Tic Tac Toe with AI

Well I'm getting ready for my second semester of Java programing and I figured I would try and get back in the swing (no pun intended) of things by creating a simple tic tac toe game. I was able to make a two player game with in a matter of hours so I figured I would try and make a one player game with AI and thats where im having some issues. Here is my code for two person tic tac toe
package mytictactoe;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TicTacToeV2 implements ActionListener {
     /*Instance Variables*/
     private int[][] winCombinations = new int[][] {
               {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, //horizontal wins
               {1, 4, 7}, {2, 5, 8}, {3, 6, 9}, //virticle wins
               {1, 5, 9}, {3, 5, 7}                //diagonal wins
     private JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe");
     private JButton buttons[] = new JButton[10];
     private int count = 0;
     private String letter = "";
     private boolean win = false;
     public TicTacToeV2(){
     /*Create Window*/
     window.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
     /*Add Buttons To The Window*/
     for(int i=1; i<=9; i++){
          buttons[i] = new JButton();
     /*Make The Window Visible*/
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a) {
          /*Calculate whose turn it is*/
          if(count % 2 == 0){
               letter = "O";
          } else {
               letter = "X";
          /*Write the letter to the button and deactivate it*/
          for(int i=1; i<=9; i++){
               if(a.getSource() == buttons[i]){
          /*Determine who won*/
          for(int i=0; i<=7; i++){
               if( buttons[winCombinations[i][0]].getText() == buttons[winCombinations[i][1]].getText() &&
                    buttons[winCombinations[i][1]].getText() == buttons[winCombinations[i][2]].getText() &&
                    buttons[winCombinations[i][0]].getText() != ""){
                    win = true;
          /*Show a dialog when game is over*/
          if(win == true){
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, letter + " wins the game!");
          } else if(count == 9 && win == false){
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The game was tie!");
     public static void main(String[] args){
          TicTacToeV2 starter = new TicTacToeV2();
Now for my program with AI I'm essentially using the same code and just for clarity I removed all the code that determines who won (as it isnt needed to get the AI to work) This is what I have so far
package mytictactoe;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TicTacToeV3 implements ActionListener {
     /*Instance Variables*/
     private JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe");
     private JButton buttons[] = new JButton[10];
     private int count = 0;
     public TicTacToeV3(){
     /*Create Window*/
     window.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
     /*Add Buttons To The Window*/
     for(int i = 1; i<=9; i++){
          buttons[i] = new JButton();
     /*Make The Window Visible*/
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a) {
          /*Write the letter to the button and deactivate it*/
          for(int i = 1; i<= 9; i++){
               if(a.getSource() == buttons[i]){
     public void AI(){
          Random x = new Random();
          int y = 1 + x.nextInt(9);
          if(buttons[y].getText() == "X" || buttons[y].getText() == "O" ){
          } else {
     public static void main(String[] args){
          new TicTacToeV3();
It kind of works because each time i choose a box the "computer" also chooses one, but since it is so random the chances the computer wins is very limited. I then tried to do something like this in the AI() method and it seems to be on the right track but once one of the if's are satisfied the all the AI logic stops
     public void AI(){
          //horizontal AI defencive code
          if(buttons[1].getText().equals(buttons[2].getText()) && buttons[1].getText() != ""){
          } else if(buttons[2].getText().equals(buttons[3].getText()) && buttons[2].getText() != ""){
          } else if(buttons[4].getText().equals(buttons[5].getText()) && buttons[4].getText() != ""){
          } else if(buttons[5].getText().equals(buttons[6].getText()) && buttons[5].getText() != ""){
          } else if(buttons[7].getText().equals(buttons[8].getText()) && buttons[7].getText() != ""){
          } else if(buttons[8].getText().equals(buttons[9].getText()) && buttons[8].getText() != ""){
          } else {
               Random x = new Random();
               int y = 1 + x.nextInt(9);
               if(buttons[y].getText() == "X" || buttons[y].getText() == "O" ){
               } else {
     }And basically what that does is it checks if I have two X's in a row horizontally, If I do it will place an O in the box preventing me from getting three in a row (only in horizontal rows). Of course I would iterate this over and over for all possible combinations of offensive moves and defensive moves and probably do it using a for loop but this is just some scratch code I threw together to show you my thoughts. And again my problem is once one of the conditions are satisfied it never checks the conditions again and I'm not sure why that is...
So I'm looking for some ideas and/or some pseudo code to help me out a little.

Well I did this and its a step closer to working but there is another bug and all this logic is hurting my head. Again lets say my grid is numbered like this
1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
If I go 1, the computer will randomly pick a square thats not set. Lets say the computer picks 4. Now I pick 5 and the computer picks 9 because I would earn 3 in a row diagonally. Then I pick 2 and I can now win three in a row 2-5-8 or 1-2-3. The computer picks 3 because that logic is earlier in the code. BUT when I press 8 to to take the win, but the computer cheats and labels my button thats supposed to be an X as an O, so it should look like this:
X | X | O
O | X | 6
7 | X | O
but it does this
X | X | O
O | X | 6
7 | O | O
Here is the AI logic part (its mostly repetitive)
     public void AI(){
          /*Defencive Moves*/
          //horizontal defencive possabilities
          if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[1].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[4].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[2].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() != "O")){
          //horizontal virticle possabilities
            else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                         (buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                         (buttons[7].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[1].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[4].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[2].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() != "O")){
          else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() != "O")){
          }  else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          //random move
          else {
     public void RandomMove(){
          Random x = new Random();
          int y = 1 + x.nextInt(9);
          if(buttons[y].getText() == "X" || buttons[y].getText() == "O" ){
               went = true;
          } else {
               went = true;
     }Here is the entire code if you want to try it and compile it to see what im talking about in real time:
package mytictactoe;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TicTacToeV4 implements ActionListener {
     /*Instance Variables*/
     private JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe");
     private JButton buttons[] = new JButton[10];
     private int count = 0;
     private boolean went = false;
     public TicTacToeV4(){
     /*Create Window*/
     window.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
     /*Add Buttons To The Window*/
     for(int i = 1; i<=9; i++){
          buttons[i] = new JButton();
     /*Make The Window Visible*/
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a) {
          /*Write the letter to the button and deactivate it*/
          for(int i = 1; i<= 9; i++){
               if(a.getSource() == buttons[i]){
     public void AI(){
          /*Defencive Moves*/
          //horizontal defencive possabilities
          if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[1].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[4].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[2].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() != "O")){
          //horizontal virticle possabilities
          else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                         (buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                         (buttons[7].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[4].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[1].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[4].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[2].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[2].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[8].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[6].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[6].getText() != "O")){
          else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[1].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[9].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[5].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[3].getText() != "O")){
          } else if((buttons[3].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[7].getText() == "X")&&
                    (buttons[5].getText() != "O")){
          //random move
          else {
     public void RandomMove(){
          Random x = new Random();
          int y = 1 + x.nextInt(9);
          if(buttons[y].getText() == "X" || buttons[y].getText() == "O" ){
               went = true;
          } else {
               went = true;
     public static void main(String[] args){
          new TicTacToeV4();
What am I doing wrong?

