To All Top Java Programmers !

Hello Experts;
I'm the main programmer of a free java ide that will soon be release :
I'm here because I'm encountering a big problem for me.
To have a glimpse of the problem here is the link :
The ide itself uses a desktop pane as its 1st screen. If the user created a new file the desktop pane
will be hidden by setVisible(false); after that the text pane, tab pane and split pane will be
displayed as the working area of the programmer. You can close every tab pane on the user
interface by right clicking the text pane and selecting close on my pop-up menu.
If you remove the last tab, it will be remove and the desktop pane should be displayed again
using setVisible(true); here is the code for removing the tab panes :
// where i7 is a menu item on my pop-up menu
i7.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
// x1 is my tab pane . . .
int rem = x1.getTabCount();
if (rem == 1) {
// remove tab pane . . .
// if its the last pane d1 which is desktop pane
// should be displayed . . .
else {
// If its not the final tab then keep removing . . .
As you can see on my link above I'm having a problem on my desktop pane cause after a
resize or a full screen the desktop pane would remain the same and would not
follow the resize of the frame. Is there any solution to this ?
Dont worry about the layout cause its well arange, the desktop pane is set like :
this.getContentPane().add(d1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Hoping to here from you guys . . .
Friend : Javatm

I've already reproduce my codes to a much more simplier format.
1.) Click 1st the reproduce button then you'll see a txt area w/ a tabbedpane.
2.) Right click the text area and select close.
3.) Then resize the window, you will see that the desktop pane would not follow.
Is there any solution to this :
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
private JDesktopPane d1;
private JTabbedPane x1;
private JTextArea t1;
public MyFrame() {
super("Sample . . .");
JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
d1 = new JDesktopPane();
JButton b1 = new JButton("Reproduce");
this.getContentPane().add(d1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// This is for the screen resolution and dimension
Dimension sd = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
setLocation(sd.width / 2 - 300 / 2,
sd.height / 2 - 275 / 2);
setSize(300, 275);
b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent h)
private void create() {
t1 = new JTextArea();
x1 = new JTabbedPane();
String s1 = "Untitled";
String s2 = "To close this area you need to right"+
"\nclick this text area and then select close.";
x1.addTab(s1, new JScrollPane(t1));
this.getContentPane().add(x1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
private void popup() {
final JPopupMenu p1 = new JPopupMenu();
JMenuItem i1 = new JMenuItem("Close");
KeyEvent.VK_X, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
i1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
int rem = x1.getTabCount();
if (rem == 1) {
else {
t1.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) {
private void checkForTriggerEvent( MouseEvent e ) {
if ( e.isPopupTrigger() ) e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY() );
public static void main( String args[] )
MyFrame app = new MyFrame();
new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
Thank you very much . . .

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    Message was edited by: andrew.thomas
    andrew.thomas wrote:
    I get the same problem with Java Preferences. I downloaded the public release of 1.6 and now this. Any Ideas how i can either remove 1.6 or how I can get Java preferences working again?
    Message was edited by: andrew.thomas
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    Invalid memory access of location 8285c040 rip=82be137e
    Bus error

