Tooltip over a TreeNode in JTree

We are trying to get the tooltip for a TreeNode to show up directly over the text of the node so that when the TreeNode text is clipped by a JSplitPane divider it can be seen completly as a tooltip. Our interface is very similar to Explorer where there is a file system tree on the left and a table on the right. We want the tooltip to show up just like it does in Explorer. We have tried numerous different techniques, but am unable to get the tooltip to show up directly over the node and to the right of the TreeNode's icon.
Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated... and I'll throw in some duke dollars too. What the heck, I've got so many, I don't know what to do with them. ;-)

Override the getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent e) method in your JTree to display the tooltip in the desired location(directly over the tree node).
Try this piece of code. I've used it in my application and it works!
public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent event)
Point location = null;
     Point point = event.getPoint();
     TreePath path = getPathForLocation(point.x, point.y);
     if (path != null && isTextVisible(path) == false)
          TreeCellRenderer renderer = getCellRenderer();
          java.awt.Component c =
          if (c instanceof JLabel)
               JLabel label = (JLabel)c;
               int icon = label.getIcon() == null
                    ? 0 : label.getIcon().getIconWidth();
               Rectangle cellBounds = getPathBounds(path);
               location = new Point(cellBounds.x icon label.getIconTextGap(), cellBounds.y);
          return location;
private boolean isTextVisible(TreePath path)
     Rectangle cellBounds = this.getPathBounds(path);
     Rectangle visibleRect = this.getVisibleRect();
     if ((visibleRect.width - cellBounds.x) < cellBounds.width)
          return false;
     return true;

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    Override the getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent e) method in your JTree to display the tooltip in the desired location(directly over the tree node).
    Try this piece of code. I've used it in my application and it works!
    public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent event)
    Point location = null;
         Point point = event.getPoint();
         TreePath path = getPathForLocation(point.x, point.y);
         if (path != null && isTextVisible(path) == false)
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                   JLabel label = (JLabel)c;
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                        ? 0 : label.getIcon().getIconWidth();
                   Rectangle cellBounds = getPathBounds(path);
                   location = new Point(cellBounds.x icon label.getIconTextGap(), cellBounds.y);
              return location;
    private boolean isTextVisible(TreePath path)
         Rectangle cellBounds = this.getPathBounds(path);
         Rectangle visibleRect = this.getVisibleRect();
         if ((visibleRect.width - cellBounds.x) < cellBounds.width)
              return false;
         return true;

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    The delay is set automatically by the browser. To get a faster response, you can use CSS. You'll find a lot of results if you Google "CSS tooltips".
    Unfortunately, IE6 supports the :hover pseudo-class only on links. If you're using Dreamweaver CS4, you can use the Spry Tooltip widget, which works cross-browser (as long as JavaScript is enabled).

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    Set an accessory for the file chooser. The accessory should implement PropertyChangeListener. When selection is changed use something like this
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            String prop = e.getPropertyName();
            if (JFileChooser.SELECTED_FILE_CHANGED_PROPERTY.equals(prop)) {
                file = (File) e.getNewValue();
            }to get file and show tooltip.

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    Here's an example:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    public class TreeToolTip extends JFrame {
         private JScrollPane scrollPane;
         private JTree tree;
         public TreeToolTip() {
              try {
                   scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
                   getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                   tree = new JTree() {
                        public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) {
                             Object tip = null;
                             TreePath path = getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
                             if (path != null) {
                                  tip = path.getLastPathComponent();
                             return tip == null ? null : tip.toString();
                   setSize(300, 200);
              } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
         public static void main(String[] args) { new TreeToolTip(); }

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    record.x =
    record.y = yCanvasPointer/2;
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    Anybody any idea ?

    Originally posted by:
    Greg Lafrance
    The FB3 help topic "About creating advanced components"
    mentions the following about Flex components implemtning the
    IToolTipManagerClient interface:
    IToolTipManagerClient - Indicates that a component has a
    toolTip property, and therefore is monitored by the ToolTipManager.
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    public class TopicTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
        private TM4J_FSControllerFactory factory;
        private Object objectInTree = null;
        public TopicTransferHandler(TM4J_FSControllerFactory factory) {
         this.factory = factory;
        protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
         Transferable trans = null;
         // if we are dragging from a tree (should always be the case)...
         if (c instanceof FSTree) {
             // then we let the HTMController construct a transferable from
             // the currently selected object in the tree
             FSTree tree = (FSTree) c;
             HandleTopicMirrorController mc =
             trans = mc.getTransferable(objectInTree);
             System.out.println("createTransferable(): " + trans);
         return trans;
        public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
         return COPY_OR_MOVE;
    }I appreciate any help!

