SPD 2010 Workflow "Collect Data From User" activity + Multi User selection

Creating a SPD 2010 workflow. Trying to do something that I think should be simple.
Use a “Collect Data From a User” activity to collect 0 to many “people” that should be affiliated with a piece of content (Discussion).
After the assigned user completes the task (and after ensuring that there have actually been people associated from the task) I want to take the “people” from the Task list item and move them over to a field on the core Discussion item,
that is also setup as a Person/Group field (allowing multiple).
I have tried using both the “Set Field in Current Item” and “Update List Item” activities to map the data over (pulling from the Task item) and in both cases tried using every combination of “Return field as”
values to do the mapping (i.e. ‘String’, ‘Display Names, Semicolon Delimited’, ‘User Ids, Semicolon Delimited’, etc). In some cases I get vague errors about not being able to do mapping (I get it), in others, it sets the
data, but only to the first user entered in the Task’s instance of the field.
After researching a bit, I find that the task from which I am pulling the data only contains one value, eventhough when I submitted the InfoPath form for the task, it accepted my data entry of two
different users. So I think somewhere between the data entry into the custom task's infopath form, and the update of the same data field in the Task list, the value is being lost.
I am sure this would be trivial with a custom activity, but we are exploring OOB ways of doing things and I have to imagine this is possible.
Am I missing something here? This seems “buggy”…
I am able to repro this in two different environments, using an out-of-box Discussion Board on an out-of-box Team Site.  If it matters Claims Based Auth against Windows only...
Brian McCullough

Hi brianpmccullough,
Collect Data from a user action can only use to collect data from one user, and if you need to collect data from one than one user, please use “Assign
a Form to a Group” instead, then it will create separate task for each user.
And if we need to update a user and group field which with multiple selections enabled, we can only use lookup field to get only the one user. And
to add multiple users to this field, we can only use String Builder, type the user account directly or get information from multiple fields.
Best regards
Emir Liu
TechNet Community Support

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    Any clues would be much appreciated as I'm not able to turn much up when I Google.

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    userTokenBytes, RunEventReceiver runEventReceiver, Object receivers, Object properties, Boolean checkCancel)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager.HandleEventCallback[ReceiverType,PropertiesType](Object callbackData)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPThreadPool.WaitCallbackWrapper(Object state)     at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(Object userData)     at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode
    code, CleanupCo...    
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    userData)     at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)     at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallbackInternal(_ThreadPoolWaitCallback
    tpWaitCallBack)     at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)  , Allocation call stack (if present) null    

  • RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device.