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    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class SplashScreen extends JWindow {
    private int duration;
    public SplashScreen(int d) {
    duration = d;
    // A simple little method to show a title screen in the center
    // of the screen for the amount of time given in the constructor
    public void showSplash() {
    JPanel content = (JPanel)getContentPane();
    // Set the window's bounds, centering the window
    int width = 300;
    int height =400;
    Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    int x = (screen.width-width)/2;
    int y = (screen.height-height)/2;
    // Build the splash screen
    JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("logo2.gif"));
    JLabel copyrt = new JLabel
    ("Copyright 2004, Timetabler 2004", JLabel.CENTER);
    copyrt.setFont(new Font("Sans-Serif", Font.BOLD, 16));
    content.add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    content.add(copyrt, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    Color oraRed = new Color(100, 50, 80, 120);
    content.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(oraRed, 10));
    // Display it
    // Wait a little while, maybe while loading resources
    try { Thread.sleep(duration); } catch (Exception e) {}
    public void showSplashAndExit() {
    // System.exit(0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JMenu;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    public class login extends JDialog
    String username;
    String password;
    JTextField text1;
    JPasswordField text2;
    //super("Login To TIMETABLER");
    text1=new JTextField(10);
    text2 = new JPasswordField(10);
    JLabel label1=new JLabel("Username");
    JLabel label2=new JLabel("Password");
    label1.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,16));
    label2.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,16));
    JButton ok=new JButton(" O K ");
    ok.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,14));
    ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener (){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    ReadText mytext1=new ReadText();
    ReadText2 mytext2=new ReadText2();
    String value1=mytext1.returnpassword();
    String value2=mytext2.returnpassword();
    String user=text1.getText();
    String pass=text2.getText();
    if ( (user.equals(value1)) && (pass.equals(value2)) )
    // setVisible(false);
    // mainpage m=new mainpage();
    // m.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
    // m.callsplash();
    /// m.setSize(640,640);
    SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(5000);
    // Normally, we'd call splash.showSplash() and get on with the program.
    // But, since this is only a test...
    { text1.setText("");
    // "Your Password is Incorrect"
    JButton cancel=new JButton(" C A N C E L ");
    cancel.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,14));
    cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    JPanel pan1=new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,1,20,20));
    JPanel pan2=new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,1,20,20));
    JPanel pan3=new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,20,20));
    JPanel_Background main=new JPanel_Background();
    JPanel mainpanel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout(25,25));
    // mainpanel.setBorder(new BorderLayout(25,25));
    ("Login To Timetabler Vision"),BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10,20,10,20)));
    void validatedata()
    ReadText mytext1=new ReadText();
    ReadText2 mytext2=new ReadText2();
    String value1=mytext1.returnpassword();
    String value2=mytext2.returnpassword();
    String user=text1.getText();
    String pass=text2.getText();
    if ( (user.equals(value1)) && (pass.equals(value2)) )
    SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(5000);
    { text1.setText("");
    // "Your Password is Incorrect"
    public void callsplash()
    {SplashScreen splash= new SplashScreen(1500);
    public static void main(String args[])
    { login m=new login();
    Dimension screenSize=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    int screenPositionX=(int)(screenSize.width/2-390/2);
    int screenPositionY=(int)(screenSize.height/2-260/2);
    m.setLocation(screenPositionX, screenPositionY);

    Hi Luis,
    Use tcode XK99 for vendor mass change, select the Fax no field. You have to take note that this changes will be only 1 fax number for all vendors.
    Else you have to use BAPI for mass change.

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    Suddenly a few things started to happen at once yesterday:
    1) NONE of the top right menu bar icons (OS 9 status, modem status, iChat, monitors, AirPort, Volume, clock, etc. show up upon log-in or restart.
    2) Virtually NONE of my apps will launch from the Dock or the Finder. They bounce a few times then give up, with no error message.
    I peformed successful repairs booting from both the OS X Panther disc and TechTool Deluxe. Although recommended, I can't create a TEST User because System Prefs won't launch, can't repair permissions from the problematic drive because Disk Utility won't launch, and I can't clear out caches because Cocktail won't launch.
    I made sure the Application Support Folder in my Home Library had read/write permissions for me and applied to all enclosing folders as suggested. I tried trashing the preference in my Home Library also as suggested. However, it wouldn't allow me to remove the Launch Services file in the Caches folder of the main Library Folder as I also read here in the discussions.
    Aside from successfully running disc repairs from the startup disc and TechTool, I tried repairing permissions from the startup CD as well (since couldn't launch any apps like Disk Utility from regular startup drive). Every time I try to repair in this manner though, after a minute it tells me "Disk Utility lost connection with Disk Managment" and I must quit and relaunch Disk Utility. However, same thing happens when I do, for both my drives running copies of OS X 10.3.9.
    Only thing I can think of is to do an Archive/Reinstall of one of the two OS X systems on two different drives. But does anyone else have a clue what is causing this or what I need to try??? I read similar stories on here but nothing will all these symptoms at once.
    I would REALLY appreciate some input, thanks!!!
    PowerMac G4/500 MHz (1 GB); iBook G4/1.33 GHz (1.5 GB)   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   (still using 10.3.9 Panther on PowerMac)

