Sun xfire 4150 fails to boot into 64bit kernel

i can only get this server to boot into the 32 bit kernel it flatly refuses to boot into its 64 kernel. This is the default grub settings the installer sets up.
This is mostly annoying cause this server was supplied directly by sun

There's an update over at which provides instructions on how to enable the 64-bit kernel in Snow Leopard for the Unibody MacBooks, which seem to be inhibited in booting up with this capability due to an artificial restriction in the Boot.efi:
The procedure involves downloading a modified Boot.efi file and entering some commands in Terminal.
However, I haven't been able to get it to work on my Unibody MacBook because after entering the final command in Terminal:
"sudo bless −−folder /System/Library/CoreServices/ \
−−file /System/Library/CoreServices/boot64.efi"
I receive a "No Volume specified" error message.
If anyone can get this to work on their systems I would be grateful for some help. It seems you can't simply copy and paste the commands given in the blog but need to manually enter "--" within the last command. I'm not sure if the proper entry consists of two dashes, one after the other, or the "¨" key which is located directly below the "!" on my (Swiss German) keyboard.

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    I've just upgraded to Snow Leopard (which went flawlessly) but I wanted to try out the 64-bit.
    Using terminal the following command ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep firmware-abi I receive "firmware-abi" = <" and System Profiler, both say 64bit isn't supported.
    This is a Unibody late 2008 Macbook (13"). I've tried every which way apart from messing with the EFI (which I have no idea about).
    Also I upgraded the OS so it wasn't a fresh install, I don't know if this affects anything?
    Thank you in advice to anyone that can shed some light on this

    There's an update over at which provides instructions on how to enable the 64-bit kernel in Snow Leopard for the Unibody MacBooks, which seem to be inhibited in booting up with this capability due to an artificial restriction in the Boot.efi:
    The procedure involves downloading a modified Boot.efi file and entering some commands in Terminal.
    However, I haven't been able to get it to work on my Unibody MacBook because after entering the final command in Terminal:
    "sudo bless −−folder /System/Library/CoreServices/ \
    −−file /System/Library/CoreServices/boot64.efi"
    I receive a "No Volume specified" error message.
    If anyone can get this to work on their systems I would be grateful for some help. It seems you can't simply copy and paste the commands given in the blog but need to manually enter "--" within the last command. I'm not sure if the proper entry consists of two dashes, one after the other, or the "¨" key which is located directly below the "!" on my (Swiss German) keyboard.

  • Are there any benefits in booting to 64bit kernel?

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    I suspect the primary reason for providing a 64 bit kernel, but booting a 32 bit kernel, is so that 3rd party developers can write and test their 64 bit drivers. And so that users that like living on the bleeding edge can boot into 64 bit mode and be beta testers for those 64 bit drivers.
    Also some of the Mac Pros are capable of holding huge amounts of RAM, and when the amount of RAM starts to get very large (32GB'ish), then the kernel needs a larger address space to manage all the virtual page tables that much RAM requires.
    But every benchmark posted where the benchmark was running against a 32 and 64 bit kernel, gave results that were essentially the same. The larger improvement in performance came from running the benchmark as a 64 bit application, and not from the address space used by the kernel.
    Eventually the next 18 month RAM doubling cycle will come to pass, and Apple wants to be ready with well debugged 64 bit kernels that have a full complement of 64 bit 3rd party drivers, so that Mac Pros and maybe even some other future Macs models have a kernel that easily manages huge physical RAM installation.
    However, today, I consider the 64 bit kernel more for developers and bleeding edge users.
    Use your 64 bit (or 46 bit) kernels with care

  • Does January 2008 Mac Pro boot into 64bit?

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    If you'd like your Mac to always start up in 64 bit mode without having to hold down any keys, do this:
    Here's the configuration file approach for always booting into 64-bit. This is the best way to make your Mac always start up 64 bit as the only thing necessary is to alter one line of a configuration file. You can do that by opening the Terminal and entering:
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ 'Kernel Flags' 'arch=x86_64'
    To return to 32 bit mode, you would repeat the command but enter an empty string, which would just be the single quotes (where arch=x86_64 is) with nothing in between.
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ 'Kernel Flags' ''
    These commands are all one line, they're just wrapping here.
    If at any point you find you need to start up in 32 bit mode for a single use, just as you held down the 6 and 4 keys for 64 bit, you can hold down the 3 and 2 keys for a temporary change. No need to keep changing the config file over and over.

