Tab Folders Flickering.....

Hi all,
I have an application window which contains a tab folder ( of 5 tabs ).
It has two window states, one where it shows all 5 tabs and one where it
shows 3 of the 5 tabs.
When I set the different window states the tab folders flicker, which is
not a healthy on the eyes of our users.
Has anyone got an idea to stop this "flickering" effect.
Kevin Love.
Kevin Love
Mazda Australia Pty Limited
[email protected]
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First of all, can you check the Tree tabs list in Staging environment and compare with QAT environment?
AdminUI -> Admin -> Tree (double-click). Check the list of Tree tabs present in both environment and compare. Is the tree tab which was configured to show in Content Tree are present or not. This is should be same for QAT and Staging environment. If any missing, then you can probably just create same tree tabs which are present in QAT environment or publish them from Development environment.
Second, if tree tab is present in the list, then check if that tree tab is enabled for the Site (if you are using multiple sites, then you have to select all the sites where you want to show Tree Tabs).
Third, check if the user has correct Roles to see the Tree tabs or not. Check the "Required Roles" column for the tree tab and the users Roles.
If all of the above are okay, then you might try to turn on debugging and see while tree tab loads up and check if any errors in java console. Also check few details here - which may be helpful.

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    We are just swapping over from Forte version 2 to 3.0.F.2, and I have two
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    1. Is there a way of changing the font of the labels for the tabs?
    2. When choosing "evenly spaced" for the layout property of the tab folder,
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    Any helped will be appreciated.
    Steve Isaac
    Senior Consultant, Information Services Group
    Hydro Electric Corporation of Tasmania
    4 Elizabeth St, Hobart, Australia, 7000
    Phone : +61 03 6230 5161
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Check out:

    Another weird thing I noticed. When I closed the window workshop that
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    From: Scurr, Doug
    Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 8:20 AM
    To: 'Steve Isaac'
    Cc: forte-users
    Subject: RE: Forte 3 Tab Folders
    To change the font on the labels, it appears that you have to select
    the entire tabfolder, not just one of the panels. It does allow you to
    change the font when you just have a panel selected, but it doesn't
    seem to do anything?? If you have the entire tabfolder selected, you
    can change the font. But.... there seems to be some really strange
    behavior when you try & change it back. I changed the System Font from
    System Default to System Monospace & the tabfolder widget didn't
    change in the window workshop! But when I do Test Window, the font
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    widget appeared with the System Monospace font in the workshop?? Then
    I tried to change it back to System Default using the same procedure I
    tried above, & it didn't change it back. In fact, when I did the
    Compile, it reset the font back to System Monospace ????
    As far as the evenly spaced setting goes, yes, it appears to truncate
    the tab folder labels. If you use "packed" it seems to not truncate.
    But keep in mind that if you change the font, your label may no longer
    fit on a tab.
    From: Steve Isaac[SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 1998 11:51 PM
    To: Forte Users Mailing List
    Subject: Forte 3 Tab Folders
    We are just swapping over from Forte version 2 to 3.0.F.2, and I have
    questions about tab folders.
    1. Is there a way of changing the font of the labels for the tabs?
    2. When choosing "evenly spaced" for the layout property of the tab
    there seems to be a limit to the width of the label. I set one label
    "Previous Installations", and the final "s" is cut off in the tab
    folder label.
    Has anyone else seen this "feature" and solved it?
    Any helped will be appreciated.
    Steve Isaac
    Senior Consultant, Information Services Group
    Hydro Electric Corporation of Tasmania
    4 Elizabeth St, Hobart, Australia, 7000
    Phone : +61 03 6230 5161
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Check out:
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    Non-business opinions may not reflect opinions of Piper Jaffray
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    PJC reserves the right to monitor all e-mail.

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    I'm sorry for this issue. hopefully it is fixed with an upcoming update. I looked at your crash report and one issue that could be causing this is out of date drivers.
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    First of all, can you check the Tree tabs list in Staging environment and compare with QAT environment?
    AdminUI -> Admin -> Tree (double-click). Check the list of Tree tabs present in both environment and compare. Is the tree tab which was configured to show in Content Tree are present or not. This is should be same for QAT and Staging environment. If any missing, then you can probably just create same tree tabs which are present in QAT environment or publish them from Development environment.
    Second, if tree tab is present in the list, then check if that tree tab is enabled for the Site (if you are using multiple sites, then you have to select all the sites where you want to show Tree Tabs).
    Third, check if the user has correct Roles to see the Tree tabs or not. Check the "Required Roles" column for the tree tab and the users Roles.
    If all of the above are okay, then you might try to turn on debugging and see while tree tab loads up and check if any errors in java console. Also check few details here - which may be helpful.

