Extraktion Text filter on language

The BI system is installed in EN language.
I want to extract text in FR language and stored it as EN in the system.
When I extract text data only DE and EN text are extracted.
Which parameter should i changed to extractFR in ECC system?
Should i changed RFC user parameter?
Should i changed settings in BI?
Thanks for your help,

Sorry if this is a problem already discussed...I ran a search and didn't find any threads about it.

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    Please help.

    Hi Kiran,
    In the message class corresponding to that message give the place holders &&&&.
    Like 001    &&&&
    in the program.
    Message <class>001 with text-001 text-002 text-003 text-004.
    then you could disply long text.translation takes place if u enter in different language automatically.

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    Hi Rajesh,
    Please check the threads below:
    Language settings
    Language settings in Portal for WAD reports
    The same is discussed in these threads, i have explained what is required to be done and what can we do.
    And if the text is maitained in the Italy in R/3 then the best option is that u simply load the text from R/3 with language key. - That is simply far most better and easiest way out.
    hope this helps to u.
    Edited by: Dipika Tyagi on Jun 27, 2008 12:12 PM

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    Thanks DEV, to clarify, for this particular PO with PL vendor, only item text in PL language is maintained. It doesn't seem like SD, we can manually choose language and maintain texts in different language (I think I saw some notes saying this - one PO one language of text only).
    Also both from other threads I saw and my test proves via maintaining communication condition record with other language doesn't work.
    However from you second thread, I am curious about this saying :
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    Then in Message determination IMG settings or NACE.
    You can modify the output type NEU
    here change the language from EN to your relevant language as per SAP.
    If you want the both EN other language then copy the std NEU & create as per your requirement & mention the language in that new out put type.
    I want to know how to change the language for a output type?  I search the whole output type configuration but I didn't find anywhere to maintain language for a output type.
    Thanks Susan
    PS, so far I feel the first reply from Sharma makes sense, the only thing is not sure if SAP is supporting the idea of making change to routine (comprehension issue)

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    Ashok Sangal

    Hi Ashok
    Activate business function OPS_PS_CL1
    Multi language support has to be activated fro the Object ML(IMG-->Project system-->activate multi language support)
    when you create a new PS object , a new tab short text appears, in which you can maintain different language keys and description
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    check the table T582T.
    reward points if helpful

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    How did you save the XML?  Trace into the Flex console doesn't seem to support unicode.
    The examples posted here:
    Contain the TextLayoutEditor example that shows exporting displaying the markup with unicode and saving it to a file.  Look for FileIOHelper.as.
    Hope that helps,

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    Thanks and regards,
    Ashlesha Desai

    I don't know if there's an unique solution, you should try to open an OSS message
    All tables with description should have the language (usually field SPRAS) as key fields
    so u can try to read a record and create a new one but with the new language:
    select * from makt where spras = 'ZH'.
       makt-spras = 'E'.
       makt-maktx = ......
       insert makt.
    But it's better to analize the risk

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      I am working on smartfroms.
      I have to display the text in different languages using smartforms.
      how to proceed ?

    To Display in Different Languages:
    In the Smartform you create:
    In General Attributes, in Translate, select the radiobutton 'Into Selected Languages' and specify the lang for which you want the translation to be available.
    To translate:
    Go to SE63.
    In menu, Translation -> ABAP Objects -> Other Long Texts.
    In the Object Type Selection window that appears, expand FS ( Forms and Styles) and choose SSF (SAP SmartForms)
    Specify your form name in Object Name and select the source and target lang and click on Edit button.
    In the editor screen specify translated text in the lower half.
    After you are done, click on Save Active button.
    To view your form in the translated language, specify that language when you login.
    Goto SE76.
    Specify the script name, source and target language. Click on Create/Change button.
    Specify all the translations. Click on release.
    It will prompt you to translate window contents.
    Double click on the window and translate the contents. When you are done, the Translation Status will become COMPLETED. Click on Release again.
    (You can edit and check too)
    Now when you preview by choosing the desired language, the translated script is displayed.
    Hope this helps
    Edited by: Jayanthi K on Jan 15, 2009 9:34 AM
    Edited by: Jayanthi K on Jan 15, 2009 9:35 AM

  • Maitain text in diff languages

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           plz give me the right suggestion for this req.

    Hi Rai
    I guess providing below info can help in expecting better advices for the requirement:
    1. Transaction.
    2. Table.
    3. How the text is going to be inputted.
    4. Is it that, you need to copy the same text into different languages or do you need to translate the text into different languages and then store???
    Kind Regards

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    I have an original image with 2 virutal copies, one containing "Copy 1", the other one "Copy 2" in the Copy Name attribute.
    I was playing around with smart collections (and text filters as well), trying to identify all my VCs with the term "Copy 1" in the Copy Name attribute.
    I notice that Starts with or Ends with Copy 1 does not show any results (?)
    Contains Copy 1 will also show images with Copy 2, Copy 3, Copy 4 .... (seems to be "Copy OR 1")
    Contains all Copy 1 will also show images with Copy 10, Copy 11, Copy 12
    Contains words Copy 1 does not show any results (?)
    How can I search for an exact term (including spaces) in an attribute (like "Copy 1" in Google)?
    Thanks for your help.
    Beat Gossweiler

    In Text filter you should be able to use Copy Name Contains All Copy 1+
    The + sign means Ends with.
    The same approach can be used with Smart Collections

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    What is the user SQL Full-text filter daemon launcher service if in case we can stop the service what will happen.
    Can you please give me the clear picture of this SQL Full-text filter daemon launcher service.
    kindly give me the ANSWER....

    Please refer the below links:
    This topic describes how to set the service account for the
    SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher service (MSSQLFDLauncher) by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. The SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher service is used by full-text search ssNoVersionto start the filter daemon host process,
    which handles full-text search filtering and word breaking. This service must be running to use full-text search.

  • Replacing form and dialog text to foreign language

    I'm trying to translate some english text to foreign language, but I just cant get it to work in webforms and popup dialog boxes.  It works fine with text that I have typed on the page, but the system-generated text just stay's unchanged
    please help!      This is the javascript that works fine with all text except system-generated test:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkLoad(){
    if (document.readyState === "complete") {
    document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/Not set/g, "Ikki &aacute;sett");
    } else {
    setTimeout('checkLoad();', 1500)
    Would like the text "Not set" in event bookings (when capacity is not defined) to say "Ikki ásett"  ... but it just does'nt work ..    And dialog pop-ups like "Please enter ..."  to be translated to  "Vinarliga útfyll"

    what do you mean by convert? if you really mean translate then no. there are no good tools in existence anywhere for computer translation from one language into another. that's very hard. there are some online tools like this one http://translate.google.com/# but they do poor job of actual translation if you need to translate actual text and not single words as anybody who used them can testify.

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