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    2008 Mac Pro can, it is supported on server OS.
    Method 1: Startup key combination (for current startup only)
    If your Mac uses the 32-bit kernel by default, but supports the 64-bit kernel, you can start up using the 64-bit kernel by holding the 6 and 4 keys during startup.
    If your Mac uses the 64-bit kernel by default, you can start up with the 32-bit kernel by holding the 3 and 2 keys during startup.
    Your Mac will revert to the default kernel the next time you reboot it.
    Method 2: On-disk setting (persistent)
    To select the 64-bit kernel for the current startup disk, use the following command in Terminal:
    sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture x86_64
    Early 2008 implemented Unified EFI which is 64-bit but you need to run 10.6.x and even then... so much for "64-bit" hardware and OS talk we heard for years.
    Even if you cannot or do not boot the Mac OS X Snow Leopard kernel into 64-bit mode, you can run your 64-bit apps as 64-bit, and they can take advantage of all the memory in the machine. This was/is possible even with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. The main problem being that there are only a handful of 64-bit applications available as of September 2009.
    Somewhere in your "default product" in your profile is where I think the forum pulls that sig

  • [SOLVED]Unable to boot into the kernel I compiled, kernel panic

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    exec tail -n +3 $0
    menuentry 'Custom Entry' {
    set root=(hd0,msdos1)
    echo 'Loading Modified Linux'
    linux /boot/vmlinuz-modified
    echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    following is this command:
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    But after reboot I cannot boot into the new kernel, it shows "unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0): … ce81ee.png (choose "Advanced Option for Archlinux-> With Linux Modified") … 649380.png (choose "Custom Entry" on the first page directly)
    I have searched for a while but didn't find a solution. Is there anything I'm doing wrong, please?
    Last edited by Frefreak (2015-05-07 10:48:05)

    Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
    Frefreak wrote:I think I did compress it, if I remember correctly. (I actually built it several times)
    I am referring to /proc/config.gz -- this is a gzip archive and needs to be decompressed before you can use it to compile your kernel image.
    This isn't strictly true, it just makes the process easier because you're starting with a sane .config (assuming you're booted into one of Arch's official kernels at least). You can start from scratch, but you need to know what you're doing.
    Frefreak wrote:Ok, I'll rebuild everything from the beginning later.
    No need to rebuild everything, just generate an initramfs for the custom kernel. The initramfs contains modules that are specific to a the kernel image that they were generated for; this is probably why /boot/initramfs-linux.img isn't working for you.

  • Fails to Boot: Error 0xc0000428

    I have a HP Desktop P6620F Windows 7 64bit.  Have had no problems until turning on computer this afternoon.  Failed to boot. 
    Come up with error "a recent hardware or Software change might have installed a file that is incorrectly signed etc.   File: \windows\system32\winload.exe.
    Status: 0xc0000428.  
    Tried recovery disks.  Tried restore, repair and restore to factory defaults.  Nothing has worked.
    Under details of the failed WIndows repair it shows
    Problem signature      0x800700B7
    Problem signature  2      No OS installed.
    Was going to try a MBR repair but unable to get to command Prompt
    Need some Ideas here....

    I had attempted to use Restore, Repair, and Restore to factory all with no success.  Was stuck in a loop and always resulted in the same errors.  Even the factory restore did not work.  Factory restore ran through the whole setup and failed to boot into Windows at completion and returned the same error.  Yesterday evening just before I called HP Technical Support I attempted to run another repair from the recovery disks.  The repair fail again, but after the fail I recieved a different screen that said something to effect that some form of redirect had happened with WInLoad.exe.
    I attempted to boot again and recieved the same errors again, at which time I called HP tech Support.  The Tech walked me through all the same things I had done and nothing changed.  Before I called Tech Support I had downloaded and ran HP Vision Diagnostic program, which I ran and everything pass.  But, the tech had me run restore to Factory one more time and this time it took, booted into WIndows 7.  
    Problem solved.  Damned if we know what fixed what.   Thank you for your help.