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    I am working on a Tic Tac Toe game, I have already started woking on it put i am
    stuck on the array part. This is what is required in the project: Create a nine-member array to hold results of the game.. Initialize the array before the start of the game...Allow the user input to indicate which square ther user selects...
    Thank You
    help will be appreciated..
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class TicTacToe extends Applet
    public void init()
    // declaration aand created array
    int Array[];
    Array = new int[8];
    String input1;
    String input2;
    int choice1;
    int choice2;
    input1 =
    "Please select your symbol\n"+
    "1= O \n"+
    "2= X \n");
    // converts string to integer
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    // draws the TicTacToe Board...
    public void paint (Graphics g)
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    int X_coordinate = d.width / 3;
         int Y_coordinate = d.height / 3;
         g.drawLine(X_coordinate, 0, X_coordinate, d.height);      
         g.drawLine(2*X_coordinate, 0, 2*X_coordinate, d.height);
         g.drawLine(0, Y_coordinate, d.width, Y_coordinate);
         g.drawLine(0, 2*Y_coordinate, d.width, 2*Y_coordinate);
    } //end of paitn method
    }// end of class

    Try this:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class TicTac extends JApplet
    public void init()
    // declaration aand created array
         int Array[] = new int[8];
         String input1;
         String input2;
         int    choice1 = 0;
         int    choice2;
         for(int i=0; i < Array.length; i++) Array[i] = 0;
         while (choice1 == 0)
              input1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                   ("Please select your symbol\n"+
                    "1= O \n"+
                    "2= X \n");
              if (input1.equals("1")) choice1 = 1;
              if (input1.equals("2")) choice1 = 2;
    //     converts string to integer
    //     choice1 = Integer.parseInt( input1 );
    // draws the TicTacToe Board...
    public void paint(Graphics g)
         Dimension d = getSize();
         int sz = 0;
         if (d.height/4 - 10 < d.width/4) sz = d.height / 4;
              else             sz = d.width  / 4;
         for (int j=0; j < 4; j++)
    } //end of paitn method
    }// end of class
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class TicTac extends JApplet
    public void init()
    // declaration aand created array
         int Array[] = new int[8];
         String input1;
         String input2;
         int choice1 = 0;
         int choice2;
         for(int j=0; j < Array.length; j++) Array[j] = 0;
         while (choice1 == 0)
              input1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                   ("Please select your symbol\n"+
                   "1= O \n"+
                   "2= X \n");
              if (input1.equals("1")) choice1 = 1;
              if (input1.equals("2")) choice1 = 2;
    //     converts string to integer
    //     choice1 = Integer.parseInt( input1 );
    // draws the TicTacToe Board...
    public void paint(Graphics g)
         Dimension d = getSize();
         int sz = 0;
         if (d.height/4 - 10 < d.width/4) sz = d.height / 4;
              else                         sz = d.width / 4;
         for (int j=0; j < 4; j++)
    } //end of paitn method
    }// end of class

  • Help with Tic Tac Toe program....

    I am writing a tic tac toe program, and I have already put the 9 boxes onto the screen so that it looks like the Tic Tac Toe board.
    My first box looks something like this:
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    I want assign a number to the 9 boxes so it looks like this:
    And I want to know how am I suppose to assign a number to a box, so that when the number is pressed it will put an "X" or "O"(depending on whose turn it is).
    P.S. If you already made a Tic Tac Toe progaram can you post it so I will have an idea of what you did. thx.

    I'd hate to post the whole thing, but if you don't have access to it, here it goes:
    * @(#)TicTacToe.java     1.6 01/12/03
    * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    * A TicTacToe applet. A very simple, and mostly brain-dead
    * implementation of your favorite game! <p>
    * In this game a position is represented by a white and black
    * bitmask. A bit is set if a position is ocupied. There are
    * 9 squares so there are 1<<9 possible positions for each
    * side. An array of 1<<9 booleans is created, it marks
    * all the winning positions.
    * @version      1.2, 13 Oct 1995
    * @author Arthur van Hoff
    * @modified 04/23/96 Jim Hagen : winning sounds
    * @modified 02/10/98 Mike McCloskey : added destroy()
    class TicTacToe extends Applet implements MouseListener {
         * White's current position. The computer is white.
        int white;
         * Black's current position. The user is black.
        int black;
         * The squares in order of importance...
        final static int moves[] = {4, 0, 2, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7};
         * The winning positions.
        static boolean won[] = new boolean[1 << 9];
        static final int DONE = (1 << 9) - 1;
        static final int OK = 0;
        static final int WIN = 1;
        static final int LOSE = 2;
        static final int STALEMATE = 3;
         * Mark all positions with these bits set as winning.
        static void isWon(int pos) {
         for (int i = 0 ; i < DONE ; i++) {
             if ((i & pos) == pos) {
              won[i] = true;
         * Initialize all winning positions.
        static {
         isWon((1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2));
         isWon((1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5));
         isWon((1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8));
         isWon((1 << 0) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 6));
         isWon((1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 7));
         isWon((1 << 2) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 8));
         isWon((1 << 0) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 8));
         isWon((1 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 6));
         * Compute the best move for white.
         * @return the square to take
        int bestMove(int white, int black) {
         int bestmove = -1;
         for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
             int mw = moves;
         if (((white & (1 << mw)) == 0) && ((black & (1 << mw)) == 0)) {
              int pw = white | (1 << mw);
              if (won[pw]) {
              // white wins, take it!
              return mw;
              for (int mb = 0 ; mb < 9 ; mb++) {
              if (((pw & (1 << mb)) == 0) && ((black & (1 << mb)) == 0)) {
                   int pb = black | (1 << mb);
                   if (won[pb]) {
                   // black wins, take another
                   continue loop;
              // Neither white nor black can win in one move, this will do.
              if (bestmove == -1) {
              bestmove = mw;
         if (bestmove != -1) {
         return bestmove;
         // No move is totally satisfactory, try the first one that is open
         for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
         int mw = moves[i];
         if (((white & (1 << mw)) == 0) && ((black & (1 << mw)) == 0)) {
              return mw;
         // No more moves
         return -1;
    * User move.
    * @return true if legal
    boolean yourMove(int m) {
         if ((m < 0) || (m > 8)) {
         return false;
         if (((black | white) & (1 << m)) != 0) {
         return false;
         black |= 1 << m;
         return true;
    * Computer move.
    * @return true if legal
    boolean myMove() {
         if ((black | white) == DONE) {
         return false;
         int best = bestMove(white, black);
         white |= 1 << best;
         return true;
    * Figure what the status of the game is.
    int status() {
         if (won[white]) {
         return WIN;
         if (won[black]) {
         return LOSE;
         if ((black | white) == DONE) {
         return STALEMATE;
         return OK;
    * Who goes first in the next game?
    boolean first = true;
    * The image for white.
    Image notImage;
    * The image for black.
    Image crossImage;
    * Initialize the applet. Resize and load images.
    public void init() {
         notImage = getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/not.gif");
         crossImage = getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/cross.gif");
    public void destroy() {
    * Paint it.
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
         Dimension d = getSize();
         int xoff = d.width / 3;
         int yoff = d.height / 3;
         g.drawLine(xoff, 0, xoff, d.height);
         g.drawLine(2*xoff, 0, 2*xoff, d.height);
         g.drawLine(0, yoff, d.width, yoff);
         g.drawLine(0, 2*yoff, d.width, 2*yoff);
         int i = 0;
         for (int r = 0 ; r < 3 ; r++) {
         for (int c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c++, i++) {
              if ((white & (1 << i)) != 0) {
              g.drawImage(notImage, c*xoff + 1, r*yoff + 1, this);
              } else if ((black & (1 << i)) != 0) {
              g.drawImage(crossImage, c*xoff + 1, r*yoff + 1, this);
    * The user has clicked in the applet. Figure out where
    * and see if a legal move is possible. If it is a legal
    * move, respond with a legal move (if possible).
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
         int x = e.getX();
         int y = e.getY();
         switch (status()) {
         case WIN:
         case LOSE:
         case STALEMATE:
         play(getCodeBase(), "audio/return.au");
         white = black = 0;
         if (first) {
              white |= 1 << (int)(Math.random() * 9);
         first = !first;
         // Figure out the row/column
         Dimension d = getSize();
         int c = (x * 3) / d.width;
         int r = (y * 3) / d.height;
         if (yourMove(c + r * 3)) {
         switch (status()) {
         case WIN:
              play(getCodeBase(), "audio/yahoo1.au");
         case LOSE:
              play(getCodeBase(), "audio/yahoo2.au");
         case STALEMATE:
              if (myMove()) {
              switch (status()) {
              case WIN:
                   play(getCodeBase(), "audio/yahoo1.au");
              case LOSE:
                   play(getCodeBase(), "audio/yahoo2.au");
              case STALEMATE:
                   play(getCodeBase(), "audio/ding.au");
              } else {
              play(getCodeBase(), "audio/beep.au");
         } else {
         play(getCodeBase(), "audio/beep.au");
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
    public String getAppletInfo() {
         return "TicTacToe by Arthur van Hoff";

