Smartview - HypExecuteQuery with suppress rows 'No Data/Missing'

I'm executing a MDX query by executing the command  'HypExecuteQuery' and I set the options suppress rows 'No Data/Missing'.
But everytime, the query is working successully but without suppressing missing data.
Does someone know it the suppress missing rows is compatible with the hypExecuteQuery or 'Execute MDX' ?
Office 2010
Thanks in advance for your answer
Best Regards

The solution is as follows :

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  • CSV creation through PLSQL having issue with some rows of data

    having issue with in some rows of data which is created by the PLSQL code.
    Issue description
    - 50000 rows of data in my CSV
    -around 20 fileds in a row
    - in some the row (in 50000 rows) some fields (20 rows of data) are returning empty as result but actually my query returns data for these fields
    Hope the issue is clear
    Code given below
    --Variable Declaration
    L_buff_line VARCHAR2(500);
    L_hdr_str VARCHAR2(32700);
    L_selling_UOM VARCHAR2(5);
    L_prim_bar_code VARCHAR2(30);
    L_status_pri_bar VARCHAR2(2);
    L_multpl_bar_exist VARCHAR2(2);
    L_multpl_prim_bar_exist VARCHAR2(2);
    L_prim_simp_pack VARCHAR2(30);
    L_staus_prim_simp_pack VARCHAR2(2);
    L_mupl_prim_pack_exist VARCHAR2(2);
    L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack VARCHAR2(15);
    L_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB VARCHAR2(2);
    L_sel1 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_sel2 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_sel3 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_item_till_desc VARCHAR2(200);
    L_lengh1 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_width1 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_height1 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_lengh2 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_width2 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_height2 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_lengh3 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_width3 VARCHAR2(200);
    L_height3 VARCHAR2(200);
    --Item type
    select im.item L_item,
    im.status L_status,
    im.item_desc L_item_desc,
    'Regular' L_item_type,
    im.dept L_dept,
    im.class L_class,
    im.subclass L_subclass,
    'N/A' L_CW_item_order_type,
    'N/A' L_CW_item_sale_type,
    im.standard_uom L_standard_uom,
    NULL L_selling_uom,
    im.tsl_base_item L_tsl_base_item
    from item_master im
    where im.item_number_type='TPNB'
    -- and im.last_update_id = 'DATALOAD'
    -- and im.create_datetime>=to_timestamp('2010-11-05 10:57:47','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    and im.sellable_ind='Y'
    and im.orderable_ind='Y'
    and im.inventory_ind='Y'
    and im.item_xform_ind='N'
    and im.catch_weight_ind='N'
    and rownum<10;
    --order by im.item asc;
    Cursor C_Selling_UOM (tpnb varchar2) is
    select selling_uom
    from rpm_item_zone_price
    where item = tpnb;
    Cursor C_prim_bar (tpnb varchar2) is
    select item,
    from item_master iem
    where item_parent = tpnb
    and iem.primary_ref_item_ind ='Y';
    Cursor C_multi_bar_exit (tpnb varchar2) is
    select count(*)
    from item_master iem
    where item_parent = tpnb;
    Cursor C_multpl_prim_bar_exist (tpnb varchar2) is
    select count(*)
    from item_master
    where item_parent = tpnb
    and primary_ref_item_ind ='Y';
    Cursor C_staus_prim_simp_pack (tpnb varchar2) is
    select piem.pack_no,
    from item_master iem,
    packitem piem
    where piem.item = tpnb
    and piem.pack_no = iem.item
    and iem.tsl_prim_pack_ind ='Y';
    Cursor C_multpl_prim_pack_exist (tpnb varchar2) is
    select count(*)
    from item_master iem,
    packitem piem
    where piem.item = tpnb
    and piem.pack_no = iem.item
    and iem.tsl_prim_pack_ind ='Y';
    Cursor C_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack (tpnd varchar2) is
    select supplier
    from item_supplier
    where item = tpnd
    and primary_supp_ind= 'Y';
    Cursor C_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB (tpnb varchar2,suppl number) is
    select 'Y'
    from item_supplier
    where item = tpnb
    and supplier = suppl;
    Cursor C_item_descretion_SEL (tpnb varchar2) is
    select sel_desc_1,
    from tsl_itemdesc_sel
    where item =tpnb;
    Cursor C_item_till_descretion (tpnb varchar2) is
    select till_desc
    from tsl_itemdesc_till
    where item=tpnb;