  • Arch fails to boot after installation (BIOS mode)

    I finished my Arch installation, following the Beginner's Guide, and once I unmounted the partitions and rebooted, GRUB failed to boot into Arch. I'm not exactly sure what the problem is though. Basically what happens is I power on the machine, the Dell splash screen comes up, GRUB loads, I choose
    Arch Linux, with Linux core repo kernel
    the kernel and ramdisk attempt to load, then some message about "recovering journal" appears, and then I return back to the Dell splash screen. The same thing happens even if I choose the second option
    Arch Linux, with Linux core repo kernel (Fallback initramfs)
    However, when I choose to boot Win XP everything boots just fine. My apologies for the quality of the videos and pictures.
    Here's a video of what happens:
    I suspect this has to do with this error I got when I generated the "grub.cfg". Although I'm not entirely sure because my understanding is that this error would affect booting Win XP which in fact boots perfectly fine. 
    Error (and no I'm not using any lvm volumes)
    I believe these are the portions of the "grub.cfg" that load Arch and Win XP. I got these by pressing "e" while on their menu entry in the GRUB bootloader.
    Arch (I had to scroll down to see the rest, hence two pictures)
    Win XP
    Any idea how I can fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated and please be patient, I know, I'm a noob.
    * I'm not sure if this is of any significance but I had a problem very similar to this when trying to get the Arch install to boot via usb (this computer doesn't have CD/DVD drive). I solved it by following this excerpt from the Beginner's Guide.
    Troubleshooting boot problems
    If you are using an Intel video chipset and the screen goes blank during the boot process, the problem is likely an issue with Kernel Mode Setting. A possible workaround may be achieved by rebooting and pressing
    over the entry that you are trying to boot (i686 or x86_64). At the end of the string type
    and press
    Here's a video of what it looked like:
    The computer specs:
    OS: Windows XP Professional 32 bit Version 2002 Service Pack 3
    CPU: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.00 GHz
    RAM: 2 GB DDR2
    HDD: 80 GB

    why did you not try adding nomodeset with the regular boot? During the net-install no video drivers will be installed;
    you have to install them after reboot after installing xorg. The (video)problem you had with booting from usb is still

  • Booting Snow Leopard as 64bit kernel

    For all those wishing to boot Snow Leopard as 64bit, here's the how/why and a piece of free software that will do it for you
    It's free but ask's for you to donate if you use it.
    I am not affiliated with the developer in any way. I just use it

    Hi Peeps
    Just a quick note to say I didn't start this thread to have people argue over the benefits of 64bit, I started it to answer how to make Snow Leopard boot into 64bit. I think that at the moment the benefits are slim to none but it is nice to experience. To clarify, I have been running Snow Leopard since the week it came out and after a few days with it I decided to run it as it was designed at 64bit. I do not use this OS for music, it is strictly my "domestic" OS, email/surfing/gaming etc. I have been enjoying since the switch a rock stable and slick OS. Most of the applications I use daily are indeed 64bit already and have also proved stable too. When my music drivers and plug-ins are indeed 64bit I will enjoy upgrading my work OS to Snow Leopard and subsequently all the benefits that 64bit can bring to all of our audio needs. I must say though, I am very impressed with Snow Leopard as an OS and after "demoing" Logic Pro 9.1 within it I am looking forward to the inevitable migration rather than dreading it as in the past with previous OS/Logic upgrades.
    Hopefully you will enjoy 64bit as much as I have and within a short while we'll all have the pleasure of 64bit within our favourite occupation too.
    Finally I do believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that on the Mac platform at least Logic Pro 9.1 is the first 64bit DAW. That to me is fantastic and needs applauding.