  • Help with tic tac toe

    hey all,
    i am having problems creating a tic tac toe program. the program should create a board with NxN spaces, where N is obtained through user input.
    I created a fully working program that does a 3x3 board, checks for diagonal, vertical, horizontal wins and also allows 1 vs computer or 2 players play, but i am struggling with the NxN board.
    here is the code of what i have, can anyone point me in the right direction? all help is appreciated! please keep it simple as possible as i am just learning java!!
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class NoughtsCrosses
    static final String PLAYER1 = "X";
    static final String PLAYER2 = "O";
    static final String EMPTY = "�";
    static String[][] board = new String[][];
    static int turn = 0;
    static public void makeBoard(int boardSize)
    for (int x = 0; x < boardSize; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < boardSize; y++)
    board[x][y] = new String(EMPTY);
    static public void playComputer()
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    Random generator = new Random();
    int move;
    do {
    if(turn%2 == 0)
    System.out.println("Player 1, place your X");
    System.out.print("Make a Move: ");
    move = scan.nextInt();
    System.out.print("Computer, place your O: ");
    move = generator.nextInt(10);
    } while(winner().equals(EMPTY) && turn < 9);
    if (winner().equals(EMPTY))
    System.out.println("The Game s a DRAW!");
    System.out.println("PLAYER " + ((turn - 1) % 2 + 1) + " WINS!!");
    static public void playHuman()
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    do {
    if(turn%2 == 0)
    System.out.println("Player 1, place your X");
    System.out.println("Player 2, place your O");
    System.out.print("Make a Move: ");
    int move = scan.nextInt();
    } while(winner().equals(EMPTY) && turn < 9);
    if (winner().equals(EMPTY))
    System.out.println("The Game s a DRAW!");
    System.out.println("PLAYER " + ((turn - 1) % 2 + 1) + " WINS!!");
    static public void getMove(int move)
    int row = move/3;
    int col = move%3;
    if (board[row][col].equals(EMPTY))
    board[row][col] = (turn % 2 == 0 ? PLAYER1 : PLAYER2);
    System.out.println("OCCUPIED FIELD! TRY AGAIN!");
    static public void printBoard()
    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
    if(y == 0)
    System.out.print(" ");
    if(y < 2)
    System.out.print(" | ");
    if(x < 2)
    System.out.println(" ---|---|---");
    static public String winner()
    for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++)
    /** check horizontally */
    if (board[0].equals(board[i][1]) && board[i][0].equals(board[i][2]))
    if (!board[i][0].equals(EMPTY))
    return board[i][0];
    /** check vertically */
    if (board[0][i].equals(board[1][i]) && board[0][i].equals(board[2][i]))
    if (!board[0][i].equals(EMPTY))
    return board[0][i];
    /** check diagonally */
    if (board[0][0].equals(board[1][1]) && board[0][0].equals(board[2][2]))
    if (!board[0][0].equals(EMPTY))
    return board[0][0];
    if (board[0][2].equals(board[1][1]) && board[0][2].equals(board[2][0]))
    if (!board[0][2].equals(EMPTY))
    return board[0][2];
    return EMPTY;
    static public void main(String[] args)
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    int boardSize;
    System.out.println("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!");
    System.out.println("How big should the board be?");
    boardSize = scan.nextInt();
    int players = 0;
    System.out.println("How many players?");
    System.out.println("1 (vs. Computer) or 2 (vs. another player)?");
    players = scan.nextInt();
    }while(players < 1 || players > 2);
    if (players == 1)

    well, i figured out how to do it all, thanks to the TREMENDOUS amount of help here...lol...
    i just have one more (minor problem)...
    i can't get an algorithm working to see if the two diagonals are occupied by x's or o's (see if someone won diagonally)
    to check horizontally & vertically on an NxN board, i use following code:
    int count = 0;
            /** check horizontally  */
            for (int i = 0; i < myBoard.length; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < myBoard.length-1; j++)
                   if (myBoard[0].equals(myBoard[i][j+1]) && !myBoard[i][0].equals(EMPTY))
    if (count >= myBoard.length-1)
    return myBoard[i][0];
    count = 0;
    count = 0;
    /** check vertically */
    for (int i = 0; i < myBoard.length; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < myBoard.length-1; j++)
    if (myBoard[j][0].equals(myBoard[j+1][i]) && !myBoard[0][i].equals(EMPTY))
    if (count >= myBoard.length-1)
    return myBoard[0][i];
    count = 0;
    now i was messing around ALOT and couldn't figure out how to get the diagonals showing! this is what i came up with:
    count =0;
    for (int j = 1; j < myBoard.length; j++)
           if (myBoard[0][0].equals(myBoard[j][j]) && !myBoard[0][0].equals(EMPTY))
            if (count >= myBoard.length)
                 return myBoard[0][0];
    count = 0;
    for (int j = myBoard.length-1; j >= 0; j--)
         if (myBoard[0][myBoard.length-1].equals(myBoard[j][j]) && !myBoard[0][myBoard.length-1].equals(EMPTY))
          if (count >= myBoard.length)
              return myBoard[0][myBoard.length-1];
          count = 0;

  • Need some help with Tic Tac Toe game

    hey. hope u guys can help me out...
    having a problem with my tic tac toe program...
    i have 2 problems.
    1) got the "X" and "O" to appear using a flag(teacher didn't explain)
    using code like this
    if (jb == button[0]){
    if (flag==0)
    flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
    my problem is how do i get it to stop.(For example button[1] is selected as "X"..how do i stop it from albe to switch to "O")
    2) found this code in javascript online and i want to do what it does in java code
    if(button[0] == " X " && button[1] == " X " && button[2] == " X ")
    alert("You Win!");
    how would i do that?
    thanks for the help.

    ok here's my code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java .awt.event.*;
    public class TTT extends JFrame
                        implements WindowListener, ActionListener
    private JFrame frFirst;
    private Container cnFirst,cnSecond;
    private     JButton button[]=new JButton[9];
    private JButton btnNewGame,btnExit;
    private FlowLayout southLayout;
    private JPanel southPanel;
    private int flag;
    public TTT()
                   frFirst=new JFrame ("Michael's Tic Tac Toe Game!");
                   cnFirst.setLayout (new GridLayout (4,4));
              for(int i=0;i<button.length;i++)
                        button[i] = new JButton();
              southPanel = new JPanel ();
              btnNewGame = new JButton ("New Game");
              southPanel.add (btnNewGame);
              btnExit = new JButton ("EXIT");
              southPanel.add (btnExit);
              frFirst.add (southPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              frFirst.setLocation(200, 200);
                   // listeners
                   btnNewGame.addActionListener (this);
                   btnExit.addActionListener (this);
         //define methods of WindowListener
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent we)
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
         public void windowClosed(WindowEvent we)
         public void windowIconified(WindowEvent we)
         public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent we)
         public void windowActivated(WindowEvent we)
         public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent we)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    //making the X and O to appear on JButtons
         Object obj = ae.getSource();
              if (obj instanceof JButton){
                   JButton jb = (JButton)obj;
                   if (jb == button[0])
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
                        if (flag==0)
                        flag = (flag==0)?1:0;
    //New Game To Reset
              if (ae.getSource () == btnNewGame)
    /*     String text = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Do You Want To Start A New Game?","Michael's Tic Tac Toe Game!",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
    String YES;
    if (text == YES)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Do You","Michael's Tic Tac Toe Game!",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
    add code to reset game
         //Exit Button to Exit
         if (ae.getSource () == btnExit)
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Thanks For Playing!","Michael's Tic Tac Toe Game!",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
              }     //end of if instanceof
    public static void main(String[]args)
         //instantiate GUI
         new TTT();

