Thank you, Web Server team!

Good morning, all!
I just wanted to let everyone that uses the Sun Java System Web Server along with Netbeans know that Netbeans 6.8 was released today, and the Web Server 7 plugin is already available for download!
Kudos to whomever is responsible for this...your work is greatly appreciated.

I think you already need to have some SJSWS server definitions.. I just followed the exact steps you listed (install nb 6.8, install sjsws plugin, select Tools / Servers) and no window appears.. the key factor here: I told it to import my nb 6.7 settings which includes some sjsws server definitions. I had this same problem when sjsws plugin was first available for nb 6.5. I looked back at that thread ( ) and saw mention of particular java versions.. so I should mention I used Java 6u13 with nb 6.7, but when I installed nb 6.8 I switched to 6u17. (both on Solaris 10 sparc)

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    I think you already need to have some SJSWS server definitions.. I just followed the exact steps you listed (install nb 6.8, install sjsws plugin, select Tools / Servers) and no window appears.. the key factor here: I told it to import my nb 6.7 settings which includes some sjsws server definitions. I had this same problem when sjsws plugin was first available for nb 6.5. I looked back at that thread ( ) and saw mention of particular java versions.. so I should mention I used Java 6u13 with nb 6.7, but when I installed nb 6.8 I switched to 6u17. (both on Solaris 10 sparc)

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    So did I (for about 50K).
    At the end I managed to export in Text format, then opened that with Excel.
    Hope that works for you,

  • Annoucing a few complimentary copies of Sun Web Server: Essentials Guide

    Dear Sun Web Server user,
    As you may have heard, found it on or stumbled on it in the local book store like Borders or Barnes & Noble, there is a new book on Sun Web Server technology. If you haven't, no worries. Please refer to [t-5406033] or visit the [Essential Guide's web site|].
    We are now pleased to announce availability of a few complimentary copies of the Essential Guide. We'll be raffling away the copies in the next few months. If you are interested in a free copy of the book, please read further to enter the raffle.
    It's easy to enter the raffle and get started:
    Step 1: If you haven't already done so, download, install and register.
    Step 2: Write a review of Sun Web Server product on Web Server's official page [1], and
    Step 3: Send us an email webserver at sun dot com, confirming your Step 1 along with a link to your review (Step 2).
    What happens next?
    We'll raffle at least a copy once in a month and the winner(s) will be notified. With may share the raffle results on with a permission from the lucky winners. If you are interested, get started today!
    [1] [Sun Web Server's official page|].
    Disclaimer: Please note that the raffle is organized by the author(s), and that Sun Microsystems or Pearson Media - the publishers of The Essential Guide - are not responsible for the raffle.

    Hi mv,
    I probably mis-spoke. It is not so much the features that are missing in Sun Web Server, as it is the availability of additional user plugins. However, that being said, I chose Sun Web Server over Apache because of security and performance. I realize additional plugins could adversely affect both of those. I have emailed Sun marketing about a specific feature for Web Dav I would like to see. This would make things much easier for people who would like to do mass hosting virtual hosting. Most of the real valuable features that gave Apache an edge, the web server team has added in version 7. I have pasted a portion of the letter I emailed to Sun marketing below about Web Dav, and my logic behind it. This as well as being able to hook the user system into standard open source databases makes for a broader solution appeal. I realize I only have one view of the market, and these are just my two cents. :-) Thanks!
    **** Letter ******
    I was introduced to Sun Web Server several years ago when we began looking at moving servers away from Microsoft technology and also bringing them into our facility. As a network and sys admin, I evaluated using different web servers out there as we had a few years to work on this project to ensure uptime and reliability. Initially, I found Sun Web Server quite confusing and looked at Apache. However, after the web interface was retooled, I found Sun Web Server quite simple and refreshing to use. Since we have to be CISP compliant for the credit card industry, security was very important to us. Not only from a code standpoint, but also from an accidental misconfiguration standpoint. In my opinion, Sun Web Server out shines Apache and other alternatives by a long shot.
    As far as the WebDav feature, what I have been looking at is how to expand and offer hosting and web services. I currently work for a small company which retails products on the web, and I also contribute to a few open source projects. Currently, I am working with We have been discussing how we could offer hosting for people wanting to try out the project. Hosting companies using Linux typically have deep hooks into the Linux operating system for managing users. For hosting, you have a whole specialized Linux stack with specialized disk quotas, users, ftp server with users based on Linux users, and mail. From my standpoint, while this works, it can become a nightmare as far as updates, system administration, patching, etc. For a business ROI, and technology footprint, this doesn't make sense. There are control panels out there that take care of some of this, but now you have another whole layer of technology to troubleshoot. If I do not want to use the Linux/Apache stack, and if I am using Java, and do not want to add Tomcat as well, what do I use? With Sun Web Server, I get the best of both worlds, one install, one piece of software, operating system separation, blazingly fast speed, out of the box clustering, one interface for management, standard serving as well as Java, and WebDav so that now I can eliminate an ftp server and reduce my footprint for security and maintenance headaches. One neat package. However, now I still have to manage and restrict users. How to do this using Sun Web Server? Right now, I have to either run an ftp server with quotas built in, or go back to the Linux operating system and work with specialized scripts an maintenance. In theory, if Sun Web Server had quotas, I have my user system with the controls I need. At the very least, if there were hooks to the WebDav system to perform custom processing on certain events, it would leave the door open for greater control of the user and system. Now if we want to offer a hosting solution, whether it be online storage, web hosting, or Java hosting, or social site, all we need is one product, Sun Web Server! With all of its features for enhancing performance, security, and much more. I might also add, that for a small companies, Sun Web Server has been a pretty much set it and forget it solution. It has been my experience for our servers to run pretty much without intervention once they are setup. With the watch dog process, if there is a problem, it is rarely noticed except for the admin watching the logs. Technically, I am not sure why anyone would choose something different than Sun Web Server. Apache is the hosting standard, but it is really Apache plus Linux. With a few more user features, I think Sun Web Server could replace the whole Apache/Linux stack, the Apache/Linux/Tomcat stack, outshine those solutions on heavy loads and high end features, and offer better ROI.

