch with the Support team ;

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    This turned out to be a reverse DNS configuration problem. Apple support suggested using a local ip address instead of my public host name. That worked so I looked into the reverse dns configuration. I fooled myself by thinking that if I could reach my host with with other services like http, that my DNS was set up correctly. My reverse DNS originally resolved to when it should have been something more like Now I can reach my host from anywhere with the Directory application.

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    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after the iPad shuts down, then press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).

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