  • Need help/advice with tic tac toe game

    Hello all. I am working on a tic tac toe game. I was able to program the first 4 moves fine, but ame having trouble with moves 5 and 6 for reasons that are unknown to me. Everything complies fine, its just that the move is displayed int the wrong space (B1) instead of in B2 or B3. Also the move that is supposed to be in A1 disapppears when B2 or B3 is clicked. Also, I need advice as to how to keep the prior moves from being over written.
    At this point I ahve gone over the code on-screen, printed it out, and stared at my drawings... and I'm not having any luck. I'm sure its a small, stupid thing that I'm missing, that anyone else would easily catch. Once again, thx for all your help.
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class game3 extends Applet implements MouseListener{
         String move = "";
         boolean player1 = true;
         String gameBoard[][] = new String [3][3];
    public void spaceA1(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS A1
         if(gameBoard[0][0] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[0][0] == "O")
    public void spaceA2(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS A2
         if(gameBoard[0][1] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[0][1] == "O")
    public void spaceA3(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS A3               
         if(gameBoard[0][2] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[0][2] == "O")
    public void spaceB1(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS B1
         if(gameBoard[1][0] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[1][0] == "O")
    public void spaceB2(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS B2
         if(gameBoard[1][1] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[1][1] == "O")
    public void spaceB3(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS B3
         if(gameBoard[1][2] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[1][2] == "O")
    public void spaceC1(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS C1
         if(gameBoard[2][0] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[2][0] == "O")     
    public void spaceC2(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS C2
         if(gameBoard[2][1] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[2][1] == "O")
    public void spaceC3(Graphics g){ // MOVE IS C3
         if(gameBoard[2][2] == "X")
         if(gameBoard[2][2] == "O")
    public void init(){
         public void paint(Graphics g){
              g.drawString("    1       2       3", 50,45);
              // first row of boxes
              // second row of boxes
              // third row of boxes
              if(move == "A1"){
                   gameBoard[0][0] = "X";
                   player1 = false;
                   gameBoard[0][0] = "O";
                   player1 = true;
              } // end of A1
              if(move == "A2"){
                   gameBoard[0][1] = "X";     
                   player1 = false;
                   gameBoard[0][1] = "O";
                   player1 = true;
              } // end of A2
              if(move == "A3"){
                   gameBoard[0][2] = "X";
                   player1 = false;
                   gameBoard[0][2] = "O";
                   player1 = true;
              } // end of A3
              if(move == "B1")
                   gameBoard[1][0] = "X";
                   player1 = false;
                   gameBoard[1][0] = "O";
                   player1 = true;
              } // end of B1
              if(move == "B2"){
                   gameBoard[1][1] = "X";
                   player1 = false;
                   gameBoard[1][1] = "O";
                   player1 = true;
              } // end of B2
              if(move == "B3"){
                   gameBoard[1][2] = "X";
                   player1 = false;
                   gameBoard[1][2] = "O";
                   player1 = true;
              }// end of B3
         }// end of graphics
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me){
              int x = me.getX();
              int y = me.getY();
              if((x >=51) && (x<= 79) && (y >= 51) && (y <= 79)) //MOVE IS A1
                   move = "A1";
              if((x >=81) && (x<=109) && (y >=51) && (y <= 79))  //MOVE IS A2
                   move = "A2";
              if((x >=111) && (x<=139) && (y >=51) && (y <= 79))  //MOVE IS A3
                   move = "A3";
              if((x >=51) && (x<= 79) && (y >= 81) && (y <= 109))  //MOVE IS B1
                   move = "B1";
              if((x >=81) && (x<=109) && (y >=81) && (y <= 109))  //MOVE IS B2
                   move = "B2";
              if((x >=111) && (x<=139) && (y >=81) && (y <= 109))  //MOVE IS B3
                   move = "B3";
    //<applet code = "game3.class" height =300 width=300> </applet>     

    writing a tic-tac-toe is harder than it sounds.. i wrote one last year in my computer science class.. i have it on my website, if you want to look at code. i wrote it in c++, but the logic is all that matters :)
    btw-last year, i wasnt too good of an OOP programmer, so the program is procedurely written. heres the url:
    also, to tell if a box is already taken, you can just add an if statement:   if ( gameBoard[selX][selY] == null )  //not taken, fill box:many people resort to a boolean matrix of the same idea, but with booleans that store which boxes are taken. i prefer the way above, saves code, memory, and makes it more understandable.
    hope it helps.

  • Help with printing a tic tac toe board (using a loop to print)

    hey im making the smiple game tic tac toe and im tryin to print out the board after each turn. I have a 2d array called char which is a 3 by 3 array and i dont know how i would make a for loop to print out the x's and o's in their right spot and still have the board look like a normal tic tac toe board. When the board is printing the x's and o's are already in the 2d char array board.So basically what i want to happen is after player 1's turn is up wherever he put the x replace the number on the board with an x and keep the rest the same and whenever player 2's turn is up wherever he put the o replace the number on the board with an o and keep the rest the same. Any help would be awesome thanks alot.
    Here is the code to the program (i know i use if statements to much its a bad habit of mine)
    import java.util.*;
    public class Tictactoe
        private char board [] [] = new board [3] [3];
        private int X;
        private int O;
        private Scanner p1choice;
        private Scanner p2choice;
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        public Tictactoe()
            p1choice = new Scanner(System.in);
            p2choice = new Scanner(System.in);
        public void play()
        public void printoriginalboard()
            System.out.println("    |    |    ");  
            System.out.println("  3 |  2 |  1 ");
            System.out.println("    |    |    ");
            System.out.println("  6 |  5 |  4 ");
            System.out.println("    |    |    ");
            System.out.println("    |    |    ");
            System.out.println("  9 |  8 |  7 ");
            System.out.println("    |    |    ");
            System.out.println("This is the classic game of tictactoe simply pick a number 1 through 9 to place an x or an o in that area.");
        public void player1turn()
            System.out.println("Player 1 pick an area to place an X");
            int p1choice= p1choice.nextInt();
            if(p1choice == 1 && p2choice == 1 || p1choice == 1){
                System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[0][2] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 2 && p2choice == 2 || p1choice == 2){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[1][2] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 3 && p2choice == 3 || p1choice == 3){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[2][2] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 4 && p2choice == 4 || p1choice == 4){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[0][1] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 5 && p2choice == 5 || p1choice == 5){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[1][1] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 6 && p2choice == 6 || p1choice == 6){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[2][1] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 7 && p2choice == 7 || p1choice == 7){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[0][0] = 'x';
            if(p1choice ==8 && p2choice == 8 || p1choice == 8){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[1][0] = 'x';
            if(p1choice == 9 && p2choice == 9 || p1choice == 9){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[2][0] = 'x';
        public void p2turn()
            System.out.println("Pick an area to place an O");
            int p2choice = p2choice.nextInt();
            if(p2choice == 1 && p1choice == 1 || p2choice == 1){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[0][2] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 2 && p1choice == 2 || p2choice == 2){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[1][2] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 3 && p1choice == 3 || p2choice == 3){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[2][2] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 4 && p1choice == 4 || p2choice == 4){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[0][1] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 5 && p1choice == 5 || p2choice == 5){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[1][1] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 6 && p1choice == 6 || p2choice == 6){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[2][1] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 7 && p1choice == 7 || p2choice == 7){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[0][0] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 8 && p1choice == 8 || p2choice == 8){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[1][0] = 'o';
            if(p2choice == 9 && p1choice == 9 || p2choice == 9){
            System.out.println("This spot has already been taken");
                board[2][0] = 'o';
        public void pintboard()