    Cursor C_EA (tpnb varchar2,suppl number) is
    select length,
    from item_supp_country_dim
    where item= tpnb
    and supplier = suppl
    and dim_object='EA';
    Cursor C_CS (tpnb varchar2,suppl number) is
    select length,
    from item_supp_country_dim
    where item= tpnb
    and supplier = suppl
    and dim_object='TYUNIT';
    Cursor C_TRAY (tpnb varchar2,suppl number) is
    select length,
    from item_supp_country_dim
    where item= tpnb
    and supplier = suppl
    and dim_object='TRAY';
    TSC_RPT_GRS_EXL_GEN.put_line('Poland Production Cutover');
    l_hdr_str := 'L_item_TPNB,L_status,L_item_desc,L_item_type,L_section,L_class,L_subclass,L_cw_order_type,L_cw_sale_type,L_std_UOM,L_selling_UOM,'||
    l_hdr_str := TSC_RPT_GRS_EXL_GEN.CONVERT_SEPARATOR(l_hdr_str);
    for rec_c_item in C_ITEM
    open C_Selling_UOM (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_Selling_UOM into L_selling_UOM;
    close C_Selling_UOM;
    open C_prim_bar (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_prim_bar into L_prim_bar_code,L_status_pri_bar;
    close C_prim_bar;
    open C_multi_bar_exit (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_multi_bar_exit into L_multpl_bar_exist;
    close C_multi_bar_exit;
    IF to_number(trim(L_multpl_bar_exist)) > 1 THEN
    END IF;
    open C_multpl_prim_bar_exist (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_multpl_prim_bar_exist into L_multpl_prim_bar_exist;
    close C_multpl_prim_bar_exist;
    IF to_number(trim(L_multpl_prim_bar_exist)) > 1 THEN
    END IF;
    open C_staus_prim_simp_pack (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_staus_prim_simp_pack into L_prim_simp_pack,L_staus_prim_simp_pack;
    close C_staus_prim_simp_pack;
    open C_multpl_prim_pack_exist (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_multpl_prim_pack_exist into L_mupl_prim_pack_exist;
    close C_multpl_prim_pack_exist ;
    IF to_number(trim(L_mupl_prim_pack_exist)) > 1 THEN
    END IF;
    open C_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack (trim(L_prim_simp_pack));
    fetch C_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack into L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack;
    close C_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack ;
    open C_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB (rec_c_item.L_item,to_number(trim(L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack)));
    fetch C_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB into L_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB;
    close C_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB ;
    open C_item_descretion_SEL (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_item_descretion_SEL into L_sel1,L_sel2,L_sel3;
    close C_item_descretion_SEL ;
    open C_item_till_descretion (rec_c_item.L_item);
    fetch C_item_till_descretion into L_item_till_desc;
    close C_item_till_descretion ;
    open C_EA (rec_c_item.L_item,to_number(trim(L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack)));
    fetch C_EA into L_lengh1,L_width1,L_height1;
    close C_EA ;
    open C_CS (rec_c_item.L_item,to_number(trim(L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack)));
    fetch C_CS into L_lengh2,L_width2,L_height2;
    close C_CS ;
    open C_TRAY (rec_c_item.L_item,to_number(trim(L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack)));
    fetch C_TRAY into L_lengh3,L_width3,L_height3;
    close C_TRAY ;
    L_buff_line := TSC_RPT_GRS_EXL_GEN.PAD_COMMA(to_char(rec_c_item.L_item), TRUE)||
    L_selling_UOM :=NULL;
    L_prim_bar_code :=NULL;
    L_status_pri_bar :=NULL;
    L_multpl_bar_exist :=NULL;
    L_multpl_prim_bar_exist :=NULL;
    L_prim_simp_pack :=NULL;
    L_staus_prim_simp_pack :=NULL;
    L_mupl_prim_pack_exist :=NULL;
    L_prim_supp_prim_simpl_pack :=NULL;
    L_prim_sim_supp_to_TPNB :=NULL;
    L_sel1 :=NULL;
    L_sel2 :=NULL;
    L_sel3 :=NULL;
    L_item_till_desc :=NULL;
    L_lengh1 :=NULL;
    L_width1 :=NULL;
    L_height1 :=NULL;
    L_lengh2 :=NULL;
    L_width2 :=NULL;
    L_height2 :=NULL;
    L_lengh3 :=NULL;
    L_width3 :=NULL;
    L_height3 :=NULL;
    return TRUE;
    ERR_DESC := '['||SQLCODE||']-'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200);
    return FALSE;
    Please suggest something on this
    Shamed H

    Hi Shamid,
    This forum is only for questions regarding the SQL Developer tool. Please post in Forum Home > Database > SQL and PL/SQL:
    SQL Developer Team

  • Putting Three Cells into one Table Cell but with Three rows of data?