  • External firewire drive fails to boot OS X after restart

    I have a G4 Cube that exhibits a perplexing boot issue on an external firewire drive. The external drive is a clone of the Cube's internal dual boot, two partition drive made with an identical 120 GB Seagate. The internal drive boots without incident into either OS X or OS 9 - each in it's own partition.
    The problem comes when I select the external drive's OS X partition in Startup Disk and restart - the external drive's activity LED shows an initial attempt to boot but then hesitates and boots to the internal OS X partition repeatedly.
    As a workaround, I am able to select and boot to the OS 9 partition, either internally or externally, launch the StartUp Disk control panel, select the external OS X partition and reboot successfully into that partition. But upon a restart, it fails to boot into the external OS X partition repeating the aforementioned behavior i.e. it boots to the internal OS X partition.
    Using Option-Restart shows the the two partitions on the external drive and the two partitions on the internal drive normally but will only successfully process selecting either of the two OS 9 partitions or the internal OS X partition, again failing to process a selection to the external OS X partition.
    Interestingly, this same external firewire drive will repeatedly boot to it's OS X partition without incident using either of two iBook G4s.
    I'm stumped!

    Hi, LEOinDC -
    How old is the internal battery in that Cube? Many machines exhibit boot anomalies if that battery is too weak or dead.
    Those batteries have an expected life of about 4 to 5 years under best-case usage; if the machine is unplugged regularly or for an extended period, the battery is consumed much faster. Even if the machine is not unnplugged the battery will eventually die, and there will be no symptoms such as loss of date or time since the trickle power drawn when the machine is shut down (but still plugged in) will maintain those.
    Also, is the external firewire drive self-powered? If not, try that.
    Sometimes when using Startup Manager (which is what booting with Option held down invokes), all available bootable volumes aren't picked up before it displays what it has found. The solution for that is to click the circular arrow button in Startup Manager - this is an instruction to rescan the buses.

  • Why My MBP cannot run under 64bits Kernel

    My MBP model is MacBookPro3,1
    As CPU SPEC: INTEL T7500, it support 64 bits Also I do have 64 EFI.
    However, no matter what I did, "change the plist" "hold down 6-4 @ boot time"
    I only can boot into 32 Kernel.
    It shows "64 bits Kernel and extensions: no" ............. Anyone know how can I run under 64 kernel.

    Hi and Welcome to  Discussions,
    I don't know what's happening, but you might want to try this:
    There's also a very good explanation about what 64 bit means.

  • Client boots into WinPE but then it will fail and reboot after the step: "Preparing network connections"

