Textframe / table / shadow / crash

I got a problem I can't seem to solve: I have a textframe with a table in it. so far no problem. When I give this textframe a  fill ( this causes no problem) and a shadow my problem begins.
When I want to select a cell or multiple cells of the table, my Indesign always craches.
When I go in a cell with my type tool: no problem ...
Has anyone had this problem before? and how did you solve this?

Hey Peter,
I did indeed yesterday, and now everything works perfect!
Thanks for your input.

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    Hi Alexander,
    If you are performing multiple qualifier table mapping and importing then you will hav eto create differnt map for each table importing.In that case you will rrquire multiple inbound ports and in each ports deatils you will give the map name pertaining to which qualified lookup table you wish to import.
    Actually using automatic importing for lookups is not desirable as the lookups always need to be prepopulated before your main table importing.
    The exception taht you are receiving could be due to the reason that the map you are saving is using only one table mapping and so most of the fields are left unmapped.
    try not to use automatic importing for Lookup qualifier tables and use manual importing and see if the the exception still comes.
    Hope it helps
    Kindly reaward points if found useful

  • CS3: XML tables cause crashes?

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    Many thanks!

    Certainly, sorry, I should have done that first! It's in situations like this:
    <text paragraphSequence='200'>Some content text here</text>
    <Table xmlns:aid='http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeInDesign/4.0/' aid:table='table' aid:trows = '2' aid:tcols = '2'>
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    I never met this behaviour so I made a new try.
    I was able to insert the entire set of Greek characters with no problem.
    So, I guess that something is wrong in your system.
    a - reset Permissions using Disk Utility
    b- trash these preferences files:
    <bootVolume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Preferences:com.apple.iWork.Keynote.pli st
    <bootVolume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Preferences:com.apple.iWork.Numbers.pli st
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 9 février 2008 12:32:48)

  • Table component crashes Yahoo Widget Engine

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    - Run it.
    - Open the Table component example in the menu, maybe even click a row.
    - Right click the widget and close it.
    - A crash report of yahoo widgets pops up.
    This sometimes occures when using the sort button of the table and only occures when tables are used. I have tested this on an updated unclean and clean xp install of a Dell Latitude D830 and HP dv9064 pavilion. The main similarity is that both use an nVidia card.
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    I'm assuming the problem lies with the code of Yahoo (widget framework) or Cairographics (gui framework) but was wondering nontheless whether I'm the only case of this issue.
    Edited by: Olivier Schietecat on Jun 25, 2009 2:19 PM

    I think that problem exist because MS SQL 2008 SP2 is used with MS DMP 2010.
    But I can't create backup DPM databases - solutions described in article submited by you doesn't work.
    c:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\bin>DpmBackup.exe -db -instanceName MSSQLSERVER -certificates
    DpmBackup 1.0 - Data Protection Manager backup command-line tool
    Copyright (c) 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Error: Failed to connect to server BRONZYT\mssqlserver.
    DpmBackup encountered an internal error. Check the Application Event Log for the
    cause of the failure. Fix the cause and retry the operation. For additional tro
    ubleshooting information, see the DPM Troubleshooting Guide.
    Can I do DPM database backup in another way e.g. SQL Management Console before reinstalling MS SQL 2008 and DPM 2010?
    I can't lose my DPM server data.
    Wojciech Sciesinski

  • Table shadow in Dreamweaver

    Is it possible to assign a shadow effect to a table
    in Dreamweaver?
    I am designing a template that has tables with rounded
    corners much like the example site, but I would also like to add
    shadow to the table to lift it off the page. Can this be done in

    It is done in the CSS code but it is not fully cross browser
    This page will help
    Paul Whitham
    Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Valleybiz Internet Design
    "paulkirtley" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e4ja9n$fg3$[email protected]..
    Is it possible to assign a shadow effect to a table
    > Dreamweaver?
    > Example: <a target=_blank
    > href="
    > I">
    > I</a> am designing a template that has tables with
    rounded corners much
    > like
    > the example site, but I would also like to add shadow to
    the table to lift
    > it
    > off the page. Can this be done in Dreamweaver?
    > Thanks

  • Nested Tables - Oracle Crashes !