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    Search is only if it needs to find the media for a reconnect. It's not necessary to load the project. Regardless you should assign the media drive.

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    Hi d@azedandconfuzd,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    I would suggest restarting your computer and then following the steps below:
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    If you continue to have issues with this purchase, here's how to report it:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    - Judy

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    Nope, no one knows that one.
    Although thins add-on might help

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    [ LInk here]
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    Please post this question to the PDK forum.

  • Tab folder problem

    Hi folks,
    We are dynamically building tab folders in a couple of windows and find that
    the vertical height of the folder is always much taller than each of the
    tabs within. It looks like the more tabs you add in, the taller the entire
    folder gets. There seems to be blank space added at the bottom of the folder
    for each tab added. Is this a tab folder bug or is there something we could
    be doing wrong ?
    We are building an array of panels, depending on the contents required and
    using SetPages to create the folder. The entire folder is then parented to a
    gridfield to display it on the header window. Setting grid-spacing
    properties on the outer grid makes no difference and it is set to Ignore
    invisible children. For example :
    self.AccountTabFolder.SetPages (pages=AccountPanelArray);
    self.AccountTabFolder.HeaderStyle = TH_MULTIROW;
    self.AccountTabFolder.TopPageIndex = 1;
    self.AccountTabFolder.Row = 1;
    self.AccountTabFolder.Column = 1;
    self.AccountTabFolder.Parent = self.<TabFolderGrid>;
    Justin Levis
    [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    Hi folks,
    We are dynamically building tab folders in a couple of windows and find that
    the vertical height of the folder is always much taller than each of the
    tabs within. It looks like the more tabs you add in, the taller the entire
    folder gets. There seems to be blank space added at the bottom of the folder
    for each tab added. Is this a tab folder bug or is there something we could
    be doing wrong ?
    We are building an array of panels, depending on the contents required and
    using SetPages to create the folder. The entire folder is then parented to a
    gridfield to display it on the header window. Setting grid-spacing
    properties on the outer grid makes no difference and it is set to Ignore
    invisible children. For example :
    self.AccountTabFolder.SetPages (pages=AccountPanelArray);
    self.AccountTabFolder.HeaderStyle = TH_MULTIROW;
    self.AccountTabFolder.TopPageIndex = 1;
    self.AccountTabFolder.Row = 1;
    self.AccountTabFolder.Column = 1;
    self.AccountTabFolder.Parent = self.<TabFolderGrid>;
    Justin Levis
    [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • IOS 7 Safari tab major bug

    So I run a white iPhone 5S and I recently started looking into what I thought was a faulty screen.. every time I reopened a tab in safari (usually dark images) white fuzzy dots/lines would jolt around the edges of the screen, sometimes bleeding across horizontally. It wasn't until recent research that I saw some feedback on iOS 7 Safari tabs (in the beta stage) that the anti-aliasing wasn't kicking in fast enough and the outlines were supposed to be immensly jaggerdy.. well that's still the same, and to my best guess I have a feeling that this issue has something in relation to anti-aliasing/resizing the content.
    A colleuge of mine also tried it on his iPhone 5, and he too got the same results.. horrid white glitchy patterns upon reopening a tab - please follow this link for a quick reprosenation:
    It's a little weird really.. it happens 99.8% of the time with dark photos, but only around 92% of the time with dark web pages. I did manage to screen shot it in action this morning, however only two white pixels are visible as I only just caught it (it's in different patterns each time) every other time I took one I only managed to capture a blank page with a warped web page filling out slowly; so basically the animation when reopening a tab. Ironicly if I had another iPhone 5S then I would record it in the 'slo-mo' setting but unfortunately I don't.
    Has anyone else experienced/heard/seen this?
    p.s. I have just updated to 7.0.3 and it's still doing it

    hello i have the same problem with my iphone 5 ,i'm experiencing the problem just in safari ,when i switch between dark tabs it flickering white spots dots pixels on the edge just like in your video!i have 7.0.4 and i'm wondering if i go to the retail store i would receive a replacement or a repair or something !i am going to make an apple appointment genius bar ,see if i could do something about it..

