Strange issue, colors degrade and change by themselves!

hi all,
never encountered this issue before, and have gotten no where researching it. using illustrator cs4 on a mac.
i set my document to RGB. i choose colors from the drop down menus at the top left of the screen. later on (a day or so, with multiple saves in between) the colors i have chosen all start to turn dark and grayish. even the color swatches in the drop down menu all start to change to dark gray tones.
does anybody have any idea whats going on? below is the before and after of the color drop down.

The color settings are not set to defaults as the default for RGB is sRGB. You had to have changed the RGB profile to something like a paper profile
as is the case in this screenshot does the color palette in the screenshot remind you of anything yu have experienced?
I can easily produce the similar results you see.

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    To be clear, when I say 'save', I mean select the 'Move To' Message menu pick. Further, the issue in question is the appearance (or not ) of an additional pick on the Message menu, to wit, Move to {folder name} Again ... And in all cases, in all tests, the folder named in the Move To process was the same one.
    There is only one other user - my wife, who is afraid to even empty the trash. I did the test in that account as well, and it functioned the same as on my own account. On to the suggested Safe mode test.
    Prior to shutting down, I had sent myself a test message, retrieved the mail, selected that message in the Inbox, pulled down the Message menu, and noted that the 'again' message pick was not there. I left that message in the Inbox and restarted in Safe mode. Then I selected the leftover message, pulled down the Message menu, and the 'again' pick was not there. I left the message in the Inbox.
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  • Strange color shifts and changes during fast motion??

    Hello and thanks for your time,
    I have a series of frames rendered from Mental Ray from 3DS max V8.
    From AE CS3, I can export as a QT or AVI but I get this saturated colour shifting, irradecence, shimmer artefact during fast camera motions; such as a zoom in's for example. The artifact seems to be more concentrated around the edges of the frame, than where the camera target is in the center of the frame
    I can't seem to shake this off. I have rendered in QT:max quality, lossless. I have tried Sorenson3, MPEG4, and H264. I have even tried rendering individual TIFFS frames and import them in to Premiere and the same artifact occurs.
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    any ideas what is occuring and how to eliminate it? Let me know if you need some stills to show this...

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  • Having strange issues with kbmap and utc/localtime

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    1. Setting the keymap doesn't stick. At first I had the German keymap selected in System-Preferences-Keyboard, and at reboot it would switch back to the standard US layout. Yesterday I deleted the current layout and again added German as the default.. And at bootup today I had a russian layout .
    2. I haven't been able to get the UTC function properly working.. The hwclock was set in UTC (date -u showed the correct time), UTC was set in the rc.conf, but the Gnome clock always showed the wrong time. (Now localtime is set in rc.conf)
    2a. Related to that, I installed openntpd and added it as a startup daemon.. System-Administration-Time and Date still gives me an error message "NTP support is not installed" when I set the configuration to "Keep synchronized with internet servers".
    Here's my rc.conf
    # /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
    # LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
    # HARDWARECLOCK: set to "UTC" or "localtime"
    # USEDIRECTISA: use direct I/O requests instead of /dev/rtc for hwclock
    # TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
    # KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
    # CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
    # CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
    # USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages
    # MOD_AUTOLOAD: Allow autoloading of modules at boot and when needed
    # MOD_BLACKLIST: Prevent udev from loading these modules
    # MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Prefix with a ! to blacklist.
    # NOTE: Use of 'MOD_BLACKLIST' is deprecated. Please use ! in the MODULES array.
    #MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
    MODULES=(atl1 mii slhc vboxdrv
    !ac97_bus !snd-mixer-oss !snd-pcm-oss !snd-seq-oss !snd-seq-device !snd-seq-midi-event
    !snd-seq !snd-page-alloc !snd-pcm !snd-rawmidi !snd-timer !snd !snd-mpu401-uart
    !snd-ak4xxx-adda !snd-cs8427 !snd-i2c !snd-ac97-codec !snd-ice1712 !snd-ice17xx-ak4xxx !soundcore)
    # Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM
    # HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts
    # Use 'ifconfig -a' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
    # Interfaces to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # Declare each interface then list in INTERFACES
    # - prefix an entry in INTERFACES with a ! to disable it
    # - no hyphens in your interface names - Bash doesn't like it
    # DHCP: Set your interface to "dhcp" (eth0="dhcp")
    # Wireless: See network profiles below
    # Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # Declare each route then list in ROUTES
    # - prefix an entry in ROUTES with a ! to disable it
    gateway="default gw"
    # Enable these network profiles at boot-up. These are only useful
    # if you happen to need multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
    # - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
    # - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
    # Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
    # This now requires the netcfg package
    # Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
    # - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !network hal @dhcdbd @networkmanager netfs @crond @acpid
    @sensors @oss-linux-free @cups @openntpd gdm)
    ..and xorg.conf
    # nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
    # nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder57) Thu Jul 17 18:40:12 PDT 2008
    # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
    # nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder57) Thu Jul 17 18:39:19 PDT 2008
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Layout0"
    Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
    InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
    Section "Files"
    RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
    Section "Module"
    Load "dbe"
    Load "extmod"
    # Load "type1"
    Load "freetype"
    Load "glx"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "Xinerama" "0"
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Mouse0"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "auto"
    Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "keyboard"
    Option "Xkblayout" "de"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    VendorName "Unknown"
    ModelName "@@@ T19DS"
    HorizSync 30.0 - 81.0
    VertRefresh 56.0 - 77.0
    Option "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Device0"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Videocard0"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    BoardName "GeForce 8800 Ultra"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "Videocard0"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Option "TwinView" "1"
    Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-1"
    Option "metamodes" "DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select +1680+0, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24
    thanks in advance for any help!

