Telnet Portlet Issue

I have downloaded and installed the Telnet Integration Portlet from potalstudio. I registered the provider and added the portlet to a portal page. From there I customize it with the server name, port (23), username, and password. From there I can't tell if I'm logged in or not. At the top of the portlet it says "Digital UNIX (challenger) (ttyp0)"...challenger is the server name. Below that I see the following:
If I try to enter a command where it says "Enter Command here:" the command is not run. It simply displays the command that I ran such as 'ls' or the 'cd' command that I ran. Am I doing something wrong, am I connected but have something else wrong? Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I am using IE 6.* which is the browser you said you had problem with. I have followed your advice to try on Mozilla and get the following error when the applet is trying to download:
load: class de.mud.jta.Applet.class not found.
     at sun.plugin.protocol.https.BrowserHttpsInputStream.openStream(Native Method)
     at sun.plugin.protocol.https.BrowserHttpsInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
     at sun.plugin.protocol.https.BrowserHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
     at Method)
     at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
     at Source)
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
     at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
     at Source)
     at Source)
When you say you installed the latest JRE 1.4.2_03 from Sun, did you mean that you installed it on 9ias or on your local computer. I�m a little hesitant to install it on 9ias at this point and possibly create other issues.

Similar Messages

  • Telnet portlet not returning info to user, but receiving commands

    We are having some problems receiving data from the server in the telnet portlet. When a command is issued such as 'ls', nothing is returned to the user. The command is being received by the server because when you create a file and then check to see if the create file command was run, you will see a new file created. So the problem seems to be that the portlet is not able to read the info sent by the server.
    When you reload the portal page you get null errors returned in the portlet.
    In Mozilla the following browser error appears - document.cmdForm.userText has no properties.
    In IE the following browser error appears - document.cmdForm.userText is null or not an object.
    Has anyone had this same problem? Any insight on how to fix this???
    Thanks in advance,

    I am experiencing exactly the same problem.
    Did anyone ever find a solution?
    The telnet portlet logs me in and I am able to run commands but cannot see any output from the portlet. For example if I create a directory via the telnet portlet and check on the server terminal I can see it has been created, but if I do an ls command via the portlet nothing is displayed on screen.
    The portlet was installed on 9ias v9., PDK v9. and Solaris 5.8

  • KE: Java Telnet Portlet - Bug Fixed, New Version Available

    Hi All,
    I have fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException which was being thrown while the telnet applet was running. This has significantly improved the responsiveness of the applet.
    Those of you who are using or looking for a telnet portlet, please test this portlet out and give me your feed back.
    You may find the portlet at the following location in knowledge exchange,
    alternatively, you may browse for the portlet under the contributions of [email protected]

    This is possible, actualy if you have the time you could just modify the source and get it going.
    Let me see, if i can make it. I shall make a few changes and upload the portlet soon. If your need is immediate, then contact me directly, i will guide you through the rest.

  • Telnet portlet

    Has someone created a telnet portlet similar to the netlet in iplanet portal?

    I haven't seen the portlet from iplanet, but perhaps one of these will meet your needs:

  • Header portlet issue: User settings not passed to Header portlet on "My Pages"

    I am trying to write a header portlet which reads User Settings (User preference). The settings are retrieved correctly and the header portlet works fine on a Community portlet but when browsing "My Pages" or "Knowledge Directory" the settings are not being passed to the header portlet. I have tried this on multiple portals and I get the same behavior. Can you kindly let me know the cause of the problem and help me fix this issue Thanks,Rakesh

    I was able to figure out setting the global display on the default pages, but I'm still stymied at how to set the display for the page portlets for user customizations. In instances where users have added a page portlet, only the portlet header is displayed. I've done the following to try to fix the situation:
    - Deleted and regenerated the page portlets
    - Refreshed the repository
    - Refreshed the display for individual user pages
    Nothing seems to work. This is a major showstopper for us: we are scheduled to go "live" with the version on Friday, and we do not want to ask users to recustomize their pages.
    Thanks for all the help!

