Theme customizer problem

since downloading cssu, show app shortcut background is now greyed out so cannot remove the square background of shortcut.
any ideas please

no no no its not a problem, its just that cssu uses a different version of hildon-desktop, so yeah cssu doesn't support changing bookmarks and desktop icons size yet, maybe in the next update (along with the portrait task manager and the tree look email app ) .
but i think a :' apt-get -f reinstall hildon-desktop ' might do the trick ......
Reality is wrong....dreams are for real... 2pac .
don't forget to hit that green kudos

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  • Theme-Customizer

    Control Panel applet to customize your theme.
    With this utility you can:
    change system font family
    change system font size
    change font colors
    change application shortcut sizes at homescreen
    show or hide the backgrounds for application shortcuts at homescreen
    change web bookmars sizes at homescreen
    adjust snap to grid value at homescreen.
    if you have rootsh and EXTRAS-DEVEL installed:
    open xterm
    sudo gainroot
    apt-get install theme-customizer
    you can change the size of the desktop web shortcuts sizes, so that you can put more on your desktop!
    other features are much like the black-plastic theme, other then you dont have to have black plastic installed.

    no no no its not a problem, its just that cssu uses a different version of hildon-desktop, so yeah cssu doesn't support changing bookmarks and desktop icons size yet, maybe in the next update (along with the portrait task manager and the tree look email app ) .
    but i think a :' apt-get -f reinstall hildon-desktop ' might do the trick ......
    Reality is wrong....dreams are for real... 2pac .
    don't forget to hit that green kudos

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    This is a known issue when you run older versions of the authoring tool on XP or Windows 8. AeroLite is part of the Windows Vista/7 Aero interface that the authoring tool has imports into. Consider and
    update your toolchain

  • [SOLVED] XFCE Theme Customization Tool

    Good evening Arch Community,
    Now that LXDE (My DE of choice) is about to be dropped from the normal repos, I felt it time to move to a supported DE. My next choice was XFCE. I'm sorry that Arch has decided to slowly move LXDE to the AUR from the mainstream repos.
    XFCE is a nice, and capable DE. But it has always been an achilles heel to me with regard to theme customizations. But tweaking theme colors is no easy task. With LXDE, I could easily "tweak" the theme setting to my preferences. The white background hurts my old eyes.
    In XFCE it seems that you have to understand the nuances of the gtkrc file to tweak theme colors. I don't have the time, nor the desire to become a gtkrc file format aficionado. I've got dev work I need to do.
    I am hoping that the Arch community can point me to a GUI tool that will allow me to tweak theme settings graphically, just like the other DE's such as LXDE, KDE, Gnome 2. I have personal preferences for not using KDE, and I have to bite my lip regarding Gnome3.
    XFCE would work for me if I can just get through two color changes. just two. If I can tweak these, I'll be a happy camper indeed.
    I've also posted to the XFCE forums, but, unfortuntely, as usual when I ask color questions, I get categorically blown off. Clearly, the lack of an easy theme tweaking tool being a weak spot for XFCE as a DE.
    I've gone through all the themes......and downloaded some new ones. I just do not like the xfce.dusk theme, nor the white backgrounds of the others.
    I am using Moomex as a theme, and just want to tweak two settings:
    a) The default background color of an opened window
    b) The bg/fg colors of the WindowButton items on the task bar. Currently the WindowButton's of opened tasks show up as white text on a very light grey background. Difficult if not impossible to read.
    If someone could point me towards a tool I would be appreciative. Or if someone knows the two magic field names that I need to tweak in my gtkrc file of my current theme to change the two items outlines above, I would also be appreciative.
    Sincerely and respectfully,
    Last edited by dcbdbis (2011-10-11 17:23:15)