    I don’t know that problem, but have you tried if turning off OpenGL and restarting has a bearing on the issue?
    Other than that are Photoshop and OS fully updated and have you performed the usual trouble-shooting routines (trashing prefs by keeping command-alt-shift pressed while starting Photoshop, 3rd party plug-ins deactivation, system maintenance, font validation, etc.)?

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    Thanks for any advice!

    First, try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until the screen blacks out or you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    Finally, if the Restore doesn't work, let the battery drain completely.  Then recharge for at least an hour and Restore again.

  • Strange issue with imap and a blank empty sent messages folder

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    my IMAP server uses INBOX as its root.. hence that folder only contains...
    However one level down in INBOX I have...
    HealthCareSource HR.imapmbox
    Lange International.imapmbox
    Sandhill Photography.imapmbox
    Sales People.imapmbox
    Jeorgea Beck.imapmbox
    Web Marketing.imapmbox
    Merchant Accounts.imapmbox
    The Hired Pens.imapmbox
    Kuhl Therapy.imapmbox
    Keen Films.imapmbox
    East Street Woodworking.imapmbox
    Cambium Learning.imapmbox
    Mailing Lists.imapmbox
    Prism Scienceworks.imapmbox
    Air Media.imapmbox
    Regent Theatre.imapmbox
    Proun Design.imapmbox
    Goodwin PR.imapmbox
    Competitive Analysis.imapmbox
    Stay In Touch.imapmbox
    UI Research.imapmbox
    Dewey Nichols.imapmbox
    Future Works.imapmbox
    Franklin Cafe.imapmbox
    Pridgeon Design.imapmbox
    Highland MBP.imapmbox
    Create TV.imapmbox
    Crystal Clean.imapmbox
    Longs Jewelers.imapmbox
    Rocket North.imapmbox
    Barrister Books.imapmbox
    Venture Capital Fund of NE.imapmbox
    Blakely Project.imapmbox
    Comm Promo.imapmbox
    Judith Aronson.imapmbox
    Progressive Roofing.imapmbox
    Process & Deliverables.imapmbox
    Chris Zikakis.imapmbox
    Mojo Marketing.imapmbox
    Lauer Learning.imapmbox
    Nantucket Kneepants.imapmbox
    Nickelsen Partners.imapmbox
    Lawler Kang.imapmbox
    Inside of Sent.imapbox we have...
    And inside of Messages are the 2 messages I sent today after testing another rebuild command...

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    1. We have a database on write server and we replicate some tables to the read server. There are 15 tables that we replication and 8 of them have computed columns that are persisted.
    2. We also have CDC enabled on the same database where we have transactional replication enabled. I know that both CDC and replication uses replication log reader. Some how, all the time we see the log_reuse_wait says replication
    3. If I add around 100-200 MB into these tables, with these persisted columns, it will be around 500 MB of data. But the replication is queuing up 10-15 GB of data.
    4. I checked CDC tables, and the updates are in cdc tables. Also, I don't see CDC capture job. Is this because there is already replication enabled?
    What might be the issue that's causing the log to hold for a very long extended periods of time? We don't see any issue with log reader and CDC.