    Anyway the answer is that you are trying to create an array of char as there is no such thing as a board[3][3].
    One of the best tools a programmer can do is learn how to break a big problem into little problems and work on each little problem in isolation, and then when finished combining the solutions together into the final program. You big mistake that I see here is trying to bite off more than you can chew: trying to create a whole functioning interactive program from just one class. Why give yourself a task that would be difficult even for an experienced java programmer? I suggest that you break this down into logical parts and try to solve the smaller problems before worrying about the whole. For instance, if I were doing something like this, I'd create a class called TTTBoard that encapsulated the tic tac toe board and nothing but the board. I'd think of it as an entity. When I wanted the current state of the board, I'd query the board via a method such as getCurrentState. I'd have methods for checking if position is free, for placing an x/o in a spot, for checking for win, etc... Then I'd create a user interface class where I'd give the users a choice and get their responses. I'd probably create a Game class to control it all. While this all seems daunting, you are trying to do essentially the same thing, but all in one huge class. My recommendation: study OOPs and learn to do it the smart way. Good luck.

  • Help in swing app. tic tac toe

    Trying to make this tic tac toe game. Need a little help. I want the newGameBUT to start the game over, and I would like turnTF to display if a tie occurs. (I tried using *if button.enabled(false) {* but it didn't work. If anyone could help me out, that'd be great. Oh, also, the new game button currently add's 1 to whoever won so far, which is really weird =x. Thanks beforehand.
    import java.awt.*; //import
    import javax.swing.*; //import
    import java.awt.event.*; //import
    import java.awt.Rectangle; //import
    import java.awt.Font; //import
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory; //import
    import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; //import
    import java.awt.Color; //import
    public class TicTacToeFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
        public TicTacToeFrame() {
            try { //try the following
            } catch (Exception ex) { // exit on [X]
                ex.printStackTrace(); //exit and print errors
        int xWon = 0; //counting how many times O has won
        int oWon = 0; //counting how many times X has one
        double i = 0; // loop variable to determine turn
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            String turn = "null"; //current turn
            String notTurn = "null"; //not current turn
            newGameBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable new game button
            if (i % 2 == 0) { // for determining who's turn it is
                turn = "X"; // X's turn when counter is even
                notTurn = "O"; //notTurn used to show who's turn it is in turnTF
            if (i % 2 != 0) { // for determining who's turn it is
                turn = "O"; // O's turn when counter is odd
                notTurn = "X"; //notTurn used to show who's turn it is in turnTF
            turnTF.setText("Currently " + notTurn + "'s turn"); // displays turn
            if (e.getSource() == sqOneBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqOneBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqTwoBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqTwoBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqThreeBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqThreeBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqFourBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqFourBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqFiveBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqFiveBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqSixBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqSixBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqSevenBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqSevenBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqEightBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqEightBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqNineBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqNineBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            String sqOne = sqOneBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqTwo = sqTwoBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqThree = sqThreeBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqFour = sqFourBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqFive = sqFiveBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqSix = sqSixBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqSeven = sqSevenBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqEight = sqEightBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqNine = sqNineBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O WINS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    //horizontal, top, o wins
            if (sqOne == "O") { //checking too see if player O has won
                if (sqFour == "O") {
                    if (sqSeven == "O") {
                        turnTF.setText("O wins!"); //O wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    //vertical, left, o wins
            if (sqOne == "O") { //checking too see if player O has won
                if (sqTwo == "O") {
                    if (sqThree == "O") {
                        turnTF.setText("O wins!"); //O wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // diagonal, top left to bottom right, o wins
            if (sqOne == "O") {
                if (sqFive == "O") { //checking too see if player O has won
                    if (sqNine == "O") {
                        turnTF.setText("O wins!"); //O wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // horizontal, mid, o wins
            if (sqTwo == "O") { //checking too see if player O has won
                if (sqFive == "O") {
                    if (sqEight == "O") {
                        turnTF.setText("O wins!"); //O wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // horizontal, bottom, o wins
            if (sqThree == "O") { //checking too see if player O has won
                if (sqSix == "O") {
                    if (sqNine == "O") {
                        turnTF.setText("O wins!"); //O wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // diagonal, top right to bottom left, o wins
            if (sqThree == "O") { //checking too see if player O has won
                if (sqFive == "O") {
                    if (sqSeven == "O") {
                        turnTF.setText("O wins!"); //O wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X WINS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    //horizontal, top, x wins
            if (sqOne == "X") { //checking too see if player X has won
                if (sqFour == "X") {
                    if (sqSeven == "X") {
                        turnTF.setText("X wins!"); //X wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    //vertical, left, x wins
            if (sqOne == "X") { //checking too see if player X has won
                if (sqTwo == "X") {
                    if (sqThree == "X") {
                        turnTF.setText("X wins!"); //X wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // diagonal, top left to bottom right, x wins
            if (sqOne == "X") { //checking too see if player X has won
                if (sqFive == "X") {
                    if (sqNine == "X") {
                        turnTF.setText("X wins!"); //X wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // horizontal, mid, x wins
            if (sqTwo == "X") { //checking too see if player X has won
                if (sqFive == "X") {
                    if (sqEight == "X") {
                        turnTF.setText("X wins!"); //X wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
    // horizontal, bottom, x wins
            if (sqThree == "X") { //checking too see if player X has won
                if (sqSix == "X") {
                    if (sqNine == "X") {
                        turnTF.setText("X wins!"); //X wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
            // diagonal, top right to bottom left, x wins
            if (sqThree == "X") { //checking too see if player X has won
                if (sqFive == "X") {
                    if (sqSeven == "X") {
                        turnTF.setText("X wins!"); //X wins text
                        sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
                        sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disable all buttons
            String wins = turnTF.getText(); //Reading who won to print win winTF
            if (wins.equals("X wins!")) { //if X wins
                xWon++; //adding 1 to X's amount of wins
                String xWonString = Integer.toString(xWon); //converting to String
                xWinsTF.setText(xWonString); //displaying # of wins
                newGameBUT.setEnabled(true); //enable new game button
            if (wins.equals("O wins!")) { //if O wins
                oWon++; //adding 1 to O's amount of wins
                String oWonString = Integer.toString(oWon); //converting to String
                oWinsTF.setText(oWonString); //displaying # of wins
                newGameBUT.setEnabled(true); //enable new game button
            if (e.getSource() == newGameBUT) {
            i++; // turn switch
        /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        private void jbInit() throws Exception {
            sqTwoBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 116, 115, 115));
            sqTwoBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqFourBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(118, 1, 115, 115));
            sqFourBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqFiveBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(118, 116, 115, 115));
            sqFiveBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqSixBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(118, 232, 115, 115));
            sqSixBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqOneBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 1, 115, 115));
            sqOneBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqEightBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(233, 116, 115, 115));
            sqEightBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqNineBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(233, 232, 115, 115));
            sqNineBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqSevenBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(233, 1, 115, 115));
            sqSevenBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            sqThreeBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            turnTF.setFont(new java.awt.Font(
                    "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                    Font.BOLD, 20));
            turnTF.setText("X goes first");
            turnTF.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 346, 346, 35));
            oWinsTF.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                                              Font.BOLD, 18));
            oWinsTF.setBounds(new Rectangle(256, 419, 79, 59));
            xWinsTF.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                                              Font.BOLD, 18));
            xWinsTF.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 419, 79, 59));
            oWinsLBL.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                                               Font.PLAIN, 16));
            oWinsLBL.setText("O wins:");
            oWinsLBL.setBounds(new Rectangle(256, 399, 78, 21));
            xWinsLBL.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                                               Font.PLAIN, 16));
            xWinsLBL.setText("X wins:");
            xWinsLBL.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 393, 78, 21));
            newGameBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(101, 455, 146, 23));
            newGameBUT.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold",
                                                 Font.BOLD, 14));
            newGameBUT.setText("New Game");
            sqThreeBUT.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 232, 115, 115));
        JButton sqTwoBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqThreeBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqFourBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqFiveBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqSixBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqOneBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqEightBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqNineBUT = new JButton();
        JButton sqSevenBUT = new JButton();
        JTextField turnTF = new JTextField();
        JTextField oWinsTF = new JTextField();
        JTextField xWinsTF = new JTextField();
        JLabel oWinsLBL = new JLabel();
        JLabel xWinsLBL = new JLabel();
        JButton newGameBUT = new JButton();