    I  have a new issue with all DPs.
    When I pxe boot, it will boot into WinPE but then it will fail and reboot after the step: “Preparing network connections”
    I have tried reinstalling the DP and MP. Also redistributing the boot image.
    When I press F8 to go into debug mode, ipconfig show me an IP address and I am able to ping my Management point, my DHCP server and also my Distribution point.
    I have attached the smsts.log file.
    <![LOG[LOGGING: Finalize process ID set to 900]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.925+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904" file="tslogging.cpp:1495">
    <![LOG[==============================[ TSBootShell.exe ]==============================]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.925+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904"
    <![LOG[Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL']LOG]!><time="10:43:28.925+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904" file="util.cpp:964">
    <![LOG[Debug shell is enabled]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904" file="bootshell.cpp:1066">
    <![LOG[Waiting for PNP initialization...]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:60">
    <![LOG[RAM Disk Boot Path: NET(0)\SMSIMAGES\EVN0002F\BOOT.EVN0002F.WIM]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="configpath.cpp:302">
    <![LOG[Booted from network (PXE)]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="configpath.cpp:317">
    <![LOG[Network(PXE) path: X:\sms\data\]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="configpath.cpp:319">
    <![LOG[Found config path X:\sms\data\]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:548">
    <![LOG[Booting from removable media, not restoring bootloaders on hard drive]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:582">
    <![LOG[X:\sms\data\WinPE does not exist.]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:599">
    <![LOG[X:\_SmsTsWinPE\WinPE does not exist.]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.940+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:613">
    <![LOG[Executing command line: wpeinit.exe -winpe]LOG]!><time="10:43:28.956+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:860">
    <![LOG[The command completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.294+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:942">
    <![LOG[Starting DNS client service.]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.294+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:666">
    <![LOG[Executing command line: X:\sms\bin\x64\TsmBootstrap.exe /env:WinPE /configpath:X:\sms\data\]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.809+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908"
    <![LOG[The command completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.809+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:942">
    <![LOG[==============================[ TSMBootStrap.exe ]==============================]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.903+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[Command line: X:\sms\bin\x64\TsmBootstrap.exe /env:WinPE /configpath:X:\sms\data\]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.903+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL']LOG]!><time="10:44:13.919+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="util.cpp:964">
    <![LOG[Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\TSRESNLC.DLL']LOG]!><time="10:44:13.919+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="resourceutils.cpp:169">
    <![LOG[Current OS version is 6.2.9200.0]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.919+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="util.cpp:3094">
    <![LOG[Adding SMS bin folder "X:\sms\bin\x64" to the system environment PATH]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[PXE Boot with Root = X:\]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstrap.cpp:1062">
    <![LOG[Executing from PXE in WinPE]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstrap.cpp:1077">
    <![LOG[Loading TsPxe.dll from X:\sms\bin\x64\TsPxe.dll]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:1363">
    <![LOG[TsPxe.dll loaded]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:1373">
    <![LOG[Device has PXE booted]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tspxe.cpp:122">
    <![LOG[Variable Path: \SMSTemp\2014.{F722E5C6-13E4-4635-B674-7A56A68BCF03}.boot.var]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[Variable Key Len: 69]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.934+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tspxe.cpp:141">
    <![LOG[Succesfully added firewall rule for Tftp]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.950+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="fwopen.cpp:123">
    <![LOG[Executing: X:\sms\bin\x64\smstftp.exe -i get \SMSTemp\2014.{F722E5C6-13E4-4635-B674-7A56A68BCF03}.boot.var X:\sms\data\variables.dat]LOG]!><time="10:44:13.950+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe"
    context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tspxe.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %*]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.028+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="commandline.cpp:228">
    <![LOG[Set command line: "X:\sms\bin\x64\smstftp.exe" -i get \SMSTemp\2014.{F722E5C6-13E4-4635-B674-7A56A68BCF03}.boot.var X:\sms\data\variables.dat]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.028+480" date="08-13-2014"
    component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="commandline.cpp:731">
    <![LOG[Executing command line: "X:\sms\bin\x64\smstftp.exe" -i get \SMSTemp\2014.{F722E5C6-13E4-4635-B674-7A56A68BCF03}.boot.var X:\sms\data\variables.dat]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.028+480" date="08-13-2014"
    component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="commandline.cpp:827">
    <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.106+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="commandline.cpp:1123">
    <![LOG[Succesfully removed firewall rule for Tftp]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="fwopen.cpp:146">
    <![LOG[Successfully downloaded pxe variable file.]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tspxe.cpp:187">
    <![LOG[we are booted using PXE]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:2673">
    <![LOG[we are booted using PXE and we use a generated password]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:2678">
    <![LOG[Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat"]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:322">
    <![LOG[CryptDecrypt (hKey, 0, 1, 0, pData, &dwDecryptedLen), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\smscrypt\windes.cpp,165)]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context=""
    type="0" thread="1116" file="windes.cpp:165">
    <![LOG[SMS::Crypto::DES::DecryptBuffer( (BYTE*)pszPassword, (DWORD)(wcslen(pszPassword)*sizeof(WCHAR)), encryptedBuffer.getBuffer(), (DWORD)encryptedBuffer.size(), pbDecryptedBuffer, dwDecryptedBufferSize ), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\tsremovablemedia.cpp,387)]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480"
    date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:387">
    <![LOG[Verifying media password.]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:271">
    <![LOG[Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat"]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.122+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:322">
    <![LOG[Found network adapter "Intel(R) 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection" with IP Address]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0"
    thread="1116" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:517">
    <![LOG[Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat"]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:322">
    <![LOG[CryptDecrypt (hKey, 0, 1, 0, pData, &dwDecryptedLen), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\smscrypt\windes.cpp,165)]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context=""
    type="0" thread="1116" file="windes.cpp:165">
    <![LOG[SMS::Crypto::DES::DecryptBuffer( (BYTE*)pszPassword, (DWORD)(wcslen(pszPassword)*sizeof(WCHAR)), encryptedBuffer.getBuffer(), (DWORD)encryptedBuffer.size(), pbDecryptedBuffer, dwDecryptedBufferSize ), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\tsremovablemedia.cpp,387)]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480"
    date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:387">
    <![LOG[Entering TSMediaWizardControl::GetPolicy.]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:527">
    <![LOG[Creating key 'Software\Microsoft\SMS\47006C006F00620061006C005C007B00350031004100300031003600420036002D0046003000440045002D0034003700350032002D0042003900370043002D003500340045003600460033003800360041003900310032007D00']LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480"
    date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="environmentscope.cpp:263">
    <![LOG[Environment scope successfully created: Global\{51A016B6-F0DE-4752-B97C-54E6F386A912}]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[Creating key 'Software\Microsoft\SMS\47006C006F00620061006C005C007B00420041003300410033003900300030002D0043004100360044002D0034006100630031002D0038004300320038002D003500300037003300410046004300320032004200300033007D00']LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480"
