Struts 1.2.9 with oracle 9i connection

When I am trying to connect my application with oracle 9i databse connection is refusing.My stuts_config.xml is like this
<data-source type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />
value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" />
value="uday" />
value="uday" />
value="10" />
value="5000" />
value="false" />
value="false" />
value="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mst_ecategory" />
Error is like that
error in connectionjava.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCR
processActionForward(/pages/success.html, false)
'/pages/success.html' - processed as uri
My java code is give below.
package app;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import javax.sql.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class AddressAction extends Action
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
     javax.sql.DataSource dataSource;
java.sql.Connection myConnection=null;
dataSource = getDataSource(request);
myConnection = dataSource.getConnection();
Statement stmt=myConnection.createStatement();
          System.out.println("connection established");
     catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("error in connection"+e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward("success");
Can anbody help me for solving this problem.
Thanking You.

hi man
i think problem is in database sid even i have the same same problem if u get the solution do reply for me also

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    Hi William,
    I am using Struts 1.2.8 in Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.2. I face no problems with it. But make sure that yor are not adding the Library called Struts Runtime provided by JDeveloper to your project. Just add the Srtuts 1.2.8 jar files to you Project Additional Classpath or go to Tools --> Manage Libraries and add these Struts 1.2.8 jar files there and use this in your Project Libraries.
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    You connect to WHAT with scott/tiger? To sqlserver or to Oracle? The message itself is an odbc message, so I think it's the connection to sqlserver and it's very likely here user scott does not exist. Give us more informations what you are actually doing.

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    good afternoon:
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    New trace level is 16
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nigini: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
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    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nrigbi: exit
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nigini: exit
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    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnftboot: exit
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    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfhboot: exit
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nncpmlf_make_local_addrfile: construction of local names file failed
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    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nncpcin_maybe_init: initial retry timeout for all name servers is 1500 csecs
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nncpcin_maybe_init: max request retries per name server is 1
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    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngtini_init_msg: initializing PDU subsystem, initial pool size is 2
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nncpcin_maybe_init: default name server domain is [root]
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfun2a: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnftqnm: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcagmd: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcagmd: Attempting to find metadata for type a.smd
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcagmd: Attribute name a.smd is a predefined meta type, syntax is 4.
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcagmd: exit
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfotran: Checking local tnsnames.ora file
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfotran: Checking local tnsnames.ora file
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nncpldf_load_addrfile: initial load of names file C:\ora6i\NET80\admin\tnsnames.ora
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    NL-00425: bad continuation line
    NL-00425: bad continuation line
    NL-00425: bad continuation line
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nncpldf_load_addrfile: NOTE: FILE CONTAINS ERRORS, SOME NAMES MAY BE MISSING
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnftqnm: Using tnsnames.ora address (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (FAILOVER = ON) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = mscdxb)(SERVER=DEDICATED) (FAILOVER_MODE=(TYPE=select)(METHOD=basic)))) for name mscdxb
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcraa: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfun2a: Obtaining answer records for mscdxb
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnftans: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcran: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcran: 64 rrs requested, 1 remaining, 1 total
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfcran: exit
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfotrv1: entry
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nnfotrv1: translated "mscdxb" to (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (FAILOVER = ON) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = mscdxb)(SERVER=DEDICATED) (FAILOVER_MODE=(TYPE=select)(METHOD=basic))))
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngsdei_deinit_streams: deinit
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    [02-MAY-10 12:33:07] nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
    please help me,
    thanks in advance.
    sher khan

    thanks dear this is my tnsfile please check it. if any error can you corect me.
    mscdxb =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = on)
    (SERVICE_NAME = mscdxb)
    sher khan

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    Using the sample code, I am unable to make a connection to the Oracle DB. I tested JDK1.1.8 with the new jdbc and also with the jdbc that originally came with Oracle (orant\jdbc\lib) but to no avail. I tested JDK1.2.2 with the 8.1.5 jdbc, also no luck. I compiled and ran the code each time, using
    DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + database, username, password);
    where database is a.b.c.d:port_no:sid
    The error that came out for jdk1.1.8 was:
    (after printing out 'connecting...')
    java.sql.SQLException: Refused: ROR=(CODE=12505) (EMFI=4)))) ....
    Is there a daemon or something that is not running? I am new to Oracle but not to jdbc. My client has used Oracle a lot but not doing any java programming with it.
    What am I missing here?