    This code should be the poster-child for every time we tell someone that repeated code can usually be replaced with collections or method calls.
            if (e.getSource() == sqOneBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqOneBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqOneBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqTwoBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqTwoBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqTwoBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqThreeBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqThreeBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqThreeBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqFourBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqFourBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqFourBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqFiveBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqFiveBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqFiveBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqSixBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqSixBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqSixBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqSevenBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqSevenBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqSevenBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqEightBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqEightBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqEightBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            if (e.getSource() == sqNineBUT) { //disable and print X or O to button
                sqNineBUT.setText(turn); //printing players symbol
                sqNineBUT.setEnabled(false); //disabling button
            String sqOne = sqOneBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqTwo = sqTwoBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqThree = sqThreeBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqFour = sqFourBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqFive = sqFiveBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqSix = sqSixBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqSeven = sqSevenBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqEight = sqEightBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner
            String sqNine = sqNineBUT.getText(); // Strings to read to find winner

  • Tic Tac Toe Problem

    I need help on a Tic Tac Toe game I am making for a class. I had finished a "2 Player" version and my instructor wants me to simulate a computer "AI" now. I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. The order of precedence is this:
    1. X moves first (the player)
    2. Computer moves to win.
    3. If it can't win, it moves to block a win
    4. If it can't block a win, it moves to the best possible spot to set up a win.
    I think my problems are with several methods, but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. Every time I look at my code, it just makes "sense". I think my problems could probably be found in 4 methods, setButtonText(), findOpen(), findBestOpen() and tempCheck(). I would like hints or maybe if I could get a second look at it for me.
    public class VangTicTacToe extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        private boolean isX;
        private int turnCount;
        private boolean gameWon;
        private boolean isTemp;
        /** Creates new form VangTicTacToe */
        public VangTicTacToe() {
            isX = true;
            turnCount = 0;
        private void checkWinner(String pressedButton){
            //an multi-dimensional array of winning combinations
            JButton[][] winningCombos = {{oneJButton, twoJButton,
            threeJButton}, {oneJButton, fourJButton,
            sevenJButton}, {oneJButton, fiveJButton, nineJButton},
            {twoJButton, fiveJButton, eightJButton}, {threeJButton, sixJButton,
            nineJButton}, {fourJButton, fiveJButton, sixJButton}, {sevenJButton,
            eightJButton, nineJButton}, {sevenJButton, fiveJButton, threeJButton}};
            String buttonPressed = pressedButton;
            //loops and determines if any of the possible winning combinations have been
            //met for X and displays output accordingly
            for(JButton[] row : winningCombos){
                for(JButton button : row){
                        gameWon = true;
                        gameWon = false;
                }//end inner for
                if(gameWon == true && isTemp == false){
                    for(JButton button : row){
                    }//end inner for
                        outputJLabel.setText("Congratulations! Player 1 (\"X\") Wins!");
                        outputJLabel.setText("Sorry, computer wins.");
                }//end if
                    continue;//go to next outer loop and keep searching
            }//end outer for
        }//end method checkWinner
        private void setButtonText(JButton buttonPressed){
            if(isX == true){
                isX = false;
                outputJLabel.setText("Computer's turn");
                isTemp = true; //sets isTemp to true so that the test is temporary
                findOpen();//calls findOpen to start computer move
            //disable the button so it cannot be pressed again
            //increment the turn count number
            if(turnCount == 9)
                outputJLabel.setText("Cats Game! You both are losers!");
        }//end method setText
        //the following 3 methods are for a computer move
         //find next open space
        private void findOpen(){
            //array of buttons
            JButton[] buttons = {oneJButton, twoJButton, threeJButton, fourJButton,
            fiveJButton, sixJButton, sevenJButton, eightJButton, nineJButton};
            //moves through array of buttons and looks for empty.  If empty,
            //it calls temporary select method.
            for (int count = 0; count < buttons.length; count++){
            }//end for loop
            //if gameWon is false, call findBestButton to find the best open spot
            if(gameWon == false){
        }//end method findOpen
        private void findBestButton(){
            //an multi-dimensional array of winning combinations
            JButton[][] winningCombos = {{oneJButton, twoJButton,
            threeJButton}, {oneJButton, fourJButton,
            sevenJButton}, {oneJButton, fiveJButton, nineJButton},
            {twoJButton, fiveJButton, eightJButton}, {threeJButton, sixJButton,
            nineJButton}, {fourJButton, fiveJButton, sixJButton}, {sevenJButton,
            eightJButton, nineJButton}, {sevenJButton, fiveJButton, threeJButton}};
            boolean placeO = false;
            int buttonCount = 0;
            for(JButton[] row : winningCombos){
                for(JButton button : row){
                    if(button.getText().equals("O") || button.getText().equals("")){
                        placeO = true;
                        placeO = false;
                        buttonCount = 0;
                    if(placeO == true){
                    if(buttonCount == 3 && placeO == true){
                }//end inner for
                if(placeO == true){
                    isX = true;
            }//end outer for
        }//end method findBestButton
        //checks if temp move would win
        private void tempCheck(JButton tempButton){
            //temporarily assigns "O" to a square and checks if it wins
            if(gameWon == true){//if it wins then set temp to false and call
                isTemp = false;//checkWinner();
                tempButton.setText("");//else, set buttonText to empty
            }//end if
            if(gameWon == false){//if gameWon is false, check if "X" would win
                isTemp = true;
                if(gameWon == true){//if x is going to win,
                    tempButton.setText("O");//block the player from winning
        }//end method tempCheck()

    touandcim wrote:
    I click to make "X"'s (the player's move). X appears but O never does, although a button is highlighted. If I keep pressing the buttons, all X's appear until the last move, when an "O" appears.I don't know if it's the problem, but
    checkWinner("0");looks suspicious. (2nd invocation in your tempCheck() method).
    Your program seems awfully brittle. How would you do it if you had a 4 x 4 board? Or 5 x 5?
    Also, your 'winningCombos' array is repeated everywhere it's used. There's no need for that; just make it an instance variable/constant.

  • Gui tris (tic tac toe)

    i am trying to create the tris game in java (maybe you know this game as tic tac toe). I created windows and the alghoritm to play. But now i have the problem to create the board. My idea is to create a board with nine clickable cells, the player clicks on the cell he wants (if it's free), then the computer plays and so on...but i don't have the knowledges of making complex graphic things in java. How can I do?

    ok, and how can i manage the player's click?MouseListener on the JLabel.
    also that when the player clicks, the program must
    draw a symbol (x or o depending from the choice of
    player). how can i do all this things? For a noob
    like me this is very difficultRead the tutorials. I'm not going to explain to you how to create your app if you can read it up yourself.


