Time capsule visible in finder can't connect to TC drives

upgraded to yosemite on mac book pro. I can see TC in finder and finder shows my TC drive but when I click on that drive to see the files it says the drive isn't available. As a consequence Time machine won't back up either. I have reset the TC and unplugged it turned it back on. Sometimes it will then work but then stops letting me access the drive. Wifi is all ok.

Try resetting TM as well
See A4 here. http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
But I highly recommend along with that a factory reset of your TC.. change all names to short, no spaces and pure alphanumeric.
eg base station name.. TCgenx (use actual gen number for x) and TCwifi for wireless name.
All passwords should be pure alphanumeric mix of case and numbers.
Then load the TC into finder as above.. then finally rediscover the disk and setup TM again to this new location.
It will say it is going to start a new backup but will find the old backup when it starts.
BTW.. I also have made a strong recommendation lately to use Carbon Copy Cloner (or any of those backup 3rd party utilities) to a USB drive as a failsafe for when TM is actually needed and does not work.. CCC can create a bootable clone of your current hard disk.. which makes it exact replica and easy peasy to test.. you simply boot off it.

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    how do I get the Mac addresses for each device (this won't be a problem, I demand the device, check it, and then return it).
    What wireless devices are we looking at here?
    Most devices have the AirPort ID or MAC Address or Hardware Address printed on the back or bottom of the device
    Otherwise, you can learn the correct number by process of elimination. Turn off all wireless devices except your Mac computer....if it is connecting using wireless.
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on the Time Capsule icon
    Look for Wireless Clients and click on the numerical IP address that is displayed
    Another box will open
    Look for the Hardware Address. It will be displayed as xx : xx : xx : xx :xx : xx
    Write that down and note that it is your Mac.
    Now, connect another wireless device and repeat the sequence.  Click on the "other" listing that you see to find out more info about that device.  Write down the ID or Address and note what device it is. Then power it off.
    Do the same for each wireless device that you want to have limited access.
    Post back when you have all the info.

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    how can I back up this drive to the Time Capsule?
    You will have to do this manually using the Finder, or try a commercial application like Chronosync or Carbon Copy Cloner which might be able to backup a network drive to another network drive. Check with their support folks first before you buy.
    If you could connect the external drive directly to a Mac, Time Machine would backup both the Mac and the external hard drive (assuming that the external is formatted correcly to work with Time Machine).

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    The first thing I would recommend is to change the base station name on both Time Capsule base stations to something a lot simpler. (No offense intended, but some connection issues are related to long names that have spaces and/or special characters in them.)
    I would suggest something like: TCn for the 802.11n Time Capsule and TCac for the 802.11ac one.
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    What OS are you running??
    It is very typical Yosemite issue.
    1. In airport utility does the TC show up.. if so click it.. and see the summary page which will include its IP address. That is what you are after.
    From my screenshot you can see the TC address is
    It might well show up briefly after a reboot or in ipad / iphone version utility. Yosemite is hopeless. The airport utility hardly works.
    2. In Finder use Go, Connect to server.
    Type in SMB:// (replace with IP you discover).
    If it is possible it will request a password.. type that in and DO NOT FORGET.. to store it in your keychain.
    This will work until the TC changes IP which won't happen if it is main router.. but will happen if it is bridged.. so you need to tell me the whole network setup.
    Mavericks is nearly as bad and the above instructions should be universal except I would use AFP instead of SMB. Apparently Yosemite is now totally Windows oriented.

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    It will only appear in devices if you mount the drive. This should happen automatically when Time Machine starts.. but you can manually mount the share by just clicking it.

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    Any advice welcome.

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    Actually, none of the options will do what you are looking for it to do. That is because, this application only monitors the traffic from the device it is hosted on. That would also mean that you would have to run a copy on each computer that will access the Internet on your network; note their individual usages, and then, combine them to get an idea of the total usage.
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    Giancarlo Messalli wrote:
    1) are you sure a reset holding the reset button will not delete my data?
    Absolutely sure.. There is no connection at all.. reset is only the router side of the TC.
    For the hard disk to be erased you need to access the airport utility disk page.. request erase and confirm the operation.
    2) I can access to time capsule by ethernet but I am not able to input the corret setting by myself
    Thank you again
    I am uncertain why if you have access you cannot change settings.. but that is why you reset things so any of those problems should be fixed.
    Here is the Apple info on reset.
    And here is the quote from the horse's mouth so to speak.
    Factory default reset: Perform this reset if you wish to repurpose the AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule and want to remove all personal profiles and settings first. This reset resets the device to its state when you first purchased it. Data stored on internal or external hard drives connected to the device will not be erased. If you choose, you may manually erase the hard drive using AirPort Utility.

