Sporadic Orders with Inappropriate Status

Hi Experts,
    I am facing a weird issue. On rare occasions I find Service Orders that get stuck in an incorrect user status whereby they are 'Open' and cannot be changed (released or completed). If you enter the edit mode and try to change the user status, you can see that there is no option other than OPEN. Normally at an OPEN status, we  have the additional drop-down selections of "Dispatch", "Release", and "Wait - Parts Arrival". The individual items of the order are in released or completed state.
    The status profile has been correctly defined in config, so this is not the issue. I searched for other similar messages on this forum and found that user status of orders can be changed using function modules CRM_STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN and CRM_STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN_OW. However I am unable to determine why this happens to few orders while they work fine for the rest. Any help/tips to resolve this will be highly appreciated.
Thank you,

Hi Experts,
    I am facing a weird issue. On rare occasions I find Service Orders that get stuck in an incorrect user status whereby they are 'Open' and cannot be changed (released or completed). If you enter the edit mode and try to change the user status, you can see that there is no option other than OPEN. Normally at an OPEN status, we  have the additional drop-down selections of "Dispatch", "Release", and "Wait - Parts Arrival". The individual items of the order are in released or completed state.
    The status profile has been correctly defined in config, so this is not the issue. I searched for other similar messages on this forum and found that user status of orders can be changed using function modules CRM_STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN and CRM_STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN_OW. However I am unable to determine why this happens to few orders while they work fine for the rest. Any help/tips to resolve this will be highly appreciated.
Thank you,

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    Hi ,
    You need to regulary set the deletion flag in the closed process orders . Please refer Note 397110 - Performance: Archiving manufacturing orders.
    Also refer Note : 393686 on other performance related issues in Cost Object Controlling..

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    Hope it would not allow to order a cart since you don thave a plant details?
    check it up. If Po created check why plant details are not copied into your PO.

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    Can anybody tell me how can we create IO directly in LKD status ? Or it is manual acitivity by clicking on Set / Rest button and then check LKD and save. I tried in KOT2_OPA but not no any option found. If any experts can guide for the following configuration would be great.
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    Sharvari Joshi.

    Hi Ajay,
    It worked fine exactly. Thank you !
    Can we have facility to create IO with LKD ststus in System Status ?
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    Hi Mohamed,
    please use the following for the production order status in the template.                                                                               
    (1)Planned   :-> boposPlanned                                              
    (2)Released  :-> boposReleased                                             
    (3)Closed    :-> boposClosed                                               
    (4)Cancelled :-> boposCancelled                                                                               
    Please refer to the SDK DI help file for the details information.          
    hope it helps,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • Orders with cancelled status

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    Dear Jessica,
                              I have executed as you said but the query is keep on running with out any out put.
    /* Formatted on 2013/12/08 10:23 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT   *
        FROM (SELECT ooh.order_number order_number,
                     TO_CHAR (ooh.ordered_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY ') AS ordered_date,
                     cmv.customer_number cutomercode,
                     cmv.customer_name customer_name,
                     ROUND ((SELECT SUM (  (  ool1.ordered_quantity
                                            * NVL (msi.internal_volume, 1000)
                                         / 100
                               FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b msi,
                                    apps.oe_order_lines_all ool1
                              WHERE msi.organization_id = 73
                                AND msi.inventory_item_id = ool1.inventory_item_id
                                AND ool1.header_id = ooh.header_id),
                           ) pallets,
                     ool.ordered_quantity ordered_quantity,
                     oel.meaning reason_of_cancellation,
                     cmv.channel_name channel_name,
                     ooh.flow_status_code flow_status_code
                FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,
                     oe_order_lines_all ool,
                     abpom_customer_master_v cmv,
                     oe_reasons oer,
                     oe_lookups oel
               WHERE ool.header_id = ooh.header_id
                 AND ooh.ship_to_org_id = cmv.site_use_id
                  --AND ooh.ship_from_org_id =  fnd_profile.value('MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID') ---Added
                 -- AND ooh.ship_from_org_id =  :p_org_id
                 AND oer.header_id = ooh.header_id
                 --AND oer.line_id = ool.line_id
                 AND oer.reason_code = oel.lookup_code
                 --and ooh.order_number=20050
                 --AND cmv.channel_name = cmv.channel_name
                 AND ooh.org_id = fnd_profile.VALUE ('org_id')
                 --   AND nvl(cmv.channel_name ,1)= NVL (:P_CHANNEL,nvl(cmv.channel_name,1))
                    -- AND cmv.channel_name =' '
                 AND ooh.ordered_date BETWEEN :p_fromdate AND :p_todate
                      --and rownum<100
                 --      AND oel.meaning = NVL (:P_REASON, oel.meaning)
                    ---  AND ooh.flow_status_code = 'CANCELLED') gff
                 AND (   ooh.flow_status_code = 'CANCELLED'
                      OR ooh.header_id IN (
                            SELECT   header_id
                                FROM oe_order_lines_all
                            GROUP BY header_id
                              HAVING COUNT (*) =
                                        SUM (DECODE (flow_status_code,
                                                     'CANCELLED', 1,
                     )) gff
    GROUP BY pallets,