    How do I do this.
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    Is there an example or such on how to increment the indexpath

    One way to think about this problem is by filtering. You can create 'Booked Gig Tracking' and 'Try Again 2009' tables that are merely copies of the main table (with columns omitted as desired). These two tables would be populated with simple formulas like =MainTable :: Name in the Name column and =MainTable :: Address in the Address column. Make sure to copy the appropriate check column as well. Then each of these two tables can be filter to show only the items that are checked.
    This is a pretty sketchy description of the idea. If you need something more detailed, ask.

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    to select "Completed" and have the row move.  Is there a VB code that would do this?

    freddb34 Vertex --
    Is this a question about Microsoft Project, a project management application?  It sounds like your question is about Microsoft Excel.  If your question is about Microsoft Project, please elaborate.  If not, please consider reposting your question
    in one of the Excel user forums.  Hope this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

  • Cross Tab keeps suppressing rows with no data

    I have a Crystal Report that is using a Cross Tab.  I have 2 rows in the cross tab the first row is the Month name and the second row is the Day Number of the month, and the report will print the Month Name on the left followed by all the Calendar Day Numbers in the month.
    The problem is that when there is no data for a Day Number row the entire row is not shown.  So you might have day number 1, 2, 3 and then jumps to maybe 6.  I found that the ones the cross tab was not showing did not contain any data.  I just need the calendar day number to at least print so the days read sequentially instead of jumping to 6 or another number.
    Is there any way to show the rows even if they don't contain any data?
    I have right clicked and gone into the Cross Tab expert and there isn't anything checked to suppress rows.  I don't understand why its still suppressing rows!
    Is there a global report option that I missed that says "suppress rows when there are no records"?
    Thank you all in advance,
    I am using Crystal Reports XIR2 with Service Pack 4

    I am still not getting all rows to show up on the report.   The rows that are not showing up contain no data in the cross tab but the row still needs to show.
    The only reason I got it to work before was because I selected all values for the columns parameter so it brought back everything in the database that was why it was able to show all values.
    I have two tables one is a date database and contains all the dates till 2012.  The other is the product data which contains the product code and qty that the cross tab summarizes.
    I have done a left outer join from the product data to the date database, and I am still not able to get all the dates to list for the selected time range. 
    I was able to get the dates to show up when I right clicked the link and modified the link properties.  I chose Left Outer Join and then under Link Type I selected ">" in the database expert dialog.  This brought back all the dates but the data in the report was all the same.  Probably just the first record repeated all down the page.
    Any ideas how to fix this problem?

  • Supress Missing Blocks : Suppressing rows that contains data

    In Hyperion Planning, on a webform if I do supress missing blocks, it suppresses rows that contains data also (for 3 particular members of the dimension selected in the row).
    This webform is otherwise a huge report & if I do not check on supress missing blocks, the application hangs on trying to open this report (webform).
    Summarizing, on selecting supress missing blocks, it should bring me data for 90 members but it is currently displaying results for 87 members.
    Thanks in Advance.
    [email protected]__

    Are you definitely sure there are no blocks for those members, maybe there is data but it is just set as #missing and the blocks have not been removed.

  • How to suppress "no valid rows of data" warning for composite Planning Form

    I had an issue with using a 2-grid composite webform. I want to show Substitution Variables along with my primary grid. My secondary grid was created using Substitution Variables for rows, columns, and page dimensions. I am hiding all of the segments but not suppressing missing for rows or columns.
    The problem is that I get the message "There are no valid rows of data for this data form" on the composite form due to my secondary grid (the Substitution Variable grid). Any tricks on how to suppress that? I even tried to add some data to an intersection, but, even with data, hiding the segments seems to bring on the warning message.

    That can be caused if suppress on columns is on. We usually ignore the column part
    Even after all suppression is turned off and still getting the error, then yes it is could be because there is not data for that intersection.

  • Is there any way to link the individual rows of data to the corresponding bars in a bar chart so that each legend title appears simultaneously with its corresponding bar when creating a build? I can do it in a pie chart but can't in a bar chart.

    Is there any way to link the individual rows of data to the corresponding bars in a bar chart so that each legend title appears simultaneously with its corresponding bar when creating a build? I can do it in a pie chart but can't in a bar chart.