  • Web Server Filter Based SSO to Non-SAP Apps

    I am following SAP Note 442401 for configuring the Non-SAP App for Web Server Filter based SSO using SAP Logon Ticket. Also, I have downloaded the file.
    The Readme doc of this zip file says:
    "<b>Changes in Web server filter plugins
    The Web server filter plug ins and the Ticket Toolkit now were separated.
    See subdirectories for further information:
    "C"          the Ticket Toolkit
    "filter"     the Web server filter plug ins
    This is the last released version ( on SAPSERV.
    Pleaser refer for newer versions to SAP Service Marketplace (
    Technology Components-> SAP SSOEXT -> SAP SSOEXT</b>"
    Zip file has two folders named "C" and "filter".
    "C" folder has cpp code to varify the ticket.
    "Filter" folder has DLLs for the different web servers.
    So far so good . Now, what I want to know is that is placing the  DLL from the Filter folder onto the respective web server and doing some configs, as per the PDF provided with ZIP file, enough?
    Or do I need to do anything else, like writing any class to read and validate the Ticket?

    See Web Server Filter Based SSO to Non-SAP Apps

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    Configuration’ and ‘Built-in webserver’.
    This is the error message I have been getting:
    “You have successfully completed the first step in
    installing Macromedia Coldfusion MX7”
    However, the ColdFusion service does not appear to be
    running, the web server connectors did not install successfully,
    and the web server and/or website could not bve reached on port 80.
    Possible reasons include the ColdFusion service failing to start,
    blocked 2920 or 51011 ports, or the web server and/or website is
    not running or is not configured to listen on port 80 (in which
    case this is not an error).
    Please complete the following steps to complete the
    1) Consult the Installation Guide on how to manually
    configure the web server connecttor,
    2) Ensure any firewall software blocking ports 2920 or 51011
    is disabled,
    3) Ensure the ColdFusion service is started,
    4) Manually configure your web server connectors,
    5) Confirm you web server and websites are started, and
    6) Continure your installatino by logging in to the
    Configuration wizard at
    I cannot find an Installation Guide. Have switched off the
    firewall in the ‘Sharing’ folder in the System
    Preferences. Don’t know how I would manually configure web
    server connectors and can find nothing in the Macromedia support
    What can I do? I am very keen to learn and use Coldfusion.
    Any help greatly apprecitated.

    You should be able to find what you're looking for here:

  • Difference between web server & application server

    Hi everybody ,
    Pl .forgive me for my ignorance.I can't understand the difference between Application server & web server .
    KIndly help me .