    Hi all,
    I've got the following error in Inventory Collection: 'RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device.'
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    If I search the web I get the following Cisco document:
    '...in the log directory look for IC_Server.log.'
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:27 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-25],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.ICSCore,173,Got Async Request, User Name :admin
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:27 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-25],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.ICSCore,179,Request ID is : 1289919235488
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:27 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController,309,Started processing device ID: 3341
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:27 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.RMELogger,724,com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.db.DatabaseConnectionPool,getConnection,59,Inside ICSDatabaseConnection, MAX_COUNT =20
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:28 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController,387,Started processing device Name:
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:28 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,g$eval,103,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:g$eval:populating ContainmentAG attributes, begins...
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:28 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,populatingTheChassis,110,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:populatingTheChassis:ContainmentAG attributes,collection from the device begins...
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:29 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,populatingTheChassis,147,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:populatingTheChassis:ContainmentAG attributes,collection from the device successful...
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:29 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,populatingTheChassis,149,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:populatingTheChassis:ContainmentAG attributes,population begins...
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:29 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,populatingTheChassis,216,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:populatingTheChassis:Before method getSlotsConfiguredStatistics
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:29 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,populatingTheChassis,225,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:populatingTheChassis:After method getSlotsConfiguredStatistics
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:29 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,populatingTheChassis,245,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:populatingTheChassis:ContainmentAG attributes,population completed...
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:29 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.XDILogger,77,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryCatIOS.ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular,g$eval,105,com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.pkgs.SharedInventoryRouter:ContainmentAGI_ENTITY_Mib_Non_Modular:g$eval:populating ContainmentAG attributes, ends...
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:43 CET 2010 ],INFO ,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController,477,DP time is 15 seconds for
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:44 CET 2010 ],ERROR,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.util.logger.RMELogger,770,com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.invchange.AddInvChange,effect,33,Unexpected error :com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: ASA Fehler -193: Primärschlüssel für Tabelle 'PhysicalElement' ist nicht eindeutig
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.processEed(Tds.java:2834)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.nextResult(Tds.java:2156)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.ResultGetter.nextResult(ResultGetter.java:69)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(SybStatement.java:220)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(SybStatement.java:203)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.executeLoop(SybStatement.java:1766)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.execute(SybStatement.java:1758)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybPreparedStatement.execute(SybPreparedStatement.java:619)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.dbrep.DBRecord.insert(DBRecord.java:50)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.util.ICSDatabaseConnection.insert(ICSDatabaseConnection.java:91)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.invchange.AddInvChange.effect(AddInvChange.java:29)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.server.InvDataProcessor.processInvData(InvDataProcessor.java:394)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController.run(CollectionController.java:849)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:44 CET 2010 ],ERROR,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.server.InvDataProcessor,448,ASA Fehler -193: Primärschlüssel für Tabelle 'PhysicalElement' ist nicht eindeutig
    com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: ASA Fehler -193: Primärschlüssel für Tabelle 'PhysicalElement' ist nicht eindeutig
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.processEed(Tds.java:2834)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.nextResult(Tds.java:2156)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.ResultGetter.nextResult(ResultGetter.java:69)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(SybStatement.java:220)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(SybStatement.java:203)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.executeLoop(SybStatement.java:1766)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.execute(SybStatement.java:1758)
        at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybPreparedStatement.execute(SybPreparedStatement.java:619)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.dbrep.DBRecord.insert(DBRecord.java:50)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.util.ICSDatabaseConnection.insert(ICSDatabaseConnection.java:91)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.invchange.AddInvChange.effect(AddInvChange.java:29)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.server.InvDataProcessor.processInvData(InvDataProcessor.java:394)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController.run(CollectionController.java:849)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    [ Di Nov 16  15:54:44 CET 2010 ],ERROR,[Thread-14],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController,861, Exception occured in process method while processing: ASA Fehler -193: Primärschlüssel für Tabelle 'PhysicalElement' ist nicht eindeutig
    ICSException :: ASA Fehler -193: Primärschlüssel für Tabelle 'PhysicalElement' ist nicht eindeutig
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.server.InvDataProcessor.processInvData(InvDataProcessor.java:463)
        at com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.core.CollectionController.run(CollectionController.java:849)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    I don't know where the German error message comes from. The whole system is English. Translation is: "ASA error -192: primary key for table 'PhysicalElement' isn't distinct'
    Thanks for your help!

    Well known issue in LMS 2.6. Most likely you are hitting CSCsm97530. As a temporary solution you could remove and re-add problematic device from CS. To get a permanent fix you need a patch (provided by TAC).

  • SPD 2010 Workflow: Issue with Associated Column

    We have a SP2010 Workflow that is attached to a Content Type and mapped in the Retention Policy settings. This workflow uses a DateTime column which is used within the Workflow and hence the DateTime column is used within the Workflow as an Associated Column.
    The issue being faced is that when we manually run the workflow, it runs successfully and is able to get the value of the associated column. When the Retention Timer job starts the workflow, we find that the Workflow is not able to get the value of the Associated
    Column (this we realized by logging messages to a List).
    Any pointers/guidance on how to overcome this issue is much appreciated.
    Blog: http://dotnetupdate.blogspot.com |

    Thanks for the suggestions. 
    From the debugging there is no issue from a functionality perspective or the date calculations. It works perfectly well when we manually run the workflow or if I set the workflow to start when an item is uploaded.
    The behavior is different when the same workflow is getting triggered from a Retention Policy as a Stage. Is this something to do with access permissions or security context when a SPD 2010 Workflow gets triggered by a Timer Job/Retention Policy? 
    Blog: http://dotnetupdate.blogspot.com |