    2. Log_reuse_wait will show replication status both for CDC and replication.
    4. Yes as you are using transaction replication, Log Reader Agent is created for the database and the capture job won’t exist.
    When the Log Reader Agent is used for both change data capture and transactional replication, replicated changes are first written to the distribution database.
    Then, captured changes are written to the change tables. Both operations are committed together. If there is any latency in writing to the distribution database, there will be a corresponding latency before changes appear in the change tables.
    As you said CDC updates are in cdc table I don’t see any issue.
    You could run DBCC OPENTRAN to see the old active transaction? It will give you more info.

  • What is the purpose of the chain (lock symbol) between a solid color layer and its vector mask?

    What is the purpose of the chain (lock symbol) between a solid color layer and its vector mask in the layer panel when creating shape layers with a shape tool? I'm just curious when locking or unlocking the solid color layer and its vector mask can make a difference.

    I don't understand what you said and your shape layer looks different then mine using CS5.
    When the chain is deselected, I can't do anything with the move tool on the shape layer. This is the only difference I can find. Making the solid color uniform or not doesn't change anything.
    Your example shows that you moved the position of the solid color, how did you do that? I can create a solid color layer and change its uniform look by applying an effect like gradient but I can't move the solid color itself around. How is this possible?

  • Mac bookpro color profile intermittleny changes.

    My Mac book pro's color will randomly change to a blue tint (from Color LCD to either CIE RGB or ColorMatch). To fix it, i can go into the color profile and change it back there, but thats becoming a pain in the butt. Is there a way that this can be fixed? Maybe deleting the colour profiles that i do not need... thanks a lot, grant. sorry for the repost.

    2 solutions for you:
    1- In the system preferences-->Display-->choose the color tab, then select the profile you want then check the "Show profiles for this display only" option,
    this will make all the other profiles disappear from the list.
    2-go to HD-->Library-->preferences-->ByHost and delete:
    then reboot.
    Hope that is helpful
    Message was edited by: sasa43

  • Premiere Pro CS5.5 -very strange issue with the color tones and Preview-

    I deal with a very strange and not usual problem in Premiere Pro CS5.5 (also the version CS5). What I try to do is just a simple color correction. The problem occurs when I try to use Three Way Color Corrector but it happens with Fast Color Corrector also.
    When applying the Three-Way Color Correction and without changing anything else (just applying), can be seen in the preview of the soft how sudden changes in color tones. For example, the gray tone becomes a little more green, but also can be seen very easy a change in the other color tones too. In fact even RGB Parade show the same thing. This is very, very strange and unacceptable and saw that it happens when trying to use Colorista II too.
    I tried the same thing in Sony Vegas Pro 11 and I downloaded the trial version of Edius 6 to convince me if the same thing happens. Not! In Sony Vegas and Edius everything is working correctly, I have not experienced these problems in the preview's of this 2 others softs.
    This issue is very annoying because every possible color correction is based on what we see in the preview and if in this preview the tones are seen altered realize that can not make a decent color correction. So what happens here?!? I uploaded a small video demonstration to see very clearly about what I'm talking. You can see in the next link:

    Yes Jim, you're right. No changes in the scopes when one just apply RGB Curves, Fast Color Corrector, RGB Color Corrector  or the Three way Color Corrector (last three thanks to the new update 6.03). I already wrote that Adobe team has been able to fix this bug for some of the tools/effects.
    But Brightness&Contrast? Change Color? Color Balance? Levels? MBLooks? Twixtor? Colorista II? Does it seem normally that all scopes or just one of them jump when you just apply one of these effects/tools? Not to say that in some situations even the tones change (especially in shadows&midtones).
    You say this is something "very minimal". I say it is not so. I don't find normally to make a very detalied CC with Three way Color Corrector and then when applying Colorista/MBLooks, for example, the scopes jump and inclusively some tones may be influenced. And I left clear examples in this topic where you can see that this is possible. I don't know if this is "very minimal" or not, but is really so impossible to edit in Premiere without this "very minimal" issue?!? How can it be possible in other softs (Edius, Media Composer, Vegas Pro) and in Premiere not?!?
    One more thing: many of us use intermediate codecs in the editing process. Do you find normally that a AVCHD video have the lumninance at approximately 110IRE, to export it directly to Cineform and then import it in Premiere, and the waveform shows the luminance at 100IRE?!? How is this possible?!? So the AVCHD video have a 110IRE luminance, you convert this video to Cineform without changing anything, and then this Cineform video have the luminance at 100IRE?!? And anyone can verify this example.
    So, how can one trust in this soft?!?