    Why do I keep getting the following errors in a very simple, basic TIC TAC TOE program? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    C:\Class\Teresa\TicTacToe017.java:114: 'else' without 'if'
    else if (board[turnRow - 1][turnCol - 1] == 'X'
    C:\Class\Teresa\TicTacToe017.java:185: 'else' without 'if'
    else // Next player's turn
    C:\Class\Teresa\TicTacToe017.java:39: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method call ()
    location: class TicTacToe017
    C:\Class\Teresa\TicTacToe017.java:145: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method writeBoard ()
    location: class TicTacToe017
    C:\Class\Teresa\TicTacToe017.java:165: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method writeBoard ()
    location: class TicTacToe017
    C:\Class\Teresa\TicTacToe017.java:181: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method writeBoard ()
    location: class TicTacToe017
    6 errors
    Tool completed with exit code 1
    Here is my code so far.
    File name: TicTacToe.java
    A class to play TicTacToe.
    Entries cannot be changed once they are entered.
    Written by: Lew Rakocy
    email address: [email protected]
    Date: 9/2/00
    Changes: 03/13/2003 Made comments like text examples.
    Added code to display board after win and draw.
    public class TicTacToe017
    // Use a 3 X 3 (two-dimensional) array for the game board.
    private static char[][] board = new char[3][3];
    private static char turn;
    private static int row; // Loop controls to
    private static int col; // display the board
    private static int turnRow; // User input to
    private static int turnCol; // select move
    private static boolean entryError;
    private static boolean anotherGame = true;
    private static char repeat; // User input: y or Y to repeat
    private static int entryCount = 0; // Game ends when board is full
    // (when entryCount = 9);
    public static void main(String[] args)
                        System.out.println("This is the game board.");
                        System.out.print("Welcome to Teresa's Tic Tac Toe!");
    System.out.println("Another game? Enter Y or y for yes.");
    repeat = SavitchIn.readLineNonwhiteChar();
    if ((repeat == 'Y') || (repeat == 'y'))
         System.out.println("Play another game.");
         System.out.println("End of game. Thanks for playing.");
    System.out.println("|R\\C| 1 | 2 | 3 |");
    for(row = 0; row < 3; ++row)
    System.out.println("| " + (row + 1)
    + " | " + board[row][0]
    + " | " + board[row][1]
    + " | " + board[row][2]
    + " |");
    private static void getMove()
    entryError = true; // Will change to false if valid row
    // and column numbers are entered.
    System.out.println(turn + "'s turn.");
    System.out.println("Where do what your " + turn + " placed?");
    "Please enter row number and column number"
    + " separated by a space.");
    turnRow = SavitchIn.readInt();
    turnCol = SavitchIn.readInt();
    System.out.println("You have entered row #" + turnRow);
    System.out.println(" and column #" + turnCol);
    // Check for proper range (1, 2, or 3)
                   if (board[turnRow - 1][turnCol - 1] > 3)
              System.out.println("Invalid entry: try again.");
    "Row & column numbers must be either 1, 2, or 3.");
    // Check to see if it is already occupied
    // Adjust turnRow and turnCol for 0-numbering in array
    else if (board[turnRow - 1][turnCol - 1] == 'X'
    || board[turnRow - 1][turnCol - 1] == 'O')
    System.out.println("That cell is already taken.");
    System.out.println("Please make another selection.");
    else // Valid entry
    entryError = false;
    System.out.println("Thank you for your selection.");
    board[turnRow - 1][turnCol - 1] = turn;
    private static boolean winner()
    // Row checks
    for(row = 0; row < 3; ++row)
    if(board[row][0] == turn)
    if(board[row][1] == turn)
    if(board[row][2] == turn)
    System.out.println (turn + " IS THE WINNER!!!");
    return true;
    if(board[0][2] == turn)
    if(board[1][1] == turn)
    if(board[2][0] == turn)
    System.out.println (turn + " IS THE WINNER!!!");
    return true;
    // These lines execute only if there is no winner.
    // End game if board is full
              if (entryCount == 9)
    System.out.println("Draw: no winner and board is full.");
    return true;
    else // Next player's turn
    return false;
    private static void newGame()
    System.out.println("New Game: X goes first.");
    turn = 'O'; // Turn will change to X when winner() is called
    // Clear the board
    for(row = 0; row < 3; ++row)
    for(col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
    board[row][col] = ' ';
    entryCount = 0;

    the "else without if" means that you have an else statement that wasn't attached to an if statement. In your case, it seems to be because you had multiple statements following an if statement, and you didn't enclose them in a single block.
    The "cannot resolve symbol" means that you referred to something that wasn't defined. Either it's your code, and you forgot to define it, or you were referring to someone else's code, in which case you probably forgot an import statement, or you're using their code incorrectly.

  • HTML-Java-Tic Tac Toe

    I wrote a Tic tac toe program in net beans aka Java and i wanna know how to get it on my geocities website.
    There are 10 dukes dollars assigned, help would be appreciated

    Otherwise I could become dramatically de-incented.Yes, student85, and what about poor Laszlo in thread http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5170840
    He's an old man who walks with a cane and you can't spare him a duke!

  • My tic-tac-toe program sucks

    If anyone has any interest, please look at this code and tell me what is wrong with it.
    It is supposed to play tic tac toe perfectly, it does not.
    I attempted to use the negamax algorithm.
    Please post any specific changes you made.

    /* This doesn't seem to work, there is always at least 1 cmd line arg for some reason
    if (argc != 0)
    { printf ("WARNING: %d command line arguement(s) ignored!n", argc); }
    { printf ("TEST"); }
    The reason why there is always at least one command line argument is because the name of the executable is counted.
    For example, if you ran your program like this:
    ./tic-tac-toe foo bar
    argc == 3
    argv[0] == tic-tac-toe
    argv[1] == foo
    argv[2] == bar

  • Finishing tic-tac-toe program

    Hey, so I've completed all the basic steps for playing the actual game, but now I'm working on creating the final booleans for determining if someone won or if it's a stalemate. Here's my entire code, but the boolean methods of interest are located at the bottom. Do I just use the player variable for the if statements? Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance.
    import java.util.*;
    public class Eight3
        public static void main(String[] args)
             Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
             System.out.println("Welcome to tic-tac-toe. 'X' goes first.");
             TicTacToe newBoard = new TicTacToe();
             System.out.println("Enter coordinates for your move:");
             String newPlay = keyboard.nextLine();
    class TicTacToe
        //will  represent the tic-tac-toe "board"
        private char[][] board;
        private char player;
        public TicTacToe()
             int row, column;
             player = 'X';
             board = new char[3][3];
             for(row = 0; row < board.length; row++)
                 for(column = 0; column < board[row].length; column++)
                     board[row][column] = ' ';
         public boolean play(String s)
                 if(board[0][0] == ' ')
                     board[0][0] = player;
                     return false;
            else if(s.equals("A2"))
                 if(board[0][1] == ' ')
                     board[0][1] = player;
                    return false;
            else if(s.equals("A3"))
                 if(board[0][2] == ' ')
                     board[0][2] = player;
                    return false;
            else if(s.equals("B1"))
                 if(board[1][0] == ' ')
                    board[1][0] = player;
                    return false;
            else if(s.equals("B2"))
                 if(board[1][1] == ' ')
                    board[1][1] = player;
                        return false;
            else if(s.equals("B3"))
                 if(board[1][2] == ' ')
                    board[1][2] = player;
                    return false;
            else if(s.equals("C1"))
                if(board[2][0] == ' ')
                    board[2][0] = player;
                    return false;
            else if(s.equals("C2"))
                if(board[2][1] == ' ')
                    board[2][1] = player;
                    return false;
            else if(s.equals("C3"))
                     if(board[2][2] == ' ')
                         board[2][2] = player;
                     return false;
                 return false;
            if(player == 'X')
                 player = 'O';
                player = 'X';
            return true;
        public void print()
              System.out.println("      1     2     3  ");
             System.out.println("         |     |     ");
             System.out.println("A     "+board[0][0]+"  |  "+board[0][1]+"  |  "+board[0][2]+" ");
             System.out.println("    - - - - - - - - -");
             System.out.println("B     "+board[1][0]+"  |  "+board[1][1]+"  |  "+board[1][2]+" ");
             System.out.println("    - - - - - - - - -");
             System.out.println("C     "+board[2][0]+"  |  "+board[2][1]+"  |  "+board[2][2]+" ");
             System.out.println("         |     |     ");
         public boolean won()
              if((board[0][0] == player) && (board[0][1] == player) && (board[0][2] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[1][0] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[1][2] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[2][0] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][2] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[0][0] == player) && (board[1][0] == player) && (board[2][0] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[0][1] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][1] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[0][2] == player) && (board[1][2] == player) && (board[2][2] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[0][0] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][2] == player))
                   return true;
              else if((board[0][2] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][0] == player))
                   return true;
                   return false;
         public boolean stalemate()
              //not sure about this

    Sorry about the ugliness - no it doesn't do what I want it to yet - I would just like some assistance with the public boolean won() method. The game doesn't end when a real life winner is determined. So, if we could just start with that, that'd be great. Thanks.