    You used the data.  Verizon can not see what it was sued for.  However your phone can see whats apps used the data.  go to settings-data usage- there will be a place that says data usage cycle.  line the dates up with your cycle.  then there will be a bar graph below that   extend bother white bars one all the way to the left and one all the way to the right.  after those are extended below that will be a list of apps,  there should be one that used over 2 gb and that will show you what app used that data in her purse

  • Problem to calculate the coherence (using NetworkFunction-VI) with only 1 row of data for each, the stimulus and response input

    I am trying to calculate the coherence of a stimulus and response
    signal using the Network Functions (avg) VI's. The problem is that I
    always get a coherence of "1" at all frequencies. This problem is
    already known (see KnowledgeBase document: Why is the Network Functions (avg) VI's Coherence Function Output "1"?).
    My trouble is that the described solution (-> the stimulus and response input matrices need to have at least two rows to get non-unity coherence values) doesn't help me much, because I only have one array of stimulus data and one array of response values.
    Thus, how can I fullfil the 'coherence-criteria' to input at least two rows of data each when I just have one row of data each?
    Any hint or idea is very much appreciated. Thanks!

    With this weird board layout, I'm not sure whether you were asking me, but, on the assumption that you were, here goes:
    I found no need to use the cross-power spectrum and power spectrum blocks
    1... I was looking for speed.
    2... I already had the component spectral data there, for other purposes. From that, it's nothing but addition and multiplication.
    3... The "easy" VIs, assume a time wave input, as I recall. Which means they would take the same spectrum of the same timewave several times, where I only do it once.
    I have attached PNGs of my code.
    The PROCESS CHANNEL vi accepts the time wave and:
    1... Removes DC value.
    2... Integrates (optional, used for certain sensors).
    3... Windows (Hanning, etc. - optional)
    4... Finds spectrum.
    5... Removes spectral mirrors.
    6... Scales into Eng. units.
    7... From there, you COULD use COMPLEX-TO-POLAR, but I don't care about the phase data, and I need the MAG^2 data anyway, so I rolled my own COMPLEX-TO-MAG code.
    The above is done on each channel. The PROCESS DATA vi calls the above with data for each channel. The 1st channel in the list is required to be the reference (stimulus) channel.
    After looping over each channel, we have the Sxx, Syy, and Sxy terms. This code contains some averaging and peak-picking stuff that's not relevant.
    From there, it's straightforward to ger XFER = Sxy/Sxx and COHERENCE = |Sxy|^2 / (Sxx * Syy)
    Note that it uses the MAGNITUDE SQUARED of Sxy. Again, if you use the "easy" stuff, it will do a square-root operation that you just have to reverse - it is obtained faster by the sum of the squares of the real and imag parts.
    Hope this helps.
    Steve Bird
    Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use.
    Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks
    ProcessChannel.png ‏25 KB

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    If we are developing a page using ADF that edits muliptle rows in a table(view object) , how de we validate data in a row against the data entered in other rows.
    Suppose user entered data in row1 and row2 , i want to validate the data in row1 against data in row 2.

    Suppose the user is entering data in a web page with three rows, user is allowed to enter a value in row2 less than the value entered in row1. When user enter a value greater than the value in previous row, we need to show a message and show the fields with the values that caused the error.

  • Data missing on vertical scroll with Advanced Data Grid

    Hi All,
    I have a n issue as stated below.
    AdvanceDataGrid with simple rows of text values.
    On vertical scroll and move upwards, the some of the values at the top goes blank intermittently.
    Have used itemRenderer to populate the values to that particluar column.
    To fix this issue, I have tried the fixes as below but its not working:
    2) Used
    Can you please give me a solution to this?

    Hi All,
    Setting the width explicitly, solved my issue.
    grpName.width = 120;

  • Warning Message - Conditions with Result Rows Suppress

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    I created a query with conditions and 'Suppress Result Rows - always '. When I run the query in Bex, I get this warning message showing me that conditions exist with result rows suppressed '. Is there a way to avoid getting this warning message.

    Hi Krishna,
    If you want to suppress the message for all users centrally for this particular query, you can do so in RSRT. Put in your query technical name and click on the Messages Button. Check as required to suppress.
    Hope this helps...

  • Unloading Data from a Table with 43000 Rows

    Hi all,
    I am moving APEX to staging and I need to unload all the tables in development. The problem I had a hard time unloading the tables with large amount of data. I tried downloading the csv files through Object Browser but it screws up the format.
    Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
    Thanks very much!