  • Use Java to collect data from HTML

    Hi Guys
    I am doing a online stock trading project, the main part is to collect raw data from http://finance.yahoo.com User can retrieve the stock detail by inputting the right stock symbol, such as "AOL". I dont have too much problem in this part because yahoo provde a spreedsheet format to display the result. If you type the URL below, it can bring you a set of stock data separating by comma. So, I can use StringTokenizer(date, ",") to collect each data from yahoo into my system.
    However beside this function, I also need to search Stock Symbol, because user may only know the company name. Although Yahoo finance also provide this function, with no spreedsheet format provided. So, if I type the URL below, it will only give me a set of result BUT in HTML format.
    So, can anyone tell me what is the best way to collect data from a HTML page? Or anyone know any good stock quoting sites which also provide spreedsheet format?
    Thank you very much

    I am doing a online stock trading project, the
    the main part is to collect raw data from
    Sounds fun.
    So, can anyone tell me what is the best way to
    to collect data from a HTML page? Or anyone know any
    good stock quoting sites which also provide
    spreedsheet format?I really don't know any other stock quote sites. But if you want to implement a search function for stock names, I would do it like this
    1) Code the HTTP SUBMIT/POST to lookup the possible stock names
    2) Use XSL to filter out the HTML path to the table with results, the layout is consistent, so there are no strange exceptions. You can check the DOM structure by using Mozilla's DOM inspector. Just write down the path to the TABLE element and select it, and transform it to CSV for example.
    3) Reparse the CSV to fill some boxes
    To possibly save some server load use a small fixed size in memory cache to store N requests based on some strategy.
    The other part is actual a separate part of what you want to code and should be a separate class in which you can feed the stock name.
    If the user types in a bad stock name, you can retrieve a list of possible names using the input as the company name.
    Maybe there is a SOAP service out there somewhere.

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    We are activating BI Standard Content for AFS. When we try to upload
    master data, we face a problem.
    The master data (0Division, 0Mat_Grp_3, etc.) is already loaded with
    IS Mill data (data from the first source system). Now when the data is
    loaded from IS AFS (second source system), wherever, the same key
    exists in the info object, we notice that the existing data is
    overwritten by the freshly loaded data, thus causing loss of existing
    A typical example is as follows:
    BW Data u2013 Source system 1 u2013 (Before upload of data from source system
    99         EN          Stock Transfer Out
    AFS Data (Source system 2) -
    99         EN             STO
    BW Data u2013 Source system 1 u2013 (After upload of data from source system 2):
    After uploading the master data from AFS, the Values areu2026
    99        EN            STO
    The original data is lost.
    Similar problem is noticed with other master data as well.
    Please suggest the right methodology for upload of master data when
    data to BW is sourced from two systems. How to retain the data in the
    same Infoobject but at the same time maintain distinction between the
    data from the two systems.
    We donu2019t find any specific mention of such scenarios in the standard
    Will such a problem recur when we upload transactional data?
    Aslam Khan

    Hi Aslam,
                Please use some compounding attribute for your master data object like Sourcesystem ID.  While loading the master data from different source systems... you should have two different flows to fill the same master data object.  In each flow you can specify the Source system ID as constant value ... eg SS1 (Source system 1)  and SS2(Source system 2) in each of the data flows.   This should solve your issue without overwriting your master data

  • FI QADB to collect data from the client

    Can anybody send me FI QADB to collect data from client?

