Text filter antialiasing

applying a drop shadow filter to a textfield changes its antialiasing so the text goes from smooth (subpixel antialiasing) to quite blocky  (whole antialiasing). Is there anyway to add a text shadow without changing the antialiasing?

applying a drop shadow filter to a textfield changes its antialiasing so the text goes from smooth (subpixel antialiasing) to quite blocky  (whole antialiasing). Is there anyway to add a text shadow without changing the antialiasing?

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    The same approach can be used with Smart Collections

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    I attempted to adjust the white level, the field order, but don't think ever got to messing around with FCP's processing settings...I am actually encoding the film right now as I was under the gun and actually found the "scroll" plugin in FCP to work just as good if not better than Motion without any tweaking so had to roll wth that. I will attempt to tweak the Motion file again though as I cannot bear sub-par credits. Will also email you the Motion file if you don't mind.

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    Try trashing your prefs...
    #44: FCP acting weird - Trash Prefs
    Shane's Stock Answer #44: FCP acting weird or unusual. Just not like is normally should
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    hello, you could create a custom search keyword while on google.com like this: [[How to search IMDB, Wikipedia and more from the address bar]]. afterwards you can edit the address of the keyword by going to the bookmark that was created for it, right-click that, go to properties and add the &filter=0 string to the address.
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    Damby, please tell us your jdev version.
    Check my blog http://tompeez.wordpress.com/2011/10/29/jdev-how-to-reset-a-filter-on-an-aftable/ you can add this to the button you use to create the new record.

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    alright already ! easier to doi than explain
    open up the FXBuilder [Tools>FXBuilder], then cut and paste the text below into the Editor window... create it [FXBuilder>Create Plugin...] give it a name, and save it into your /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Plugins folder.
    // Plugin Text follows
    scriptid "Andy's Text Filter" //DO NOT LOCALIZE
    filter "Andy's Text Filter"
    group "Text"
    input str, "Text", text, "SAMPLE TEXT" textheight 10;
    input fontname, "Font", FontList, "", "str";
    input fontsize, "Size", slider, 36, 0, 1000 ramp 80 detent 36;
    input fontstyle, "Style", popup, 1, "Plain", "Bold", "Italic", "Bold/Italic";
    input center, "Center", point, 0, 0.3;
    input fontcolor, "Font Color", color, 255, 255, 255, 255;
    input ignoreOpacity, "Ignore Opacity (Faster)", checkbox, 1
    input opacityTC, "Opacity", slider, 100, 0, 100 detent 100;
    input backcolor, "Back Color", color, 255, 0, 0, 0;
    float a, d, w, h;
    point centeroftxt, framesize, poly[4], txtbox[4];
    fontcolor.a = 255;
    backcolor.a = 255;
    dimensionsof(dest, framesize.x, framesize.y);
    fontsize *= (framesize.x / 640)
    if fontstyle == 4          //     bold & italic
    else if fontstyle == 3     //     italic
    else if fontstyle == 2     //     bold
    else                         //     plain
    end if;
    centeroftxt = framesize;
    centeroftxt *= center;
    measurestringplain(str, w, h, a, d, aspectof(dest));
    makerect(txtbox, centeroftxt.x-w/2, centeroftxt.y-a/2, w, a);
    poly = txtbox;
    scale(poly, centeroftxt, 1.1, 1.5);
    if ignoreOpacity
         // This performs faster, because it avoids a bunch of extra processing
         dest = src1
         backcolor.a = 255
         fillpoly( poly, dest, backcolor )
         channelfill(dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         fillpoly(poly, dest, kwhite);
         channelcopy(dest, dest, kred, knone, knone, knone);
         channelfill(dest, -1, backcolor.r, backcolor.g, backcolor.b);
         Matte(dest, src1, dest, opacityTC/100, kalpha);
    end if
    drawstringplain(str, txtbox, dest, fontcolor, aspectof(dest));

  • Subpixel rendering of text

    The current options to render text (sharp, crisp, etc) are not good enough.
    Many UI designers work with fonts between 9-13px.  Photoshop's text rendering engine needs an option for subpixel rendering much the same way browers handing text and Flash TLF.  This process introduces color artifacts but the results are sharper, more legible text.

    Do you mean color filter antialiasing?   (all antialiasing is subpixel)
    We can't do that (nor can any image editor that knows what they're doing). Color filter antialiasing only works for final output -- when you know what's being the text, and what display the text is on, what orientation it's being shown at, etc.   That's one reason why the OS makers are dropping color filter antialiasing: it doesn't work well for portable devices, arbitrary displays, new display technologies, composited views, etc.
    And Photoshop CS6's text rendering is much closer to OS and browser rendering without trying to be bug compatible with every minor OS and browser version (yeah, they change text rendering that often).

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    Not sure why you're getting no Real Time playback on the FCP text filter (red render bar) Regardless, even though the Boris titles will play back RT they ultimately need to be rendered as well (green render bar) and will likely look crisper once you do. Boris Title 3D should give you the best results. You could also try Live Type.

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