  • Page Navigation Portlet issue

    I am having an issue with a page navigation portlet. I am using adaptive tags and we have actually implemented one custom tag that outputs the current page id.
    I will paste the code here. The issue is that in our portal the pages don't show up in the order we have set in community editor. They are showing up ordered by page id.
    This is being done on 6.0 sp1.
    Here is the code I am using.
    <link type="text/css" href="pt://images/plumtree/common/custom/CIENA/PageNavStandard/MenuStyle.css" rel="StyleSheet" lang="en" />
    <div id="PageNavStandard" xmlns:pt="">
    <div id="PageNavStandardTitle">Navigation</div>
    <pt:ptdata.currcommunitypagesdata pt:id="compages" />
         <ul id="MenuNav">
         <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="compages" pt:var="commpg">
                        var linkstr = "<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.url" />";
                        var PageReg = new RegExp(/PageID=(\d*)\D/);
                        if(PageReg.exec("<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.url" />")[1] == <pt:ciena.currpageid/>) {
                             document.write('<a href=" + linkstr +  id="ActivePage" ">');
                        } else {
                             document.write('<a href=" + linkstr +  ">');
                        document.write('<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>');
                        //document.write(PageReg.exec("<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.url" />")[1]);
                   </script> <!--
                   <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                        <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>

    That is most peculiar because we are doing a nearly identical page navigation portlet and we have the ability to shuffle the pages via the community object.
    Are you using your code in publisher or in a custom portlet?
    Perhaps you could try using this code in publisher and see if the results are returned appropriately:
    <span xmlns:pt=''>
    <!-- TOKEN NAMESPACE -->
    <pt:namespace pt:token="$$TOKEN$$"/>
    <style type="text/css">
            #pt-portlet-$$TOKEN$$ {
                    background-color: #3366CC;
                    font: verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
                    font-size: 10px;
              margin-bottom: 10px;
            #portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$ td {
              font: verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
              font-size: 10px;
              color: #8CB5DE;
         #portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$ a {
              text-decoration: none;
              color: #FFFFFF;
            #portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$ a:hover {
              text-decoration: underline;
       #portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$ td {
          color: #8CB5DE;
          text-decoration: none;
          font: bold 10px verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
       #portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$ a {
          color: #8CB5DE;
          text-decoration: none;
          font: bold 10px verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
       #portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$ a:hover {
         text-decoration: underline;
    <!-- get the portal data -->
    <pt:ptdata.currcommunitypagesdata pt:id="commmenu"/>
    <pt:ptdata.editcommunitydata pt:id="commactions"/>
    <pt:ptdata.currparentcommunitydata pt:id="parent"/>
    <pt:ptdata.currentcommunitypageiddata pt:id="currpage" />
    <table id="portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$" width="100%">
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td class="platportletwideheader">
          <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="parent" pt:var="curr">
             <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$curr.url"><pt:logic.value pt:value="$curr.title"/></pt:core.html>/
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$">
          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
                  <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="commmenu" pt:var="commpg">
                  <!-- currpage will be set to null if it's not the current page -->
             <pt:standard.when pt:test="intsequal" pt:int1="$currpage.PageID" pt:int2="$commpg.PageID">
              <tr bgcolor="#338AF0" width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                   <td width="15px" align="right"><img src="images/bullet_white_highlight.gif" /></td>
                               <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                             <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>
                   <td valign="middle" align="right" style="padding-bottom:5px;"><img src="images/leftnav_arrow.gif" border="0" /></td>
              <tr width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                   <td width="15px" align="right"><img src="images/bullet_white.gif" /></td>
                   <td colspan="2">
                        <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                             <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>
                <td colspan="3"> </td>
             <pt:ptdata.currrelatedcommunitiesdata pt:id="relcomms" />
             <pt:ptdata.currsubcommunitiesdata pt:id="relcomms" />
         <pt:ptdata.sortcollectiondata pt:id="sortedsubcomms" pt:data="relcomms" pt:sortby="title" pt:sorttype="string"></pt:ptdata.sortcollectiondata>
              <pt:standard.when pt:test="isEmpty" pt:col="relcomms">
                   <tr><!--dotted line-->
                        <td colspan="3" background="images/dotted_line_leftnav.gif"><img src="images/spc.gif" width="180" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                                 <td colspan="3" class="platportletwideheader">Associated Communities</td>
                   <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="sortedsubcomms" pt:var="commpg" >
                                 <tr width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                             <td height="16"> </td>
                                    <td colspan="2">
                                         <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                                              <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>
              <pt:standard.when pt:test="stringToACLGroup('group=1,771;').isMember($currentuser)" >
                   <tr><!--dotted line-->
                        <td colspan="3" background="images/dotted_line_leftnav.gif"><img src="images/spc.gif" width="180" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                   <!-- PORTAL TOOLS -->
                               <td colspan="3" class="platportletwideheader">Portal Tools</td>
                            <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="commactions" pt:var="element">
                            <tr width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                        <td height="16"> </td>
                               <td colspan="2">
                                    <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$element.url">
                                         <pt:logic.value pt:value="$element.title"/>
          <td> </td>

  • File Upload Portlet Issue

    I have a portlet written in .NET that allows a user to upload a file that is saved to a server and some back-end processing is done. I'm running into an issue where I can't upload a file over 80 MB. I have adjusted the setting in .NET to allow the file size for up to 400 MB. But, my Plumtree Portal is running on Tomcat on Windows. Is there another setting in either Tomcat or Plumtree that I need to adjust?
    Thanks, Jamie