    QADB is old.Now with solution manager you need to take the data using CI template.
    You need to discuss the processess that you are configuring along with the org structures and also need to explain in detail about the features.
    A sample CI templat is given for your refernce.
    *Requirements/Expectations *
    XXXX has to receive during the course of their business, payments from various parties like
    u2022     Customers
    u2022     Against sale of used assets
    For the goods or services availed supplied/made to them.
    These payments need to be mapped in SAP system identifying against a customer document.
    *General explanations  *
    Describes in as much detail as possible how this particular business scenario or process will be used in your business. Key business processes should have considerable detail in this section.
    *Explanation of functions and events *
    Payment is received against an invoice. Accounts receivable makes an entry and sends the same to cashier. After accounting the payment, the balance in the customer account open item is cleared and the balance outstanding is reduced.
    Note: System doesnu2019t propose the invoice to which it should be set off. It proposes all invoices that are due. Payment to a particular invoice should be made on manual judgment.
    At the time of document entry, the appropriate Invoice needs to be chosen.
    *Special organizational considerations *
    SAP gives 3 types of clearing.
    Post with clearing, Post and then clear at a later date, Automatic Clearing.
    Explanation of Post with clearing:
    While at the time of receiving a payment, the user knows that this payment need to be adjusted against a specific invoice and adjusts the same and posts this is called post with clearing.
    The entry will be
    Cash/Bank account                                        Dr
    Customer Account                                        Cr
    This will set the open item status to u201CClearedu201D
    Explanation of Post and then clear:
    While at the time of making a payment, the user doesnu2019t know against which invoice this payment need to be adjusted, and there exists some Debit/Credit notes of customers he simply posts without clearing the Open item of customer.
    Later accounts receivable department identifies and knocks of these adjustments against a vendor Invoice, this is called post and clear.
    The entry will be at the time of posting
    Cash/Bank account                                        Dr
    Customer Account                                        Cr
    This will not set the open item status to u201CClearedu201D
    The entry at the time of clearing
    No entry is passed except the status of the open item to u201CCleared.
    Automatic Clearing:
    This is an extension of Post and clear. Here instead of selecting manually user instructs the system to clear for a specific range of customer account on predefined user criteria.
    The entry at the time of clearing
    No entry is passed except the status of the open item to u201CCleared.
    Clearing is having three Concepts.
    1)     Standard Clearing: One to one payment against a Customer document.
    2)     Partial Clearing: Part payment against a Customer document.
    3)     Residual Clearing: You make a part payment, and select the residual clearing method, the system clears of the original Customer document and generates a separate customer document, with the number that of the customer payment document type.
    Business Model
    *Changes to existing organization *
    As per the proposed organizational structure this process will remain constant for the above discussed scenarios.
    Due to the new processes of u201CVendor Paymentu201D against an Invoice, all payments to vendors, Employees, are tracked against a Posted Invoice.
    If the open Items are not cleared on a regular basis, the system performance may come down.
    As a best practice, business need to clear these u201CPaymentsu201D against the invoice so as to make less number of open items failing which the system performance may drop.
    As per the understanding of the current business process, XXXX is new to the concepts of Open Item management, Post with Clearing, Automatic Clearing. Adoption and understanding of these processes may take some time.
    *Description of improvements *
    Payment against an Invoice or Posted document in SAP is an improvement to the process. Usage of u201CAutomatic Payment Programu201D is recommended with identification of vendors against the payment terms which will reduce the process load.
    *Description of functional deficits *
    None are apparent at this time.
    Approaches to covering functional deficits
    *Notes on further improvements *
    As per the current practice though there exists payment terms, they are not followed as such in practice. Business user wants the process as manual payment only till they stream line transactions. Usage of Automatic Payment Program will be taken up in the next phase.
    *System configuration considerations *
    F-28, FF67,
    File Conversion Considerations
    All Customer payments need to be identified against Company Code and Per Profit Center.
    Interface Considerations
    Reporting Considerations
    FBL5N     :     
    Customer Aging analysis.
    Authorization and user roles
    Authorizations for F-28, FF67 transaction codes need to be identified based on the user duties.
    This is one process. Like this you need to create for each and every one.
    Reward if useful

  • How can i control NI-6115 to collect data from 2 channels and save as 2 files?

    I want to program NI-6115 card to collect data from 2 channels and save the two data into two different filenames that i specified?
    How do i write in labview codes?

    LabVIEW includes a number of examples that demonstrate how to acquire analog input data and write it to disk. Dependent upon the type of file you would like to use, I would suggest that you examine one of the following examples:
    Cont Acq to File (binary).vi
    Cont Acq to File (scaled).vi
    Cont Acq to Spreadsheet File.vi
    With regards to writing each channel's data to a separate file, you will need to use the Index Array function to generate two 1-D arrays, each containing data for one channel. These arrays can then be written to separate files using two Write File functions.
    Good luck with your application.
    Spencer S.

  • Is it possible using SQLite to collect data from an older SQL database?

    Is it possible using SQLite to collect data from an older SQL database? Where can I find a possible answer. Thanks in advance.

    There are 3rd-party tools (see comprehensive list at http://www.kenhamady.com/bookmarks.html) that provide extra pdf functionality on top of the pdf export from Crystal. 
    In the case of my Visual CUT software, you can use hidden formulas inside your Crystal report to generate form fields (pre-populated as well as empty) as part of the pdf export process.