    I was having the same problem, but using the source code of TransferHandler and the tutorial I finally got it!! Eba!!
    /** Check
    * @author Stenio L. Ferreira
    * Created on 20/08/2003
    * [email protected]
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import com.exactus.vbcomponentes.*;
    public class JTreeTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
         protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
              return new StringSelection(exportString(c));
         public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
              return COPY_OR_MOVE;
         protected String exportString(JComponent c) {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode =
                   (DefaultMutableTreeNode) ((JTree) c)
              Node meuNode = (Node) treeNode.getUserObject();
              Integer result = new Integer(meuNode.getMeuId());
              return (result.toString());
         private static class DragHandler implements MouseMotionListener {
              MouseEvent firstMouseEvent;
              public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
                   firstMouseEvent = e;
              public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                   if (firstMouseEvent != null) {
                        int dx = Math.abs(e.getX() - firstMouseEvent.getX());
                        int dy = Math.abs(e.getY() - firstMouseEvent.getY());
                        //Arbitrarily define a 5-pixel shift as the
                        //official beginning of a drag.
                        if (dx > 5 || dy > 5) {
                             JComponent c = ((JTree) e.getSource());
                             JTreeTransferHandler th =
                                  (JTreeTransferHandler) c.getTransferHandler();
                             Transferable t = th.createTransferable(c);
                             th.exportDone(c, null, NONE);
                             firstMouseEvent = null;
              public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                   firstMouseEvent = null;
              public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    }Hope this helps!

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    Hello for all,
    I'm trying to select a specific node in a JTree component by clicking a button.. this is my code :
    private DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("root");
    private DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(treeNode);
    private JTree tree = new JTree(treeModel);
    private JButton button = new JButton("Select");
    DefaultMutableTreeNode child1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("child1");
    DefaultMutableTreeNode child2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("child2");
    child1.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("child11"));
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        TreePath path = new TreePath(new Object[]{"root", "child1"});               
    });as you can see, I want to select the node with the path "root/child1"..
    but I'm getting this exception : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to javax.swing.tree.TreeNode..
    any ideas ?

    You will want to read the second sentence in the TreePath comments section.
    Also, read the second sentence in the TreePath Method Detail section for the
    getLastPathComponent method.
    With these clues &#8212; try getting a TreePath from the tree you are working with.
    For example, you can try something like tree.getPathForRow(row) using the
    visible row index of "child1". Since the TreePath returned comes from the tree
    it will understand what to do with it. You can check the class name of the
    components that are returned in the TreePath to confirm this. And it will
    explain the exception you quoted.

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    Now is there a method which given the name of a node, eg. Child1_1 can go and get that node? By get i mean i have the above tree then i say:
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    Hope i've made it clear!

    There is no such built-in method because it all depends on what kind of node you use. The String (name) representing a node is really a rendering thing.
    Assuming you're using a DefaultTreeModel with DefaultMutableTreeNodes :public static TreeNode findNode(JTree aTree, Object aUserObject) {
         if (aTree == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed tree is null");
         if (aUserObject == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed user object is null");
         DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)aTree.getModel().getRoot();
         return findNodeImpl(node, aUserObject);
    private static DefaultMutableTreeNode findNodeImpl(DefaultMutableTreeNode aNode, Object aUserObject) {
         if (aNode.getUserObject().equals(aUserObject)) return aNode;
         int childCount = aNode.getChildCount();
         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)aNode.getChildAt(i);
              DefaultMutableTreeNode result = findNodeImpl(child, aUserObject);
              if (result != null) return result;
         return null;

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    Thanks for any help in advance

    You should go to ICEsoft forum for any needed info, problems.

  • MapViewer geometry theme 'mouse_click' doesn't always work in FF3

    I have code that works with IE7 but not FireFox 3 (I'm using MapViewer Ver1033p5_B080908 and an db). I've been able to duplicate it by only slightly modifying Oracle Maps demo #5, "Theme Based FOI layer visibility". Code is shown below.
    I'm displaying two geometry themes. I need to know when the user clicks on either theme or the background. I add the themes and call setEventListener('mouse_click') for both themes and the mapview. In IE7 I get the expected result - one of the three handlers gets called depending on where I click. In FF3 (specifically 3.0.3) only the "top" theme's mouse handler is active. Cicking on the bottom theme - even when there is no overlap at all - only calls the mapview's handler. Same is true with info tooltips - they display for both themes in IE7, but only for the top theme in FF3. ( shows the two themes - one green, the other pink. On FF3 I never get a "hand" cursor or a tooltip over any of the pink areas, and clicking calls the mapview handler, not the theme handler.)
    Incidently if I hide the "top" theme, then the mouse clicks/tooltip work again on the other theme.
    Is this expected?
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset=UTF-8">
    <TITLE>Map Cache Server/Map Client</TITLE>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../t.css" />
    <script language="Javascript" src="/mapviewer/fsmc/jslib/oraclemaps.js"></script>
    <script language=javascript>
    var mapview;
    function showMap()
    var baseURL = "http://""/mapviewer";
    var mapCenterLon = -83.498
    var mapCenterLat = 31.453;
    var mapZoom = 4;
    var mpoint = MVSdoGeometry.createPoint(mapCenterLon,mapCenterLat,8307);
    mapview = new MVMapView(document.getElementById("map"), baseURL);
    mapview.addMapTileLayer(new MVMapTileLayer("mapdata.demo_map"));
    mapview.addNavigationPanel() ;
    function addThemeBasedFOI()
    var themebasedfoi1 = new MVThemeBasedFOI('themebasedfoi1','grim.T_121_GBOTEST_70265_F');
    themebasedfoi1.enableAutoWholeImage(true) ;
    var themebasedfoi2 = new MVThemeBasedFOI('themebasedfoi2','grim.TR_GBOTEST_86094_F');
    function setVisible(item)
    var themebasedfoi = mapview.getThemeBasedFOI(item.value);               
    function theme1clicked(pt,foidata,me)
         alert('Tour clicked');
    function theme2clicked(pt,foidata,me)
         alert('Best clicked');
    function backgroundClick()
    alert('background click');
    <body onload="javascript:showMap();">
    <h3>Oracle Maps example - show/hide Theme Based FOI layers </h3>
    <LI ><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" value="themebasedfoi1" onclick="setVisible(this)" checked/>Show County population layer
    <LI ><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" value="themebasedfoi2" onclick="setVisible(this)" checked/>Show Customer layer
    <div id="map" style="left:0px;top:10px;width:100%; height:60%"></div>