  • ICal Calendar Colors Changing by Themselves

    I have two devices that sync with my iCloud account, a Macbook Pro and an iPhone 5. I primarily use iCloud to sync my calendar, notes, and reminders.
    By some reason when I got home from work last night, the color of every calendar in iCal (on the Macbook Pro) and in the calendar app (on the iPhone) kept changing color by itself! I have 5 different calendars (Home, School, Work, Homework, Possibility) and each one usually has its own color. But for some reason, the "Work" calendar changed color from blue to orange on the iPhone without me doing anything. It changed right in front of my eyes. I then clicked on it and manually changed the color to red. Then it was red for some time, but on the MacBook Pro it was purple!
    It is very frustrating as it kills the purpose of having multiple calendars. I have checked for software updates on my MacBook Pro and my iPhone 5, nothing there. I have restarted the MacBook Pro and I have restored the iPhone 5, nothing there.
    I have also unchecked every calendar, and checked them one by one to see how they interact with each other, but that does not matter. Even if only calendar is checked, it still changes color whenever it feels like it. As a matter of fact, all the colors don't even match the ones on the MacBook Pro and the ones on the iPhone 5. They are changing by themselves, and they are changing on both devices, ignoring both me and the other device.
    I spoke with Apple yesterday for about 2-3 hours, including a senior advisor, and they had no clue how to solve it.
    Do you have any suggestions to what I can do?
    Note: I'd like to point out that my events do sync. If I create an event on my iPhone 5, it will transfer to the MacBook Pro automatically, so that's good. It's just the colors that are messed up.

    Hey all try this out cause this is what worked out for me
    I have been having my "work" ical switch back and forth between green and purple and it was annoying so here is what I did.
    I turned off my icloud from my iphone, "deleting" everything in my ical on my phone. THIS IS A CRUCIAL STEP. It will prevent your phone or pad from constantly updating and making sure your faulty calendar is still available.
    Next I went to my ical on my laptop and EXPORT my "Work" ical to my desktop. I created a "New Calendar" titled "Work1" and then IMPORTED my "Work" ical into "Work1." I now have BOTH "Work" and "Work1" on my ical loading up to icloud AFTER you REFRESH by right clicking on your calendars and selecting REFRESH. Next you need to go to and LOGIN. You will now have acess to your icloud and fiddle around with it. BOTH "Work" and "Work1" should be present now. Now in the bottom left it says EDIT. Click and then DELETE your "Work" ical. You can then EDIT the name of "Work1" to be "Work." IT should now be updated and your faulty "Work" or whatever is now removed.
    LASTLY, go back to your iPhone or iPad and TURN ON your iCloud. Your iCal will restore and no more faulty changing colors. Best of luck!
    NOTE** I'm using this for both my iPhone 4S and macbook pro

  • Strange issue when pausing LONG audiobook--pressing play again changes the

    Strange issue when pausing LONG audiobook--pressing play again changes the position within the book--it doesn't start back exactly where it left off.
    The audiobook of "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" is between 18 and 19 HOURS long--all as one long track/file.
    I've noticed that when I pause while listening and then press play again, it "rewinds" and starts playing portions of the audiobook from about 10 minutes prior--but the time stamp doesn't change. At least this is the time frame from the first "test". Other pauses/plays may result in different time differences.
    The first time this happened, I didn't realize what it was doing. I pressed play (from the pause) and I heard a portion that I had already played. I thought that the bookmark just didn't "remember" as it should have, so I scrubbed forward trying to find where I remembered leaving off. If you end up pausing/playing even a couple of times with this happening each time, the portion of the audiobook that you're playing and the time stamp becomes COMPLETELY off! For example, almost an hour into the time stamp was really only about 10-15 minutes into the actual book.
    I'm not sure if this makes any sense, but hopefully it does to someone. It's very frustrating to have this happen simply because you had to pause while listening. You have to scrub backwards or forwards each time to find out where you REALLY left off at and the time stamp becomes of no help value since it doesn't change as the playback position moves itself.
    I'm sure that this is something happening due to the extreme length of the audio file. That maybe it can't track as precisely as it could with shorter lengths. ???
    Any ideas? Has anyone else seen this happen? Any ideas on whether or not there is anything that can be done to prevent this?