  • Tabbed doesn't work

    I've tried both tabbed and tabbed-hg, but whenever I try to execute tabbed, it tells me the display could not open. I'm not sure what other information I should provide. Anybody else have an issue with tabbed?

    which time?
    If I install tabbed 0.2 via AUR, nothing shows up at all. I did manage to get it to work once, but that's it.
    If I install tabbed from the latest pull, it works, but the tab area flickers when there are no windows, which kind of bothers me... I know I won't see it since I'll always have something there, but just knowing is enough to bother me...
    I'm working with vimprobable2, and when tab gives you the id, you're supposed to use that id as the embed parameter:
    % vimprobable2 -e <tabbed id>

  • How to add a Folder inside a Folder ? (non)

    I have tried even going directly to the srf file to do the grouping manually.
    Bear in mind that I have performed this successfully on an existing SAP folder.  But if I tried doing it on a form i've created with the screen painter the results are simply that all folder items group at the same level.
    I've read all the links related to this and come across no real solution.  Is it posible at all?

    I can't tell you how to do it using screenpainter/xml, but how to do it in code... might get you in the right direction. I't all about setting the correct pane-levels.
    A good example in the Client GUI is the BP Accounting TAB with its general and tax tabs inside... Tabs/folders are just normal items in SAP and the pane-from and to on an item is used to tell the GUI what items are where.
    Sample1: CardCode hase panelevel 0-0 (0 being the special panelevel that are always shown)
    Sample2: Telephone 1 is in panelevel 1-1 since it is under the general tab
    Sample3: The Tax-tab under accounting is on pane 9-10 since it need to be shown when both the Account>General tab-data is visible (9) and it's own tax-data (10)
    This is the complete "pane-tree" on BP Master data
    0: Header
       1: General
       3: Contact persons
       7: Addresses
       6: Payment Terms
       8: Payment System
       9-10: Accounting
             9: General
             10: Tax
       4: Properties
       5: Remarks
    To sum it all up, you will need to set you to and from panes in the correct way to create the nesting of the tabs and on each item-pressed on these tabs you need to change the current panelevel

  • How to read and set Pane value for new adding folder

    Hi Experts,
    I tried to add a new folder in to a system form as below
    Itm = form.Items.Add("UserFolder"), SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_FOLDER)
    form.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("F_new", SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_SHORT_TEXT, 1)
    Dim oFolder As SAPbouiCOM.Folder
    oFolder.DataBind.SetBound(True, "", "F_new")
    My quester is what is the panelevel for this new folder? And how to set value to panelevel for this folder.
    If we design a folder from Screen Painter, we can set the pane value manually, can we do this from code?
    Thanks a lot

    You do not have to set any panelevel for your folder, if you would like to display it all the panelevels. (Let's see an example on Item Master data form).
    Sales, Purchase, Inventory etc tabs (folders) are always visible, there is no panelevel set for them.
    To change between panelevels, you can trigger et item pressed event, and  before_action = false, then you may change the panelevel of the form poperly.
    For initially you may use the Folder.Select() command to show the default panelevel
    >The problem is here, it looks like oFrom.Panelevel property can only accept integer value, so how can I know what's the pane level number for my folder?
    Do not set panelevel for your folders, you should drive your form's panelevel based on a selection tree:
    To see clear, please check the following code in the help sample: CompexForm
    C:Program FilesSAPMásolat - SAP Business One SDKSamplesCOM UIVB.NET07.ComplexForm2003
    to make it clear:
            '// Adding Folder items
            For i = 1 To 2
                oItem = oForm.Items.Add("Folder" & i, SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_FOLDER)
                oItem.Left = (i - 1) * 100
                oItem.Width = 100
                oItem.Top = 6
                oItem.Height = 19
                oFolder = oItem.Specific
                '// set the caption
                oFolder.Caption = "Folder" & i
                oFolder.DataBind.SetBound(True, "", "FolderDS")
                If i = 1 Then
                    oFolder.GroupWith(("Folder" & i - 1))
                End If
            Next i
    This code add 2 folders to the form: and the first (i = 1) is selected.
    IN itemevent, the panelevel property of the form is depending from the item you have clicked:
    Case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED
                        '// Check if the event was raised by one of the Folder items
                        '// and change the form's pane level
                        If pVal.ItemUID = "Folder1" Then
                            oForm.PaneLevel = 1
                        End If
                        If pVal.ItemUID = "Folder2" Then
                            oForm.PaneLevel = 2
                        End If

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