    A web server basically just copies files over the network using HTTP. It needn't support server-side execution of any kind of application code (except the server itself, of course). Application servers, on the other hand, provide a platform for application development.
    In the J2EE world the term "Application server" is usually used to distinguish a fully-fledged server with an EJB container and JMS (such as JBOSS or BEA Weblogic Server) from containers that only implement the web application container part of the J2EE spec (such as Tomcat or BEA Weblogic Express).

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    Please see this for starters
    Brendan made the personal decision to not only step down from CEO but to also leave Mozilla. This has lead to some individuals and article writers assuming he was fired or forced to resign.
    I get the feeling that you came to the (wrong) conclusion that Mozilla only found out about his support prop 8 donation (made in 2008) after he went from CTO to CEO and the board then must have fired or forced him out after. This is not true as Mozilla knew about this donation since March 2012 due to a article that was written at time. Thanks to California law where such donations require name, employer and it be public record somebody found it and wrote about then. If the board did not support Brendan for who he is then perhaps he would not have been made CEO right?
    You should keep using Firefox as Brendan Eich would want that and because Mozilla did not fire nor forced him out.
    In fact he could probably come back to working at Mozilla in some role if he wanted to as the Mozilla board encouraged him to stay in some capacity when he chose to leave.
    Chris Ilias made a long post about what happened and the support that Mozilla and people at Mozilla have for Brendan. Was going to quote it here but the forum software does not quote very well.
    Oh and Mozilla is hardly closed minded as they support equality which includes LGBT.

  • How do you get Sun One Web Server to read white spacing in a url

    Hi guys,
    I am currently using Sun One Web Server and this is the problem that i am currently facing.
    The url which is i am trying to read from the Sun One Web Server is http://test:8000/test/Testing%20A%20B
    The error which i am getting is java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal character in path
    The reason why this is happening is because the original url is http://test:8000/test/Testing A B It has spacing in between the url. I cannot get rid of the spacing thru the code where its bound to a Content Management System. So the only way is to get the Sun One Web Server to be able to read this kind of url. There are about 300 to 400 of this types of url as they are dynamically generated.
    I was looking at the obj.conf and magnum.conf file to see whether i can manipulate this url to work for this situation. But with no luck.
    Can anyone please let me know if they have came across this problem.

    This is the stack Trace:
    Error 500--Internal Server Error
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal character in path at index 29: /models/Sportwagon/Sportwagon SS V-Series
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction.MultiActionController.handleRequestInternal(
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequest(
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Caused by: Illegal character in path at index 29: /models/Sportwagon/Sportwagon SS V-Series
         ... 26 more
    This is the path which was access by me using Sun One Web Server: http://poll:8006/models/Sportwagon/Sportwagon%20SS%20V-Series
    As you can see that Sun One Web Server dont like spacing between url.
    Does anyone know how to fix this problem thru configuration in Sun One Web Server?

  • Thank You Adobe and Lightroom Team!

    I just wanted to publicly thank Adobe and the Lightroom Team. I appreciate all of your hard work over the last year or more. Lightroom is a great program (even if there are bugs and issues that we all complain about on here). I love it.
    I also wanted to thank you for the offer that was extended to the Pixmantec Rawshooter Premium customers. I was sorely disappointed to hear that Pixmantec had been bought by Adobe. But now that I've used Lightroom, I am pleased and very thankful for the goodwill and hospitality that was ushered forth to us. I look forward to using Lightroom (and updated versions of it) for many years to come! Thank you again for taking care of your customers and making new ones!
    Thank you,
    Jonah Garoutte

    I use the free versions of picmnatic for about a year when LRbeta came out.
    Being ever fearfull of Betas I tiptoed into the fray.
    Great beta, and now I am looking forward to finally loading LR.1
    I am a happy camper.
    I can use LR on a very simple level: Choosing,cropping,color,contacts and web gallery.
    OR really MONK it and fill out ALL database infow on each choice starting with the copyright symbol to INFINITY!!
    I can definatly grow with LR the same way I am with PhotoShop CS2.
    Thanks Adobe,
    Tom Elliott

  • You cannot sign in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Server interface using preconfigured system profiles

    I recently upgrade tp 7.0.3  from 7.0.2.
    While upgrade i found that i am not able to login to the web server with the admin id "admin" default created in the application server.
    The same id i can login to application server  , but not in wewb server.
    I am getting the mentioned error "You cannot sign in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Server interface using preconfigured system profiles".
    However if i create a new user in application server and tried logging with the  same in the web server it is working fine..
    is it a known behaviour wirh the upgrade or i m facing some issue.
    Hope i can find a solution here.