    Open up SQL Developer or TOAD, have it build insert statements from your existing data in tables...
    In SQL Developer, right click on a table, select export data, select insert and follow through..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • Single row of XML data missing

    OK, much strangeness here.
    I have an mx:DataGrid taking its data from an array
    collection thusly:
    logSheetData = as
    The XML is being generated perfectly by a php page.
    If the xml consists of 2 or more nodes (i.e. the mysql_query
    returned 2 or more rows of data from the database) then the grid
    populates properly and everyone is happy. However, if the query
    returns only a single row of data, the grid is blank.
    I've checked the php and the contents of the database - if
    there's only a single row of data to come back, one row's worth of
    XML is returned.
    This has been driving me mad all morning! Help!
    I have patched the problem by adding in an empty node to the
    xml structure if only 1 row of data is returned - this seems to
    fool the grid and causes it to display properly. Buy why!

    Corvette Captain wrote:
    In an interactive report, is it possible to display the data from one database row over two or more displayed rows on a page?Yes. Create the required structure using the Detail View properties.
    Users can switch between views using the view controls. You can display the report in Detail View by default via a Dynamic Action: +{thread:id=2187972}+

  • Database, Dataset, Table Adaptors Error "Unable to load, Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted row"

    Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.
    I am new to Visual Basic programing and i am trying to understand the relationships between Datasets, database, table Adaptors. I have to following code that is is giving me the following error" Unable to load, Update requires a valid DeleteCommand
    when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows". 
    I can track the error and its located in "OffsetTableTableAdapter.Update(MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable)" code. What am i missing?
    It seems that i can delete the data on the DataGridView Table and it only displays the correct data. but my database is not updating, even though the data grid displays differently.I can determine this because, when i save the offset database, i have all
    the previous uploads and all the rows that i wanted to delete are still there.
    My final goal is to be able to import offset data from a CSV file, save this data on the pc, send a copy of this data to a NuermicUpDown so the customer can modify certain numbers. From here they download all the date to a controller.  IF the customer
    needs to modify the imported data, they can go to a tab with a data grid view and modify the table. They will also have to option to save the modified data into a csv file.  
    Im not sure if i am making this overcomplicated or if there is a easier way to program this.
    Private Function LoadOffSetData()
            Dim LoadOffsetDialog As New OpenFileDialog 'create a new open file dialog and setup its parameters
            LoadOffsetDialog.DefaultExt = "csv"
            LoadOffsetDialog.Filter = "csv|*.csv"
            LoadOffsetDialog.Title = "Load Offset Data"
            LoadOffsetDialog.FileName = "RollCoaterOffset.csv"
            If LoadOffsetDialog.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then  'show the dialog and if the result is ok then
                    Dim myStream As New System.IO.StreamReader(LoadOffsetDialog.OpenFile) 'try to open the file with a stream reader
                    If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then 'if the file is valid
                        For Each oldRow As MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTableRow In MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable.Rows
    'delete all of the existing rows
                        Dim rowvalue As String
                        Dim cellvalue(25) As String
                        'Reading CSV file content
                        While myStream.Peek() <> -1
                            Dim NRow As MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTableRow
                            rowvalue = myStream.ReadLine()
                            cellvalue = rowvalue.Split(","c) 'check what is ur separator
                            NRow = MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable.Rows.Add(cellvalue)
                        End While
                        MainOffset.Value = OffsetTableTableAdapter.MainOffsetValue          'saves all the table offsets
    to the offset numericUpDown registers in the main window
                        StationOffset01.Value = OffsetTableTableAdapter.Station01Value
                        StationOffset02.Value = OffsetTableTableAdapter.Station02Value
                       myStream.Close() 'close the stream
                        Return True
                    Else 'if we were not able to open the file then
                        MsgBox("Unable to load, check file name and location") 'let the operator know that the file wasn't able to open
                        Return False
                    End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                    MsgBox("Unable to load, " + ex.Message)
                    Return False
                End Try
                Return False
            End If
        End Function

    Hello SaulMTZ,
    >>I can track the error and its located in "OffsetTableTableAdapter.Update(MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable)" code. What am i missing?
    This error usually shows that you do not initialize the
    DeleteCommand object, you could check this
    article to see if you get a workaround.
    >> Im not sure if i am making this overcomplicated or if there is a easier way to program this.
    If you are working CSV file, you could use OleDB to read it which would treat the CSV file as a Table:
    which seems to be easier (in my opinion).
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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