    Hello Everyone
    You might help me to sleep tonight.
    Ok, here is the problem.
    I used a nested table to collect data. After collection, I get repeated records in collection result. I tried to operate to get a distinct result operating SQL operation but oracle gives nasty error and kicks me out the session.
    HERE is the code :
    create or replace package rule_engine
    type t_course_count is table of number(2);
    Procedure main;
    end rule_engine;
    create or replace package body rule_engine
    procedure main
    v_course_count t_course_count:=t_course_count(1,2,3,4);
    i t_course_count;
    insert into table(i) select * from table(v_course_count);
    end main;
    end rule_engine;

    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
      2  /
    Type created.
      2    a INTEGER,
      3    b table_type)
      4    NESTED TABLE b STORE as b_1;
    Table created.
      2    a INTEGER,
      3    b table_type)
      4    NESTED TABLE b STORE as b_2;
    Table created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO r VALUES (1, table_type ('a', 'b'));
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO s VALUES (1, table_type ('b', 'c'));
    1 row created.
      2  FROM   r, s
      3  WHERE  r.a = s.a;
             A C
             1 TABLE_TYPE('a', 'b', 'c')

  • Table View crashing when trying to use UITableViewCell from NIB

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    static NSString *StatID = @"MyStatCell";
    StatCell *statCell =(StatCell*) [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:StatID];
    if(statCell == nil){
    statCell = (StatCell *) [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"StatCellView" owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:1];
    [statCell autorelease];
    return statCell;
    The initial TableView shows up fine, however once I scroll past a few rows, it halts with the EXECBADACCESS. Any ideas as to what my issue may be?
    Thanks a ton

    You can try to select only one setting at the time in [[Clear Recent History]] to see which one is causing the crash.

  • InDesign CS3 crashing adding table style...HELP!!

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    Place document from Word in to InDesign document
    Highlight table to be changed
    Convert text using paragraph styles
    Alter column widths to fit page
    Highlight entire table to select table style
    Click desired table style
    I have tried the following things with NO LUCK:
    Deleted adobefntX file multiple times (actually worked for a couple of hours first time I did it)
    Deleted InDesign preferences (did nothing)
    Re-created all "Styles" in InDesign (Character, Paragraph, Cell, & Table) (Did nothing)
    Changed the order in which I altered the tables text and formatting (thinking it was just a silly order problem)
    Unistalled and Re-installed CS3 (worked for 5 tables and then CRASH)
    Updated ALL software (Adobe and Mac)
    Started up in Safe mode and CRASH!!!
    I realize from seraching for this problem on the web that I am probably the ONLY person having this issue, but I thought it was a font problem until I started in Safe Mode and still crashed.  I am totally confused as to what I should do next.  I am running on a
    Model Name:    MacBook Pro
    Model Identifier:    MacBookPro4,1
    Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed:    2.4 GHz
    Number Of Processors:    1
    Total Number Of Cores:    2
    L2 Cache:    3 MB
    Memory:    4 GB
    Bus Speed:    800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version:    MBP41.00C1.B03
    SMC Version (system):    1.27f1
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    I am not familiar with InDesign Interchange, do you think this will help?
    That's why I suggested it. But you didn't answer my question: Is this happening with only one file? The reason I ask is because if one file is corrupted, saving to INX and back to INDD often clears out minor corruptions. If you're seeing this in many files it's unlikely they're all corrupt.
    1. Convert text using paragraph styles - I meant modified "placed" text using character styles
    Now I'm really confused. Your steps are:
    Place document from Word in to InDesign document
    Highlight table to be changed
    Modify placed text using character styles
    Are you really highlighting an entire table and applying a character style? While this will work to modify certain formatting aspects, it's not really the best approach. Character styles are for characters *within* a paragraph. Paragraph styles are for *entire* paragraphs. Each table cell contains at least one full paragraph, even if it's just a single number, a space, even if there's nothing there at all. If you want to format the contents of an entire cell or range of cells with the same formatting, use a paragraph style, not a character style. If you want to italicize one or two words in some text in a cell (the way I just did), then use a character style.
    I really feel that the issue either stems from fonts or from placing the document from Word.
    Could be. Cheap fonts are the cause of many problems in Indesign. Indesign is really picky about fonts. But let's try the easy fix first (INX). If you don't trust it, save the .inx to a new .indd filename (keep your old .indd file as a backup).

  • Corrupted innodb table crashing mysql instance how to recover table?