    This behavior is stemming from a change in MP 7.0 MR2 to disable the MPWeb login for system profiles.  This was an internal change made by the developers to restrict the log on to the MPWeb page by the default accounts created in MeetingPlace upon installation.  The change now displays this error when the admin account is attempted to be used for MPWeb login, as you experienced-
    Error:[22953] You cannot sign in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Server interface using preconfigured system profiles.
    You should be able to log into MPWeb using any other user profile that you have either created manually or pulled in from LDAP/Active Directory.  You just cannot use the admin account.  This is reserved for login to the MP Application Server Administration page only.  I am going to work to get this information added to the MP 7.0 documentation with a note for changed behavior in MR2 and above.  Here is the note from MP 8.0 documentation-
    Note: You cannot use this preconfigured admin profile to access the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Server interface. Instead enter the User ID and password information from one of the other user profiles that have system administrator privileges to sign in to the Web Server.
    Please let me know if you have any further questions.
    Thank You,

  • How do you switch between web server snapshot jpg and png modes?

    I read in another forum a posting by "NathanK" stating:
    "The snapshot feature of the web server can
    generate images either as png or jpg. In LabVIEW 8.6 and later, the
    default which is generated by the web publishing tool is the png
    format. In this mode everything happens in memory so there is no
    snapshot image file generated.
    In the jpg mode there is a
    temporary file, however it is not always the same file and the file is
    deleted after it is uploaded to the client. I would not recommend
    trying to use this programmatically.
    If you need more
    control over a snapshot of a front panel (and you are using 8.6), I
    would recommend making a custom web service that takes a picture of a
    VI's front panel and returns it to the client. Then you would have
    control over the image."
    I am currently using the web publishing tool snapshot feature with an EXE program written in LV8.6.  However, each time a browser accesses the html file, the EXE file's memory grows by 72KB (this happens with my custom EXE program and with LabVIEW.exe when running the VI in development mode).  I'm assuming this is the png that is generated each time a snapshot is taken, but the program never de-allocated the memory and the program eventually crashes.  I'm aslo assuming that if I switch to "JPG mode", the web server will generate a temporary file and eventually delete it, elminating the memory leak.  The problem is, I don't know how to change the modes from png (default) to jpg.

    I am and have been using the .snap function on many applications since LabVIEW 6.1.  It's very simple, easy to use, does exactly what I want it to do, and is still in the documentation of LabVIEW 8.6, 2009 and 2009 SP1 as being supported. 
    If I am not mistaken, don't you need to have the LabVIEW runtime engine on the target system to use embedded mode?  I don't want to have to try and keep everybody who wants to see a screenshot of my program to have to have a run-time engine installed.  For one reason, I don't know everybody who wants to monitor our system and they literally can be anywhere in the world if the VPN to our network.  Second, those who I do know would would have me install it for them.  Third, why go "backwards" in capability...everybody would ask me "Why do we have to do this now?..we never had to do it before", and I don't want to use my time/energy at work to explain why NI cannot fix a memory leak that has been identified in at least the last 3 versions of LabVIEW and is still not fixed. 
    I had been using either LV 6.1 or 7.1 for a good part of 10 years and had very few problems with them (BTW, DAQmx is the greatest thing every put on a computer EVER).  I finally make the transitioin and start using LV 8.6 on a major test platform last year, got to the very end of it and find this out.  <sigh!>
    It is funny (maybe not), but my work around feels like I just changed the floormats in my Toyota car to keep it from "crashing".
    However, if I am mistaken and you do NOT need to use LV runtime engine for embedded mode, ignore everything I wrote above and please let me know that this is the case and I will look into it.

  • How do you failover the web server?

    I have 2 servers running the web server on them. If one of them fails how do I reroute the users requests to the other one, seamlessly to the user? I am new to using the web server so any help, even remedial would help!! Thanks!

    Ya, thats part of the problem. Right now we are using Sun Cluster to provide a network resource that handles which web server is to handle the request. A virtual ip address so to speak. We'd like to stop using Sun Cluster as it's a bit unstable, ie reboots the cluster randomly without error messages or warnings. We'd like to just use the web server/application server clustering capabilities and eleviate the extra layer of complexity with Sun Cluster. I know Sun Cluster has a Web Server agent to do this, but that is why we're trying to not go down that road. It is starting to sound like we may have to though as buying additional hardware isn't an option.

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