    The binary gateway for Plumtree has a limit of 50mb. You can turnoff binary gateway, which you have to do it in 5.01 to fix some problems, or change the MaxPostData registry DWORD. You might even have to increase its timeout settings for files that large. See this article below:
    If you have a problem getting to it, just search for "binary gateway" and it should be the first hit.
    Hope this helps!--Jason ParrishFTN Financial

  • 902 Status Portlet issues

    I've added the Status portlet to a page in 902. I've also set up a page approval process. A user with Manage With Approval privs adds some content and a page owner approves the content with a comment.
    The user with Manage With Approval refreshes their page and can see the new content approved in the Status portlet.
    I assume I can display the full approval notification (including the approval comments) by clicking on the approval status, but when I do the a Javascript error is displayed in my browser (IE5.5):
    Is this a bug or an install/config problem?
    This is limiting the usefulness of one of the most eagerly awaited features of 902.

    Please see my related post on Subscriptions. I have raised a TAR (2487712.999) against the problems with the Notification and Status portlets (used in the context of Subscriptions).
    However, the problem with the Task portlet is generic across ALL aspects of its use - Approval, Subscriptions etc.
    Jerry has raised a bug: 2479682 which is internal currently, but I don't know the exact details of what it covers because the problems I identified with the Subscriptions process covered a number of potential bugs for each of the Notification and Status portlets.
    Basically, to replicate this specific issue (identified in this thread), create an approval process for a page and fire it off by adding some content by a user with Manage With Approval. This limited-privilege user cannot check the status DETAILS of their request - the hyperlink with 'PENDING', 'APPROVED' etc. appears, but if you click on it a Javascript error appears instead of (I assume) a pop-up detail screen appearing with the full history of the approval process. I have tested this on Internet Explorer 5.5. Does it work ok on Netscape???
    These issues identified are quite fundamental to significant areas of new functionality in release 902. It will make the task of pursuading my customers to migrate or new customers to take up Portal 902 and I hope they will be rectified soon!

  • Mandatory portlet issue

    I have a requirement in which I need to display 5 portlets as mandatory portlet on home page. I have a template in which there are three regions on my home page. Region 1 & 3 are narrow regions and region 2 is wide.
    I need to add 2 mandatory portlets in region-1 and 3 mandatory portlets in region-3. To achieve this I have set priority for mandatory in portlet security section.
    Below is the details of the priority given to the mandatory portlets:
    Region - 1
    Portlet - 1 : Very High
    Portlet - 2 : Medium
    Region - 2
    Portlet - 1 : High
    Portlet - 2 : Low
    Portlet - 3 : Very Low
    The problem here I am facing is that the Portlet - 3 which I need to be displayed in Region - 3 is coming in Region - 1.
    Please suggest some workaround so that my Portlet - 3 should come in Region - 3.

    OK, so this issue is resolved. However its all very wierd, and I am concerned it may come up again. Anyways the steps were:
    I looked up OSS notes and found one exactly for this scenario: 746396. According to this note, this issue happens with Infotypes with Time Constraint of '3'. So Emergency Address had a TC of 3, and it was understandable that this problem occured. I also tested this with other address subtypes not of TC 3 and they worked fine. When I decided that we had to implement the code changes as part of this note, I saw that this note was applicable only to Release 500, whereas ours is 600. I also compared the code and verified that the code changes suggested in the note were already applied. Just to try, I changed the TC of IT6 ST4 to 2 and then the iView worked fine. I changed the TC back to 3 and expected it to fail, but then the iView continued to work correctly. I tested various scenarios, and everything is working just fine.
    However in the SAP world I hate the unknowns, since they come back again. If anyone has an explaination for this please let me know. Otherwise, for now, the iView is working fine.

  • Portlets Issues:-  Included resource or file  not found

    I am facing some problems in the loading of portlets with Weblogic 9.2.When I access the portal url all the portlets are displayed blank by giving the following error message on the server :
    <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101214> <Included resource or file "/mysamples/exampleView.jsp" not found from requested resource "/portal/ep/".>
    My application is using pluto portlet container,
    When I change the jsp file and reload portlet displays but after restarting the server it is again gone ,
    Can someone please provide some pointers on this , I will really appreciate the help .
    Thanks a lot
    -- Vandana

    has anyone got the solution I am getting the same error.
              mine is weblogic 6.1 in clustered env and when I am opening the browser and clicking on the link first time it is showing me no content in the pop up browser and I am getting the same error on the server as you people have got. help will be appreciated a lot as I am facing this in production env

  • SSH /Telnet Access Issue

    Hi ,
    I installed OEL4.6 (32 bit) on two servers with all the important packages to install the Oracle 10g. I configured the Host1 as and Host2 as I have configure the NICs and can verify with 'ifconfig'. I have entries for both servers in the /etc/hosts file. I can ping the Host1 from Host2 and vice-versa.
    I checked and started the sshd with 'service sshd start' with status OK. While installing the OS I did not opt for firewall. I am not able to login to any of the server using ssh. Neither from Host1 to Host2 nor from Putty (SSH Client). Ping is only working.
    Please help me to resolve the issue.