  • Using LabVIEW 6.1 to Collect Data from FieldPoint Modules

    I’m just starting off and am stumbling at the first hurdle. How to I collect data from fieldpoint in Lab View 6.1 (yes I no its old)

    Basically, the process is very simple. You first define the channels you want to measure in either FieldPoint Explorer or MAX. Which tool you use depends on how old the drivers are that you are using. Originally there was a seperate program for configuring FP but they eventually rolled it into MAX.  In any case once you have the channels defined (and named) yu simply use the FP VIs to read the channels, refering to them by name.
    One warning about the original FieldPoint: It is not an industrial product in any sense of the word. The system is very, very sensitive to heat, shock and vibration.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Explorer failed to collect data from SE6920 array

    Any kind soul out there can provide advice how can I collect data from SE6920 using the explorer command ?
    The man page of explorer says that to collect data from SE6920 aray, an input file "se6920inout.txt" with login info
    must be exist under the /etc/opt/SUNWexplo directory of the server connected to th array.
    However, the data collection failed while trying to retrieved from the array. The error as follow :
    Gathering data for SE6920 machine at
    Nov 18 09:24:12 sslab-79[25355] se6920: ERROR Data collection for failed because the /tmp directory is either 100 percent full,
    patch 114591-22 or higher is not installed on the SP, or fix for BugID 6448763 has not yet been implemented.
    Thanks very much reading this message.

    If all of the files are in the same folder you can use List Folder to list all of the files based on a pattern. You can then use this to auto-index a for loop.

  • I have developed one application software using Labview 8.5 in which i am collecting data from 5 temprature controllers on serial line.

    I have developed one application software using Labview 8.5 in which i am collecting data from 5 temprature controllers on serial line.
    This software is done and successfully installed on customer side.
    Now the customer want this software to be run on server and some fixed number of clients should access this with some login security.
    Is this fascility available with National Instruments in which i can installed this standalone application in server and allow some clients to access this with
    proper login?

    Yes, that is possible. Multiple clients can access the VI using Web Publishing tool and control the VI operation. However, only one client has the control of the VI at one instance. The client needs to right click on the web page displaying the front panel of the running VI and ask for control and then release control after the execution to let other clients to ask for the control subsequently. The LabVIEW VI needs to be running upon the server computer since closing LabVIEW also closes the Web Publishing server and disconnects the currently connected clients. 
    Please check this link http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/3797
    You might want to create a stand alone executable for the same and then publish it over the internet for access by your desired clients. In that case, check this link http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/3A0087DBE9D31F9286256B19000A2DAE?OpenDocument

  • FM to collect data from InfoProviders

    What is the FM to collect data from InfoProviders and write back to the Planning buffer?
    Thanks. Have a great day.

    Hi Crystal,
      Adding to Anil's reply .
      You can use RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_RFC  function module .
      because in  RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ you need to give package size .
      & in  RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_rfc .All data comes in single package .
    Also there is one Demo program which would help you to know its' functionality .
      RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_demo (in SE 38 ).

  • LMS 4.2.4 Error RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device.

    LMS 4.2.4 inventory collection fails with Error RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device for few devices.
    Can anyone help me out.

    They are definately supported. However such issues are usually due to device packages, if unavailable or not installed.
    Please do following :
    1. Check Admin > software centre > device updates and check any devices packages available in Cisco.com and install it and recheck.
    2. Please do a snmpwalk on problematic device on sysObjectID and share result. Following is the way to do snmpwalk :
    GUI - Open the device in Device Centre (Inventory > Tools > Device Center) and open the device with IP and from tools select snmpwalk and do it for sysObjectID (
    CLI : CD to NMSROOT/objects/jt/bin from command prompt. run command as per following syntax:
    snmpwalk -v2c -c <snmp_community_string>
    Example :
    community string = test123
    IP =
    snmpwalk -v2c -c test123
    3. Please check your device package, by clicking on the number of packages in front of Inventory, conifg and image management from :
    Admin > System > Software Center > Device Update
    Also, check device identity under edit identity option from :
    Inventory > Device Administration > Add / Import / Manage Devices
    Check my screenshots for details :
    Please check and share results.
    **Rating Encourages contributors, and its really free. **

  • LMS Prime 4.1 RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device.

    I have a problem with inventory collection from several devices getting
    "RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device."
    ERROR,[Thread-20],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.ics.server.InvDataProcessor,918,Device does not exist in RME, Please check if device is already deleted

    Did you schedule an inventory collection job?
    Delete schedule and recreate it using device group.

Maybe you are looking for

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