    Forgive me for being too verbose. Within XFCE there is no mechanism to adjust theme colors. Example: Within a specific theme, there is no GUI dialog to open, and adjust the default window background of the chosen theme. You are forced to manually edit the gtkrc file. In LXDE, I have a small GUI where I can take my chosen theme, and adjust the color of a selected item, in this case, the window background. A few clicks, and it's done.
    There is no such facility in XFCE.
    From what I've read (unless I'm misunderstanding) is that the color changer in LXDE is specific to LXDE. It actually doesn't tweak the original gtkrc file, rather it tweaks some settings in a local file unto itself and by some mechanism unknown to me at this time, "melds" the original gtkrc file with the customizations by the user. I've looked at the original gtkrc files in "/usr/share/themes" after I've tweaked them. They are unchanged.
    For now, I've reverted to an LXDE/OpenBox hybrid. I hope someone in Arch decides that LXDE is worth keeping in the repos, like e16 & e17.
    I had originally tried XFCE because Arch had announced that LXDE was being reverted to the AUR and out of the official repos.
    Hopefully, this clarifies things.

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    I have a charger for the iPhone 5 that has absolutely no problems.  I got my iPhone 5 the day they were first sold almost a year ago.  Also in my family are 2 iPads and 2 iPad mini's all with the new lightning cables and none have had problems. 
    If you have problems and they're legitimate Apple products, bring them back for replacement.

  • Masthead customization problem....

    Hello All,
    I am facing problem with masthead Customization. I hv included one image, three external links in masthead area using par file customization through NWDS.
    Now at the same time, I was trying to customized masthead area by using theme editor to remove the underlines displyed on the external links.
    However, my changes done are not reflected in masthead area after logout for users ?
    Will I be able to still use theme editor after doing customizing with the help of par file ?
    I hv tried removing chaches, logged out and logged in several times, bu no luck ?
    Pls, help !! Thanks for time and your inputs. Points assured.
    Best Regards,
    Anil Kumar

    Hi Anil,
    If you didn't changed class tags from html there should
    be no problem. There are tags :
    <TD nowrap class="prtlHdrSep"> </TD>
    <TD nowrap class="prtlHdrWelcome"
    <TD class="prtlHdrBrandImgContainer"
    I changed my masthead a lot, it is completely different
    from original but since I didn't change class tags from
    tables I can still change some settings from theme
    If you just want to remove underlines from your custom links try adding this to your jsp :
    a.customlink {
    text-decoration: none;
    and add your links like :
    <a href="" class="customlink">my test link</a>

  • Transporting Customization Problem

    Hi All,
    I am facing a problem in Transporting Customization changes (deletion Customization) from Development Server to the Test Server.
    We have same customization maintained in Dev Server and Test Server.
    For Example
    House Bank BNK01 - payment is maintained in Country CN and this customization has been transported to the Test Server earlier.
    But later this customization is deleted in the Development Server and this change shud be transported to the Test Server.
    How can it be done?
    I tried to add all the entries in the list(which does not contain the related House to the Transport Request and transported to the Test Server but customization in the Test server cant be deleted.
    note:I need to clarify this first and only then i can tranport it to the production server.
    Do clarify this.
    Thanks & Regards

    (1) Create the 'to be deleted' configuration again in Dev.  This should create a transport A
    (2) Come out of the screen entirely
    (3) Delete the configuration - save this in transport B
    (4) Move both A and B to Test. 
    What exact transactions are you referring to ?  Some of them may not be transportable.
    Good luck !

  • Convergence per domain customization problem

    I have enabled customizations in the convergence installation and added the configuration objectclass/attribute to the domain. I copied the configuration sample to my c11n directory. My config.js looks like this:
    c11n.config = {
    // allDomain configuration
    allDomain: {
    module: "allDomain", // module name
    themeEnabled: true, // true if theme is customized
    i18nEnabled: true, // true if i18n is customized
    jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
    // the last entry must not end with comma
    // replace for each domain configuration, change
    // domain name uwo_ca to example_com for javascript syntax and url syntax
    jestest_uwo_ca: {
    module: "jestest_uwo_ca", // module name
    themeEnabled: true, // true if theme is customized
    i18nEnabled: true, // true if i18n is customized
    jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
    // the last entry must not end with comma
    }, // I have tried it without the , and with it
    I then copied the default allDomain files into the jestest_uwo_ca directories and modified all the paths to reflect the directory structure. When I startup convergence I get to "20% User Theme" and it hangs. Enabling debug logs, the last message is:
    PROTOCOL: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.protocol.delegate.agent.ClientOptionsA
    gent Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-80-0 at 2010-05-13 12:16:21,731 - Found domain
    specific client preferences, merging with default client prefs
    The theme worked when I used it in the allDomain but I would rather use the per domain features for all the customizations. There is nothing weird in the ldap directory logs or in the log messages before the "merging with default" messages. Any advice on how to debug?