    Menu Bar Problems ..........
    Check the following link for OS X troubleshooting steps. When doing so, following all steps in the order provided:
    1 If resetting permissions doesn't help, you may have a corrupt preference file... Delete....
    Delete ~/Library/Caches (folder)
    where 'xxx' is a 12 digit (hexadecimal) numeric string
    • Then log out and back in again. You may need to go to System Preferences to put back the menu items you need to display.
    • Removing systemuiserver.plist will cause the right half of the menubar back
    its original pristine default state.
    2. Check Preferences Thoroughly;
    - Navigate to ~/Library and drag the "Preferences" folder to the desktop.
    - Restart and test your applications.
    • If this does not work, move the "Preferece" folder back to ~/Library
    • If this works, delete the old preferences folder. (You'll have to go through some of your System Preferences and apps to set the preferences back to how you like them).
    3. Navigate to ~/Library and drag the "Fonts" folder to the desktop.
    - Restart and test your applications.
    - If they work start adding the fonts back few at a time.
    ( A likely suspect is Time RO, also if you do not use Classic you can trash the classic fonts.)
    4. Check Permissions Inside Home Folder
    - Navigate to ~/Library.
    - Get Info (Command + i) on the "Applications Support" folder.
    - Open the "Ownership & permissions" flippy triangle.
    - Make sure you are the owner, with "read and write" access.
    - Click on "apply to all"
    - If this is correct, open the "Applications Support" folder and do the same procedure (Command+I) for the folders with the names of the applications you are having trouble with.
    Note...The reason to check this is because repairing permissions with Disk Utility doesn't touch permissions inside your home folder.
    • Create a new User.... go to System Preferences/ Accounts and click on "+" at bottom left of window..... and test the apps in this new account if they work the problem is isolated to your User
    (~ means your home directory)
    george w

  • URGENT!! all the JAVA EXPERTS plssss help me!!