    Running a simple query against corrupted innodb table is crashing mysql instance .
    table test.xyz got corrupt during crash and truncate table command was in progressing when mysql crash , now
    running a simple select * query is also crashing db .
    mysql> use test;
    Database changed
    mysql> select * from xyz;
    ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
    mysql> select * from xzy;
    ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
    No connection. Trying to reconnect...
    ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
    Can't connect to the server

    Try to start mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 6
    Or to try to restore by means of the tool:
    MySql Recovery Toolbox and find out how you can use the corrupt MySQL recovery tool for damaged database restoration and easily repair known issues or already known problems, occurred in MySql files. This MySql repair utility offers many benefits
    Supports all MySql file versions and parses even very large documents on older PC computers;
    Supports primary and external keys, tables, views, indexes and other objects;
    Allows previewing recovered data in freeware mode so you can get results without purchasing MySql Recovery Toolbox
    For more information: http://www.mysqlrecoverytoolbox.com/
    As you can look for the answer here:

  • Opening table crashes acrobat plugin---is my table lost?

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    Thank you!

    Please share the form to me ([email protected]), and I'll take a look.

  • DML Error Logging for underlying tables autocreated for dimensions

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    However when it comes to mapping to a dimension, I have some issues with that. I specified the shadowtable name for the underlying table(right clicking on the table in design center and then choosing configure), and after deploying I did check that the error table/shadow table and also the target table were indeed created in the database.
    The problem lies now in the mapping because I am actually mapping to a dimension and not the underlying table the dimension references to. It seems that the mapping did not manage to capture details of the error table for the underlying table that the dimension was referencing to and thus were unable to capture the errors. Only the corrected rows get loaded and there were no error messages during the loading that suggests that the incorrect rows were detected.
    Would appreciate some assistance here.

    The DML error logging feature in 10gR2 and 11gR1 was restricted purely to tables, so the dimension operator did not support it. This is now supported in OWB 11gR2 (plus there is the orphan management functionality).

  • Change font size of an table with javascript

    i am new to developing in javascript as well as to indesign. i have to make a few changes to an existing script. in a user dialouge i get the font size in which the imported table should be. but how can i change the font size of an table???
    please respond as soon as possible. thanks very much in advance.

    do you want do like this (rightside) ?
    To apply font to each cell, you must access TextFrame => Table => Cell => any TextObject
    var doc = app.documents[0];
    // two textframes, they have a table (2x2)
    var tf_one = doc.textFrames[0];
    var tf_two = doc.textFrames[1];
    //applied to story
    tf_one.parentStory.appliedFont = "Myriad Pro\tLight";
    tf_one.parentStory.pointSize = 24;
    //not effective against table text
    //applied to text-object of each cells of table
    tf_two.parentStory.tables[0].cells.everyItem().texts[0].appliedFont = "Myriad Pro\tBold";
    tf_two.parentStory.tables[0].cells.everyItem().texts[0].pointSize = 24;
    thank you

  • Procudure to count all the rows in a all tables in the schema

    When I run the following store procedure to count all the rows in all the tables I crash my sql Plus editor:
    row_count number;
    cursor get_tab is
    select table_name, num_rows
    from all_tables
    where owner='MAXDEV';
    dbms_output.put_line('Checking Record Counts for schema maxdev ');
    FOR get_tab_rec IN get_tab LOOP
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select count(*) from '||get_tab_rec.table_name
              INTO row_count;
                        dbms_output.put_line('Error counting rows for table '
    What am I doing wrong.
    Thanks for any help Tony

    The boss gave me 5 pages of tables and wants to know how many row there are in each table. There is a problem of one DB being out of sync with another.
    But I have managed to work the problem though.
    here is the working code:
    TableOwner IN varchar2)
    row_count number;
    vTable varchar2(30);
    v_sqlstmt varchar2(100);
    cursor get_tab is
    select table_name, num_rows
    from all_tables
    where owner = TableOwner;
    dbms_output.put_line('Checking Record Counts for schema maxdev ');
    FOR get_tab_rec IN get_tab LOOP
    vTable := get_tab_rec.table_name;
    v_sqlstmt := 'SELECT count(*) from '||vTable;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sqlstmt into row_count;
    dbms_output.put_line('Table '|| get_tab_rec.table_name || ' Row ' || row_count);

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