    I started using the IE and got a javascript error outlined below. I rooted the problem down to using a symbolic link for jestest_uwo_ca. I guess it gets confused with all of the ../../../.. s.
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; (R1 1.6); InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Timestamp: Thu, 13 May 2010 18:08:46 UTC
    Message: Could not load 'c11n.jestest_uwo_ca.js.customize'; last tried '../../../c11n/jestest_uwo_ca/js/customize.js'
    Line: 20
    Char: 5357
    Code: 0

  • Change the look and custom themes, masterpage problem

    I have created a masterpage and deployed it to the masterpage gallery.
    I have created a spcolor file and a spfont file and deployed them to the theme catalog.
    I have also created a New item in the composed look list like this:
    Masterpage: /_catalogs/masterpage/mycustom.seattle.master
    Theme: /_catalogs/theme/15/mycustom.spcolor 
    Font: /_catalogs/theme/15/mycustom.spfont
    Image: none
    DisplayIndex 3
    The problem is this: The theme is not displayed in the Change the look preview window.
    But if i change the masterpage back to std (/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master) in my composed look item. THEN it is displayed ??
    Changing back to my custom masterpage, then it disappears.
    Everything looks right, i can apply the theme through code. Masterpage is also changed in code and works.
    The only place it doesn't work is in change the look.
    The masterpage is deployed like this:
     <Module Name="MasterPages" List="116" Url="_catalogs/masterpage" Path="MasterPages" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
        <File Url="mycustom.seattle.master" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
          <Property Name="UIVersion" Value="15" />
          <Property Name="ContentTypeId" Value="0x010105" />
    What am i missing ??

    Hi blarsern,
    Thanks for your sharing! It will be beneficial to others in this forum who meet the same issue in the future.
    I will mark your reply as anwser to close this case.
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • ADF Map Viewer Themes Rendering Problem

    Im presently working on ADF Map Viewer. Im facing the below mentioned issue. Can any one has come across this???
    Im building the Themes using Map Builder.
    I have 3 thems, which i combined together & created as a Base Map using Map Builder.
    While adding the themes, i also set the theme mode as "Mapviewer_native". The themes are Area Theme, Region Theme & Building Block Theme.
    For the first theme, i did not specify any minimum scale & maximum scale to make sure that this theme needs to be rendered initially.
    For the second theme, which supposed to be rendered after doing certain zoom in...for this theme i have set the Max & Min scale as Max 3 || Min 8.
    For the third theme i have added the range from 3 to 0.
    Im able to test this fine with Map Builder...On making zoom in at certain levels the second theme is getting rendered..and after doing some more zoom in the third theme is getting rendered.
    Till this everything fine... Here the problem came....
    I used <dvt:map component & assigned the above created Map as Base Map... But here im not able to see the second theme...Initially its showing the Area Map & On selecting the Zoom In ...its directly going to theme 3.
    Can you please suggest me some thing by using i can get this second theme as well....
    Looking forward to hear from you

    not that I am aware of.

  • Icon-theme changes problem[SOLVED]

    I have murrine-engine, aurora-engine installed. I have installed gtk-engine-equinox and are trying to use equinox-evolution theme with Faenza icon-theme. I had a nice desktop for a couple of days. Yesterday it reverted back to the original icon-theme. Now I cannot change the icon-theme at all. I don't get it. Why is it OK one day but not the next? I have the themes in /usr/share/themes and ~/.themes. Same with icons. Same icons in both directorys. I'm running x86_64 and gnome.
    OK. Had to remove all other icon-themes from ~/.themes. Why is it so?
    Last edited by jai134 (2011-01-23 19:02:50)

    I know how to change themes using the method you described; however, the icon theme that is displayed is tango. I clearly chose tamiga, and the rox file in ~/.config points to the tamiga icon theme. So my question is why isn't the tamiga theme being used? Does it have something to with the inherits line in the icon cofig file? Is there some other problem? Some icon themes display correctly, but not others.
    Thanks for trying!