    thanks for replying me....i m actually doing a coursework that i have to submit by next monday 29/4/2002. and i havent finish it yet.... ok .. finally i have finish level 1, now i m doing level two...
    my program in level 2 should :
    a.) Allow the user to specify certain criteria for a room that they wish to book on a particular day. e.g. X number of people, video conferencing, your program should find an appropriate room for them that is free on that day.
    b.) Allow the user to add more rooms to the system and make these available to the user to book.
    c.) Allow a user to attempt to delete a room. The room will only be deleted if it has no bookings.
    d.) Allow the user to ask the system to find the minimum fit room free e.g.
    * the smallest room to hold X people that has a connection to the internet.
    * if the user requests a room for 40 people and there are rooms free for 50 and 60 people, then
    it will allocate them the room for 50.
    i really donno how to do....pls help me....
    there is something wrong in the METHOD --> AddDeleteRoom()
    and i donno how to code the AddNewRoom()
    i need to add more rooms into my array
    u can download these coding .....i got three files, 1 is the main class call, another 1 is the class filewhich is and the third file is CC.html file.
    dont worry, u can save all the coding in here.... i try b4 it can run.....
    <<save as>>
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class CC extends JApplet implements ActionListener,ItemListener
    JPanel pnlPane = new JPanel();
    JPanel pnlChoise = new JPanel();
    JPanel pnlButton2 = new JPanel();
    JPanel pnlRoomDisplay = new JPanel();
    JPanel pnlRoom = new JPanel();
    JPanel pnlDisplay = new JPanel();
    JPanel pnlClear = new JPanel();
    JButton btnDisplay = new JButton("Display");
    JButton btnBookRoom = new JButton("Book Room");
    JButton btnDelBookRoom = new JButton("Delete Booking");
    JButton btnDelRoom = new JButton("Delete Room");
    JButton btnAddNewRoom = new JButton("Add New Room");
    JButton btnClear = new JButton("Clear");
    JButton btnRoomQuery = new JButton("Room Query");
    Rooms []room = new Rooms[11];
    String[] Days = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
    int [][] book = new int[11][7];
    public int R, D;
    JLabel lblRoomName = new JLabel();
    JLabel lblCapacity = new JLabel();
    JLabel lblInternet = new JLabel();
    JLabel lblVideo = new JLabel();
    JLabel lblStatus = new JLabel();
    JComboBox cDays= new JComboBox(Days);
    JComboBox cRooms = new JComboBox();
    JTextField txtRoomName1 = new JTextField();
    JTextField txtCapacity1 = new JTextField();
    JCheckBox chkInternet = new JCheckBox("Internet Connection");
    JCheckBox chkVideo = new JCheckBox("Video Conferencing");
    JTextArea txtDisplay = new JTextArea("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n",12,30);
    public void init()
    pnlPane.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED),"Room Booking System"));
    public void AddChoisePanel()
    pnlChoise.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3,5,5));
    room[0]=new Rooms("Barrington","15","No","Yes");
    room[1]=new Rooms("Carlton","25","Yes","No");
    room[2]=new Rooms("Debyshire","35","No","No");
    room[3]=new Rooms("Edwards","30","Yes","Yes");
    room[4]=new Rooms("Farley","70","Yes","No");
    room[5]=new Rooms("Goodwin","80","Yes","Yes");
    room[6]=new Rooms("Harlow","90","No","Yes");
    room[7]=new Rooms("IlFord","85","No","No");
    for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
    public void AddButton2Panel()
    pnlButton2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2,5,5));
    public void AddRoomDisplayPanel()
    pnlRoomDisplay.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2,5,2));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Room Name" ));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Room Capacity"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Internet Connection"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Video Conferencing"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Room Status"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED),"Rooms Detail"));
    public void AddRoomPanel()
    pnlRoom.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2,2,2));