    date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="environmentscope.cpp:263">
    <![LOG[Environment scope successfully created: Global\{BA3A3900-CA6D-4ac1-8C28-5073AFC22B03}]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[Setting LogMaxSize to 1000000]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:555">
    <![LOG[Setting LogMaxHistory to 1]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:556">
    <![LOG[Setting LogLevel to 0]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:557">
    <![LOG[Setting LogEnabled to 1]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:558">
    <![LOG[Setting LogDebug to 1]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:559">
    <![LOG[UEFI: false]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:569">
    <![LOG[Loading variables from the Task Sequencing Removable Media.]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:584">
    <![LOG[Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat"]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:322">
    <![LOG[Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL']LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="util.cpp:964">
    <![LOG[Setting SMSTSMP TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSMediaGuid TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSBootMediaPackageID TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSHTTPPort TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSHTTPSPort TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.153+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSIISSSLState TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSLaunchMode TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSMediaPFX TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSPublicRootKey TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSSiteCode TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSSiteSigningCertificate TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSUseFirstCert TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSx64UnknownMachineGUID TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Setting _SMSTSx86UnknownMachineGUID TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:604">
    <![LOG[Root CA Public Certs=]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:615">
    <![LOG[Missing root CA environment variable from variables file]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:621">
    <![LOG[Support Unknown Machines: 0]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:632">
    <![LOG[Custom hook from X:\\TSConfig.INI is ]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:675">
    <![LOG[No hook is found to be executed before downloading policy]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:699">
    <![LOG[Authenticator from the environment is empty.]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:838">
    <![LOG[Need to create Authenticator Info using PFX]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.169+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:850">
    <![LOG[Initialized CStringStream object with string: 6b7b5b1a-8a29-40a1-af6b-008746965168;2014-08-13T18:44:14Z.]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.200+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0"
    thread="1116" file="stringstream.cpp:101">
    <![LOG[Set media certificate in transport]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.216+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:9401">
    <![LOG[Set authenticator in transport]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.216+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7734">
    <![LOG[CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: SS01.adskevents.local:80  GET /SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPKEYINFORMATIONMEDIA]LOG]!><time="10:44:14.216+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1"
    thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8604">
    <![LOG[Executing command line: X:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /k]LOG]!><time="10:44:15.939+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904" file="bootshell.cpp:860">
    <![LOG[The command completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="10:44:15.939+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904" file="bootshell.cpp:942">
    <![LOG[Successfully launched command shell.]LOG]!><time="10:44:15.939+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="904" file="bootshell.cpp:432">
    <![LOG[Error. Received 0x80072ee2 from WinHttpSendRequest.]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8870">
    <![LOG[hr, HRESULT=80072ee2 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,8919)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116"
    <![LOG[sending with winhttp failed; 80072ee2]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="3" thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8919">
    <![LOG[m_pHttpTransport->Send (0, 0, pServerReply, nReplySize), HRESULT=80072ee2 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,5159)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe"
    context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:5159">
    <![LOG[MPKeyInformation.RequestMPKeyInformationForMedia(szTrustedRootKey), HRESULT=80072ee2 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,9410)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe"
    context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:9410">
    <![LOG[Failed to get information for MP: http://SS01.adskevents.local. 80072ee2.]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="3" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:1518">
    <![LOG[sMP.length() > 0, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstraputil.cpp,1526)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context=""
    type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:1526">
    <![LOG[TSMBootstrapUtil::SelectMP ( sSMSTSMP.c_str(), sMediaPfx.c_str(), sMediaGuid.c_str(), sAuthenticator.c_str(), sEnterpriseCert.c_str(), sServerCerts.c_str(), nHttpPort, nHttpsPort, bUseCRL, sSiteCode, sAssignedSiteCode, sMP, sCertificates, sX86UnknownMachineGUID,
    sX64UnknownMachineGUID), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,907)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context=""
    type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:907">
    <![LOG[Exiting TSMediaWizardControl::GetPolicy.]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:1419">
    <![LOG[GetPolicy(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,2492)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context=""
    type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:2492">
    <![LOG[RunWizardForPXE(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,2834)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context=""
    type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:2834">
    <![LOG[oTSMediaWizardControl.Run( sMediaRoot, true, sTSLaunchMode ), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstrap.cpp,1078)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe"
    context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstrap.cpp:1078">
    <![LOG[Execute( eExecutionEnv, sConfigPath, sTSXMLFile, uBootCount, &uExitCode ), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstrap.cpp,1226)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014"
    component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstrap.cpp:1226">
    <![LOG[Exiting with return code 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1116" file="tsmbootstrap.cpp:1238">
    <![LOG[Execution complete.]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:693">
    <![LOG[hMap != 0, HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentscope.cpp,493)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0"
    thread="908" file="environmentscope.cpp:493">
    <![LOG[m_pGlobalScope->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,335)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0"
    thread="908" file="environmentlib.cpp:335">
    <![LOG[this->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,553)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0"
    thread="908" file="environmentlib.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[::RegOpenKeyExW (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKey.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\utils.cpp,809)]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell"
    context="" type="0" thread="908" file="utils.cpp:809">
    <![LOG[RegOpenKeyExW is unsuccessful for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="2" thread="908"
    <![LOG[GetTsRegValue() is unsuccessful. 0x80070002.]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="2" thread="908" file="utils.cpp:842">
    <![LOG[End program: ]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="bootshell.cpp:725">
    <![LOG[Finalizing logging from process 900]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="tslogging.cpp:1741">
    <![LOG[Finalizing logs to root of first available drive]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.281+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="tslogging.cpp:1583">
    <![LOG[Successfully finalized logs to C:\SMSTSLog]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.687+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="908" file="tslogging.cpp:1640">
    <![LOG[Cleaning up task sequencing logging configuration.]LOG]!><time="10:44:35.687+480" date="08-13-2014" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="908" file="tslogging.cpp:584">