  • MDS Customization Problem with multiple root components

    Oracle JDeveloper and WebLogic Server Version:
    I am using Oracle MDS Customization class with the following classes:
    Based on these classes I am moving UI components
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:region />
    into another component thanks to the MDS.
    Once I do the movement and persist, I receive the following waning message:
    *<RegionRenderer> <encodeAll> The region component with id: pt1:r1:0:pt2:r1:0:r1 has detected a page fragment with multiple root components. Fragments with more than one root component may not display correctly in a region and may have a negative impact on performance. It is recommended that you restructure the page fragment to have a single root component.*
    When I run the application in Oracle JDeveloper, it work fine, but when I deploy it on WebLogic Server Version: it is not working.
    I receive the same warning message on the server and in JDeveloper.
    I think that MDS makes a copy of the components that I move because of that it says me that "a page fragment with multiple root components"
    The problem is not because of duplication any of the tags <af:document> <f:view><f:form> <html> <head> <body>
    After the movement and persistence, I also call the FacesContext to reset its view root with the following code:
    FacesContext context =FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String currentView = context.getViewRoot().getViewId();
    ViewHandler vh = context.getApplication().getViewHandler();
    UIViewRoot x = vh.createView(context, currentView);
    The idea is that the entire JSF tree to be rebuild on entering page with aim to clear previously drag and drop settings.
    Do you know how I can overcome the problem on the server WebLogic Server Version:
    This worked on Oracle JDeveloper and now the problem is with Oracle JDeveloper

    what the error means is that you have more than one node under the jsp:root node of the fragment. Say the content of your fragment is
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
    Then this is okay
    if you have
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
    <af:commandButton id="cb1"/>
    Then these mean duplicated root components. The JDeveloper IDE flags this as Warnings (Structure Window) when selecting the page fragment

  • Styles and Themes - CUSTOMIZATION

    Hi everyone,
    do you know if is it possible to customize styles in Xcelsius or to create owner styles and themes (for ex. like  ADMIRAL, AQUA, ELAN...) ???
    Thanks for your help!

    Hi LC
    No you can't.  Take a look at this thread and also the threads/urls it references:
    How to create custom themes?

  • Customization problems..

    I'm actually researching the best report tool to develop a project for a large client..
    The client is developing the system for the use of other companies.Therefore I'm particularly interested in the ability to set up individual profiles that can be used to customize the reports (e.g. different companies will require different logos to appear on the reports)
    I've read carrefuly the document called "Runtime Customization", and I'm surprized to notice that you can easily change the layout (color, font style...) of a field object (<field> tag in XML), but you can't with an object like a TEXT (boilerplate) .. Apparently , we can only change the label
    ex :
    <object name="B_EMPNO" type="REP_GRAPHIC_TEXT">
    <property name="textSegment">Number</property>
    Do you know an other way to do that ? same question to change a logo (in function of the end-customer),the link on an image, the color of the report change
    the layout of all the objects others than a field ... It's very important for a real customization..
    Is it possible to hide/show or change the size of a column in function of a paramater ? (apparently, we can't access to the Heigth, Width properties or to the elasticity of a field by program (conditional formating trigger for example))
    Is it easy to integrate a report in a JSP page ?
    Thanks a lot , best regards

    others questions..
    I tried to replace the text "Number billed" which is on 2 LINES by "Numiro facturi" to manage the bilinguism (french/english) of my site. I've found 2 problems:
    - When I put an accent in my XML page, the server report returns an error.
    - I tried without accent and I expected to see "Numero facture", unless I saw "Numero facture billed".. Apparently, when we put an /n or /r in a text, the customization only replaces the part before this character.
    Thanks again.
    I really need some answers to those questions.

Maybe you are looking for