    Hi Guys,
    I checked and ssh port is open. I started the vnc on this server but it is not working from vnc client. For local console of Host1 I am able to login from Host1 by it self through ssh. But not from Putty or any other ssh client. From the same Putty I am able to login to other server in same subnet.
    22/tcp open ssh
    111/tcp open rpcbind
    740/tcp open netcp
    1521/tcp open oracle
    4444/tcp open krb524
    5801/tcp open vnc-http-1
    5901/tcp open vnc-1
    and I also did service iptables status.
    [root@host1 oracle]# service iptables status
    Firewall is stopped.
    [root@host1 oracle]# service iptables stop
    [root@hsot1 oracle]# service iptables start
    [root@host1 oracle]# service iptables status
    Firewall is stopped.

  • Help!!!: Telnet Portlet

    I installed it, in my environment and it works fine and cannot emulate my customer's problem:
    My customer installed it and tells me that when accessing any command, the response he gets is "null" He claims the echo terminal, tells him VT100 which is what the portlet emulates ... He gets this symptom in both HPUX 11.11 and Linux AS 2.1 ...
    Any ideas ???

    The workflow team is in the process of creating portlets for things like status and notifications. I believe they are planning to release them early next year, but you would need to confirm that with them.

  • Telnet security issue?

    I am trying to telnet into a Windows 2003 machine to start the oracle appserver using the opmnctl.exe startall command. This works fine if I am physically on the machine, however when during the telnet session I get:
    Unable to Open Service with error Access is denied.
    Warning: Service startup failed, starting opmn.exe directly
    pingwait exits with 1220384
    Timed out waiting for OPMN to initialize. OPMN may be down or
    taking a long time to initialize. Will not attempt to start
    processes because OPMN is unreachable. If OPMN is initializing,
    retrying the command may prove successful. If OPMN is down,
    correct the underlying problem before retrying the command.
    Anyone know why I am getting this? The security of the opmnctl.exe seems to be set up for the telnet user. Thanks in advance.

    Why not remote desktop?

  • Deploy jsr168 portlet issue by jsr168import.jsp

    I got a question.
    I want to deploy some 168 portlet to weblogic portal,so I follow the document.
    after perform import done,show me the message,it means successful.then I open a tab of browse
    put the wsdl address URL,it was show me the wsdl content.
    but when I create new producer,in the second step,I can't see the portlet,it means no portlets for me.
    (2. View Producer's Portlets,I can't see my deployed portlet)
    what wrong with my operated.
    hope you can help me ,thank you so much.

    Hello again,
    I should mention that as a workaround, you can use the JSR168 import tool as it exists in WLP 10.3 and have it generate but not deploy the EAR file for you. Inside the EAR you should find a directory named the same as your original WAR file with a WEB-INF/ subdirectory. You should be able to copy all of the generated configuration files out of this WEB-INF/ directory. Go back to the root level directory of the EAR (which has a subdirectory named the same as your original WAR file), expand your original WAR file there so that it overwrites the WAR directory, then copy the configuration files you saved off back into the WEB-INF directory. Finally, jar up the EAR file again and it should be ready to deploy.

  • Portlet issue

    Portlets created in workshop 8.1 sp3 is not showing up on the Portal Administration under Portal Resources->Library->All Portlets.
    I am using MS SQL Server for portal database.
    Getting this exception when I build the app:
    javax.ejb.EJBException: SQL Error while trying to createMarkupDefinition: SQL [i
    , WEBAPP_NAME, MARKUP_FILE, BEGIN_XML, END_XML) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)] database
    error code [515] SQL state [HY000]. Possible markup duplication of [{5}].; nest
    ed exception is: java.sql.SQLException: [BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]C
    annot insert the value NULL into column 'MODIFIED_DATE', table 'weblogic_sb.srin
    ib.PF_MARKUP_DEFINITION'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
    your help is highly appreciated.
    srini Bellary

    I don't see any triggers on this table, do I need to create one, I thought BEA does this in the background.
    I am able to see the portlets in the portal admin when I use pointbase, but fails with SQL Server 8.

Maybe you are looking for

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