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one having this
    problem. It's ironic that we're both having issues
    with the SAME audiobook. I haven't had a chance to
    listen to Books 1-5 much to see if they have the same
    issue or not--I don't remember any on the few parts
    that I've played for my nephews.
    Yeah, I know! I was shocked to see that. I recently finished HP5 (twice), and NEVER had this issue, but it is a much smaller file size.
    I'm thinking that I may try to convert to AAC before
    I try the splitting program--in theory, it's easier
    to start right back in again when you only have 1
    track to find, than when you have dozens/hundreds of
    smaller tracks. It's sometimes hard to remember
    which track you left off with--even if it's
    "bookmarked" within that track.
    I dunno anything about AAC, to be honest. Never used it. My plan is to split the MP3 into smaller MP3s by chapter and load them on a playlist. Of course, I will have to label them all nice and pretty. It is a long book, but you could always just load a couple of chapter files at a time. The only thing that I can see that would be kind of a pain about splitting it with the Cool MP3 is searching thru the file for each chapter and setting break points.
    My only concern is how much quality I'm losing by
    converting from one compressed format--MP3--to
    another compressed format AAC.
    Yeah. Ew. No clue. Sounds unpleasant to me. Again, I really do not do anything with AAC.
    I suppose, since it's
    spoken word instead of music, the change shouldn't be
    too noticable. I'm not sure what kind of time frame
    it'll require to convert. I'll probably try it with
    book 1 first--since it's the smallest.
    May depend on the program. The one I got boasts no quality loss. You may wanna scrounge around the download sites and see which one sounds like it has the best features, even if you do just get a free trial version of something. I would definitely read the editor's ratings. I tend to trust that more than the typical end user's. They show how many stars the editor gives a product, and you can click that for the review, or sometimes they have labeled tabs where you can access the review.
    As for how long it takes me to rip that particular file and if that actually fixes the scrubbing problem, I will have to let you know tomorrow. WAAAAY past my bedtime!
    Keep me updated on your end. I sure which that there
    was an explanation for why it happens.
    Will do! I am thinking you hit the nail on the head with the length. That was exactly what popped into my mind when I figured out what the goofy thing was doing.
    Talk to you later!
    HP dv5117d, iTunes   Windows XP Pro   1st gen 4GB nano, sw ver 1.3

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    Just connected apple tv. Everything works perfectly but the screen is not in color. I have tried reversing the HDMI cable and changing the output in settings and restarting. The screen is still black and white. Any ideas of how to fix this?

    Hi im,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  This article has a few troubleshooting ideas for issues with color on your TV when using Apple TV:
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Troubleshooting video issues
    - Ari

  • Isight videos keeps changing color tone and temperature

    When I try to record a movie with isight, the color temperature keeps changing and flashes from a warmer color to a cooler color. It never stays in one tone. Help!

    kaynen430 wrote:
    When I try to record a movie with isight, the color temperature keeps changing and flashes from a warmer color to a cooler color. It never stays in one tone. Help!
    Welcome to Discussions, kaynen430
    (0) The first thing to use on any iSight problem is
    For system wide problems, the reset suggested there often restores proper iSight functioning.
    If the problem is only with the _one app_ that you are now using to record video, reinstalling that app may help.
    However, if your iSight's color keeps changing in all Apple apps and in all user accounts you test, you may have a system software issue. You can test whether software will correct your problem by trying the following:
    (1) First, use Disk Utility to repair permissions.  Then download and apply the COMBO update for the Mac OS version that you use. You do not show which OS X version you use, but you can find it in the list returned by this search:
    Repair permissions again IMMEDIATELY after the restart that finishes the installation.
    Then test iSight again. (Repeat iSight Troubleshooting suggestions if necessary.)
    (2) If properly applying the Combo Update does not resolve your problem, you may have problems within the basic OS X software.
    To test that, reinstall your OS X, update to the latest OS X version you use by using the process in (1) above, and then check again for proper iSight function.
    (3) If you need to post back for more suggestions, it will be helpful if you also post the following:
      • OS X version (you may want to add this to your Profile in "My Settings" when logged in)
      • Which app and version you originally posted about
      • Whether your problem is EXACTLY the same in every app and user account you tested
      • Which of the suggestions already offered you have used
      • Anything new you learned while trying the suggestions above.
    (4) We will watch for your status update and offer specific suggestions based on the details in your reply.
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.2)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.2)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

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