  • APO orders with error status 171 in SAPAPO/CCR

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    Any ideas what we are doing wrong.

    As Christian said if you have an empty source of supply in the apo order you might get this error. The other possible reason is that the S.Loc field in the SNP PPM for the O/P Product is blank. Kindly populate the value fo S.Loc in SNP PPM and create some orders and you won't see them in Delta. We have faced this faced and then corrected them.

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    Hi Anirudh,
    Generally, logs in CVI9 with status 'PC' indicate the processing of the documents at the communication layer/server. You can also check the sending orders in transaction SCOT (Utilities > Overview Send requests). If, for example, the documents are in 'waiting' status, this indicates that it is not distributed due to improper SCOT settings.
    From DMS point of view please check the following settings on your system:
    1. Please activate the workflow templates again in transaction SWDD:
    - WS20000104
    - WS20000137
    2. Furthermore, please check whether the data processing distribution type (e.g.: INT) has been maintained with value "2" in SPRO customizing
    3. Verify that the event type linkage is set in SWE2 for BUS1082 INITATED. So,Go to swe2 transaction. In the line below set the 'Type linkage' flag:
    "BUS1082 INITATED WS20000104"
    Please see also SAP note 997428 for further information and check if the recieving user has maintained the full name (first and last name) in transaction SU01.
    Best regards,
    P.S.: Please reward points for useful information.

  • Issues in creating the sales order with oe_order_pub.process_order api

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    I am trying to create a sales order with BOOKED status using oe_order_pub.process_order api, and I am getting response as
    Can any one help me in fixing this issue ..!
    Edited by: user11147471 on Jul 9, 2009 2:02 AM

    When using the API, are you trying to create the order as booked using the booked flag or the book action?  I would recommend using the action if you are not. To troubleshoot, I would try the API without booking and then use the following article to determine the issue:
    Unable To Setup A Credit Card Bank Account For The Customer. CC Information On The Order Is Not Valid (Doc ID 1450936.1)

  • Sales doc items with the status CLSD ARE being selected for month-end

    We are working to improve month-end processing time for Sales Orders  We use SAPKKA12 to set CLSD status on line items
    SAP Help states: be sure that the status CLSD (closed) is set for all sales document items that you do not want to include in the period-end closing process. The sales document items with the status CLSD are then not selected for processing in the period-end closing process. Use report program SAPKKA12 to set the status.
    This use to work (in 4.0). I have been on other projects and just brought back to this after several years (now in 5.0).  Testing today shows that orders with CLSD status are being selected for month-end process.
    Any ideas why this is so?  System is selceting over 300,000 orders when well over half of them are set to CLSD.  I do get a message that the order is not relevant to processing, but selecting the order and logging the message take time. and the logs are VERY long.

    Does any one else have this issue  that Sales documents with status CLSD are selected by RA (KKAK)?
    In just one of our jobs, i get this Basic List
    Perform actual results analysis      31273      
    Not relevant                                                 103894
    Error                                                        2306      
    Objects Selected                                    137,473
    75% of the orders are CLSD.  and the system is still counting them. (we do not out put information messages)
    I do understand that the orders are not analyzed,  but all documentaion states that CLSD status is not selected, and in our 5.0 system, they are selected.  In our 4.0 system, they were not selected.
    Does this truely work for anyone in a 5.0 system?

  • Reg. Open Order with Status

    can anyone let me know about Open Order with Status normally that we have to create Generic Extractors to extract that data.
    thanx in advance
    peter b

    Hi peter,
    Normally for Open Order with Status, you need to create a generic data source
    on the database table 'VBBE', this table contains the Open Orders along with
    the open quantities, then coming to the status, it is the business process to
    determine since how long the sale order is Open, and the status of the Order..
    I would suggest you to create a table level data souce on VBBE and try to
    build the logic in the extractor if at all needed..
    Hope it would give U an idea to begin..if you can achive any this with this do not
    forget to assign point..
    for any further questions revert..

