Structure 2 structure transfer

I have two straucture lets say struc1 and struc 2
i want to pass the value of struc2-field1 to struct1-field2 ( *fields name are not same here)
both structure are already filled.
struct1 are filled in this way
struct-name1 = abc
struct-name2 = pqr
struct2 are filled in this way
struct-name1 = aaa
struct-name2 = pqr
My problem is i am doing
struct-name1 = struct-name2. ( * Fields have different name)
Logically struct-name2 value has to pass in struct-name1.
but its not working it coudn't able to assigned it.
please give me solution for it.

Try to use below code
DATA  :  BEGIN OF struct1,
              name1(4) TYPE C,
              name2(4) TYPE C,
END OF struct1.
     name1(4) TYPE C,
     name2(4) TYPE C,
END OF struct2.
struct1-name1  =  'ABC'.
struct1-name2  =  'PQR'.
struct2-name1 = 'AAA'.
struct2-name2 = 'PQR'.
*MOVE-CORRESPONDING struct1 TO struct2.  " To Copy all the corresponding fields from struct1 to struct2.
struct1-name1 = struct2-name2.
WRITE : / struct1-name1,
Move corresponding statement moves value from one structure to another structure
If you want to pass the data from one internal table to another internal table, then if the structure of both the table will be same then you can assign directly like that
it_tab1 = it_tab2.
it_tab1[] = it_tab2.

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    BW is not client dependent!!! When you sign on to BW, you have the client required. However, this field does not appear in any table (master data, ODS, cubes, whatever).
    This means that a same BW server with a single client can have multiple R/3 connections (for multiple R/3 clients).
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    So, you do not need any new client in BW, just two R/3 connections for your two clients.

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    Hi Michal,
    What I understood is, you have only one Bw system & both R/3 Dev and R/3 Quality boxes are connected to it and you have to take data from both boxes to BW system.
    I do not understand the cause of this kind of system landscape but you can assign the another data source to same infosource then you will see data comming from two system one will be for R3 Dev and other for R3 Quality.
    Hope this will help you

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    You can run the trasnaction "copy r/3 sales structure" only once. Any change to the organizational structure in R/3 after that, has to be maintained mannualy in CRM, transaction PPOMA_CRM.
    Susana Messias

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    Hi Mano,
                    Defining the source system from which to load data
    Choose the source system tree File  ® Create.
           2.      Defining the InfoSource for which you want to load data
    Optional: choose InfoSource Tree ® Root (InfoSources) ® Create Application Components.
    Choose InfoSource Tree ® Your Application Component ® Other Functions  ® Create InfoSource 3.x ® Direct Update.
    Choose an InfoObject from the proposal list, and specify a name and a description.
           3.      Assigning the source system to the InfoSource
    Choose InfoSource Tree ® Your Application Component ® Your InfoSource ® Assign Source System. The transfer structure maintenance screen appears.
    The system automatically generates DataSources for the three different data types to which you can load data.
    &#9675;       Attributes
    &#9675;       Texts
    &#9675;       Hierarchies (if the InfoObject has access to hierarchies)
    The system automatically generates the transfer structure, the transfer rules, and the communication structure (for attributes and texts).
           4.      Maintaining the transfer structure / transfer rules
    Select the DataSource for uploading hierarchies.
    IDoc transfer method: The system automatically generates a proposal for the DataSource and the transfer structure. This consists of an entry for the InfoObject for which hierarchies are loaded. With this transfer method, the structure is converted to the structure of the PSA during loading, which affects performance.
    PSA transfer method: The transfer methods and the communication structure are also generated here.
           5.      Maintaining the hierarchy
    Choose Hierarchy Maintenance, and specify a technical name and a description of the hierarchy
    Hope this helps
    Assign points if Helpful

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    InfoSource =
    Source System =
    Object Version = T
    Transfer Structure = ZBW_ZBILLRATP_TEXT_BA
    although the select event is not unique.
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    System response
    The transfer structure was not activated or deleted.
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    Can any one provide me details of how to overcome this issue. I tried transporting all related objects.

