To manual trigger output

How can i manuallly trigger an output via VA02 so that SAP will ignore credit limit block and transanction would continue

In VA02 you can go to Extras- Output (Header) and then add the relevant output by selecting from the drop down or typing it directly. and you can choose which ever medium you need, provided the medium is maintained in the output condition type definition. If you want to print, then you select the output that you added and go to "communication" and then add the printer.
Looks like if there is a credit block on your order, then the output is not being generated. This is based on the requirement that you assigned to your output in the outpit procedure. If you want to avoid it, you check the routine and then try to use a different one or get the routine changed, so that the credit limit block will not affect the output. T Code NACE to check the output type definition and the output proedure.
You mentioned that the credit check should be bypassed and then be able to process the order. By adding the output type manually , you cannot bypass the credit check.
Hope this information is helpful to you.

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    I am not experienced in printing, and at first glance this does look difficult...
    Because in customizing you have two separate paths...
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    You can try this way. On insertion of any record in a table trigger a Stored Procedure which will call the url for activating and deactivating the channel. For more help on invoking the url from Stored procedure, please refer to the link below.
    Your code will look something like this
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    Could you explain a little more about your application and what you are trying to achive,  as well as what events you want your trigger to be output on?  What is this tigger going to be driving?
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    jonfrankel001 wrote:
    Hi nyc,
    Thanks for the reply. I have searched the internet and looked through the documentation but I cannot find the answer to my question.
    I looked at that link but I am not having trouble configuring my trigger, it is working correctly. However, I would like to be able to cancel any waiting triggers on my scope. Do you know how to do that?
    Waiting trigger?
    I don't have experience with this particularly scope, but other scopes, when you change the triggering, the effect is immediate.

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    Waiting for valubale feedback.

    You can do this through Configuration.
    LE>Transportation> Shipments >Define and assign activity profile
    With reference to shipment type you have 7 status available. In your case Shipment begin stage you can Set PGI and Output trigger by creating variant.
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    try it will work....
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    Check note 1480994. It provides some inputs.

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    please guide me.

    Had a similar issue a few weeks ago...IDOC does not seem to call MESSAGING FM in WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE.
    Might be worth taking a look at note 393096...
    Can you check the 'NoOutputDet' parameter in transaction VL10CUC to see what it is set to?
    Before I found this note I ended up writing a simple BDC that I called from the IDOC exits (starting new task) to simply wait 5 seconds then open the delivery in edit mode and then save. This obviously will trigger the output determination routines and trigger the print if it's applicable.

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    If u are using std. printing pgm then it is not possible

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    Any suggestion is appreciated.

    it looks like there is no better way than the one that you have suggested. That means that you will have to poll the axis' status and output a digital signal when the axis is stopped. As this needs to be done in software, you will see a non-deterministic delay of several milliseconds between the time the axis was stopped and the time when the digital output is generated.
    The pulse duration will also be several milliseconds, but I don't think that this is a problem, as typically the trigger timing of 10 µs should be the spec for the minimum pulse width, so longer pulses should work fine, too.
    You can use the breakpoint outputs as general purpose digital outputs by calling flex_set_breakpoint_output_momo() (Set Breakpoint Output MOMO.flx isn LabVIEW).
    This method should work, but you will loose several milliseconds at each move, compared to position breakpoint triggering. Please let me know, if this is a problem for you, so we could discuss further ideas which would probably involve additional or other hardware.

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