    Could you verify that the listener for the database is configured properly and that it is running?

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    Oracle is another machine
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    what is the reason for above two errors(I stated in the pragraph.)
    is it beacuse of wan netwrok not supported by default evaluation license?
    could you please explain?

    I don't think this has anything to do with a VMware product.

  • Problem in connecting with Oracle

    hi everybody
    I have a problem in connecting with Oracle express 10g. I got an error that doesn't allow me to connect. hope anyone can help me and solve this problem
    --------------------Configuration: test - JDK version 1.6.0_20 <Default> - <Default>--------------------
    java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at DB.dbConnect(
    at test.main(
    this is the code that I'm following
    import*; import java.sql.*; public class test2 {   public static void main(String[] args) {     try {       Connection con=null;       Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");       con=DriverManager.getConnection(         "jdbc:oracle:thin:@PLANET:1521:ORCL",         "scott",         "tiger");       Statement s=con.createStatement();       s.execute("INSERT INTO BOOKS VALUES('A Tale of Two Cities','William Shakespeare',4567891231,'05-JAN-1962')");             s.close();       con.close();   } catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} } }
    Edited by: Vantasia on Nov 12, 2010 10:18 AM

    1. Is the connection url correct?
    "jdbc:oracle:thin:@PLANET:1521:ORCL" is fine.
    2. Is the TNS listener started?
    c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl status
    3. Is a firewall between client and database server?
    Connection url with firewall would be different.

  • Help for getting connection with oracle database

    i have a problem to connect my java program with oracle databse.
    i have oracle 8 release. i tried all my best to connect but i
    can't. please help me. whenever i compile file
    which is distributed with oracle 8 release, it compile successfully.
    but whenever i run JdbcCheckup class file then it will generate an
    exception and that is -
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
         at java.lang.class.forname0(native method)
         at java.lang.class.forname(unknown source)
    and some other error message.
    But, by following yours given instruction, first, i unzip
    in file which is distributed with oracle 8 realease in jdbc subdirectory
    into c:\temp directory and then run oracle installer(setup.exe) and point
    the installer to c:\temp and then i install the oracle JDBC drivers(beta) from the jdbc subfolder into oracle installer by selecting
    win95.prd for jdbc subfolder.
    After that i write into my autoexec.bat file,
    path d:\jdk\lib;d:\jdk\bin;c:\windows\command;C:\temp\BIN;c:\temp\jdbc\lib\
    and then i restart the machine and the i complile and run JdbcCheckup file
    But, i can't recognize my error to define class path or installing the
    driver. please help me in details so that i overcome this problem.
    because i am student of in CIS of final year. i need to submit
    my project within some days. please reply me as early as possible.
    email - [email protected]

    path d:\jdk\lib;d:\jdk\bin;c:\windows\command;C:\temp\BIN;c:\temp\jdbc\lib\classes111.zipYou've added to your PATH, not your CLASSPATH.
    Add it to your CLASSPATH using:
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:\temp\jdbc\lib\
    then try to compile/run again.

  • Cannot establish connection with Oracle database

    This is the first time I use BOE server with Crystal Report to execute some tests, and one issue is blocking me now, and I am not even sure if this is the right Forum where I should post it.
    I installed BOE server XI 3.1 SP4 on Linux machine (new installation), and then I uploaded some existing Crystal Report templates that are working fine on another BOE server. Those CR templates have to establish a connection with a remote Oracle database to get the data, and we pass all credentials for this purpose.
    The first time I run my first test I received this error that I could not find anywhere on the web :
    ErrorLog 2011  8 10  7:05:52.505 14215 356 (Administrator:82) (../reporthandler.cpp:12462): CReportHandler::buildReportViewerError: CSResultExceFailed to open the connection." FileName:"../reporthandler.cpp" LineNum:12458 ErrorCode:756 ErrorMsg:"Failed to open the connection.
    {FBAD55EE-BEAF-11E0-BC1C-005056813A72}.rpt" DetailedErrorMsg:""
    I believe that the CR was not able to establish the connection with Oracle, so I install Oracle Client on the same machine (test remote connection ==> pass), I set the ORACLE_HOME variable, and I edit the file <installation_home>/ bobje/java/CRConfig.xml to add the path to ojdbc14.jar, and finnaly restart the tomcat server. However I am still getting the same error message.
    Is there any hint that can help me troubleshooting this issue?
    Thank you

    do the reports use native oracle connectivity or JDBC ?
    what version of Oracle client did you install ?
    was it 32bit or 64bit client ?
    what your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set to ?
    what does it say in the CMC when you look at CR report's DB properties ?