    pnlRoom.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED),"Add New Rooms"));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label("Room Name"));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label("Capacity"));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    public void AddDisplayAreaPanel()
    pnlDisplay.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
    //pnlDisplay.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED),"Rooms Detail"));
    Border pnlDisplayBorder = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Rooms Detail");
    public void AddClearPanel()
    pnlClear.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    //to call RoomQuery function
    if (event.getSource() == btnRoomQuery){
    AddRoomQuery(); }
    //to call DeleteBookRoom function
    if (event.getSource() == btnDelBookRoom){
    AddDeleteBookRoom(); }
         //to call DeleteRoom function
    if (event.getSource() == btnDelRoom){
              AddDeleteRoom(); }     
         //to call AddNewRoom function
         if (event.getSource() == btnAddNewRoom){
                   AddNewRoom(); }
              //to call ClearTextArea function
                   if (event.getSource() == btnClear){
                   AddClearTextArea(); }
                   //to call BookRoom function
                   if (event.getSource() == btnBookRoom){
                        AddBookRoom(); }
    public void AddRoomQuery()
    R= (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, R + " " + D);
    txtDisplay.setText(" *************** Room Status For "+ Days[D] + " *************** " + "\n");
    txtDisplay.append("Rooms" + "\t\t " + " Status");
    for (int t=0; t< (int) cRooms.getItemCount(); t++)
    {  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null," is" + cRooms.getItemCount());
    if (book[t][D]==0)
    txtDisplay.append("\n" + ">>" + room[t].rName);
    txtDisplay.append("\t\t " + " Room is Available");
         if (book[t][D]==1)
    txtDisplay.append("\n" + ">>" + room[t].rName);
         txtDisplay.append("\t\t " + " Room Booked");
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "end " );
    public void AddDeleteBookRoom()
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    if(book[R][D] == 1)
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room is Available" + "\n");
    book[R][D] = 0;
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room Available"+ "\n");
         book[R][D] = 0;
    public void AddDeleteRoom()
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Room selected index " + R);
    int intCount =(int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    if (intCount != -1)
    if(book[R][D] == 0 )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Room "+room[intCount].rName + " had Deleted");
    int i;
    for( i=intCount;i< cRooms.getItemCount();i++)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Room "+room[i+1].rName + "to");      
    room[i]=new Rooms(room[i+1]);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Room "+ room[i].rName );
    // intCount--;
    if(book[R][D] == 1 )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Room "+room[intCount].rName+" Can Not be Delete");
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Select A Room To be Delete ");
    public void AddNewRoom()
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Add new room");
    public void AddClearTextArea()
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n");
    public void AddBookRoom()
    R= (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    if(book[R][D] == 0)
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room is Booked" + "\n");
    book[R][D] = 1;
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room Not Available"+ "\n");
         book[R][D] = 1;
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent itv)
    if( itv.getSource() == cRooms )
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    // lblStatus.setText(room[R].rStatus);
    <<save as>>
    public class Rooms
    String rName;
    String rCapacity;
    String rInternet;
    String rVideo;
    // String rStatus;
    Rooms(String a, String b, String c, String d)//, String e)
    rName = a;
    rCapacity = b;
    rInternet = c;
    rVideo = d;
    // rStatus = e;
    Rooms(Rooms r)
    rName = r.rName;
    rCapacity = r.rCapacity;
    rInternet = r.rInternet;
    rVideo = r.rVideo;
    // rStatus = r.e;
    <<saves as CC.html>>
    <Applet code = CC.class
    width = 600
         height = 510>