    Every time a query is sent to the MP, it receives 0x80072ee2 which translates to "The operation timed out". This has nothing to do with your MP or DP though so reinstalling them won't make any difference.
    This error is indicative of network issues -- basically, the "client" is not getting a response back in a timely manner (and probably not at all). Assuming the MP is healthy though, then only other piece of the puzzle is the network.
    You can try setting the SMSTSAssignmentsDownloadRetry and SMSTSAssignmentsDownloadInterval task sequence variables in the boot image to increase the client's tolerance for latency or other weirdness in the network. This has worked for many.
    If that doesn't work, you'll have to break out a sniffer and watch the traffic to see what's going on at a network level.
    Jason |

  • Green Screen appears when trying to boot into windows7 64bit using bootcamp

    I sometimes get a GREEN SCREEN appearing when i try to boot into windows7 64bit using bootcamp. The computer freezes on this green screen and i have to power down the computer and restart it sometimes twice before it will load windows. Any suggestions on how to correct this problem???
    Computer specs: 15" macbook pro, i7 processor, 4GB RAM, 512MB nividia GT330M graphics,
    Bootcamp version 3.0.2, Windows7 64bit ultimate installed on a 100GB partition.

    Thanks for responding. I'm actually trying to set up the Mac mii as my VMware ESXi 5 server (per Paraguin software guide, see tion/
    Nobody following their procedures and posting on their site has had any (reported) video issues, but that was my guess, that somehow video drivers are not being loaded.
    BTW, did you mean "hold the option key" at bootup cause my mac keyboard doesn't have an alt key?
    Thanks. Still looking for other options.

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    LaCie Lacie Mobile Hard Drive 250 GB
    Any hint on how to troubleshoot this issue?

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