Sony HXR-NX70 problem

Hey. I connected my camera Sony HXR-NX70 to my iMac after update to Mavericks and when I try to browse files in Finder, the AVCHD files act like a one single file and there are MPEG files, which were already deleted from camera HDD and actual files aren't showed. Back on Mountain Lion it worked perfectly. Any suggestions?

Thanks - for this. At first I couldn't see individual clip as as mavericks was just showing a tiny viewer window with one clip visible. After stretching viewer window there they all were! Phew the panic is over!

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    The best way to do this is to take a SD card out of your camera and insert it into a card reader. Then you can import directly from the camera. Do this for all future movies you shoot. There is no need for a third party converter.  You can also connect your camera via USB and import directly from the camera. In this case, you need to hook up your camera to AC power, not batteries only.
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    A few things...
    1. If you are still hearing the internal mic check the switches on the side panel and make sure the internal is not being fed to channels 1 or 2. The ability to mix internal/external mics is a feature of the camera.
    2. How are you powering the mic? If it doesn't have it's own battery/power supply it is expecting phantom power from the camera which it will not be receiving via the adaptors.
    3. If the mic has its own power you should be able to do this via the Y cable provided the inputs are set to MIC and the side switches are set to INPUT 1 and INPUT two for each channel.
    Hope this helps. Feel free to give our support team a call at 800 883 6817 if you'd like to discuss with a Sony tech.

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    One small correction-- you do not use File-->Import. You must use Log and Transfer in FCP 7 or Import From Camera/Import Media in FCP X. In FCP 7 the clips will be automatically converted to ProRes upon import. In FCP X you can choose to work with the native files (re-wrapped to .mov) or you can optionally transcode to ProRes. When importing in FCP X, enable the 'create optimized media files' option to convert to ProRes. If you do not enable this option the files will remain in their native codec.

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    Try this...
    See 2nd post for picture of NEW ITEM process
    -and a FAQ on sequence setting

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    For other cameras, I have read that required "metadata" is contained in the folder structure, so an entire folder must be copied from camera to computer... often or sometimes using the software that came with the camera, since it is designed to do a "complete" copy

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    Use MPEG Streamclip to rip the disc, and switch to a new camera.

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    Hi road.north,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below will help you determine which cameras are supported for iMovie '10
    Apple - iLife Help - iMovie Supported Cameras
    - Judy

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    Your experience with unlisted cameras is not typical.
    There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of camcorders or cameras shooting video and new ones are constantly proliferating.
    There is no way Apple (or any other company) can test every camera so those on the lists represent a tiny percentage of what are available.
    So long as the camera shoots an internationally approved format (DV, HDV, AVCHD etc.) it will almost certainly be compatible.
    In short the lists are therefore virtually useless unless you are buying one of the limited number of cameras that have been tested.
    Unfortunately a few camera companies insist on developing their own non-standardised formats.

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    Can FCP work natively with AVCHD files
    or is ProRes so good that you wouldn't want to?
    ProRes is an editing codec.
    Can you export AVCHD, or only ProRes and SD footage once you're done?
    Gotta convert to ProRes.
    When it records in 1080/24p, does it record in that mode natively? Or, does it record the footage as interlaced and then you can remove the pulldown during the import?
    Not sure. I don't own the camera. Shoot a test and see. Or, look that up in the camera manual.

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    Is there any means I can import video from the camera? Either by other software conversion or "trick"?

    Please give your full system specifications, what computer, what drives, what camera or deck, how everything's connected, what settings are on the media, what settings you're using in Final Cut, and finally what version of the software, of the OS, and of QuickTime you are using.
    Please tell us exactly what you're doing and what happens when you do it. It's possible this device will not work with FCE and will need to conversion, but we really need a lot more information.

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    Many thanks!

    FCPX does support both cameras. Although I have had one or two instances where it doesn't like the data on a SD card, because of one corrupt file, in which case FCPX crashes. (Most likely caused by a faulty SD card). In those cases, I have had to use Clipwrap to create Prores files before importing.

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    I shoot with Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM in AVCHD FX (24Mbps) 1920x1080/60i format.
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    Will the quality be better and nice, sharp looking? or do you suggest shooting in HD format and deliver on DVD/DL?
    Thanks for your help.

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