  • Networked Tic Tac Toe

    I need help with making my Tic Tac Toe game networked. Is there an easy
    way to pass two ints over through a network. Heres my Code so far. I
    already have a working Tic Tac Toe. Just wanted to add Network
    Heres my code:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.ServerSocket;
    import java.net.Socket;
    import java.net.UnknownHostException;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    * This class functions as the controller for my Tic Tac Toe game.
    * @author Zosden
    * Date Due: 2/22/2008
    * @version 1.0 (22 February 2008)
    * Input: playersFile.txt is a text file to hold players information.
    * String playerXName is a temp String for input of player x's name.
    * String playerOName is a temp String for input of player O's name.
    * Output: playersFile.txt
    public class GameController
        //  Properties   //
        private GameView myView;
        private GameModel myModel;
        private Player myPlayerX;
        private Player myPlayerO;
        private File playersFile;
        private FileReader fileReader;
        private BufferedReader bufReader;
        private FileOutputStream outFileStream;
        private PrintStream p;
        private boolean myPlayerXNewPlayer = true;
        private boolean myPlayerONewPlayer = true;
        private int myPlayerXPosition;
        private int myPlayerOPosition;
        private Vector myPlayerVector = new Vector(10);
        private ServerSocket serverSocket;
        private Socket clientSocket;
        private PrintWriter out;
        private String inputLine;
        private String outputLine;
        private boolean isClient;
        private BufferedReader in;
        private String fromServer;
         * Default controller constructor.
        public GameController(Player aPlayerX, Player aPlayerO, boolean isClient)
            myPlayerX = aPlayerX;
            myPlayerO = aPlayerO;
            this.isClient = isClient;
            myModel = new GameModel(this);
            myView = new GameView(this);
                this.waitForTurn(-1 , -1);
        private void waitForTurn(int aRow, int aCol)
                if(!(aRow == -1 || aCol == -1))
                    out.println(aRow + " " + aCol + " ");
                    System.out.println("Made Move");
                        fromServer = in.readLine();
                    catch (IOException e)
                    if(fromServer != null)
                        int row = fromServer.indexOf(" ");
                        int col = fromServer.indexOf(" ");
                        System.out.println(row + " " + col);
                        myModel.move(row, col);
                out.println(aRow + " " + aCol + " ");
                        fromServer = in.readLine();
                    catch (IOException e)
                    int row = fromServer.indexOf(" ");
                    int col = fromServer.indexOf(" ");
                    System.out.println(row + " " + col);
                    myModel.move(row, col);
        private void setUpServer()
            serverSocket = null;
                serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4444);
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Could not listen on port: 4444.");
            clientSocket = null;
                clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Accept failed.");
                out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
            catch (IOException e)
        private void setUpClient()
                clientSocket = new Socket(myPlayerO.getName(), 4444);
                out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);   
            catch (UnknownHostException e)
                System.err.println("Don't know about host.");
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to.");
         * Tells the model that something has been selected then
         * passes the row and col of the event.
         * pre:  a valid view, model and controller have been designated
         * post: sends aRow and aCol to move in the model class.
         * @param aRow
         * @param aCol
        public void choiceMade(Integer aRow, Integer aCol)
            myModel.move(aRow, aCol);
            this.waitForTurn(aRow, aCol);
        public void changePlayersName()
            String playerXName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
            "Please enter player X's name.");
            String playerOName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
            "Please enter player O's name.");
        public void changeMusic()
        public void pauseMusic()
        public void startMusic()
        public void quitGame()
         * Increments the number of wins a certain player has,
         * which is determined by the argument.
         * @param aPlayerType
        public void changeImage(int aRow, int aCol, int aPlayerType)
            myView.setMyImagePieces(aRow, aCol, aPlayerType);
        public void updateScore()
        public void changeMessage(String aString)
         * This method writes the players name and wins into a text file in
         * order to save that information
         * <pre>
         * pre: The myPlayerX and myPlayerO must be initiated.
         * The text file "playersFile.txt"
         * must exist and be written correctly. If it isn't just
         * delete all info in it and
         * start anew.
         * post: This method will rewrite the entire text file
         * with all the players names.
         * </pre>
        public void writePlayers()
                myPlayerVector.remove(myPlayerXPosition + 1);
                        myPlayerXPosition + 1);
                myPlayerVector.remove(myPlayerOPosition + 1);
                        myPlayerOPosition + 1);
                    outFileStream = new FileOutputStream(playersFile);
                    p = new PrintStream(outFileStream);
                catch (IOException e)
            for(int i = 0; i < myPlayerVector.size(); i++)
         * This method reads the players name and wins in a text file in
         * order to find out their information
         * <pre>
         * pre: The myPlayerX and myPlayerO must be initiated.
         * The text file "playersFile.txt"
         * must exist and be written correctly. If it isn't just
         * delete all info in it and
         * start anew.
         * post: This method will read the entire text file
         * with all the players names.
         * </pre>
        public void readPlayers()
            String tempName = null;
            int tempPosition = 0;
            int tempWins = 0;
            playersFile = new File("playersText.txt");
                fileReader = new FileReader(playersFile);
                bufReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
                catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                tempName = null;
                    tempName = bufReader.readLine();
                    if(tempName == null)
                    myPlayerVector.insertElementAt(tempName, tempPosition);
                        myPlayerXPosition = tempPosition;
                        myPlayerOPosition = tempPosition;
                        tempWins = Integer.parseInt(bufReader.readLine());
                    catch(NumberFormatException e)
                    myPlayerVector.insertElementAt(tempWins, tempPosition);
                catch (IOException e)
                    myPlayerXNewPlayer = false;
                    myPlayerONewPlayer = false;
        public void incrementWin(int aPlayerType)
            if(aPlayerType == getPlayerOType())
            if(aPlayerType == getPlayerXType())
        public void changePlayersNames()
            String playerXName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
            "Please enter player X's name.");
            String playerOName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
            "Please enter player O's name.");
        //   Accessor Methods     //
        public int getNumDraws()
            return myModel.getNumberDraws();
        public String getMessages()
            return myModel.getMessages();
        public void setMusic(Integer aSong)
        public String getPlayerXName()
            return myPlayerX.getName();
        public String getPlayerOName()
            return myPlayerO.getName();
        public int getPlayerXWins()
            return myPlayerX.getNumWins();
        public int getPlayerOWins()
            return myPlayerO.getNumWins();
        public int getPlayerXType()
            return myPlayerX.getType();
        public int getPlayerOType()
            return myPlayerO.getType();
        public int getNoPlayerType()
            return myPlayerO.NO_PLAYER;
        private void setPlayerXWins(int aNumWins)
        private void setPlayerOWins(int aNumWins)
        private void setPlayerXName(String aName)
        private void setPlayerOName(String aName)

    I think I figured it out. I still have some work to do, but that part is easy. Heres the file in case anyone is interested.[TTT.Zip|http://www.mediafire.com/?wii1fn5wqom]
    If anyone knows of a better way to do this same thing please let me know

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