    Alan McClean has alluded to the cause of this behaviour but I think others would benefit from a full explanation because it doesn't appear to be documented. I might add that Business Objects support were no help at all on this (they suggested I had a problem with my mouse, PC or network which I don't).
    Normal response to a mouse double-click on a document name in InfoView XI3:
    The double-click action performs the default action on the right-click list. This is the option you see in bold when you right-click on a document name. The default action is 'View' document. So when you double-click on the document it opens for viewing.
    In CMC, under Applications>InfoView if you set 'Default viewing action on listing page:' to 'View the latest successful instance of the object' then the double-click behaviour changes:
    The double-click action now tries to open the latest successful instance of a document. I found that any document in my Inbox or any document with instances (e.g. scheduled report) will still open for viewing using the double-click. For any other document the double-click fails silently. I assume this is because there simply isn't a latest instance to open.
    1. Don't use the 'View the latest successful instance of the object'. I have reset my CMC setting back to 'View the object'.
    2. I think Business Objects should change the double-click behaviour so that rather than fail silently it opens the document.

  • Creating a "ribbon" style menu with Muse?

    Is it possible to do a scrolling thumbnail "ribbon" in Muse? I'm trying to achieve the effect of having a small window that has several thumbnails in it that the user can scroll through to change the target. If not, how do we get that as a requested feature for Muse? It would be insanely useful, and I know a lot of other users would want to use something similar.

    Hi Julia,
    I understand that I can tooltip over them, but what I'm looking for is something that will allow me to do something like this example on the main page for The functionality I want is to be able to present the player with a menu of thumbnail buttons which will change a main display, very much like what you illustrated above. What is different, however, is that I want the user to be able to SCROLL a list of thumbnails which are contained within a menu window. In this way, if I wanted to have links to twenty or fifty or a hundred buttons/thumbnails, I can present the player with only a few at a time without completely cluttering the interface. They can use arrow keys to scroll up or down through the available thumbnails. It's a very common interface, and Apple uses the ribbon idea as part of their main interface. 
    Long story short, is it possible to replicate this with existing Muse widgets, or does someone know of a not-too crazy way to do this?

  • I upgraded to mavericks and now my wi-fi doesn't connect

    I recently (and reluctantly) upgraded my MacBook Pro to Mavericks (OS 10.9.2) so that it would be in sync with my desk tops. After doing so, I discovered that  Wi-Fi is inoperative. Tooltip over the wi-if symbol shows "Wi-Fi: No hardware installed" and running diagnostics through system preferences: network simply contnues to scan without result.

    Well, couple of options. As an FYI, the "No Hardware Installed" error is usually an indicator of hardware failure. It is VERY hard for software to damage hardware, so odds are, if this is a hardware issue, Mavericks wasn't what broke it. But, before taking it in for service, there are a couple of options that we have.
    Option 1)
    Rule out software issues.
    To do this, open keychain access (easiest way is to open spotlight with command+spacebar, type in keychain, open keychain access by clicking it). From here, find your wireless settings, it should have your SSID in the name. Delete these. Yes, that means you need to know your wifi password.
    Open a "go to the folder" window. You can do this by opening finder, and pressing command+shift+g on the keyboard. Once that's open, copy and paste this into it:
    From here, scroll to the bottom to find a folder named "SystemConfiguration"
    Drag and drop this folder to the desktop (don't want to trash it yet. This file should auto restore, but just in case it doesn't, having a backup is nice). It will ask for your admin password.
    Once this is moved (make sure it's also deleted from /library/preferences!), restart the system.
    Once the computer is off for the restart, let's do an SMC reset.
    Did that bring your wireless back up? If not, odds are, we're looking at a hardware issue. You have the option to take this in for service, and if it's in AppleCare, that's what I would do. You also have some 3rd party options. If this wasn't in warranty, I would grab a USB wireless receiver and just use that. Gets the job done for about $30-$50.
    Note: These steps may cause your energy saver settings to reset. If you have anything customized, you can set it back up via system preferences -> energy saver after the restart.
    Option 2)
    Don't worry about ruling out software, just take it in for repair.
    Option 3)
    Don't worry about either, use ethernet.

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