    Hi Lakshmi,
    Befor Transporting the Transfer rules, make sure that you are transporting the Active Versions of your Datasource & DataTarget between which your transfer rules exist.
    Also make sure that the Transfer rules are active before it is transported.
    Hope it helps!

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    Hi Sachin,
    In the InfoSource Maintenance screen expand the node for transfer structur/transfer rules and click on the tab datasource/transfer structure and scroll down to find your field.

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    Basically the source system is connected to BW thru DataSource. The fields from this DataSource are mapped with the fields in BW thru Transfer Rules.
    The flow is like this..
    Source System (DataSource) --> Infosource (Transfer Structure - Transfer Rule - Communication structure) --> Update Rule --> Data Target
    Now when you create InfoSource in BW, you map a DataSource to it, then in Transfer Rules you create the mapping of fields.
    Hope you are getting the flow.

  • Transfer structure

    Hi All
    i have to create a transfer structure.
    in dso and cube i have 27 fields.
    but in tranfer structure it is showing 50 fields.
    i have to select the 27 fields out of 50 or i have to activate 50 fields in transfer structure.
    Thanks & Regards

    Basically when creating the transfer structure you need to map the transfer structure fields with the ODS/Cube fields that are present in the communication structure.
    You just need to Transfer the fields, that you have identified in Data source to the transfer structure and map the relevant fields in the Transfer structure.
    Once the mapping is done. Just activate the Transfer structure.
    Most importatnt would be to decide on the mapping between data source and Communication structure fields.
    Hope it helps!!!

  • Transfer Structure 'USES' Box

    Hello Friends
    I have a quick question for you.What is the 'USES' checkbox for in the Transfer Structure on the far left side, right next to the CONVE box.What does teh 'Uses' box signify and what does a green check present or absent there mean.

    Hi Krish,
    The column 'USES' identify whether the field is used in the communication structure or not.
    To give you an example, lets say you have two fields KTOPL and HKONT in your extract structure of the data source and you have transferred these fields to the transfer structure, however you have mapped only KTOPL to an info-object where as HKONT is not mapped (in assign info-object section of transfer rules tab). That means KTOPL will only appear in the communication structure. If you check the USES column, you can see that it will be checked (a tick mark) for KTOPL where as "blank" for HKONT.
    Hope it clarifes.

  • Transfer Structure Status - Clock Symbol

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    Thanks,  Keith J

    Hi Keith,
    When ever there is change to transfer structure in re construction tab we  will get that clock symbol. In your case as you are loading data from ODS to CUBE , from your first load from ODS to recent load there is change in your ODS object structure,that is the reason u are seeing clock symbol.if u are trying to reconstruct your requests it will pop up a message stating that to ignore the request click no,I think it will upload that request again,if not do an init load from ODS again and schedule your deltas regularly

  • Transfer structure not active

    Hi ,
    in my process chain ,  it failed due to   error: Transfer structure is not  active.
    How to correc this?
    iam using BI 7.0

    Hi Siddartha,
    Try to activate the transfer structure using Pogram RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL in SE 38. Give the Infosource & Source system name there & then execute.
    Hope this will help.

  • Transfer Structure Creation

    I am trying to develop a tool to automate the transfer structure/info source creation. Does anyone know the table or function modules that create these?
    Thanks in advance.

    In transaction BAPI,
    check the BAPI BAPI_ISOURCE_MD_T_CREATE in the Data Warehousing BAPIs (Under InfoSourceMasterXfer).
    Thanks for any points you choose to assign.
    Best Regards -
    Ron Silberstein

  • Transfer structure have two different tech names?

    Hi BW experts,
    we got issue in transfer structure which have two different technical names:
    where zcustomer is the info source name.
    The impact: PSA data can't be accessed ...
    Any help and feedback is highly appreciated!

    Hi Dinesh,
    Thanks for your feedback.
    Unfortunately, this issue is thru our system landscape incl. production. If I try to delete the DS assignment I will lose data in the PSA, right?
    However, I did try to delete the DS assignment and delete the info source (the one which is available on dev only), failed, the message I get is info object xyz still being used in communication structure (I believe it must the TS with old prefix), deletion not possible.
    The problem is I am not able to delete the TS with old prefix , because it is not visible in system (AWB).
    Any further feedback appreciated

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