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    Please help?
    I tried being the most descriptive I could

    I am only able to connect to the internet on my main computer.
    What IP does your main computer get.. ?? Post a screenshot if you can as it helps to see the details.
    When you open the airport utility on the main computer.. click on the TC what errors does it show?
    They will list in the summary.
    What mode is the TC in? If the setup went wrong it might be bridged when it should be in router mode..
    Remember any time to change things around with cable modems you MUST shut down the modem as well.. it cannot change the MAC address of the first item easily so need to be off.. a few minutes at least.. sometimes up to 20min or longer. Make sure the TC captures the public IP on the wan interface.. which is the only way this will work with a pure modem.
    The most recent TC can still have issues.. new AC version TC and AE have the Max amount of issues with SB6121 and 6141.. there seems to be some ethernet issue between them..
    What model TC do you have??
    You can slow the LAN port down or specify the actual speed in the Gen1-4.

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    Set the 2.4ghz network to a new name.. I suggest TC24ghz. (name should be short, no spaces and pure alphanumeric).
    Test the channels, 1, 6, 11 in reverse order.. ie 11 is usually the free one.
    Test with WPA2 Personal security and a short pure alphanumeric password say 10 characters.
    No luck remove the security and try it.
    No luck take the TC back to Apple for testing. Take your phone with you. Ask apple to setup the two.

  • Time Capsule not work with appletalk printers connected via ethernet?

    I have seen no definitive answers to this problem posted here or on support forum. Some have suggested (but Apple refuses to confirm) that Time Capsule does not support AppleTalk devices (particularly printers) connected via Ethernet to Time Capsule. Even the "Genius Bar" guys can't tell you for sure, but this is what they suspect also.
    I am a 25 year Macintosh user. I have conducted numerous experiments on this problem. What follows is my analysis and work around.
    I have found no way to connect AppleTalk printers to Time Capsule by an Ethernet network connected to the back of the Time Capsule. It just doesn't work. Forget all the posts about what to try. Especially forget about resetting your printer settings. Waste of time. This leads me to conclude that those who suspect that Time Capsule does not support AppleTalk printers connected on an Ethernet network are absolutely correct. It is a hardware or software deficiency. I do not know why Apple won't just publish this in their technical specs. It would save us users a lot of time and frustration.
    Now the work around. The only thing that I have found that will work is to set up an Airport Extreme to extend the wireless network created with the Time Capsule. Plug your ethernet network into the Airport Extreme, NOT into the Time Capsule. I presume (but have not tested) that this works with an Airport Express as well. I did this with my old Airport Extreme that I had left over after buying my new Time Capsule. Now the printers show up again and print fine.
    Please let me know what your results are if you try this.

    The problem is caused by an interaction between the Airport Extreme Update 2008-004 and the TC 7.3 firmware. I swapped out my TC for my AirPort Extreme (which sat on a shelf unused since I bought the TC). It has version 6.xx of the firmware. Immediately I could see my printer when I wirelessly connect with my MBPro and can print from it. I put the TC back and then did an Archive and Install of 7.5 on my MBPro. I did every software update except the Airport Extreme Update 2008-004. I could see my printer and print to it! After cloning my HD, I then applied the 2008-004 update to 7.5.5. That broke the wireless printing again! I tried TC firmware 7.3, 7.3.1, and 7.3.2 but not go. It is clear that my computer is trying to communicate with the printer (lots of flashing lights on my LAN switch) but no successful handshaking. I restored my hard drive from the clone and I now I can print again. Final word: if you want to print from a wireless computer connection to an AppleTalk printer connected to TC's LAN do not apply the 2008-004 update to your computer. Apple: please fix this problem.

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    Thank you.

    On the wireless networks that your Mac has had trouble connecting to, do you know which Wireless Security type (WEP, WPA, or WPA2) is being used?
    If it is WEP, one of the problems is that the actual standard relies on a 10 character HEX key for 40bit WEP and a 26 character HEX key for 128bit WEP.   In order to make things easier, vendors use certain algorithms to convert simple alphanumeric passwords (or passphrases) into HEX keys, thus enabling the use of simple easy to remember WEP password rather than lengthy HEX keys. The problem is that different vendors use different algorithms to generate the HEX key and therefore a ASCII password on an AEBS will be hashed differently on a non-Apple client and vice versa.   You may find the following Apple Support article helpful.

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    One thing to bear in mind, if you are using Time Machine on your Time Capsule and have it set so the TM backup includes your external drive, you will effectively be backing up your Aperture library twice on the same drive, once with Time Machine and once with the vault. This isn't a problem unless you start to run out of space.
    Another thing to note, vaults on network drives used to be flaky (i.e. not really supported) and required workarounds to be able to use them. I'm not sure if this has changed, but I just managed to create a vault on my TC ok.

  • Having trouble with time capsule, won't find backups

    having trouble with time capsule, won't find backups

    Usually a simple reboot will work.. Reboot the TC..
    If that is not enough.. Restart the whole network from off.
    Mountain Lion and to a lesser extent Lion.. have network issues and lose track of the TC.

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