    The important thing is to put the related functionality in the class Room and not everywhere in the class CC.
    The types of the data member in the class Room are also very important to reflect exactly what they should store.
    Here I post a new version of your files as example of how we can improve your version. It does not implement all the functionality you will need but it is a first step.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class CC extends JApplet implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
        JPanel pnlPane = new JPanel();
        JPanel pnlChoise = new JPanel();
        JPanel pnlButton2 = new JPanel();
        JPanel pnlRoomDisplay = new JPanel();
        JPanel pnlRoom = new JPanel();
        JPanel pnlDisplay = new JPanel();
        JPanel pnlClear = new JPanel();
        JButton btnDisplay = new JButton("Display");
        JButton btnBookRoom = new JButton("Book Room");
        JButton btnDelBookRoom = new JButton("Delete Booking");
        JButton btnDelRoom = new JButton("Delete Room");
        JButton btnAddNewRoom = new JButton("Add New Room");
        JButton btnClear = new JButton("Clear");
        JButton btnRoomQuery = new JButton("Room Query");
        LinkedList roomList = new LinkedList();
        String[] Days = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
        public int R, D;
        JLabel lblRoomName = new JLabel();
        JLabel lblCapacity = new JLabel();
        JLabel lblInternet = new JLabel();
        JLabel lblVideo = new JLabel();
        JLabel lblStatus = new JLabel();
        JComboBox cDays = new JComboBox(Days);
        JComboBox cRooms = new JComboBox();
        JTextField txtRoomName1 = new JTextField();
        JTextField txtCapacity1 = new JTextField();
        JCheckBox chkInternet = new JCheckBox("Internet Connection");
        JCheckBox chkVideo = new JCheckBox("Video Conferencing");
        JTextArea txtDisplay = new JTextArea("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n", 12, 30);
        public void init() {
            pnlPane.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED), "Room Booking System"));
        public void AddChoisePanel() {
            pnlChoise.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3, 5, 5));
            Room[]room = new Room[8];
            room[0] = new Room("Barrington", "15", false, true);
            room[1] = new Room("Carlton", "25", true, false);
            room[2] = new Room("Debyshire", "35", false, false);
            room[3] = new Room("Edwards", "30", true, true);
            room[4] = new Room("Farley", "70", true, false);
            room[5] = new Room("Goodwin", "80", true, true);
            room[6] = new Room("Harlow", "90", false, true);
            room[7] = new Room("IlFord", "85", false, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    public void AddButton2Panel() {
    pnlButton2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));
    public void AddRoomDisplayPanel() {
    pnlRoomDisplay.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 2, 5, 2));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Room Name"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Room Capacity"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Internet Connection"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Video Conferencing"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.add(new JLabel("Room Status"));
    pnlRoomDisplay.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED), "Rooms Detail"));
    public void AddRoomPanel() {
    pnlRoom.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 2, 2, 2));
    pnlRoom.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED), "Add New Rooms"));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label("Room Name"));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label("Capacity"));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    pnlRoom.add(new Label(""));
    public void AddDisplayAreaPanel() {
    pnlDisplay.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
    //pnlDisplay.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED),"Rooms Detail"));
    Border pnlDisplayBorder = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Rooms Detail");
    public void AddClearPanel() {
    pnlClear.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
    //to call RoomQuery function
    if (event.getSource() == btnRoomQuery) {
    } else {
    //to call DeleteBookRoom function
    if (event.getSource() == btnDelBookRoom) {
    } else {
    //to call DeleteRoom function
    if (event.getSource() == btnDelRoom) {
    } else {
    //to call AddNewRoom function
    if (event.getSource() == btnAddNewRoom) {
    } else {
    //to call ClearTextArea function
    if (event.getSource() == btnClear) {
    } else {
    //to call BookRoom function
    if (event.getSource() == btnBookRoom) {
    public void AddRoomQuery() {
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, R + " " + D);
    txtDisplay.setText(" *************** Room Status For " + Days[D] + " *************** " + "\n");
    txtDisplay.append("Rooms" + "\t\t " + " Status");
    Room aRoom = (Room)roomList.get(R);
    for (int t = 0; t < (int) cRooms.getItemCount(); t++) {
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " is" + cRooms.getItemCount());
    aRoom = (Room)roomList.get(t);
    txtDisplay.append("\n" + ">>" + aRoom.getName());
    if (aRoom.isBooked(D)) {
    txtDisplay.append("\t\t " + " Room Booked");
    } else {
    txtDisplay.append("\t\t " + " Room is Available");
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "end ");
    public void AddDeleteBookRoom() {
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    Room aRoom = (Room)roomList.get(R);
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room is Available" + "\n");
    public void AddDeleteRoom() {
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Room selected index " + R);
    int intCount = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    Room aRoom = (Room)roomList.get(R);
    if (intCount != -1) {
    if (aRoom.isBooked() == false) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Room " + ((Room)roomList.get(intCount)).getName() + " had Deleted");
    } else {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Room " + ((Room)roomList.get(intCount)).getName() + " Can Not be Delete");
    } else {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Select A Room To be Delete ");
    public void AddNewRoom() {
    String rName = txtRoomName1.getText();
    String rCapacity = txtCapacity1.getText();
    boolean rInternet = chkInternet.isSelected();
    boolean rVideo = chkVideo.isSelected();
    Room nRoom = new Room(rName,rCapacity,rInternet,rVideo);
    int i = cRooms.getItemCount();
    public void AddClearTextArea() {
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n");
    public void AddBookRoom() {
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    D = (int) cDays.getSelectedIndex();
    Room aRoom = (Room)roomList.get(R);
    if (aRoom.reserve(D) == 0) {
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room is Booked" + "\n");
    } else {
    txtDisplay.setText("*****Rooms Detail*****" + "\n" + "Room Not Available" + "\n");
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent itv) {
    if (itv.getSource() == cRooms) {
    R = (int) cRooms.getSelectedIndex();
    Room aRoom = (Room)roomList.get(R);
    // lblStatus.setText(aRoom.rStatus);
    public class Room {
    public final String YES = "Yes";
    public final String NO = "No";
    private String rName = null;
    private int rCapacity = 0;
    private boolean rInternet = false;
    private boolean rVideo = false;
    private boolean [] booked = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false };
    Room(String name, String capacity, boolean hasInternet, boolean hasVideo)
    rName = new String(name);
    rCapacity = Integer.parseInt(capacity);
    rInternet = hasInternet;
    rVideo = hasVideo;
    public int reserve(int day) {
    if (booked[day] == true)
    return -1;
    booked[day] = true;
    return 0;
    public void checkOut(int day) {
    booked[day] = false;
    public boolean isBooked() {
    for (int i = 0; i < booked.length; i++)
    if (booked[i] == true)
    return true;
    return false;
    public boolean isBooked(int day) {
    return booked[day];
    public String getName() {
    return rName;
    public int getCapacity() {
    return rCapacity;
    public String getInternet() {
    if (rInternet == false)
    return NO;
    return YES;
    public String getVideo() {
    if (rVideo == false)
    return NO;
    return YES;
    public boolean matchCriterias(boolean hasInternet, boolean hasVideo) {
    if ((hasInternet == rInternet) && (hasVideo == rVideo))
    return true;
    return false;