  • Purchase Order with "Error in Process" status????

    We are currently using SRM 4.0 in an extended classis setup.  We have been live for appropriately 1 yr and half and I have noticed more and more Purchase Orders going into status "Error in Process" when a change (increase value, add line items, change name) has been performed on the PO and then the PO is approved.  The PO will sometimes show up in the SRM Administration Tab occassionaly but more than less they don't and we have to search for failed PO to find all the "error in Process" PO's.  I have had success with having the user just change something in the name of the PO and then re-order and the PO will then go into R3 but I was wondering is there something in the system other than having the user change the PO that I can do to push the PO into R3.  When we have similar issues with confirmation I run tcode SWO1 and use the GUID ID and click transfer to push it to the backend.  Is there anything I can do in the backend that will send the PO into R3 and update the status to Ordered giving there is no apparent error in the system?

    Hello Robert,
    We've been facing a similar issue (we are also in SRM 4.0 Extended Classic Scenario): Sometimes, when the user modifies a purchase order from SRM (for example, to add some new items), the purchase order replication to the backend failed.
    In the Application monitor, we had the following backend error:
    "Insert Cost Center for Item X"
    but the Cost Center value was correct (other items from the same purchase order had the same account assignment).
    We thought the problem was related to the function module in the backend which was changing the purchase order, so we put a SAP OSS Note.
    In this OSS note, SAP recommended us to implement note 1005615, and the problem was solved.
    Check if this note could be implemented in your backend.
    Hope this helps you,

  • Import quote sales order with 'Pending Internal Approval' status.

    I’m trying to import a quote sales order using the oracle Order Import request, the order was imported with status 'Draft'.
    Is there any way to import the quote sales order with 'Pending Internal Approval'?
    or any API to change the Quote Status from 'Draft' to 'Pending Internal Approval'?
    Thank You In Advance.

    No in standard, there is no such TCodes.  You have to develop a zee report considering the tables VBBE (for open order quantity) and MARD (storage location wise stocks)
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Closing the Production Order with status PCNF

    Hi Experts,
    May I kindly ask if I can close an order with status Partially confirmed? If not, how can I cancel the confirmation if I had already reversed the goods movement in the confirmation thereby flagging an error of a deficit in the material quantity during cancellation of the confirmation?
    I really need your help since I need to close the production orders with this case.
    Hoping so much for your replies.
    Many thanks in advance.

    I am not so clear about the exact situation.
    When you say you have reversed the goods movement with MIGO, is it reversal of the documents posted with confirmation or the individual documents?
    You can only cancle the document with MIGO which are independent of the confirmation.
    The  documents which are with the confirmation can not be reversed in any case with MIGO.
    I suggets you go this way,
    1. Check why system is giving you error as 'Deficit......'. The one thing I suspect that you must have performed auto GR & moved out the stock of FG from that location.
    If it's so then bring back the stock to it's original location & cancel the confirmation.
    While cancelling the confirmation where you might have executed goods issue with backflush this error won't arise as the stock will be bring back to storage location form the order.
    Don't reverse the cancellation of the of the documents youhave performed with MIGO for independent material posting on the order. Keep it as it is.
    This way the cancellation of confirmation & material movement will be done & now cost on the order will be zero.
    You can assign the status CLSD as well as DLFL to the order.
    2. In case you find the above activities can not be carried out for some reason then give status TECO to the order.
    Sttle the order so that the cost on the order will be zero, then give status CLSD.
    As far as possible stick to solution no. 1 only.
    Go for solution no. 2 when you don't have any other option.
    Hope this helps you.

  • R12, Sales Order RMA with line status "Awaiting Return"

    Hi guys
    Following the tips, I successfully managed to create RMA for entire SO. Now the SO lines are with the status "Awaiting Return". How I can update the inventory with the RMA quantities and close the order?
    Is there any particular concurrent program or API available to do this job?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Sandeep
    Thanks again. Actually I wanted to automate the entire " inventory > transactions > receipts > returns > customer tab > enter RMA order # and proceed" process by the means of using a proper API or concurrent program.
    As I was not getting satisfactory answers, I approached Oracle and they confirmed there are no public API available to establish this requirement. However they provided a workaround solution which points towards inserting records manually into receipts interface.
    Twice your suggestions truly helped me out to address immediate requirements and thanks again.

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