  • "Xandros" (linux flavor), shows "TNS 12203" connect with oracle server(win

    I am using oracle developer 6i and from 2000 on operating system "Xandros" (linux flavor),and working properly after instalation.
    Problem when i am connecting to this Machine with oracle server(windos) it shows "TNS 12203"
    i want to use xendros at client side to connect with Database Server on windows nt.

    here is the descroption of TNS 12203
    oerr TNS 12203
    12203, 00000, "TNS:unable to connect to destination"
    // *Cause: Invalid address specified or destination is not listening.
    // This error can also occur because of underlying network or network
    // transport problems.
    // *Action: Verify that the net service name you entered was correct.
    // Verify that the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor which
    // corresponds to the net service name is correct. Ensure that the
    // destination process (for example the listener) is running at the
    // remote node.
    Check if you see the database server from the client machine, and if listener is running and on which port, check tnsnames.ora on client.


    pls tell how to connect oracle 9i or 10g database with oracle developer suite 10g . though the forms are getting connected but not running with error as
    FRM-10142 the HTTP listner is not running on pls start the listner or check your runtime preferences.
    now pls tell how to start listner and how to chage runtime preferences.
    though i have worked with oracle 9i and forms 6i where we used to copy the tnsnames.ora from network/admin of oracle to forms 6i tnsnames.ora.
    thank you, you may be thinking such a long question.....

    By server i mean the computer where oc4j and backend database are running is one one of the client pc not a dedicated server..., these database and 10g dev suite are installed in one of the client machine,
    all the clients are using same internet explorer as browser.
    no message is being displyed on some of the client machine where these forms are not being uploaded on browser instead it displays as done in status bar without actually showing anything at all...
    sir so far as jinitiator or JRE is concered i have seen on the client machine (where my forms are running on internet explorer) a pop up is displyed telling one activex control is required to run this program and click to install it..
    after clicking it download jinitiator from server and after installing jinitiator my forms are loaded and start functioning...
    what i feel is as i said this machine where oc4j and database is running is one of the client machine so some other clients do not have acess to this machine, so this might be the reason why those clints are not able to run the said forms on the internet explorer.... can it be so... kindly tell..
    thank you for your patience for reading the question

  • Problem in connecting JSP with Oracle 9i.

    I am having problem in connecting JSP with Oracle 9i.
    I am using windows XP and my JDK version is 1.4. For executing JSP I am using
    "jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4-preconfigured". My database name is global.
    I have set java_home, j2ee_home, oracle_home, path, classpath as follows:
    My code is as follows:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import ="java.sql.*"%>
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@global", "scott", "tiger");
    catch(SQLException e)
    I tried other program:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import ="java.sql.*"%>
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:global","scott","tiger");
    I am getting following error:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 5 in the jsp file: /jsp/oracle.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver cannot be resolved or is not a type
    Thanking you in advance,

    maneesh108 wrote:
    hi this is maneesh1) Read the thread it has been answered.
    2) The thread is very old. Don't resurrect old threads.
    I'm locking this zombie thread.

  • How can I connect the remote server which is installed with oracle

    Now my computer is in my home,in my computer there is installed with the oracle 9i client,the server is also installed with oracle 9i,which is in my company.Now I want to use sql*plus to connect the database of the server through the internet work.I have created one listener service name in my home computer,but can't test successfully and the sql*plus can't connect the database.Who can tell me how to do it?Thank you!

    Technical questions need to be addressed to one of the technical forums-- Products | Database | Database - General in this case.
    Unless you are VPN-ing in or the DBA's at your company have configured Oracle Connection Manager to allow you to connect through the firewall to the database, however, I doubt this will work. If they have configured Connection Manager, you'll have to ask them to provide you with connection information. 99.9% of the time, you do not want people to access a database via the internet.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    Portletizing a struts JSP application
    Urgent: Portletizing an struts JSP application
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