  • Where do I find all the Java files?

    First, let me say that I know very little about Java. I updated to "Java for Mac OSX 10.4 Release 6" using Software Update. The size of the Java update file is supposed to be 80.7 MB. Although I cannot identify any possible Java related problems, other than slow loading of some web pages, I am curious as to where Java related files of anywhere near this size are located on my computer. All I see is a Java application file of 1.6 MB, which is actually smaller than before the update (3.2 MB Rel 5), and a few KBs in user>caches>java and system>library. The file dates are all correct for the update and the receipt file is present. How can I be sure that I got all of the update and where are all the Megabytes? Thanks in advance for any help. RG.

    The files are scattered through the system.
    e.g. /System/Library/Java
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Java* (whole bunch of sub-folders here)
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Java* (ditto)
    and a bunch more in the hidden folders under /usr, for example.
    Not sure if this requires Developer Tools, but in Terminal:
    lsbom /Library/Receipts/JavaForMacOSX10.4Release6.pkg/Contents/
    will give a list of all the files installed/updated by the package.
    - cfr

  • Aligning SQL reports in a region so that all top edges are aligned

    I have 3 SQL report regions in column 2. I would like these to display so their top edges are aligned.
    40           Approved Tests     Report (Column 2)     Conditional
    60           Unapproved Tests     Report (Column 2)     Conditional
    80           Approved Count by Build     Report (Column 2)     Conditional
    What actually happens is the reports are all centered vertically around the middle of the largest (tallest) report. Here's a crude ASCII picture:
    Approved Tests
    Category        #
    Area 1          100
    Area 2          100             *Unapproved Tests*
    Area 3          100             Category        #                   *Approved Count by Build*
    Area 4          100             Area 1           50                  11.0.1               700
    Area 5          100             Area 2           50
    Area 6          100   
    Area 7          100   
    Since the leftmost report is the tallest, the other two reports end up centered vertically around the middle of the leftmost report.
    Instead, I'd like all the top edges aligned, like this:
    Approved Tests               Unapproved Tests              Approved Count by Build
    Category        #               Category        #                    11.0.1               700
    Area 1          100              Area 1           50
    Area 2          100              Area 2           50
    Area 3          100
    Area 4          100
    Area 5          100
    Area 6          100   
    Area 7          100   
    Nothing I've tried so far has worked. Anyone have an idea how to accomplish this? Thanks...

    You might try wrapping the regions in html regions that essentially give you the ability to specify a valign=top for the report regions.
    So, your regions look like this:
    30 Report Start - contains region source = (div)<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top">
    40 Approved Tests Report (Column 2) Conditional
    45 Report 2 Start - contains </td><td valign="top">
    60 Unapproved Tests Report (Column 2) Conditional
    65 Report 3 Start - contains </td><td valign="top">
    80 Approved Count by Build Report (Column 2) Conditional
    85 Report End - contains "</td></tr></table>(/div)"
    Replace () with the angle brackets
    Maybe there is a more elegant solution with templates or page level CSS or something..
    But that should work.
    Edited by: Bob37 on Sep 17, 2010 3:33 PM
    Edited by: Bob37 on Sep 17, 2010 3:33 PM

  • Why suddenly all these Java error messages since upgrading to Lion?

    Since I upgraded to OSX 10.8.2, suddenly I'm having no end of error messages having to do with Java not running—everything from coupon printer plug-in to online games not functioning anymore. All of these worked fine in 10.7.4. Is there a fix?

    Since it is such a seething whole of exploits, Apple has disabled Java by default, both the JRE and the Web Applet launcher in Safari.
    If you try to run a Java application, it will ask if you want to install it.
    If you're just using web applets, you won't get asked. So, open Java Preferences which is in the /Applications/Utilities folder. It will ask if you want to install Java.
    Then, open Safari preferences, Security tab, and enable Java.

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